0.3.0 ???
- changed MongoModelFormBaseMixin to inherit model's Meta class ordering (#74), thanks to @anzellai
- Ability to handle inherited object types, thanks to @lchsk
- Regex changed so that apps name with . are included, thanks to @kaflesudip
0.2.21 (05/19/2014)
- Backwards compatible templates so things work in Django 1.4 again. (@ashishsingh2205)
0.2.20 (26/03/2014)
- Python 3.3 compatibility (@haard)
- Working test harness (@j1z0)
- Fixed missing url function call in documentation (@JAORMX)
0.2.19 (18/07/2013)
- Use Select widget if choices defined for a field (@jeff-ogmento )
- Use ordering if defined in MongoAdmin class (@jeff-ogmento )
- Respect order of list_fields in admin class (@jeff-ogmento )
- Fixed "django.conf.urls.defaults is deprecated" (@swaroopch)
- Fix search (@swaroopch)
- Make index page also password-protected (@swaroopch)
0.2.18 Various things
0.2.17 Can now add, and modify ListFields and Embedded document fields @garrypolley
0.2.16 ListFields can be added and updated @garrypolley
0.2.15 Editing or Adding a document does not require all fields to be filled out @garrypolley
0.2.14 Fixed pymongo version thanks to @marsam and pagination fixes thanks to @jerzyk
0.2.13 Fields validation and type conversion thanks to @jerzyk
0.2.12 Bump to mongoengine 0.6.2, PEP-8, and fixing the is_authenticated problem in default permission controls.
0.2.11 Change style over to Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.0, Add templates to manifest
0.2.10 Proper Reference field saves, more permission fixes
0.2.9 Permissions correction - Do remember this is in ALPHA!!!
0.2.8 Test components, permission controls in the views, first pass on deletes, Reference field display and some really bad SELECT widget implementations on it.
authenticated Permissions refactor, list_fields implementation, and ability to add new documents
0.2.6 Major performance enhancement of the DocumentListView
0.2.5 Added EmbeddedDocument to form views
0.2.4 Installation fix
0.2.3 Installation fix
0.2.2 Supporting of Boolean and Datetime fields and search to boot
0.2.1 Project description fix
0.2.0 basic form saves, pagination, and formatting
0.1.0 Inception and fundamentals