diff --git a/.classpath b/.classpath
index ba8ba3460..7b5edac37 100644
--- a/.classpath
+++ b/.classpath
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 			<attribute name="optional" value="true"/>
 			<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
+			<attribute name="test" value="true"/>
 	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
 			<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.7">
+	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6">
 			<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaa05b323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# The build image for all regulator projects is available at
+# https://regulator.innoopract.com/build-tools/regulator-build-image
+# Whenever changes are submitted to the master branch, the image is
+# automatically built and uploaded to the projects container registry.
+image: docker:18.06.1-ce-dind
+  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375/
+  ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS:   "4333796"
+  - apk add --update python git gzip tar openjdk8 bash wget unzip libstdc++ 
+  - wget --quiet --output-document=android-sdk.zip https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-${ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS}.zip
+  - unzip -d android-sdk-linux android-sdk.zip
+  - echo y | android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platforms;android-${ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK}" >/dev/null
+  - echo y | android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platform-tools" >/dev/null
+  - echo y | android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager "build-tools;${ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS}" >/dev/null
+  - export ANDROID_HOME=$PWD/android-sdk-linux
+  - export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/
+  - chmod +x ./gradlew
+  # temporarily disable checking for EPIPE error and use yes to accept all licenses
+  - set +o pipefail
+  - yes | android-sdk-linux/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses
+  - set -o pipefail
+  - build
+  - name: docker:dind
+    entrypoint:
+      - dockerd-entrypoint.sh
+  stage: build
+  script:
+    - docker info
+    - COMMIT_HASH=`git rev-parse HEAD` && sed -i "s/Unknown\ revision\ ID/$COMMIT_HASH/g" src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java
+    - python nodejs.py git clone
+    - python nodejs.py diff apply
+    - python build.py -t android -a arm --docker all ~j2v8release > arm.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED arm.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a x86 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > x86.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED x86.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a x86_64 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > x86_64.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED x86_64.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a arm64 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > arm64.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED arm64.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+  artifacts:
+    when: always
+    paths:
+      - build/outputs/aar/**
+      - arm.txt
+      - x86.txt
+      - x86_64.txt
+      - arm64.txt
+      - src/main/jniLibs/**/*
+  except:
+    - master
+    - 4.8-maintenance
+  stage: build
+  script:
+    - docker info
+    - COMMIT_HASH=`git rev-parse HEAD` && sed -i "s/Unknown\ revision\ ID/$COMMIT_HASH/g" src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java
+    - python nodejs.py git clone
+    - python nodejs.py diff apply
+    - python build.py -t android -a arm --docker all ~j2v8release > arm.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED arm.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a x86 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > x86.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED x86.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a x86_64 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > x86_64.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED x86_64.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a arm64 --keep-native-libs  --docker nodejs j2v8cmake j2v8jni j2v8cpp j2v8optimize j2v8java > arm64.txt 2>&1 && ! grep -q BUILD\ FAILED arm64.txt && echo passed || exit 1
+    - python build.py -t android -a arm j2v8release --keep-native-libs --docker
+  artifacts:
+    when: always
+    paths:
+      - build/outputs/aar/**
+      - arm.txt
+      - x86.txt
+      - x86_64.txt
+      - arm64.txt
+      - src/main/jniLibs/**/*
+  only:
+    - master
+    - 4.8-maintenance
diff --git a/.m2/settings.xml b/.m2/settings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ede93588a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.m2/settings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<settings xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.1.0.xsd"
+    xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+  <servers>
+    <server>
+      <id>snapshots</id>
+      <username>${env.MAVEN_REPO_USER}</username>
+      <password>${env.MAVEN_REPO_PASS}</password>
+    </server>
+  </servers>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8e0fdc884..2da426969 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/eclipsesource/J2V8.png)](http://travis-ci.org/eclipsesource/J2V8)
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/eclipsesource/J2V8.svg?branch=4.8-maintenance)](https://travis-ci.org/eclipsesource/J2V8)
 [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.eclipsesource.j2v8/j2v8_win32_x86.svg)](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.eclipsesource.j2v8%22)
 J2V8 is a set of Java bindings for V8. J2V8 focuses on performance and tight integration with V8. It also takes a 'primitive first' approach, meaning that if a value can be accessed as a primitive, then it should be. This forces a more static type system between the JS and Java code, but it also improves the performance since intermediate Objects are not created.
diff --git a/build-node.sh b/build-node.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a63c042..000000000
--- a/build-node.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node -b v7.4.0
-cd node
-./configure --enable-static
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 6193032e8..d2f42eaa5 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ apply plugin: 'signing'
 group = 'com.eclipsesource.j2v8'
 archivesBaseName = 'j2v8'
-version = '4.8.2'
+version = '4.8.3-SNAPSHOT'
 configurations {
     archives {
@@ -81,21 +81,21 @@ spoon {
 signing {
-    required { has("release") && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") }
-    sign configurations.archives
+    //required { has("release") && gradle.taskGraph.hasTask("uploadArchives") }
+    //sign configurations.archives
 uploadArchives {
   repositories {
     mavenDeployer {
-      beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
+      //beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
-      repository(url: "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/") {
-        authentication(userName: project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername')?ossrhUsername:'', password: project.hasProperty('ossrhPassword')?ossrhPassword:'')
-      }
+      //repository(url: "https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/") {
+        //authentication(userName: project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername')?ossrhUsername:'', password: project.hasProperty('ossrhPassword')?ossrhPassword:'')
+      //}
       snapshotRepository(url: "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/") {
-        authentication(userName: project.hasProperty('ossrhUsername')?ossrhUsername:'', password: project.hasProperty('ossrhPassword')?ossrhPassword:'')
+        authentication(userName: System.getenv("MAVEN_REPO_USER"), password: System.getenv("MAVEN_REPO_PASS") )
       pom.project {
diff --git a/buildAll.sh b/buildAll.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c6345d079..000000000
--- a/buildAll.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Builds J2V8 on Linux and Android
-# usage: ./buildAll -r /path/to/root/of/project -s docker_image_suffix
-# The path to the root of the project is optional, and if not specified
-# the current directory will be used.
-set -e
-while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
-  key="$1"
-  case $key in
-      -r|--rootpath)
-      ROOTPATH="$2"
-      shift # past argument
-      ;;
-      -s|--suffix)
-      shift # past argument
-      ;;
-      *)
-            # unknown option
-      ;;
-  esac
-    shift # past argument or value
-  done
-if [ -z ${ROOTPATH} ];
-DIR=`dirname $0`
-set +e
-rm -rf node.out
-docker rm -f j2v8.android.x86_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-docker rm -f j2v8.android.arm_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-docker rm -f j2v8.linux.x64_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-set -e
-tar xzf node.out-7_4_0.tar.gz
-docker build -t "j2v8-linux-x64" -f docker/Dockerfile.linux $DIR
-docker run -e "env.J2V8_PLATFORM_NAME=linux" -e "env.J2V8_ARCH_NAME=x86_64" -e "env.J2V8_FULL_VERSION=4.8.0" -v $ROOTPATH:/build/. -v $ROOTPATH/node.out:/build/node --name j2v8.linux.x64_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX j2v8-linux-x64 
-docker build -t "j2v8-android-x86" -f docker/Dockerfile.android $DIR
-docker run -e "env.J2V8_PLATFORM_NAME=linux" -e "env.J2V8_ARCH_NAME=x86_64" -e "env.J2V8_FULL_VERSION=4.8.0" -v $ROOTPATH/node.out:/build/node --name j2v8.android.x86_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX j2v8-android-x86 android-gcc-toolchain x86 --api 15 --host gcc-lpthread -C sh -c "cd jni && ndk-build && /build/android-ndk-r13b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment /build/jni/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/libj2v8.so && strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment /build/jni/jniLibs/x86/libj2v8.so"
-docker cp j2v8.android.x86_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX:/build/jni/jniLibs $DIR/src/main/
-set +e
-docker rm -f j2v8.android.x86_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-docker rm -f j2v8.android.arm_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-docker rm -f j2v8.linux.x64_$DOCKER_CONTAINER_SUFFIX
-set -e
diff --git a/build_system/build_constants.py b/build_system/build_constants.py
index 869924a12..13419f9dc 100644
--- a/build_system/build_constants.py
+++ b/build_system/build_constants.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
     CLIStep(c.build_j2v8_java, "        Compiles the Java source code and packages it, including the previously built native libraries, into the final package artifacts.\n" +
                        "                For the execution of this build-step Maven (Java) or Gradle (Android) are used for the respective target platforms."),
     CLIStep(c.build_j2v8_test, "       Runs the Java (JUnit/Gradle) unit tests."),
+    CLIStep(c.build_j2v8_release, "       Release J2V8."),
 # build_steps_help = dict(atomic_build_steps)
@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@
 avail_architectures = [
+    c.arch_x86_64,
+    c.arch_arm64
diff --git a/build_system/build_settings.py b/build_system/build_settings.py
index c538e89aa..01c80bf73 100644
--- a/build_system/build_settings.py
+++ b/build_system/build_settings.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # J2V8 settings
 # The J2V8 version in the format {major.minor.patch} to be used in other build & utility scripts
diff --git a/build_system/config_android.py b/build_system/config_android.py
index 42b409593..1e0ec6ea1 100644
--- a/build_system/config_android.py
+++ b/build_system/config_android.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 import cmake_utils as cmu
 import os
-android_config = PlatformConfig(c.target_android, [c.arch_x86, c.arch_arm])
+android_config = PlatformConfig(c.target_android, [c.arch_x86, c.arch_arm, c.arch_arm64, c.arch_x86_64])
     "docker": DockerBuildStep(
@@ -22,23 +22,32 @@
     c.arch_arm: "armeabi-v7a",
-    c.arch_x86: "x86"
+    c.arch_x86: "x86",
+    c.arch_x86_64: "x86_64",
+    c.arch_arm64: "arm64-v8a"
 def build_node_js(config):
+    arch = config.inject_env("$ARCH")
+    if ("x86_64" in arch):
+        os.environ['DEST_CPU'] = "x64"
+    else:
+        os.environ['DEST_CPU'] = arch
     return [
-        """android-gcc-toolchain $ARCH --api 17 --host gcc-lpthread -C \
+        """android-gcc-toolchain $ARCH --api 21 --host gcc-lpthread -C \
             sh -c \"                \\
             cd ./node;              \\
             ./configure             \\
             --without-intl          \\
+            --cross-compiling       \\
             --without-inspector     \\
-            --dest-cpu=$ARCH        \\
+            --dest-cpu=$DEST_CPU    \\
             --dest-os=$PLATFORM     \\
+            --openssl-no-asm        \\
             --without-snapshot      \\
             --enable-static &&      \\
-            CFLAGS=-fPIC CXXFLAGS=-fPIC make -j4\"  \
+            CFLAGS=-fPIC CXXFLAGS=-fPIC make -j4 \"  \
@@ -123,3 +132,11 @@ def build_j2v8_test(config):
 android_config.build_step(c.build_j2v8_test, build_j2v8_test)
+def build_j2v8_release(config):
+    return \
+        u.setVersionEnv(config) + \
+        u.gradle(" uploadArchives")
+android_config.build_step(c.build_j2v8_release, build_j2v8_release)
diff --git a/build_system/constants.py b/build_system/constants.py
index 2d3b9fb28..73329f0d2 100644
--- a/build_system/constants.py
+++ b/build_system/constants.py
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 # target architectures
 arch_x86 = 'x86'
 arch_x64 = 'x64'
+arch_x86_64 = 'x86_64'
 arch_arm = 'arm'
+arch_arm64 = 'arm64'
 # atomic build-steps
 build_node_js = 'nodejs'
@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@
 build_j2v8_optimize = 'j2v8optimize'
 build_j2v8_java = 'j2v8java'
 build_j2v8_test = 'j2v8test'
+build_j2v8_release = 'j2v8release'
 # aliases
 build_java = 'java'
diff --git a/build_system/docker_build.py b/build_system/docker_build.py
index d30ad6995..44e97e2e5 100644
--- a/build_system/docker_build.py
+++ b/build_system/docker_build.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import re
 import subprocess
 import sys
+import platform
 from build_structures import BuildSystem, BuildStep
 import constants as c
@@ -31,12 +32,12 @@ def health_check(self, config):
             # NOTE: the additional newlines are important for the regex matching
             version_str = utils.execute_to_str("docker version") + "\n\n"
-            server_match = re.search(r"Server:(.*)\n\n", version_str + "\n\n", re.DOTALL)
+            docker_version_match = re.search(r"Client:(.*)\n\n", version_str + "\n\n", re.DOTALL)
-            if (server_match is None or server_match.group(1) is None):
+            if (docker_version_match is None or docker_version_match.group(1) is None):
                 utils.cli_exit("ERROR: Unable to determine docker server version from version string: \n\n" + version_str)
