Table of contents 🍒 Course overview IAM basics AWS global infrastructure Day 1 Setting up LAB: Create an AWS account LAB: Install the AWS CLI Serverless computing Lambda LAB: Create a Lambda function LAB: Lambda via the CLI Theory LAB: Lambda versions Versions and aliases LAB: Lambda alias More theory Optional labs DynamoDB LAB: DynamoDB table Reads and Writes LAB: Scan and query Secondary indexes LAB: GSI and LSI LAB: PartiQL (optional) DynamoDB Streams LAB: Streams Theory API Gateway LAB: HTTP API Routes, integrations,stages REST API's LAB: REST API 1 LAB: REST API 2 LAB: Serverless CRUD 🍹 End of day 1 Day 2 EC2 EC2 Concepts LAB: First EC2 instance LAB: EC2 via the CLI Misc EC2 concepts EBS Optional LAB: EBS volumes VPC LAB: Build a VPC LAB: Build a VPC with the CLI Security of VPC's NAT devices CloudWatch LAB: Monitoring EC2 EventBridge ELB LAB: ALB ASG LAB: Auto-scaling LAB: Load balanced auto-scaled application 🧁 End of day 2 Day 3 ☁ CloudFormation LAB: First template Template anatomy SAM LAB: Another template 🪣 S3 LAB: Create bucket Storage classes S3 and other AWS services Some theory LAB: Versioning LAB: Static website CloudFront More S3 theory AWS Storage overview 🥶 Elastic Beanstalk LAB: Web app Database services RDS LAB: RDS dry run Read replica & Multi-AZ ElastiCache LAB: MySQL and Redis 🍾 End of day 3 Day 4 Developer tools Cloud9 LAB: Cloud9 CodeCommit LAB: Create Git repository CodeBuild LAB: Create a build project CodeArtifact LAB: CodeArtifact repo CodeDeploy CodePipeline LAB: Continuous delivery pipeline Set up repo Deploy web app Create build project Create delivery pipeline Add review and test The end Containers Docker 101 ECS LAB: ECS experience CloudFormation and Cloud9 ECR, Docker images ECS Cluster ECS Task definition ECS Service End result Clean up EKS - optional LAB: Kubernetes cluster LAB: Deploy Kubernetes app LAB: Web app on EKS LAB: CI/CD pipeline for ECS Setting up CodeCommit Build pipeline Pipeline execution Blue/green deployment Test Clean up 🥂 End of day 4 Day 5 Application integration SQS LAB: SNS Fanout SQS theory Step Functions LAB: Serverless Workflow LAB: Lambda and Step Functions LAB: CloudFormation + Lambda Security CloudTrail KMS LAB: S3 encryption LAB: Encryption at rest (optional) Parameter Store Cognito 🦄 Serverless web application Setup Static web hosting User authentication Serverless backend RESTful API Grand finale Clean up 🍸 The end of day 5 Bonus Lambda extended X-Ray AWS Signer CodeGuru incomplete: CDK and ECS Fargate 🏆 The end