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Accessibility using lighthouse


The demo at /demos/accessibility-lighthouse shows how to use Playwright to test your application for many types of accessibility issues.

How to build, run the app, run tests and view the test results


Required dependencies:

  • Node. Tested working with v20.10.0. If you need to have different versions of node installed it's recommended that you use Node Version Manager to install and swap between node versions.
  • npm@latest: package manager used on the demos. Tested working on 10.2.5.
  • VS Code is recommended as a code editor but you can use whatever you prefer.
  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Using your favorite shell go to /demos/accessibility-lighthouse.
  3. Install the required npm packages with:
    npm install
  4. Install the playwright browsers with:
    npx playwright install
  5. Run the tests with:
    npm test
    This will start the app and run the playwright tests against it.
  6. After running the tests you can view test results with:
    npm run test:show-report
  7. If you just want to run the app execute the command:
    npm start
    Once the command finishes the app should open in your default browser at


When you run the tests in this demo with npm test you will have 1 test that passes and 2 that are skipped. This is to show that Lighthouse will only run on Chromium browsers.

The Lighthouse run report can be found attached to the test:


Playwright configuration

The majority of the content of the playwright.config.ts file is what you get by default after adding Playwright to your project with npm init playwright@latest.

The main changes are:

  1. Declared a few variables at the start that are reused throughout the playwright configuration.
  2. Updated the reporter array. Replaced the built-in html reporter by the monocart-reporter and added the built-in list reporter.
  3. Defined a baseURL so that we can use relative URLs when doing page navigations on the tests.
  4. Configured the webServer block to run the Angular app locally so that the tests can be executed against it. If you're not testing an Angular app that's fine, you just need to adjust the webServer.command so that it launches your app and set the webServer.url to the url your app will be running at. For more information see the webServer docs.


The _isRunningOnCI variable used on the playwright.config.ts changes the value of some options when running tests on CI. To set the _isRunningOnCI variable to true you must set the environment variable CI to true before running the tests. For more information regarding using Playwright on a CI environment see Playwright docs on Continuous Integration.

Furthermore, we have created:


You don't have to create the playwright.cli-options.ts or the playwright.env-vars.ts file. You can have all of this on the playwright.config.ts. Code structure is up to you.


Depending on your playwright.config.ts, make sure you update your .gitignore to exclude any directory used by test results, report results, etc. Scroll to the end of this demo's .gitignore to see an example.

Accessibility testing

This demo uses the lighthouse NPM package. The recommended approach to doing accessibility testing with Playwright is to use the @axe-core/playwright package for which you can find a demo at /demos/accessibility-axe/.

Using Lighthouse has the following limitations:

  • Only works for running tests against Chrome based browsers.
  • Doesn't have any interaction with Playwright constructs such as Page, Browser, etc. This limitation is further explained in The lighthouse-audit.ts file section below.

The test in this demo integrates with Lighthouse with the assistance of:

The lighthouse-audit.ts file

The lighthouse-audit.ts exports the lighthouseAuditAsync function which takes in a LighthouseAuditOptions object with:

  • remoteDebuggingPort: the debugging port used by Lighthouse to connect to the Chrome browser instance started by Playwright.
  • url: which URL Lighthouse will navigate to before analyzing the page.
  • viewportWidth and viewportHeight: a viewport size which Lighthouse will use when navigating to the page.


Lighthouse is in charge of doing the page navigation and that is a limitation because it means we can't use interactions from Playwright constructs such as await page.goto("/"); and then pass the page object to Lighthouse. The biggest problem with this is that it that you can't run Lighthouse against anything else other than the initial render state of a URL.

If you need to navigate to a URL and perform some operations to set up the page in some state before you run Lighthouse, then you're out of luck. This is not possible. If you want to do this, use the @axe-core/playwright NPM package instead, for which you can find a demo at /demos/accessibility-axe/

Note that Lighthouse has added support for this scenario through User Flows. The issue is that it doesn't seem to be possible to integrate User Flows with Playwright given the current Lighthouse API for User Flows. See Users flows and Playwright #13326.

The lighthouseAuditAsync function creates a Config object which contains the configuration used when running Lighthouse. There are many configuration values you can set. For more information you can go through the Lighthouse docs files such as:

Lastly, the lighthouseAuditAsync method returns a LighthouseResult object which contains:

  • runnerResult: the analysis executed by Lighthouse. This can be used to upload the Lighthouse report to the test.
  • categoriesResult: percentage score, from 0 to 100, for each of the categories tested by Lighthouse. This can be used to do assertions in your test.

The lighthouse-fixtures.ts file

The lighthouse-fixtures.ts defines a set of Playwright fixtures that are required and also facilitate running Lighthouse with Playwright:

  • browser: overrides the built-in browser fixture so that any Lighthouse test that uses the browser fixture will only run if the browser is Chromium, otherwise the test is marked as skipped. Furthermore, when the browser is Chromium, it sets the --remote-debugging-port arg for Chromium which Lighthouse requires. For more info see port in Differences from CLI flags.
  • remoteDebuggingPort: this worker fixture makes sure that the --remote-debugging-port is unique per Playwright test worker. If we try to launch different Chrome instances with the same --remote-debugging-port the tests will fail.
  • autoBrowser: this automatic fixture makes it so that for every Lighthouse test the browser fixture is initialized which means a Chromium browser instance with the required --remote-debugging-port is available.

The test

The test at lighthouse.spec.ts is very simple and consists on invoking the lighthouseAuditAsync function from lighthouse-audit.ts and then asserting on the the score of the Lighthouse categories.

In addition, the test also attaches the Lighthouse run results to the test report.


Attaching the Lighthouse run results to the test report only works because this demo is using the monocart-reporter. If you're using the default built-in list reporter then you will have to find another way to attach the Lighthouse run results.

For all the Lighthouse tests you need to have the:

import { expect, test } from "tests/lighthouse-fixtures";

So that the test function used is the one exported from lighthouse-fixtures.ts, which is the one that extends the Playwright test function with the required fixtures for Lighthouse.

On other non-Lighthouse tests you should use the usual test import:

import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";