-            version_match = re.search(r"^  OS/Arch:\s+(.*)$", server_match.group(1), re.MULTILINE)
+            version_match = re.search(r"OS/Arch:\s+(.*)$", docker_version_match.group(1), re.MULTILINE)
             if (version_match is None):
                 utils.cli_exit("ERROR: Unable to determine docker server platform from version string: \n\n" + version_str)
@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ def health_check(self, config):
             docker_version = version_match.group(1)
             docker_req_platform = "windows" if utils.is_win32(config.platform) else "linux"
+            if (platform.system() == "Darwin"):
+                docker_req_platform = "darwin/amd64"
             # check if the docker engine is running the expected container platform (linux or windows)
             if (docker_req_platform not in docker_version):
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ def vendor_arg(value):
         image_name = self.get_image_name(config)
         print ("Building docker image: " + config.inject_env(image_name))
-        self.exec_host_cmd("docker build " + args_str + " -f $PLATFORM/Dockerfile -t \"" + image_name + "\" .", config)
+        self.exec_host_cmd("docker build " + args_str + " -f $PLATFORM/Dockerfile -t \"" + image_name + "\" . ", config)
     def exec_build(self, config):
         print ("DOCKER running " + config.platform + "@" + config.arch + " => " + config.name)
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ def exec_build(self, config):
         image_name = self.get_image_name(config)
         container_name = self.get_container_name(config)
-        docker_run_str = "docker run " + extra_options + " -P -v $CWD:" + mount_point + \
+        docker_run_str = "docker run " + extra_options + " -e MAVEN_REPO_USER=$MAVEN_REPO_USER -e MAVEN_REPO_PASS=$MAVEN_REPO_PASS -P -v $CWD:" + mount_point + \
             " --name " + container_name + " " + image_name + " " + shell_invoke + " \"cd $BUILD_CWD" + cmd_separator + " " + build_cmd + "\""
         docker_run_str = self.inject_env(docker_run_str, config)
diff --git a/cmake/NodeJsUtils.cmake b/cmake/NodeJsUtils.cmake
index 5f6c3b9d3..276869210 100644
--- a/cmake/NodeJsUtils.cmake
+++ b/cmake/NodeJsUtils.cmake
@@ -128,14 +128,6 @@ function (get_njs_libs nodejs_dir config_name fail_on_missing_libs)
         # Node.js link libraries
         set (njs_libs
-            # node libs
-            ${njs_out_deps}/uv/libuv.a
-            ${njs_out_deps}/openssl/libopenssl.a
-            ${njs_out_deps}/http_parser/libhttp_parser.a
-            ${njs_out_deps}/gtest/libgtest.a
-            ${njs_out_deps}/zlib/libzlib.a
-            ${njs_out_deps}/cares/libcares.a
             # v8 libs
@@ -143,25 +135,6 @@ function (get_njs_libs nodejs_dir config_name fail_on_missing_libs)
-        # verify that all required Node.js libs actually exist
-        if (${fail_on_missing_libs})
-            assert_nodejs_libs_exist(${njs_libs} ${njs_out_target}/libnode.a)
-        endif()
-        # finalize linker settings
-        set (njs_libs
-            # <LinkerGroup>
-            -Wl,--start-group
-                # the carefree libs
-                ${njs_libs}
-                # Node.js libs that require special linker treatments
-                -Wl,--whole-archive ${njs_out_target}/libnode.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive
-            -Wl,--end-group
-            # </LinkerGroup>
-        )
         set (njs_${config_name}_libs ${njs_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/classfile_constants.h b/dep_includes_macosx/classfile_constants.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07f1616ac..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/classfile_constants.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Classfile version number for this information */
-/* Flags */
-enum {
-    JVM_ACC_PUBLIC        = 0x0001,
-    JVM_ACC_PRIVATE       = 0x0002,
-    JVM_ACC_PROTECTED     = 0x0004,
-    JVM_ACC_STATIC        = 0x0008,
-    JVM_ACC_FINAL         = 0x0010,
-    JVM_ACC_SYNCHRONIZED  = 0x0020,
-    JVM_ACC_SUPER         = 0x0020,
-    JVM_ACC_VOLATILE      = 0x0040,
-    JVM_ACC_BRIDGE        = 0x0040,
-    JVM_ACC_TRANSIENT     = 0x0080,
-    JVM_ACC_VARARGS       = 0x0080,
-    JVM_ACC_NATIVE        = 0x0100,
-    JVM_ACC_INTERFACE     = 0x0200,
-    JVM_ACC_ABSTRACT      = 0x0400,
-    JVM_ACC_STRICT        = 0x0800,
-    JVM_ACC_SYNTHETIC     = 0x1000,
-    JVM_ACC_ANNOTATION    = 0x2000,
-    JVM_ACC_ENUM          = 0x4000
-/* Used in newarray instruction. */
-enum {
-    JVM_T_BOOLEAN = 4,
-    JVM_T_CHAR    = 5,
-    JVM_T_FLOAT   = 6,
-    JVM_T_DOUBLE  = 7,
-    JVM_T_BYTE    = 8,
-    JVM_T_SHORT   = 9,
-    JVM_T_INT     = 10,
-    JVM_T_LONG    = 11
-/* Constant Pool Entries */
-enum {
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8                   = 1,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Unicode                = 2, /* unused */
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Integer                = 3,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Float                  = 4,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Long                   = 5,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Double                 = 6,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Class                  = 7,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_String                 = 8,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref               = 9,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref              = 10,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref     = 11,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType            = 12,
-    JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle           = 15,  // JSR 292
-    JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType             = 16,   // JSR 292
-    JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic          = 18
-/* JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle subtypes */
-enum {
-    JVM_REF_getField                = 1,
-    JVM_REF_getStatic               = 2,
-    JVM_REF_putField                = 3,
-    JVM_REF_putStatic               = 4,
-    JVM_REF_invokeVirtual           = 5,
-    JVM_REF_invokeStatic            = 6,
-    JVM_REF_invokeSpecial           = 7,
-    JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial        = 8,
-    JVM_REF_invokeInterface         = 9
-/* StackMapTable type item numbers */
-enum {
-    JVM_ITEM_Top                = 0,
-    JVM_ITEM_Integer            = 1,
-    JVM_ITEM_Float              = 2,
-    JVM_ITEM_Double             = 3,
-    JVM_ITEM_Long               = 4,
-    JVM_ITEM_Null               = 5,
-    JVM_ITEM_UninitializedThis  = 6,
-    JVM_ITEM_Object             = 7,
-    JVM_ITEM_Uninitialized      = 8
-/* Type signatures */
-enum {
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY         = '[',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE          = 'B',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR          = 'C',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS         = 'L',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_ENUM          = 'E',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_FLOAT         = 'F',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_DOUBLE        = 'D',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC          = '(',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC       = ')',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_INT           = 'I',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_LONG          = 'J',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_SHORT         = 'S',
-    JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID          = 'V',
-/* Opcodes */
-enum {
-    JVM_OPC_nop                 = 0,
-    JVM_OPC_aconst_null         = 1,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_m1           = 2,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_0            = 3,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_1            = 4,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_2            = 5,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_3            = 6,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_4            = 7,
-    JVM_OPC_iconst_5            = 8,
-    JVM_OPC_lconst_0            = 9,
-    JVM_OPC_lconst_1            = 10,
-    JVM_OPC_fconst_0            = 11,
-    JVM_OPC_fconst_1            = 12,
-    JVM_OPC_fconst_2            = 13,
-    JVM_OPC_dconst_0            = 14,
-    JVM_OPC_dconst_1            = 15,
-    JVM_OPC_bipush              = 16,
-    JVM_OPC_sipush              = 17,
-    JVM_OPC_ldc                 = 18,
-    JVM_OPC_ldc_w               = 19,
-    JVM_OPC_ldc2_w              = 20,
-    JVM_OPC_iload               = 21,
-    JVM_OPC_lload               = 22,
-    JVM_OPC_fload               = 23,
-    JVM_OPC_dload               = 24,
-    JVM_OPC_aload               = 25,
-    JVM_OPC_iload_0             = 26,
-    JVM_OPC_iload_1             = 27,
-    JVM_OPC_iload_2             = 28,
-    JVM_OPC_iload_3             = 29,
-    JVM_OPC_lload_0             = 30,
-    JVM_OPC_lload_1             = 31,
-    JVM_OPC_lload_2             = 32,
-    JVM_OPC_lload_3             = 33,
-    JVM_OPC_fload_0             = 34,
-    JVM_OPC_fload_1             = 35,
-    JVM_OPC_fload_2             = 36,
-    JVM_OPC_fload_3             = 37,
-    JVM_OPC_dload_0             = 38,
-    JVM_OPC_dload_1             = 39,
-    JVM_OPC_dload_2             = 40,
-    JVM_OPC_dload_3             = 41,
-    JVM_OPC_aload_0             = 42,
-    JVM_OPC_aload_1             = 43,
-    JVM_OPC_aload_2             = 44,
-    JVM_OPC_aload_3             = 45,
-    JVM_OPC_iaload              = 46,
-    JVM_OPC_laload              = 47,
-    JVM_OPC_faload              = 48,
-    JVM_OPC_daload              = 49,
-    JVM_OPC_aaload              = 50,
-    JVM_OPC_baload              = 51,
-    JVM_OPC_caload              = 52,
-    JVM_OPC_saload              = 53,
-    JVM_OPC_istore              = 54,
-    JVM_OPC_lstore              = 55,
-    JVM_OPC_fstore              = 56,
-    JVM_OPC_dstore              = 57,
-    JVM_OPC_astore              = 58,
-    JVM_OPC_istore_0            = 59,
-    JVM_OPC_istore_1            = 60,
-    JVM_OPC_istore_2            = 61,
-    JVM_OPC_istore_3            = 62,
-    JVM_OPC_lstore_0            = 63,
-    JVM_OPC_lstore_1            = 64,
-    JVM_OPC_lstore_2            = 65,
-    JVM_OPC_lstore_3            = 66,
-    JVM_OPC_fstore_0            = 67,
-    JVM_OPC_fstore_1            = 68,
-    JVM_OPC_fstore_2            = 69,
-    JVM_OPC_fstore_3            = 70,
-    JVM_OPC_dstore_0            = 71,
-    JVM_OPC_dstore_1            = 72,
-    JVM_OPC_dstore_2            = 73,
-    JVM_OPC_dstore_3            = 74,
-    JVM_OPC_astore_0            = 75,
-    JVM_OPC_astore_1            = 76,
-    JVM_OPC_astore_2            = 77,
-    JVM_OPC_astore_3            = 78,
-    JVM_OPC_iastore             = 79,
-    JVM_OPC_lastore             = 80,
-    JVM_OPC_fastore             = 81,
-    JVM_OPC_dastore             = 82,
-    JVM_OPC_aastore             = 83,
-    JVM_OPC_bastore             = 84,
-    JVM_OPC_castore             = 85,
-    JVM_OPC_sastore             = 86,
-    JVM_OPC_pop                 = 87,
-    JVM_OPC_pop2                = 88,
-    JVM_OPC_dup                 = 89,
-    JVM_OPC_dup_x1              = 90,
-    JVM_OPC_dup_x2              = 91,
-    JVM_OPC_dup2                = 92,
-    JVM_OPC_dup2_x1             = 93,
-    JVM_OPC_dup2_x2             = 94,
-    JVM_OPC_swap                = 95,
-    JVM_OPC_iadd                = 96,
-    JVM_OPC_ladd                = 97,
-    JVM_OPC_fadd                = 98,
-    JVM_OPC_dadd                = 99,
-    JVM_OPC_isub                = 100,
-    JVM_OPC_lsub                = 101,
-    JVM_OPC_fsub                = 102,
-    JVM_OPC_dsub                = 103,
-    JVM_OPC_imul                = 104,
-    JVM_OPC_lmul                = 105,
-    JVM_OPC_fmul                = 106,
-    JVM_OPC_dmul                = 107,
-    JVM_OPC_idiv                = 108,
-    JVM_OPC_ldiv                = 109,
-    JVM_OPC_fdiv                = 110,
-    JVM_OPC_ddiv                = 111,
-    JVM_OPC_irem                = 112,
-    JVM_OPC_lrem                = 113,
-    JVM_OPC_frem                = 114,
-    JVM_OPC_drem                = 115,
-    JVM_OPC_ineg                = 116,
-    JVM_OPC_lneg                = 117,
-    JVM_OPC_fneg                = 118,
-    JVM_OPC_dneg                = 119,
-    JVM_OPC_ishl                = 120,
-    JVM_OPC_lshl                = 121,
-    JVM_OPC_ishr                = 122,
-    JVM_OPC_lshr                = 123,
-    JVM_OPC_iushr               = 124,
-    JVM_OPC_lushr               = 125,
-    JVM_OPC_iand                = 126,
-    JVM_OPC_land                = 127,
-    JVM_OPC_ior                 = 128,
-    JVM_OPC_lor                 = 129,
-    JVM_OPC_ixor                = 130,
-    JVM_OPC_lxor                = 131,
-    JVM_OPC_iinc                = 132,
-    JVM_OPC_i2l                 = 133,
-    JVM_OPC_i2f                 = 134,
-    JVM_OPC_i2d                 = 135,
-    JVM_OPC_l2i                 = 136,
-    JVM_OPC_l2f                 = 137,
-    JVM_OPC_l2d                 = 138,
-    JVM_OPC_f2i                 = 139,
-    JVM_OPC_f2l                 = 140,
-    JVM_OPC_f2d                 = 141,
-    JVM_OPC_d2i                 = 142,
-    JVM_OPC_d2l                 = 143,
-    JVM_OPC_d2f                 = 144,
-    JVM_OPC_i2b                 = 145,
-    JVM_OPC_i2c                 = 146,
-    JVM_OPC_i2s                 = 147,
-    JVM_OPC_lcmp                = 148,
-    JVM_OPC_fcmpl               = 149,
-    JVM_OPC_fcmpg               = 150,
-    JVM_OPC_dcmpl               = 151,
-    JVM_OPC_dcmpg               = 152,
-    JVM_OPC_ifeq                = 153,
-    JVM_OPC_ifne                = 154,
-    JVM_OPC_iflt                = 155,
-    JVM_OPC_ifge                = 156,
-    JVM_OPC_ifgt                = 157,
-    JVM_OPC_ifle                = 158,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmpeq           = 159,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmpne           = 160,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmplt           = 161,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmpge           = 162,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmpgt           = 163,
-    JVM_OPC_if_icmple           = 164,
-    JVM_OPC_if_acmpeq           = 165,
-    JVM_OPC_if_acmpne           = 166,
-    JVM_OPC_goto                = 167,
-    JVM_OPC_jsr                 = 168,
-    JVM_OPC_ret                 = 169,
-    JVM_OPC_tableswitch         = 170,
-    JVM_OPC_lookupswitch        = 171,
-    JVM_OPC_ireturn             = 172,
-    JVM_OPC_lreturn             = 173,
-    JVM_OPC_freturn             = 174,
-    JVM_OPC_dreturn             = 175,
-    JVM_OPC_areturn             = 176,
-    JVM_OPC_return              = 177,
-    JVM_OPC_getstatic           = 178,
-    JVM_OPC_putstatic           = 179,
-    JVM_OPC_getfield            = 180,
-    JVM_OPC_putfield            = 181,
-    JVM_OPC_invokevirtual       = 182,
-    JVM_OPC_invokespecial       = 183,
-    JVM_OPC_invokestatic        = 184,
-    JVM_OPC_invokeinterface     = 185,
-    JVM_OPC_invokedynamic       = 186,
-    JVM_OPC_new                 = 187,
-    JVM_OPC_newarray            = 188,
-    JVM_OPC_anewarray           = 189,
-    JVM_OPC_arraylength         = 190,
-    JVM_OPC_athrow              = 191,
-    JVM_OPC_checkcast           = 192,
-    JVM_OPC_instanceof          = 193,
-    JVM_OPC_monitorenter        = 194,
-    JVM_OPC_monitorexit         = 195,
-    JVM_OPC_wide                = 196,
-    JVM_OPC_multianewarray      = 197,
-    JVM_OPC_ifnull              = 198,
-    JVM_OPC_ifnonnull           = 199,
-    JVM_OPC_goto_w              = 200,
-    JVM_OPC_jsr_w               = 201,
-    JVM_OPC_MAX                 = 201
-/* Opcode length initializer, use with something like:
- *   unsigned char opcode_length[JVM_OPC_MAX+1] = JVM_OPCODE_LENGTH_INITIALIZER;
- */
-   1,   /* nop */                       \
-   1,   /* aconst_null */               \
-   1,   /* iconst_m1 */                 \
-   1,   /* iconst_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* iconst_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* iconst_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* iconst_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* iconst_4 */                  \
-   1,   /* iconst_5 */                  \
-   1,   /* lconst_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* lconst_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* fconst_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* fconst_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* fconst_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* dconst_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* dconst_1 */                  \
-   2,   /* bipush */                    \
-   3,   /* sipush */                    \
-   2,   /* ldc */                       \
-   3,   /* ldc_w */                     \
-   3,   /* ldc2_w */                    \
-   2,   /* iload */                     \
-   2,   /* lload */                     \
-   2,   /* fload */                     \
-   2,   /* dload */                     \
-   2,   /* aload */                     \
-   1,   /* iload_0 */                   \
-   1,   /* iload_1 */                   \
-   1,   /* iload_2 */                   \
-   1,   /* iload_3 */                   \
-   1,   /* lload_0 */                   \
-   1,   /* lload_1 */                   \
-   1,   /* lload_2 */                   \
-   1,   /* lload_3 */                   \
-   1,   /* fload_0 */                   \
-   1,   /* fload_1 */                   \
-   1,   /* fload_2 */                   \
-   1,   /* fload_3 */                   \
-   1,   /* dload_0 */                   \
-   1,   /* dload_1 */                   \
-   1,   /* dload_2 */                   \
-   1,   /* dload_3 */                   \
-   1,   /* aload_0 */                   \
-   1,   /* aload_1 */                   \
-   1,   /* aload_2 */                   \
-   1,   /* aload_3 */                   \
-   1,   /* iaload */                    \
-   1,   /* laload */                    \
-   1,   /* faload */                    \
-   1,   /* daload */                    \
-   1,   /* aaload */                    \
-   1,   /* baload */                    \
-   1,   /* caload */                    \
-   1,   /* saload */                    \
-   2,   /* istore */                    \
-   2,   /* lstore */                    \
-   2,   /* fstore */                    \
-   2,   /* dstore */                    \
-   2,   /* astore */                    \
-   1,   /* istore_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* istore_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* istore_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* istore_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* lstore_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* lstore_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* lstore_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* lstore_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* fstore_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* fstore_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* fstore_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* fstore_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* dstore_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* dstore_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* dstore_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* dstore_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* astore_0 */                  \
-   1,   /* astore_1 */                  \
-   1,   /* astore_2 */                  \
-   1,   /* astore_3 */                  \
-   1,   /* iastore */                   \
-   1,   /* lastore */                   \
-   1,   /* fastore */                   \
-   1,   /* dastore */                   \
-   1,   /* aastore */                   \
-   1,   /* bastore */                   \
-   1,   /* castore */                   \
-   1,   /* sastore */                   \
-   1,   /* pop */                       \
-   1,   /* pop2 */                      \
-   1,   /* dup */                       \
-   1,   /* dup_x1 */                    \
-   1,   /* dup_x2 */                    \
-   1,   /* dup2 */                      \
-   1,   /* dup2_x1 */                   \
-   1,   /* dup2_x2 */                   \
-   1,   /* swap */                      \
-   1,   /* iadd */                      \
-   1,   /* ladd */                      \
-   1,   /* fadd */                      \
-   1,   /* dadd */                      \
-   1,   /* isub */                      \
-   1,   /* lsub */                      \
-   1,   /* fsub */                      \
-   1,   /* dsub */                      \
-   1,   /* imul */                      \
-   1,   /* lmul */                      \
-   1,   /* fmul */                      \
-   1,   /* dmul */                      \
-   1,   /* idiv */                      \
-   1,   /* ldiv */                      \
-   1,   /* fdiv */                      \
-   1,   /* ddiv */                      \
-   1,   /* irem */                      \
-   1,   /* lrem */                      \
-   1,   /* frem */                      \
-   1,   /* drem */                      \
-   1,   /* ineg */                      \
-   1,   /* lneg */                      \
-   1,   /* fneg */                      \
-   1,   /* dneg */                      \
-   1,   /* ishl */                      \
-   1,   /* lshl */                      \
-   1,   /* ishr */                      \
-   1,   /* lshr */                      \
-   1,   /* iushr */                     \
-   1,   /* lushr */                     \
-   1,   /* iand */                      \
-   1,   /* land */                      \
-   1,   /* ior */                       \
-   1,   /* lor */                       \
-   1,   /* ixor */                      \
-   1,   /* lxor */                      \
-   3,   /* iinc */                      \
-   1,   /* i2l */                       \
-   1,   /* i2f */                       \
-   1,   /* i2d */                       \
-   1,   /* l2i */                       \
-   1,   /* l2f */                       \
-   1,   /* l2d */                       \
-   1,   /* f2i */                       \
-   1,   /* f2l */                       \
-   1,   /* f2d */                       \
-   1,   /* d2i */                       \
-   1,   /* d2l */                       \
-   1,   /* d2f */                       \
-   1,   /* i2b */                       \
-   1,   /* i2c */                       \
-   1,   /* i2s */                       \
-   1,   /* lcmp */                      \
-   1,   /* fcmpl */                     \
-   1,   /* fcmpg */                     \
-   1,   /* dcmpl */                     \
-   1,   /* dcmpg */                     \
-   3,   /* ifeq */                      \
-   3,   /* ifne */                      \
-   3,   /* iflt */                      \
-   3,   /* ifge */                      \
-   3,   /* ifgt */                      \
-   3,   /* ifle */                      \
-   3,   /* if_icmpeq */                 \
-   3,   /* if_icmpne */                 \
-   3,   /* if_icmplt */                 \
-   3,   /* if_icmpge */                 \
-   3,   /* if_icmpgt */                 \
-   3,   /* if_icmple */                 \
-   3,   /* if_acmpeq */                 \
-   3,   /* if_acmpne */                 \
-   3,   /* goto */                      \
-   3,   /* jsr */                       \
-   2,   /* ret */                       \
-   99,  /* tableswitch */               \
-   99,  /* lookupswitch */              \
-   1,   /* ireturn */                   \
-   1,   /* lreturn */                   \
-   1,   /* freturn */                   \
-   1,   /* dreturn */                   \
-   1,   /* areturn */                   \
-   1,   /* return */                    \
-   3,   /* getstatic */                 \
-   3,   /* putstatic */                 \
-   3,   /* getfield */                  \
-   3,   /* putfield */                  \
-   3,   /* invokevirtual */             \
-   3,   /* invokespecial */             \
-   3,   /* invokestatic */              \
-   5,   /* invokeinterface */           \
-   5,   /* invokedynamic */             \
-   3,   /* new */                       \
-   2,   /* newarray */                  \
-   3,   /* anewarray */                 \
-   1,   /* arraylength */               \
-   1,   /* athrow */                    \
-   3,   /* checkcast */                 \
-   3,   /* instanceof */                \
-   1,   /* monitorenter */              \
-   1,   /* monitorexit */               \
-   0,   /* wide */                      \
-   4,   /* multianewarray */            \
-   3,   /* ifnull */                    \
-   3,   /* ifnonnull */                 \
-   5,   /* goto_w */                    \
-   5    /* jsr_w */                     \
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jawt.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jawt.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ba11a3dde..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jawt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999, 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#ifndef _JAVASOFT_JAWT_H_
-#define _JAVASOFT_JAWT_H_
-#include "jni.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * AWT native interface (new in JDK 1.3)
- *
- * The AWT native interface allows a native C or C++ application a means
- * by which to access native structures in AWT.  This is to facilitate moving
- * legacy C and C++ applications to Java and to target the needs of the
- * community who, at present, wish to do their own native rendering to canvases
- * for performance reasons.  Standard extensions such as Java3D also require a
- * means to access the underlying native data structures of AWT.
- *
- * There may be future extensions to this API depending on demand.
- *
- * A VM does not have to implement this API in order to pass the JCK.
- * It is recommended, however, that this API is implemented on VMs that support
- * standard extensions, such as Java3D.
- *
- * Since this is a native API, any program which uses it cannot be considered
- * 100% pure java.
- */
- * AWT Native Drawing Surface (JAWT_DrawingSurface).
- *
- * For each platform, there is a native drawing surface structure.  This
- * platform-specific structure can be found in jawt_md.h.  It is recommended
- * that additional platforms follow the same model.  It is also recommended
- * that VMs on Win32 and Solaris support the existing structures in jawt_md.h.
- *
- *******************
- *******************
- *
- * In Win32, a programmer wishes to access the HWND of a canvas to perform
- * native rendering into it.  The programmer has declared the paint() method
- * for their canvas subclass to be native:
- *
- *
- * MyCanvas.java:
- *
- * import java.awt.*;
- *
- * public class MyCanvas extends Canvas {
- *
- *     static {
- *         System.loadLibrary("mylib");
- *     }
- *
- *     public native void paint(Graphics g);
- * }
- *
- *
- * myfile.c:
- *
- * #include "jawt_md.h"
- * #include <assert.h>
- *
- * Java_MyCanvas_paint(JNIEnv* env, jobject canvas, jobject graphics)
- * {
- *     JAWT awt;
- *     JAWT_DrawingSurface* ds;
- *     JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo* dsi;
- *     JAWT_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo* dsi_win;
- *     jboolean result;
- *     jint lock;
- *
- *     // Get the AWT
- *     awt.version = JAWT_VERSION_1_3;
- *     result = JAWT_GetAWT(env, &awt);
- *     assert(result != JNI_FALSE);
- *
- *     // Get the drawing surface
- *     ds = awt.GetDrawingSurface(env, canvas);
- *     assert(ds != NULL);
- *
- *     // Lock the drawing surface
- *     lock = ds->Lock(ds);
- *     assert((lock & JAWT_LOCK_ERROR) == 0);
- *
- *     // Get the drawing surface info
- *     dsi = ds->GetDrawingSurfaceInfo(ds);
- *
- *     // Get the platform-specific drawing info
- *     dsi_win = (JAWT_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo*)dsi->platformInfo;
- *
- *     //////////////////////////////
- *     // !!! DO PAINTING HERE !!! //
- *     //////////////////////////////
- *
- *     // Free the drawing surface info
- *     ds->FreeDrawingSurfaceInfo(dsi);
- *
- *     // Unlock the drawing surface
- *     ds->Unlock(ds);
- *
- *     // Free the drawing surface
- *     awt.FreeDrawingSurface(ds);
- * }
- *
- */
- * JAWT_Rectangle
- * Structure for a native rectangle.
- */
-typedef struct jawt_Rectangle {
-    jint x;
-    jint y;
-    jint width;
-    jint height;
-} JAWT_Rectangle;
-struct jawt_DrawingSurface;
- * JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo
- * Structure for containing the underlying drawing information of a component.
- */
-typedef struct jawt_DrawingSurfaceInfo {
-    /*
-     * Pointer to the platform-specific information.  This can be safely
-     * cast to a JAWT_Win32DrawingSurfaceInfo on Windows or a
-     * JAWT_X11DrawingSurfaceInfo on Solaris. On Mac OS X, when using the
-     * native Cocoa toolkit this is a pointer to a NSObject that conforms
-     * to the JAWT_SurfaceLayers protocol. See jawt_md.h for details.
-     */
-    void* platformInfo;
-    /* Cached pointer to the underlying drawing surface */
-    struct jawt_DrawingSurface* ds;
-    /* Bounding rectangle of the drawing surface */
-    JAWT_Rectangle bounds;
-    /* Number of rectangles in the clip */
-    jint clipSize;
-    /* Clip rectangle array */
-    JAWT_Rectangle* clip;
-} JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo;
-#define JAWT_LOCK_ERROR                 0x00000001
-#define JAWT_LOCK_CLIP_CHANGED          0x00000002
-#define JAWT_LOCK_BOUNDS_CHANGED        0x00000004
-#define JAWT_LOCK_SURFACE_CHANGED       0x00000008
- * JAWT_DrawingSurface
- * Structure for containing the underlying drawing information of a component.
- * All operations on a JAWT_DrawingSurface MUST be performed from the same
- * thread as the call to GetDrawingSurface.
- */
-typedef struct jawt_DrawingSurface {
-    /*
-     * Cached reference to the Java environment of the calling thread.
-     * If Lock(), Unlock(), GetDrawingSurfaceInfo() or
-     * FreeDrawingSurfaceInfo() are called from a different thread,
-     * this data member should be set before calling those functions.
-     */
-    JNIEnv* env;
-    /* Cached reference to the target object */
-    jobject target;
-    /*
-     * Lock the surface of the target component for native rendering.
-     * When finished drawing, the surface must be unlocked with
-     * Unlock().  This function returns a bitmask with one or more of the
-     * following values:
-     *
-     * JAWT_LOCK_ERROR - When an error has occurred and the surface could not
-     * be locked.
-     *
-     * JAWT_LOCK_CLIP_CHANGED - When the clip region has changed.
-     *
-     * JAWT_LOCK_BOUNDS_CHANGED - When the bounds of the surface have changed.
-     *
-     * JAWT_LOCK_SURFACE_CHANGED - When the surface itself has changed
-     */
-    jint (JNICALL *Lock)
-        (struct jawt_DrawingSurface* ds);
-    /*
-     * Get the drawing surface info.
-     * The value returned may be cached, but the values may change if
-     * additional calls to Lock() or Unlock() are made.
-     * Lock() must be called before this can return a valid value.
-     * Returns NULL if an error has occurred.
-     * When finished with the returned value, FreeDrawingSurfaceInfo must be
-     * called.
-     */
-    JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo* (JNICALL *GetDrawingSurfaceInfo)
-        (struct jawt_DrawingSurface* ds);
-    /*
-     * Free the drawing surface info.
-     */
-    void (JNICALL *FreeDrawingSurfaceInfo)
-        (JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo* dsi);
-    /*
-     * Unlock the drawing surface of the target component for native rendering.
-     */
-    void (JNICALL *Unlock)
-        (struct jawt_DrawingSurface* ds);
-} JAWT_DrawingSurface;
- * JAWT
- * Structure for containing native AWT functions.
- */
-typedef struct jawt {
-    /*
-     * Version of this structure.  This must always be set before
-     * calling JAWT_GetAWT()
-     */
-    jint version;
-    /*
-     * Return a drawing surface from a target jobject.  This value
-     * may be cached.
-     * Returns NULL if an error has occurred.
-     * Target must be a java.awt.Component (should be a Canvas
-     * or Window for native rendering).
-     * FreeDrawingSurface() must be called when finished with the
-     * returned JAWT_DrawingSurface.
-     */
-    JAWT_DrawingSurface* (JNICALL *GetDrawingSurface)
-        (JNIEnv* env, jobject target);
-    /*
-     * Free the drawing surface allocated in GetDrawingSurface.
-     */
-    void (JNICALL *FreeDrawingSurface)
-        (JAWT_DrawingSurface* ds);
-    /*
-     * Since 1.4
-     * Locks the entire AWT for synchronization purposes
-     */
-    void (JNICALL *Lock)(JNIEnv* env);
-    /*
-     * Since 1.4
-     * Unlocks the entire AWT for synchronization purposes
-     */
-    void (JNICALL *Unlock)(JNIEnv* env);
-    /*
-     * Since 1.4
-     * Returns a reference to a java.awt.Component from a native
-     * platform handle.  On Windows, this corresponds to an HWND;
-     * on Solaris and Linux, this is a Drawable.  For other platforms,
-     * see the appropriate machine-dependent header file for a description.
-     * The reference returned by this function is a local
-     * reference that is only valid in this environment.
-     * This function returns a NULL reference if no component could be
-     * found with matching platform information.
-     */
-    jobject (JNICALL *GetComponent)(JNIEnv* env, void* platformInfo);
-} JAWT;
- * Get the AWT native structure.  This function returns JNI_FALSE if
- * an error occurs.
- */
-jboolean JNICALL JAWT_GetAWT(JNIEnv* env, JAWT* awt);
-#define JAWT_VERSION_1_3 0x00010003
-#define JAWT_VERSION_1_4 0x00010004
-#define JAWT_VERSION_1_7 0x00010007
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* !_JAVASOFT_JAWT_H_ */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jawt_md.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jawt_md.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24fc2b29e..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jawt_md.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
- * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
- * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
- *
- * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
- * accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
- * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- *
- * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
- * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
- * questions.
- */
- * To use jawt_X11DrawingSurfaceInfo you must define XAWT before including this header
- * file. You must also have the X11 headers installed on your system.
- */
-#ifdef XAWT
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
-#endif // XAWT
-#include "jawt.h"
-#ifdef __OBJC__
-#import <QuartzCore/CALayer.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Mac OS X specific declarations for AWT native interface.
- * See notes in jawt.h for an example of use.
- */
- * When calling JAWT_GetAWT with a JAWT version less than 1.7, you must pass this
- * flag or you will not be able to get a valid drawing surface and JAWT_GetAWT will
- * return false. This is to maintain compatibility with applications that used the
- * interface with Java 6 which had multiple rendering models. This flag is not necessary
- * when JAWT version 1.7 or greater is used as this is the only supported rendering mode.
- *
- * Example:
- *   JAWT awt;
- *   awt.version = JAWT_VERSION_1_4 | JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER;
- *   jboolean success = JAWT_GetAWT(env, &awt);
- */
-#define JAWT_MACOSX_USE_CALAYER 0x80000000
- * When the native Cocoa toolkit is in use, the pointer stored in
- * JAWT_DrawingSurfaceInfo->platformInfo points to a NSObject that conforms to the
- * JAWT_SurfaceLayers protocol. Setting the layer property of this object will cause the
- * specified layer to be overlaid on the Components rectangle. If the window the
- * Component belongs to has a CALayer attached to it, this layer will be accessible via
- * the windowLayer property.
- */
-#ifdef __OBJC__
-@protocol JAWT_SurfaceLayers
-@property (readwrite, retain) CALayer *layer;
-@property (readonly) CALayer *windowLayer;
-#ifdef XAWT
- * X11-specific declarations for AWT native interface.
- * See notes in jawt.h for an example of use.
- *
- * WARNING: This interface is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- */
-typedef struct jawt_X11DrawingSurfaceInfo {
-    Drawable drawable;
-    Display* display;
-    VisualID visualID;
-    Colormap colormapID;
-    int depth;
-    /*
-     * Since 1.4
-     * Returns a pixel value from a set of RGB values.
-     * This is useful for paletted color (256 color) modes.
-     */
-    int (JNICALL *GetAWTColor)(JAWT_DrawingSurface* ds,
-        int r, int g, int b);
-} JAWT_X11DrawingSurfaceInfo;
-#endif // XAWT
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* !_JAVASOFT_JAWT_MD_H_ */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jdwpTransport.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jdwpTransport.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab7cdcff..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jdwpTransport.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
- * Java Debug Wire Protocol Transport Service Provider Interface.
- */
-#include "jni.h"
-enum {
-    JDWPTRANSPORT_VERSION_1_0 = 0x00010000
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct jdwpTransportNativeInterface_;
-struct _jdwpTransportEnv;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-typedef _jdwpTransportEnv jdwpTransportEnv;
-typedef const struct jdwpTransportNativeInterface_ *jdwpTransportEnv;
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
- * Errors. Universal errors with JVMTI/JVMDI equivalents keep the
- * values the same.
- */
-typedef enum {
-} jdwpTransportError;
- * Structure to define capabilities
- */
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int can_timeout_attach     :1;
-    unsigned int can_timeout_accept     :1;
-    unsigned int can_timeout_handshake  :1;
-    unsigned int reserved3              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved4              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved5              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved6              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved7              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved8              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved9              :1;
-    unsigned int reserved10             :1;
-    unsigned int reserved11             :1;
-    unsigned int reserved12             :1;
-    unsigned int reserved13             :1;
-    unsigned int reserved14             :1;
-    unsigned int reserved15             :1;
-} JDWPTransportCapabilities;
- * Structures to define packet layout.
- *
- * See: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
- */
-enum {
-typedef struct {
-    jint len;
-    jint id;
-    jbyte flags;
-    jbyte cmdSet;
-    jbyte cmd;
-    jbyte *data;
-} jdwpCmdPacket;
-typedef struct {
-    jint len;
-    jint id;
-    jbyte flags;
-    jshort errorCode;
-    jbyte *data;
-} jdwpReplyPacket;
-typedef struct {
-    union {
-        jdwpCmdPacket cmd;
-        jdwpReplyPacket reply;
-    } type;
-} jdwpPacket;
- * JDWP functions called by the transport.
- */
-typedef struct jdwpTransportCallback {
-    void *(*alloc)(jint numBytes);   /* Call this for all allocations */
-    void (*free)(void *buffer);      /* Call this for all deallocations */
-} jdwpTransportCallback;
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jdwpTransport_OnLoad_t)(JavaVM *jvm,
-                                               jdwpTransportCallback *callback,
-                                               jint version,
-                                               jdwpTransportEnv** env);
-/* Function Interface */
-struct jdwpTransportNativeInterface_ {
-    /*  1 :  RESERVED */
-    void *reserved1;
-    /*  2 : Get Capabilities */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *GetCapabilities)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-         JDWPTransportCapabilities *capabilities_ptr);
-    /*  3 : Attach */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *Attach)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        const char* address,
-        jlong attach_timeout,
-        jlong handshake_timeout);
-    /*  4: StartListening */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *StartListening)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        const char* address,
-        char** actual_address);
-    /*  5: StopListening */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *StopListening)(jdwpTransportEnv* env);
-    /*  6: Accept */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *Accept)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        jlong accept_timeout,
-        jlong handshake_timeout);
-    /*  7: IsOpen */
-    jboolean (JNICALL *IsOpen)(jdwpTransportEnv* env);
-    /*  8: Close */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *Close)(jdwpTransportEnv* env);
-    /*  9: ReadPacket */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *ReadPacket)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        jdwpPacket *pkt);
-    /*  10: Write Packet */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *WritePacket)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        const jdwpPacket* pkt);
-    /*  11:  GetLastError */
-    jdwpTransportError (JNICALL *GetLastError)(jdwpTransportEnv* env,
-        char** error);
- * Use inlined functions so that C++ code can use syntax such as
- *      env->Attach("mymachine:5000", 10*1000, 0);
- *
- * rather than using C's :-
- *
- *      (*env)->Attach(env, "mymachine:5000", 10*1000, 0);
- */
-struct _jdwpTransportEnv {
-    const struct jdwpTransportNativeInterface_ *functions;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-    jdwpTransportError GetCapabilities(JDWPTransportCapabilities *capabilities_ptr) {
-        return functions->GetCapabilities(this, capabilities_ptr);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError Attach(const char* address, jlong attach_timeout,
-                jlong handshake_timeout) {
-        return functions->Attach(this, address, attach_timeout, handshake_timeout);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError StartListening(const char* address,
-                char** actual_address) {
-        return functions->StartListening(this, address, actual_address);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError StopListening(void) {
-        return functions->StopListening(this);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError Accept(jlong accept_timeout, jlong handshake_timeout) {
-        return functions->Accept(this, accept_timeout, handshake_timeout);
-    }
-    jboolean IsOpen(void) {
-        return functions->IsOpen(this);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError Close(void) {
-        return functions->Close(this);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError ReadPacket(jdwpPacket *pkt) {
-        return functions->ReadPacket(this, pkt);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError WritePacket(const jdwpPacket* pkt) {
-        return functions->WritePacket(this, pkt);
-    }
-    jdwpTransportError GetLastError(char** error) {
-        return functions->GetLastError(this, error);
-    }
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* JDWPTRANSPORT_H */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jni.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jni.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ab9a693e9..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jni.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1959 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
- * We used part of Netscape's Java Runtime Interface (JRI) as the starting
- * point of our design and implementation.
- */
- * Java Runtime Interface
- * Copyright (c) 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. All rights reserved.
- *****************************************************************************/
-#ifndef _JAVASOFT_JNI_H_
-#define _JAVASOFT_JNI_H_
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* jni_md.h contains the machine-dependent typedefs for jbyte, jint
-   and jlong */
-#include "jni_md.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * JNI Types
- */
-typedef unsigned char   jboolean;
-typedef unsigned short  jchar;
-typedef short           jshort;
-typedef float           jfloat;
-typedef double          jdouble;
-typedef jint            jsize;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-class _jobject {};
-class _jclass : public _jobject {};
-class _jthrowable : public _jobject {};
-class _jstring : public _jobject {};
-class _jarray : public _jobject {};
-class _jbooleanArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jbyteArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jcharArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jshortArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jintArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jlongArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jfloatArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jdoubleArray : public _jarray {};
-class _jobjectArray : public _jarray {};
-typedef _jobject *jobject;
-typedef _jclass *jclass;
-typedef _jthrowable *jthrowable;
-typedef _jstring *jstring;
-typedef _jarray *jarray;
-typedef _jbooleanArray *jbooleanArray;
-typedef _jbyteArray *jbyteArray;
-typedef _jcharArray *jcharArray;
-typedef _jshortArray *jshortArray;
-typedef _jintArray *jintArray;
-typedef _jlongArray *jlongArray;
-typedef _jfloatArray *jfloatArray;
-typedef _jdoubleArray *jdoubleArray;
-typedef _jobjectArray *jobjectArray;
-struct _jobject;
-typedef struct _jobject *jobject;
-typedef jobject jclass;
-typedef jobject jthrowable;
-typedef jobject jstring;
-typedef jobject jarray;
-typedef jarray jbooleanArray;
-typedef jarray jbyteArray;
-typedef jarray jcharArray;
-typedef jarray jshortArray;
-typedef jarray jintArray;
-typedef jarray jlongArray;
-typedef jarray jfloatArray;
-typedef jarray jdoubleArray;
-typedef jarray jobjectArray;
-typedef jobject jweak;
-typedef union jvalue {
-    jboolean z;
-    jbyte    b;
-    jchar    c;
-    jshort   s;
-    jint     i;
-    jlong    j;
-    jfloat   f;
-    jdouble  d;
-    jobject  l;
-} jvalue;
-struct _jfieldID;
-typedef struct _jfieldID *jfieldID;
-struct _jmethodID;
-typedef struct _jmethodID *jmethodID;
-/* Return values from jobjectRefType */
-typedef enum _jobjectType {
-     JNIInvalidRefType    = 0,
-     JNILocalRefType      = 1,
-     JNIGlobalRefType     = 2,
-     JNIWeakGlobalRefType = 3
-} jobjectRefType;
- * jboolean constants
- */
-#define JNI_FALSE 0
-#define JNI_TRUE 1
- * possible return values for JNI functions.
- */
-#define JNI_OK           0                 /* success */
-#define JNI_ERR          (-1)              /* unknown error */
-#define JNI_EDETACHED    (-2)              /* thread detached from the VM */
-#define JNI_EVERSION     (-3)              /* JNI version error */
-#define JNI_ENOMEM       (-4)              /* not enough memory */
-#define JNI_EEXIST       (-5)              /* VM already created */
-#define JNI_EINVAL       (-6)              /* invalid arguments */
- * used in ReleaseScalarArrayElements
- */
-#define JNI_COMMIT 1
-#define JNI_ABORT 2
- * used in RegisterNatives to describe native method name, signature,
- * and function pointer.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    char *name;
-    char *signature;
-    void *fnPtr;
-} JNINativeMethod;
- * JNI Native Method Interface.
- */
-struct JNINativeInterface_;
-struct JNIEnv_;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-typedef JNIEnv_ JNIEnv;
-typedef const struct JNINativeInterface_ *JNIEnv;
- * JNI Invocation Interface.
- */
-struct JNIInvokeInterface_;
-struct JavaVM_;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-typedef JavaVM_ JavaVM;
-typedef const struct JNIInvokeInterface_ *JavaVM;
-struct JNINativeInterface_ {
-    void *reserved0;
-    void *reserved1;
-    void *reserved2;
-    void *reserved3;
-    jint (JNICALL *GetVersion)(JNIEnv *env);
-    jclass (JNICALL *DefineClass)
-      (JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf,
-       jsize len);
-    jclass (JNICALL *FindClass)
-      (JNIEnv *env, const char *name);
-    jmethodID (JNICALL *FromReflectedMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject method);
-    jfieldID (JNICALL *FromReflectedField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject field);
-    jobject (JNICALL *ToReflectedMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, jboolean isStatic);
-    jclass (JNICALL *GetSuperclass)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass sub);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *IsAssignableFrom)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass sub, jclass sup);
-    jobject (JNICALL *ToReflectedField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jfieldID fieldID, jboolean isStatic);
-    jint (JNICALL *Throw)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jthrowable obj);
-    jint (JNICALL *ThrowNew)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *msg);
-    jthrowable (JNICALL *ExceptionOccurred)
-      (JNIEnv *env);
-    void (JNICALL *ExceptionDescribe)
-      (JNIEnv *env);
-    void (JNICALL *ExceptionClear)
-      (JNIEnv *env);
-    void (JNICALL *FatalError)
-      (JNIEnv *env, const char *msg);
-    jint (JNICALL *PushLocalFrame)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jint capacity);
-    jobject (JNICALL *PopLocalFrame)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject result);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewGlobalRef)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject lobj);
-    void (JNICALL *DeleteGlobalRef)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject gref);
-    void (JNICALL *DeleteLocalRef)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *IsSameObject)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj1, jobject obj2);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewLocalRef)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject ref);
-    jint (JNICALL *EnsureLocalCapacity)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jint capacity);
-    jobject (JNICALL *AllocObject)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewObject)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewObjectV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewObjectA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jclass (JNICALL *GetObjectClass)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *IsInstanceOf)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz);
-    jmethodID (JNICALL *GetMethodID)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name, const char *sig);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallObjectMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallBooleanMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallByteMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallCharMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallShortMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallIntMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallLongMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallFloatMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallDoubleMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallVoidMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue * args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue * args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualByteMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualCharMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualShortMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualIntMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualLongMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue *args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       va_list args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-       const jvalue * args);
-    jfieldID (JNICALL *GetFieldID)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name, const char *sig);
-    jobject (JNICALL *GetObjectField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *GetBooleanField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *GetByteField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jchar (JNICALL *GetCharField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jshort (JNICALL *GetShortField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jint (JNICALL *GetIntField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jlong (JNICALL *GetLongField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *GetFloatField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *GetDoubleField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID);
-    void (JNICALL *SetObjectField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jobject val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetBooleanField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jboolean val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetByteField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jbyte val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetCharField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jchar val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetShortField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jshort val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetIntField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jint val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetLongField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jlong val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetFloatField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jfloat val);
-    void (JNICALL *SetDoubleField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jdouble val);
-    jmethodID (JNICALL *GetStaticMethodID)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name, const char *sig);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jobject (JNICALL *CallStaticObjectMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *CallStaticBooleanMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *CallStaticByteMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jchar (JNICALL *CallStaticCharMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jshort (JNICALL *CallStaticShortMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jint (JNICALL *CallStaticIntMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jlong (JNICALL *CallStaticLongMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *CallStaticFloatMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *CallStaticDoubleMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethod)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, ...);
-    void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethodV)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, va_list args);
-    void (JNICALL *CallStaticVoidMethodA)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args);
-    jfieldID (JNICALL *GetStaticFieldID)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name, const char *sig);
-    jobject (JNICALL *GetStaticObjectField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *GetStaticBooleanField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jbyte (JNICALL *GetStaticByteField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jchar (JNICALL *GetStaticCharField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jshort (JNICALL *GetStaticShortField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jint (JNICALL *GetStaticIntField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jlong (JNICALL *GetStaticLongField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jfloat (JNICALL *GetStaticFloatField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    jdouble (JNICALL *GetStaticDoubleField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticObjectField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jobject value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticBooleanField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jboolean value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticByteField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jbyte value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticCharField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jchar value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticShortField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jshort value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticIntField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jint value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticLongField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jlong value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticFloatField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jfloat value);
-    void (JNICALL *SetStaticDoubleField)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID, jdouble value);
-    jstring (JNICALL *NewString)
-      (JNIEnv *env, const jchar *unicode, jsize len);
-    jsize (JNICALL *GetStringLength)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str);
-    const jchar *(JNICALL *GetStringChars)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, jboolean *isCopy);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringChars)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, const jchar *chars);
-    jstring (JNICALL *NewStringUTF)
-      (JNIEnv *env, const char *utf);
-    jsize (JNICALL *GetStringUTFLength)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str);
-    const char* (JNICALL *GetStringUTFChars)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, jboolean *isCopy);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringUTFChars)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, const char* chars);
-    jsize (JNICALL *GetArrayLength)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jarray array);
-    jobjectArray (JNICALL *NewObjectArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len, jclass clazz, jobject init);
-    jobject (JNICALL *GetObjectArrayElement)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray array, jsize index);
-    void (JNICALL *SetObjectArrayElement)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray array, jsize index, jobject val);
-    jbooleanArray (JNICALL *NewBooleanArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jbyteArray (JNICALL *NewByteArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jcharArray (JNICALL *NewCharArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jshortArray (JNICALL *NewShortArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jintArray (JNICALL *NewIntArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jlongArray (JNICALL *NewLongArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jfloatArray (JNICALL *NewFloatArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jdoubleArray (JNICALL *NewDoubleArray)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jsize len);
-    jboolean * (JNICALL *GetBooleanArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbooleanArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jbyte * (JNICALL *GetByteArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jchar * (JNICALL *GetCharArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jcharArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jshort * (JNICALL *GetShortArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jshortArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jint * (JNICALL *GetIntArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jintArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jlong * (JNICALL *GetLongArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jlongArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jfloat * (JNICALL *GetFloatArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jfloatArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    jdouble * (JNICALL *GetDoubleArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jdoubleArray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseBooleanArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbooleanArray array, jboolean *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseByteArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray array, jbyte *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseCharArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jcharArray array, jchar *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseShortArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jshortArray array, jshort *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseIntArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jintArray array, jint *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseLongArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jlongArray array, jlong *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseFloatArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jfloatArray array, jfloat *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseDoubleArrayElements)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jdoubleArray array, jdouble *elems, jint mode);
-    void (JNICALL *GetBooleanArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbooleanArray array, jsize start, jsize l, jboolean *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetByteArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jbyte *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetCharArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jcharArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jchar *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetShortArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jshortArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jshort *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetIntArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jintArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jint *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetLongArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jlongArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jlong *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetFloatArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jfloatArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jfloat *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetDoubleArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jdoubleArray array, jsize start, jsize len, jdouble *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetBooleanArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbooleanArray array, jsize start, jsize l, const jboolean *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetByteArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jbyte *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetCharArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jcharArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jchar *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetShortArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jshortArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jshort *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetIntArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jintArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jint *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetLongArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jlongArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jlong *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetFloatArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jfloatArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jfloat *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *SetDoubleArrayRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jdoubleArray array, jsize start, jsize len, const jdouble *buf);
-    jint (JNICALL *RegisterNatives)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const JNINativeMethod *methods,
-       jint nMethods);
-    jint (JNICALL *UnregisterNatives)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz);
-    jint (JNICALL *MonitorEnter)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj);
-    jint (JNICALL *MonitorExit)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj);
-    jint (JNICALL *GetJavaVM)
-      (JNIEnv *env, JavaVM **vm);
-    void (JNICALL *GetStringRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, jchar *buf);
-    void (JNICALL *GetStringUTFRegion)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, char *buf);
-    void * (JNICALL *GetPrimitiveArrayCritical)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jarray array, jboolean *isCopy);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jarray array, void *carray, jint mode);
-    const jchar * (JNICALL *GetStringCritical)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring string, jboolean *isCopy);
-    void (JNICALL *ReleaseStringCritical)
-      (JNIEnv *env, jstring string, const jchar *cstring);
-    jweak (JNICALL *NewWeakGlobalRef)
-       (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj);
-    void (JNICALL *DeleteWeakGlobalRef)
-       (JNIEnv *env, jweak ref);
-    jboolean (JNICALL *ExceptionCheck)
-       (JNIEnv *env);
-    jobject (JNICALL *NewDirectByteBuffer)
-       (JNIEnv* env, void* address, jlong capacity);
-    void* (JNICALL *GetDirectBufferAddress)
-       (JNIEnv* env, jobject buf);
-    jlong (JNICALL *GetDirectBufferCapacity)
-       (JNIEnv* env, jobject buf);
-    /* New JNI 1.6 Features */
-    jobjectRefType (JNICALL *GetObjectRefType)
-        (JNIEnv* env, jobject obj);
- * We use inlined functions for C++ so that programmers can write:
- *
- *    env->FindClass("java/lang/String")
- *
- * in C++ rather than:
- *
- *    (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String")
- *
- * in C.
- */
-struct JNIEnv_ {
-    const struct JNINativeInterface_ *functions;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-    jint GetVersion() {
-        return functions->GetVersion(this);
-    }
-    jclass DefineClass(const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf,
-                       jsize len) {
-        return functions->DefineClass(this, name, loader, buf, len);
-    }
-    jclass FindClass(const char *name) {
-        return functions->FindClass(this, name);
-    }
-    jmethodID FromReflectedMethod(jobject method) {
-        return functions->FromReflectedMethod(this,method);
-    }
-    jfieldID FromReflectedField(jobject field) {
-        return functions->FromReflectedField(this,field);
-    }
-    jobject ToReflectedMethod(jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, jboolean isStatic) {
-        return functions->ToReflectedMethod(this, cls, methodID, isStatic);
-    }
-    jclass GetSuperclass(jclass sub) {
-        return functions->GetSuperclass(this, sub);
-    }
-    jboolean IsAssignableFrom(jclass sub, jclass sup) {
-        return functions->IsAssignableFrom(this, sub, sup);
-    }
-    jobject ToReflectedField(jclass cls, jfieldID fieldID, jboolean isStatic) {
-        return functions->ToReflectedField(this,cls,fieldID,isStatic);
-    }
-    jint Throw(jthrowable obj) {
-        return functions->Throw(this, obj);
-    }
-    jint ThrowNew(jclass clazz, const char *msg) {
-        return functions->ThrowNew(this, clazz, msg);
-    }
-    jthrowable ExceptionOccurred() {
-        return functions->ExceptionOccurred(this);
-    }
-    void ExceptionDescribe() {
-        functions->ExceptionDescribe(this);
-    }
-    void ExceptionClear() {
-        functions->ExceptionClear(this);
-    }
-    void FatalError(const char *msg) {
-        functions->FatalError(this, msg);
-    }
-    jint PushLocalFrame(jint capacity) {
-        return functions->PushLocalFrame(this,capacity);
-    }
-    jobject PopLocalFrame(jobject result) {
-        return functions->PopLocalFrame(this,result);
-    }
-    jobject NewGlobalRef(jobject lobj) {
-        return functions->NewGlobalRef(this,lobj);
-    }
-    void DeleteGlobalRef(jobject gref) {
-        functions->DeleteGlobalRef(this,gref);
-    }
-    void DeleteLocalRef(jobject obj) {
-        functions->DeleteLocalRef(this, obj);
-    }
-    jboolean IsSameObject(jobject obj1, jobject obj2) {
-        return functions->IsSameObject(this,obj1,obj2);
-    }
-    jobject NewLocalRef(jobject ref) {
-        return functions->NewLocalRef(this,ref);
-    }
-    jint EnsureLocalCapacity(jint capacity) {
-        return functions->EnsureLocalCapacity(this,capacity);
-    }
-    jobject AllocObject(jclass clazz) {
-        return functions->AllocObject(this,clazz);
-    }
-    jobject NewObject(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jobject result;
-        va_start(args, methodID);
-        result = functions->NewObjectV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jobject NewObjectV(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-                       va_list args) {
-        return functions->NewObjectV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jobject NewObjectA(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-                       const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->NewObjectA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jclass GetObjectClass(jobject obj) {
-        return functions->GetObjectClass(this,obj);
-    }
-    jboolean IsInstanceOf(jobject obj, jclass clazz) {
-        return functions->IsInstanceOf(this,obj,clazz);
-    }
-    jmethodID GetMethodID(jclass clazz, const char *name,
-                          const char *sig) {
-        return functions->GetMethodID(this,clazz,name,sig);
-    }
-    jobject CallObjectMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jobject result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallObjectMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jobject CallObjectMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallObjectMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jobject CallObjectMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallObjectMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallBooleanMethod(jobject obj,
-                               jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jboolean result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallBooleanMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jboolean CallBooleanMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                                va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallBooleanMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallBooleanMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                                const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallBooleanMethodA(this,obj,methodID, args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallByteMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jbyte result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallByteMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jbyte CallByteMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallByteMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallByteMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallByteMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallCharMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jchar result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallCharMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jchar CallCharMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallCharMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallCharMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallCharMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallShortMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jshort result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallShortMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jshort CallShortMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                            va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallShortMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallShortMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                            const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallShortMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallIntMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jint result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallIntMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jint CallIntMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallIntMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallIntMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallIntMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallLongMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jlong result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallLongMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jlong CallLongMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallLongMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallLongMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                          const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallLongMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallFloatMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jfloat result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallFloatMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jfloat CallFloatMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                            va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallFloatMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallFloatMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                            const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallFloatMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallDoubleMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jdouble result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallDoubleMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jdouble CallDoubleMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallDoubleMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallDoubleMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                        const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallDoubleMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallVoidMethod(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        functions->CallVoidMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-    }
-    void CallVoidMethodV(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                         va_list args) {
-        functions->CallVoidMethodV(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallVoidMethodA(jobject obj, jmethodID methodID,
-                         const jvalue * args) {
-        functions->CallVoidMethodA(this,obj,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jobject CallNonvirtualObjectMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                       jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jobject result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                        methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jobject CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                        jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-    }
-    jobject CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                        jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                         jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jboolean result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                         methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jboolean CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                          jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                       methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                          jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                       methodID, args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallNonvirtualByteMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jbyte result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualByteMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jbyte CallNonvirtualByteMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualByteMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallNonvirtualByteMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualByteMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallNonvirtualCharMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jchar result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualCharMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jchar CallNonvirtualCharMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualCharMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallNonvirtualCharMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualCharMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallNonvirtualShortMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                     jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jshort result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualShortMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                       methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jshort CallNonvirtualShortMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualShortMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                     methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallNonvirtualShortMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualShortMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                     methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallNonvirtualIntMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                 jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jint result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualIntMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                     methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jint CallNonvirtualIntMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualIntMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                   methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallNonvirtualIntMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualIntMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                   methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallNonvirtualLongMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jlong result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualLongMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jlong CallNonvirtualLongMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualLongMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallNonvirtualLongMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualLongMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                    methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallNonvirtualFloatMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                     jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jfloat result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                       methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jfloat CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID,
-                                      va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                     methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID,
-                                      const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                     methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                       jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jdouble result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                        methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jdouble CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                        jmethodID methodID,
-                                        va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                        jmethodID methodID,
-                                        const jvalue * args) {
-        return functions->CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA(this,obj,clazz,
-                                                      methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        functions->CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV(this,obj,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-    }
-    void CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID,
-                                   va_list args) {
-        functions->CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV(this,obj,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA(jobject obj, jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID,
-                                   const jvalue * args) {
-        functions->CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA(this,obj,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfieldID GetFieldID(jclass clazz, const char *name,
-                        const char *sig) {
-        return functions->GetFieldID(this,clazz,name,sig);
-    }
-    jobject GetObjectField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetObjectField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jboolean GetBooleanField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetBooleanField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jbyte GetByteField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetByteField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jchar GetCharField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetCharField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jshort GetShortField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetShortField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jint GetIntField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetIntField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jlong GetLongField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetLongField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jfloat GetFloatField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetFloatField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    jdouble GetDoubleField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetDoubleField(this,obj,fieldID);
-    }
-    void SetObjectField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jobject val) {
-        functions->SetObjectField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetBooleanField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                         jboolean val) {
-        functions->SetBooleanField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetByteField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                      jbyte val) {
-        functions->SetByteField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetCharField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                      jchar val) {
-        functions->SetCharField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetShortField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                       jshort val) {
-        functions->SetShortField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetIntField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                     jint val) {
-        functions->SetIntField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetLongField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                      jlong val) {
-        functions->SetLongField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetFloatField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                       jfloat val) {
-        functions->SetFloatField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    void SetDoubleField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jdouble val) {
-        functions->SetDoubleField(this,obj,fieldID,val);
-    }
-    jmethodID GetStaticMethodID(jclass clazz, const char *name,
-                                const char *sig) {
-        return functions->GetStaticMethodID(this,clazz,name,sig);
-    }
-    jobject CallStaticObjectMethod(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-                             ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jobject result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticObjectMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jobject CallStaticObjectMethodV(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-                              va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticObjectMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jobject CallStaticObjectMethodA(jclass clazz, jmethodID methodID,
-                              const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticObjectMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallStaticBooleanMethod(jclass clazz,
-                                     jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jboolean result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticBooleanMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jboolean CallStaticBooleanMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticBooleanMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jboolean CallStaticBooleanMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                      jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticBooleanMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallStaticByteMethod(jclass clazz,
-                               jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jbyte result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticByteMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jbyte CallStaticByteMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticByteMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jbyte CallStaticByteMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticByteMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallStaticCharMethod(jclass clazz,
-                               jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jchar result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticCharMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jchar CallStaticCharMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticCharMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jchar CallStaticCharMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticCharMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallStaticShortMethod(jclass clazz,
-                                 jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jshort result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticShortMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jshort CallStaticShortMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticShortMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jshort CallStaticShortMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticShortMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallStaticIntMethod(jclass clazz,
-                             jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jint result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticIntMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jint CallStaticIntMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                              jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticIntMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jint CallStaticIntMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                              jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticIntMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallStaticLongMethod(jclass clazz,
-                               jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jlong result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticLongMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jlong CallStaticLongMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticLongMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jlong CallStaticLongMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticLongMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallStaticFloatMethod(jclass clazz,
-                                 jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jfloat result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticFloatMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jfloat CallStaticFloatMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticFloatMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfloat CallStaticFloatMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                  jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticFloatMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallStaticDoubleMethod(jclass clazz,
-                                   jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        jdouble result;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        result = functions->CallStaticDoubleMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-        return result;
-    }
-    jdouble CallStaticDoubleMethodV(jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, va_list args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticDoubleMethodV(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jdouble CallStaticDoubleMethodA(jclass clazz,
-                                    jmethodID methodID, const jvalue *args) {
-        return functions->CallStaticDoubleMethodA(this,clazz,methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallStaticVoidMethod(jclass cls, jmethodID methodID, ...) {
-        va_list args;
-        va_start(args,methodID);
-        functions->CallStaticVoidMethodV(this,cls,methodID,args);
-        va_end(args);
-    }
-    void CallStaticVoidMethodV(jclass cls, jmethodID methodID,
-                               va_list args) {
-        functions->CallStaticVoidMethodV(this,cls,methodID,args);
-    }
-    void CallStaticVoidMethodA(jclass cls, jmethodID methodID,
-                               const jvalue * args) {
-        functions->CallStaticVoidMethodA(this,cls,methodID,args);
-    }
-    jfieldID GetStaticFieldID(jclass clazz, const char *name,
-                              const char *sig) {
-        return functions->GetStaticFieldID(this,clazz,name,sig);
-    }
-    jobject GetStaticObjectField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticObjectField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jboolean GetStaticBooleanField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticBooleanField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jbyte GetStaticByteField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticByteField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jchar GetStaticCharField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticCharField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jshort GetStaticShortField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticShortField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jint GetStaticIntField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticIntField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jlong GetStaticLongField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticLongField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jfloat GetStaticFloatField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticFloatField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    jdouble GetStaticDoubleField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID) {
-        return functions->GetStaticDoubleField(this,clazz,fieldID);
-    }
-    void SetStaticObjectField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jobject value) {
-      functions->SetStaticObjectField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticBooleanField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jboolean value) {
-      functions->SetStaticBooleanField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticByteField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jbyte value) {
-      functions->SetStaticByteField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticCharField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jchar value) {
-      functions->SetStaticCharField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticShortField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jshort value) {
-      functions->SetStaticShortField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticIntField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jint value) {
-      functions->SetStaticIntField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticLongField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jlong value) {
-      functions->SetStaticLongField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticFloatField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jfloat value) {
-      functions->SetStaticFloatField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    void SetStaticDoubleField(jclass clazz, jfieldID fieldID,
-                        jdouble value) {
-      functions->SetStaticDoubleField(this,clazz,fieldID,value);
-    }
-    jstring NewString(const jchar *unicode, jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewString(this,unicode,len);
-    }
-    jsize GetStringLength(jstring str) {
-        return functions->GetStringLength(this,str);
-    }
-    const jchar *GetStringChars(jstring str, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetStringChars(this,str,isCopy);
-    }
-    void ReleaseStringChars(jstring str, const jchar *chars) {
-        functions->ReleaseStringChars(this,str,chars);
-    }
-    jstring NewStringUTF(const char *utf) {
-        return functions->NewStringUTF(this,utf);
-    }
-    jsize GetStringUTFLength(jstring str) {
-        return functions->GetStringUTFLength(this,str);
-    }
-    const char* GetStringUTFChars(jstring str, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetStringUTFChars(this,str,isCopy);
-    }
-    void ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstring str, const char* chars) {
-        functions->ReleaseStringUTFChars(this,str,chars);
-    }
-    jsize GetArrayLength(jarray array) {
-        return functions->GetArrayLength(this,array);
-    }
-    jobjectArray NewObjectArray(jsize len, jclass clazz,
-                                jobject init) {
-        return functions->NewObjectArray(this,len,clazz,init);
-    }
-    jobject GetObjectArrayElement(jobjectArray array, jsize index) {
-        return functions->GetObjectArrayElement(this,array,index);
-    }
-    void SetObjectArrayElement(jobjectArray array, jsize index,
-                               jobject val) {
-        functions->SetObjectArrayElement(this,array,index,val);
-    }
-    jbooleanArray NewBooleanArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewBooleanArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jbyteArray NewByteArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewByteArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jcharArray NewCharArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewCharArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jshortArray NewShortArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewShortArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jintArray NewIntArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewIntArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jlongArray NewLongArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewLongArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jfloatArray NewFloatArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewFloatArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jdoubleArray NewDoubleArray(jsize len) {
-        return functions->NewDoubleArray(this,len);
-    }
-    jboolean * GetBooleanArrayElements(jbooleanArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetBooleanArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jbyte * GetByteArrayElements(jbyteArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetByteArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jchar * GetCharArrayElements(jcharArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetCharArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jshort * GetShortArrayElements(jshortArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetShortArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jint * GetIntArrayElements(jintArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetIntArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jlong * GetLongArrayElements(jlongArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetLongArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jfloat * GetFloatArrayElements(jfloatArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetFloatArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    jdouble * GetDoubleArrayElements(jdoubleArray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetDoubleArrayElements(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    void ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(jbooleanArray array,
-                                     jboolean *elems,
-                                     jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseBooleanArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseByteArrayElements(jbyteArray array,
-                                  jbyte *elems,
-                                  jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseByteArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseCharArrayElements(jcharArray array,
-                                  jchar *elems,
-                                  jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseCharArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseShortArrayElements(jshortArray array,
-                                   jshort *elems,
-                                   jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseShortArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseIntArrayElements(jintArray array,
-                                 jint *elems,
-                                 jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseIntArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseLongArrayElements(jlongArray array,
-                                  jlong *elems,
-                                  jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseLongArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jfloatArray array,
-                                   jfloat *elems,
-                                   jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jdoubleArray array,
-                                    jdouble *elems,
-                                    jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(this,array,elems,mode);
-    }
-    void GetBooleanArrayRegion(jbooleanArray array,
-                               jsize start, jsize len, jboolean *buf) {
-        functions->GetBooleanArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetByteArrayRegion(jbyteArray array,
-                            jsize start, jsize len, jbyte *buf) {
-        functions->GetByteArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetCharArrayRegion(jcharArray array,
-                            jsize start, jsize len, jchar *buf) {
-        functions->GetCharArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetShortArrayRegion(jshortArray array,
-                             jsize start, jsize len, jshort *buf) {
-        functions->GetShortArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetIntArrayRegion(jintArray array,
-                           jsize start, jsize len, jint *buf) {
-        functions->GetIntArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetLongArrayRegion(jlongArray array,
-                            jsize start, jsize len, jlong *buf) {
-        functions->GetLongArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetFloatArrayRegion(jfloatArray array,
-                             jsize start, jsize len, jfloat *buf) {
-        functions->GetFloatArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetDoubleArrayRegion(jdoubleArray array,
-                              jsize start, jsize len, jdouble *buf) {
-        functions->GetDoubleArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetBooleanArrayRegion(jbooleanArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                               const jboolean *buf) {
-        functions->SetBooleanArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetByteArrayRegion(jbyteArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                            const jbyte *buf) {
-        functions->SetByteArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetCharArrayRegion(jcharArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                            const jchar *buf) {
-        functions->SetCharArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetShortArrayRegion(jshortArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                             const jshort *buf) {
-        functions->SetShortArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetIntArrayRegion(jintArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                           const jint *buf) {
-        functions->SetIntArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetLongArrayRegion(jlongArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                            const jlong *buf) {
-        functions->SetLongArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetFloatArrayRegion(jfloatArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                             const jfloat *buf) {
-        functions->SetFloatArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void SetDoubleArrayRegion(jdoubleArray array, jsize start, jsize len,
-                              const jdouble *buf) {
-        functions->SetDoubleArrayRegion(this,array,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    jint RegisterNatives(jclass clazz, const JNINativeMethod *methods,
-                         jint nMethods) {
-        return functions->RegisterNatives(this,clazz,methods,nMethods);
-    }
-    jint UnregisterNatives(jclass clazz) {
-        return functions->UnregisterNatives(this,clazz);
-    }
-    jint MonitorEnter(jobject obj) {
-        return functions->MonitorEnter(this,obj);
-    }
-    jint MonitorExit(jobject obj) {
-        return functions->MonitorExit(this,obj);
-    }
-    jint GetJavaVM(JavaVM **vm) {
-        return functions->GetJavaVM(this,vm);
-    }
-    void GetStringRegion(jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, jchar *buf) {
-        functions->GetStringRegion(this,str,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void GetStringUTFRegion(jstring str, jsize start, jsize len, char *buf) {
-        functions->GetStringUTFRegion(this,str,start,len,buf);
-    }
-    void * GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(jarray array, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(this,array,isCopy);
-    }
-    void ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(jarray array, void *carray, jint mode) {
-        functions->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(this,array,carray,mode);
-    }
-    const jchar * GetStringCritical(jstring string, jboolean *isCopy) {
-        return functions->GetStringCritical(this,string,isCopy);
-    }
-    void ReleaseStringCritical(jstring string, const jchar *cstring) {
-        functions->ReleaseStringCritical(this,string,cstring);
-    }
-    jweak NewWeakGlobalRef(jobject obj) {
-        return functions->NewWeakGlobalRef(this,obj);
-    }
-    void DeleteWeakGlobalRef(jweak ref) {
-        functions->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(this,ref);
-    }
-    jboolean ExceptionCheck() {
-        return functions->ExceptionCheck(this);
-    }
-    jobject NewDirectByteBuffer(void* address, jlong capacity) {
-        return functions->NewDirectByteBuffer(this, address, capacity);
-    }
-    void* GetDirectBufferAddress(jobject buf) {
-        return functions->GetDirectBufferAddress(this, buf);
-    }
-    jlong GetDirectBufferCapacity(jobject buf) {
-        return functions->GetDirectBufferCapacity(this, buf);
-    }
-    jobjectRefType GetObjectRefType(jobject obj) {
-        return functions->GetObjectRefType(this, obj);
-    }
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-typedef struct JavaVMOption {
-    char *optionString;
-    void *extraInfo;
-} JavaVMOption;
-typedef struct JavaVMInitArgs {
-    jint version;
-    jint nOptions;
-    JavaVMOption *options;
-    jboolean ignoreUnrecognized;
-} JavaVMInitArgs;
-typedef struct JavaVMAttachArgs {
-    jint version;
-    char *name;
-    jobject group;
-} JavaVMAttachArgs;
-/* These will be VM-specific. */
-#define JDK1_2
-#define JDK1_4
-/* End VM-specific. */
-struct JNIInvokeInterface_ {
-    void *reserved0;
-    void *reserved1;
-    void *reserved2;
-    jint (JNICALL *DestroyJavaVM)(JavaVM *vm);
-    jint (JNICALL *AttachCurrentThread)(JavaVM *vm, void **penv, void *args);
-    jint (JNICALL *DetachCurrentThread)(JavaVM *vm);
-    jint (JNICALL *GetEnv)(JavaVM *vm, void **penv, jint version);
-    jint (JNICALL *AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon)(JavaVM *vm, void **penv, void *args);
-struct JavaVM_ {
-    const struct JNIInvokeInterface_ *functions;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-    jint DestroyJavaVM() {
-        return functions->DestroyJavaVM(this);
-    }
-    jint AttachCurrentThread(void **penv, void *args) {
-        return functions->AttachCurrentThread(this, penv, args);
-    }
-    jint DetachCurrentThread() {
-        return functions->DetachCurrentThread(this);
-    }
-    jint GetEnv(void **penv, jint version) {
-        return functions->GetEnv(this, penv, version);
-    }
-    jint AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(void **penv, void *args) {
-        return functions->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(this, penv, args);
-    }
-JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(void *args);
-JNI_CreateJavaVM(JavaVM **pvm, void **penv, void *args);
-JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(JavaVM **, jsize, jsize *);
-/* Defined by native libraries. */
-JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved);
-JNI_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm, void *reserved);
-#define JNI_VERSION_1_1 0x00010001
-#define JNI_VERSION_1_2 0x00010002
-#define JNI_VERSION_1_4 0x00010004
-#define JNI_VERSION_1_6 0x00010006
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* !_JAVASOFT_JNI_H_ */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jni_md.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jni_md.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9438dc327..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jni_md.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 2000, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-#ifndef _JAVASOFT_JNI_MD_H_
-#define _JAVASOFT_JNI_MD_H_
-#define JNIEXPORT
-#define JNIIMPORT
-#define JNICALL
-typedef int jint;
-#ifdef _LP64 /* 64-bit Solaris */
-typedef long jlong;
-typedef long long jlong;
-typedef signed char jbyte;
-#endif /* !_JAVASOFT_JNI_MD_H_ */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jvmti.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jvmti.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 74243f540..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jvmti.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2534 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-    /* Include file for the Java(tm) Virtual Machine Tool Interface */
-#ifndef _JAVA_JVMTI_H_
-#define _JAVA_JVMTI_H_
-#include "jni.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-enum {
-    JVMTI_VERSION_1   = 0x30010000,
-    JVMTI_VERSION_1_0 = 0x30010000,
-    JVMTI_VERSION_1_1 = 0x30010100,
-    JVMTI_VERSION_1_2 = 0x30010200,
-    JVMTI_VERSION = 0x30000000 + (1 * 0x10000) + (2 * 0x100) + 1  /* version: 1.2.1 */
-Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, char *options, void *reserved);
-Agent_OnAttach(JavaVM* vm, char* options, void* reserved);
-Agent_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm);
-    /* Forward declaration of the environment */
-struct _jvmtiEnv;
-struct jvmtiInterface_1_;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-typedef _jvmtiEnv jvmtiEnv;
-typedef const struct jvmtiInterface_1_ *jvmtiEnv;
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* Derived Base Types */
-typedef jobject jthread;
-typedef jobject jthreadGroup;
-typedef jlong jlocation;
-struct _jrawMonitorID;
-typedef struct _jrawMonitorID *jrawMonitorID;
-typedef struct JNINativeInterface_ jniNativeInterface;
-    /* Constants */
-    /* Thread State Flags */
-enum {
-    JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_VENDOR_1 = 0x10000000,
-    JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_VENDOR_2 = 0x20000000,
-    JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_VENDOR_3 = 0x40000000
-    /* java.lang.Thread.State Conversion Masks */
-enum {
-    /* Thread Priority Constants */
-enum {
-    /* Heap Filter Flags */
-enum {
-    /* Heap Visit Control Flags */
-enum {
-    JVMTI_VISIT_ABORT = 0x8000
-    /* Heap Reference Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiHeapReferenceKind;
-    /* Primitive Type Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiPrimitiveType;
-    /* Heap Object Filter Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiHeapObjectFilter;
-    /* Heap Root Kind Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiHeapRootKind;
-    /* Object Reference Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiObjectReferenceKind;
-    /* Iteration Control Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiIterationControl;
-    /* Class Status Flags */
-enum {
-    /* Event Enable/Disable */
-typedef enum {
-    JVMTI_ENABLE = 1,
-} jvmtiEventMode;
-    /* Extension Function/Event Parameter Types */
-typedef enum {
-    JVMTI_TYPE_JBYTE = 101,
-    JVMTI_TYPE_JCHAR = 102,
-    JVMTI_TYPE_JINT = 104,
-    JVMTI_TYPE_JLONG = 105,
-    JVMTI_TYPE_CCHAR = 115,
-    JVMTI_TYPE_CVOID = 116,
-} jvmtiParamTypes;
-    /* Extension Function/Event Parameter Kinds */
-typedef enum {
-    JVMTI_KIND_IN = 91,
-    JVMTI_KIND_IN_PTR = 92,
-    JVMTI_KIND_IN_BUF = 93,
-    JVMTI_KIND_OUT = 96,
-} jvmtiParamKind;
-    /* Timer Kinds */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiTimerKind;
-    /* Phases of execution */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiPhase;
-    /* Version Interface Types */
-enum {
-    /* Version Masks */
-enum {
-    /* Version Shifts */
-enum {
-    /* Verbose Flag Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiVerboseFlag;
-    /* JLocation Format Enumeration */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiJlocationFormat;
-    /* Resource Exhaustion Flags */
-enum {
-    /* Errors */
-typedef enum {
-    JVMTI_ERROR_MAX = 116
-} jvmtiError;
-    /* Event IDs */
-typedef enum {
-} jvmtiEvent;
-    /* Pre-Declarations */
-struct _jvmtiThreadInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiThreadInfo jvmtiThreadInfo;
-struct _jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo;
-struct _jvmtiThreadGroupInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiThreadGroupInfo jvmtiThreadGroupInfo;
-struct _jvmtiFrameInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiFrameInfo jvmtiFrameInfo;
-struct _jvmtiStackInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiStackInfo jvmtiStackInfo;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoField;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoField jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoField;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoArray;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoArray jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoArray;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoConstantPool;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoConstantPool jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoConstantPool;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoStackLocal;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoStackLocal jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoStackLocal;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoJniLocal;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoJniLocal jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoJniLocal;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoReserved;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoReserved jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoReserved;
-union _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo;
-typedef union _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo;
-struct _jvmtiHeapCallbacks;
-typedef struct _jvmtiHeapCallbacks jvmtiHeapCallbacks;
-struct _jvmtiClassDefinition;
-typedef struct _jvmtiClassDefinition jvmtiClassDefinition;
-struct _jvmtiMonitorUsage;
-typedef struct _jvmtiMonitorUsage jvmtiMonitorUsage;
-struct _jvmtiLineNumberEntry;
-typedef struct _jvmtiLineNumberEntry jvmtiLineNumberEntry;
-struct _jvmtiLocalVariableEntry;
-typedef struct _jvmtiLocalVariableEntry jvmtiLocalVariableEntry;
-struct _jvmtiParamInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiParamInfo jvmtiParamInfo;
-struct _jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo;
-struct _jvmtiExtensionEventInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiExtensionEventInfo jvmtiExtensionEventInfo;
-struct _jvmtiTimerInfo;
-typedef struct _jvmtiTimerInfo jvmtiTimerInfo;
-struct _jvmtiAddrLocationMap;
-typedef struct _jvmtiAddrLocationMap jvmtiAddrLocationMap;
-    /* Function Types */
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiStartFunction)
-    (jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env, JNIEnv* jni_env, void* arg);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiHeapIterationCallback)
-    (jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, jint length, void* user_data);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiHeapReferenceCallback)
-    (jvmtiHeapReferenceKind reference_kind, const jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo* reference_info, jlong class_tag, jlong referrer_class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, jlong* referrer_tag_ptr, jint length, void* user_data);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiPrimitiveFieldCallback)
-    (jvmtiHeapReferenceKind kind, const jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo* info, jlong object_class_tag, jlong* object_tag_ptr, jvalue value, jvmtiPrimitiveType value_type, void* user_data);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiArrayPrimitiveValueCallback)
-    (jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, jint element_count, jvmtiPrimitiveType element_type, const void* elements, void* user_data);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiStringPrimitiveValueCallback)
-    (jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, const jchar* value, jint value_length, void* user_data);
-typedef jint (JNICALL *jvmtiReservedCallback)
-    ();
-typedef jvmtiIterationControl (JNICALL *jvmtiHeapObjectCallback)
-    (jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* user_data);
-typedef jvmtiIterationControl (JNICALL *jvmtiHeapRootCallback)
-    (jvmtiHeapRootKind root_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* user_data);
-typedef jvmtiIterationControl (JNICALL *jvmtiStackReferenceCallback)
-    (jvmtiHeapRootKind root_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, jlong thread_tag, jint depth, jmethodID method, jint slot, void* user_data);
-typedef jvmtiIterationControl (JNICALL *jvmtiObjectReferenceCallback)
-    (jvmtiObjectReferenceKind reference_kind, jlong class_tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, jlong referrer_tag, jint referrer_index, void* user_data);
-typedef jvmtiError (JNICALL *jvmtiExtensionFunction)
-    (jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env,  ...);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiExtensionEvent)
-    (jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env,  ...);
-    /* Structure Types */
-struct _jvmtiThreadInfo {
-    char* name;
-    jint priority;
-    jboolean is_daemon;
-    jthreadGroup thread_group;
-    jobject context_class_loader;
-struct _jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo {
-    jobject monitor;
-    jint stack_depth;
-struct _jvmtiThreadGroupInfo {
-    jthreadGroup parent;
-    char* name;
-    jint max_priority;
-    jboolean is_daemon;
-struct _jvmtiFrameInfo {
-    jmethodID method;
-    jlocation location;
-struct _jvmtiStackInfo {
-    jthread thread;
-    jint state;
-    jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer;
-    jint frame_count;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoField {
-    jint index;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoArray {
-    jint index;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoConstantPool {
-    jint index;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoStackLocal {
-    jlong thread_tag;
-    jlong thread_id;
-    jint depth;
-    jmethodID method;
-    jlocation location;
-    jint slot;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoJniLocal {
-    jlong thread_tag;
-    jlong thread_id;
-    jint depth;
-    jmethodID method;
-struct _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoReserved {
-    jlong reserved1;
-    jlong reserved2;
-    jlong reserved3;
-    jlong reserved4;
-    jlong reserved5;
-    jlong reserved6;
-    jlong reserved7;
-    jlong reserved8;
-union _jvmtiHeapReferenceInfo {
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoField field;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoArray array;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoConstantPool constant_pool;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoStackLocal stack_local;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoJniLocal jni_local;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceInfoReserved other;
-struct _jvmtiHeapCallbacks {
-    jvmtiHeapIterationCallback heap_iteration_callback;
-    jvmtiHeapReferenceCallback heap_reference_callback;
-    jvmtiPrimitiveFieldCallback primitive_field_callback;
-    jvmtiArrayPrimitiveValueCallback array_primitive_value_callback;
-    jvmtiStringPrimitiveValueCallback string_primitive_value_callback;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved5;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved6;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved7;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved8;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved9;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved10;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved11;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved12;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved13;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved14;
-    jvmtiReservedCallback reserved15;
-struct _jvmtiClassDefinition {
-    jclass klass;
-    jint class_byte_count;
-    const unsigned char* class_bytes;
-struct _jvmtiMonitorUsage {
-    jthread owner;
-    jint entry_count;
-    jint waiter_count;
-    jthread* waiters;
-    jint notify_waiter_count;
-    jthread* notify_waiters;
-struct _jvmtiLineNumberEntry {
-    jlocation start_location;
-    jint line_number;
-struct _jvmtiLocalVariableEntry {
-    jlocation start_location;
-    jint length;
-    char* name;
-    char* signature;
-    char* generic_signature;
-    jint slot;
-struct _jvmtiParamInfo {
-    char* name;
-    jvmtiParamKind kind;
-    jvmtiParamTypes base_type;
-    jboolean null_ok;
-struct _jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo {
-    jvmtiExtensionFunction func;
-    char* id;
-    char* short_description;
-    jint param_count;
-    jvmtiParamInfo* params;
-    jint error_count;
-    jvmtiError* errors;
-struct _jvmtiExtensionEventInfo {
-    jint extension_event_index;
-    char* id;
-    char* short_description;
-    jint param_count;
-    jvmtiParamInfo* params;
-struct _jvmtiTimerInfo {
-    jlong max_value;
-    jboolean may_skip_forward;
-    jboolean may_skip_backward;
-    jvmtiTimerKind kind;
-    jlong reserved1;
-    jlong reserved2;
-struct _jvmtiAddrLocationMap {
-    const void* start_address;
-    jlocation location;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int can_tag_objects : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_field_modification_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_field_access_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_bytecodes : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_synthetic_attribute : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_owned_monitor_info : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_current_contended_monitor : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_monitor_info : 1;
-    unsigned int can_pop_frame : 1;
-    unsigned int can_redefine_classes : 1;
-    unsigned int can_signal_thread : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_source_file_name : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_line_numbers : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_source_debug_extension : 1;
-    unsigned int can_access_local_variables : 1;
-    unsigned int can_maintain_original_method_order : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_single_step_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_exception_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_frame_pop_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_breakpoint_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_suspend : 1;
-    unsigned int can_redefine_any_class : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_current_thread_cpu_time : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_thread_cpu_time : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_method_entry_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_method_exit_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_all_class_hook_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_compiled_method_load_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_monitor_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_vm_object_alloc_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_native_method_bind_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_garbage_collection_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_object_free_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_force_early_return : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_owned_monitor_stack_depth_info : 1;
-    unsigned int can_get_constant_pool : 1;
-    unsigned int can_set_native_method_prefix : 1;
-    unsigned int can_retransform_classes : 1;
-    unsigned int can_retransform_any_class : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_resource_exhaustion_heap_events : 1;
-    unsigned int can_generate_resource_exhaustion_threads_events : 1;
-    unsigned int : 7;
-    unsigned int : 16;
-    unsigned int : 16;
-    unsigned int : 16;
-    unsigned int : 16;
-    unsigned int : 16;
-} jvmtiCapabilities;
-    /* Event Definitions */
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventReserved)(void);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventBreakpoint)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventClassFileLoadHook)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jclass class_being_redefined,
-     jobject loader,
-     const char* name,
-     jobject protection_domain,
-     jint class_data_len,
-     const unsigned char* class_data,
-     jint* new_class_data_len,
-     unsigned char** new_class_data);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventClassLoad)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jclass klass);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventClassPrepare)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jclass klass);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventCompiledMethodLoad)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jint code_size,
-     const void* code_addr,
-     jint map_length,
-     const jvmtiAddrLocationMap* map,
-     const void* compile_info);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventCompiledMethodUnload)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     jmethodID method,
-     const void* code_addr);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventDataDumpRequest)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventDynamicCodeGenerated)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     const char* name,
-     const void* address,
-     jint length);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventException)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location,
-     jobject exception,
-     jmethodID catch_method,
-     jlocation catch_location);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventExceptionCatch)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location,
-     jobject exception);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventFieldAccess)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location,
-     jclass field_klass,
-     jobject object,
-     jfieldID field);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventFieldModification)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location,
-     jclass field_klass,
-     jobject object,
-     jfieldID field,
-     char signature_type,
-     jvalue new_value);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventFramePop)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jboolean was_popped_by_exception);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventGarbageCollectionFinish)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventGarbageCollectionStart)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMethodEntry)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMethodExit)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jboolean was_popped_by_exception,
-     jvalue return_value);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMonitorContendedEnter)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jobject object);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMonitorContendedEntered)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jobject object);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMonitorWait)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jobject object,
-     jlong timeout);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventMonitorWaited)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jobject object,
-     jboolean timed_out);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventNativeMethodBind)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     void* address,
-     void** new_address_ptr);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventObjectFree)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     jlong tag);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventResourceExhausted)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jint flags,
-     const void* reserved,
-     const char* description);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventSingleStep)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jmethodID method,
-     jlocation location);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventThreadEnd)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventThreadStart)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventVMDeath)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventVMInit)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventVMObjectAlloc)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env,
-     jthread thread,
-     jobject object,
-     jclass object_klass,
-     jlong size);
-typedef void (JNICALL *jvmtiEventVMStart)
-    (jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env,
-     JNIEnv* jni_env);
-    /* Event Callback Structure */
-typedef struct {
-                              /*   50 : VM Initialization Event */
-    jvmtiEventVMInit VMInit;
-                              /*   51 : VM Death Event */
-    jvmtiEventVMDeath VMDeath;
-                              /*   52 : Thread Start */
-    jvmtiEventThreadStart ThreadStart;
-                              /*   53 : Thread End */
-    jvmtiEventThreadEnd ThreadEnd;
-                              /*   54 : Class File Load Hook */
-    jvmtiEventClassFileLoadHook ClassFileLoadHook;
-                              /*   55 : Class Load */
-    jvmtiEventClassLoad ClassLoad;
-                              /*   56 : Class Prepare */
-    jvmtiEventClassPrepare ClassPrepare;
-                              /*   57 : VM Start Event */
-    jvmtiEventVMStart VMStart;
-                              /*   58 : Exception */
-    jvmtiEventException Exception;
-                              /*   59 : Exception Catch */
-    jvmtiEventExceptionCatch ExceptionCatch;
-                              /*   60 : Single Step */
-    jvmtiEventSingleStep SingleStep;
-                              /*   61 : Frame Pop */
-    jvmtiEventFramePop FramePop;
-                              /*   62 : Breakpoint */
-    jvmtiEventBreakpoint Breakpoint;
-                              /*   63 : Field Access */
-    jvmtiEventFieldAccess FieldAccess;
-                              /*   64 : Field Modification */
-    jvmtiEventFieldModification FieldModification;
-                              /*   65 : Method Entry */
-    jvmtiEventMethodEntry MethodEntry;
-                              /*   66 : Method Exit */
-    jvmtiEventMethodExit MethodExit;
-                              /*   67 : Native Method Bind */
-    jvmtiEventNativeMethodBind NativeMethodBind;
-                              /*   68 : Compiled Method Load */
-    jvmtiEventCompiledMethodLoad CompiledMethodLoad;
-                              /*   69 : Compiled Method Unload */
-    jvmtiEventCompiledMethodUnload CompiledMethodUnload;
-                              /*   70 : Dynamic Code Generated */
-    jvmtiEventDynamicCodeGenerated DynamicCodeGenerated;
-                              /*   71 : Data Dump Request */
-    jvmtiEventDataDumpRequest DataDumpRequest;
-                              /*   72 */
-    jvmtiEventReserved reserved72;
-                              /*   73 : Monitor Wait */
-    jvmtiEventMonitorWait MonitorWait;
-                              /*   74 : Monitor Waited */
-    jvmtiEventMonitorWaited MonitorWaited;
-                              /*   75 : Monitor Contended Enter */
-    jvmtiEventMonitorContendedEnter MonitorContendedEnter;
-                              /*   76 : Monitor Contended Entered */
-    jvmtiEventMonitorContendedEntered MonitorContendedEntered;
-                              /*   77 */
-    jvmtiEventReserved reserved77;
-                              /*   78 */
-    jvmtiEventReserved reserved78;
-                              /*   79 */
-    jvmtiEventReserved reserved79;
-                              /*   80 : Resource Exhausted */
-    jvmtiEventResourceExhausted ResourceExhausted;
-                              /*   81 : Garbage Collection Start */
-    jvmtiEventGarbageCollectionStart GarbageCollectionStart;
-                              /*   82 : Garbage Collection Finish */
-    jvmtiEventGarbageCollectionFinish GarbageCollectionFinish;
-                              /*   83 : Object Free */
-    jvmtiEventObjectFree ObjectFree;
-                              /*   84 : VM Object Allocation */
-    jvmtiEventVMObjectAlloc VMObjectAlloc;
-} jvmtiEventCallbacks;
-    /* Function Interface */
-typedef struct jvmtiInterface_1_ {
-  /*   1 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved1;
-  /*   2 : Set Event Notification Mode */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetEventNotificationMode) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiEventMode mode,
-    jvmtiEvent event_type,
-    jthread event_thread,
-     ...);
-  /*   3 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved3;
-  /*   4 : Get All Threads */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetAllThreads) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* threads_count_ptr,
-    jthread** threads_ptr);
-  /*   5 : Suspend Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SuspendThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread);
-  /*   6 : Resume Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ResumeThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread);
-  /*   7 : Stop Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *StopThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jobject exception);
-  /*   8 : Interrupt Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *InterruptThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread);
-  /*   9 : Get Thread Info */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jvmtiThreadInfo* info_ptr);
-  /*   10 : Get Owned Monitor Info */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetOwnedMonitorInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint* owned_monitor_count_ptr,
-    jobject** owned_monitors_ptr);
-  /*   11 : Get Current Contended Monitor */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetCurrentContendedMonitor) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jobject* monitor_ptr);
-  /*   12 : Run Agent Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RunAgentThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jvmtiStartFunction proc,
-    const void* arg,
-    jint priority);
-  /*   13 : Get Top Thread Groups */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetTopThreadGroups) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* group_count_ptr,
-    jthreadGroup** groups_ptr);
-  /*   14 : Get Thread Group Info */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadGroupInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthreadGroup group,
-    jvmtiThreadGroupInfo* info_ptr);
-  /*   15 : Get Thread Group Children */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadGroupChildren) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthreadGroup group,
-    jint* thread_count_ptr,
-    jthread** threads_ptr,
-    jint* group_count_ptr,
-    jthreadGroup** groups_ptr);
-  /*   16 : Get Frame Count */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetFrameCount) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint* count_ptr);
-  /*   17 : Get Thread State */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadState) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint* thread_state_ptr);
-  /*   18 : Get Current Thread */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetCurrentThread) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread* thread_ptr);
-  /*   19 : Get Frame Location */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetFrameLocation) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jmethodID* method_ptr,
-    jlocation* location_ptr);
-  /*   20 : Notify Frame Pop */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *NotifyFramePop) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth);
-  /*   21 : Get Local Variable - Object */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalObject) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jobject* value_ptr);
-  /*   22 : Get Local Variable - Int */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalInt) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jint* value_ptr);
-  /*   23 : Get Local Variable - Long */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalLong) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jlong* value_ptr);
-  /*   24 : Get Local Variable - Float */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalFloat) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jfloat* value_ptr);
-  /*   25 : Get Local Variable - Double */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalDouble) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jdouble* value_ptr);
-  /*   26 : Set Local Variable - Object */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetLocalObject) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jobject value);
-  /*   27 : Set Local Variable - Int */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetLocalInt) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jint value);
-  /*   28 : Set Local Variable - Long */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetLocalLong) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jlong value);
-  /*   29 : Set Local Variable - Float */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetLocalFloat) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jfloat value);
-  /*   30 : Set Local Variable - Double */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetLocalDouble) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jint slot,
-    jdouble value);
-  /*   31 : Create Raw Monitor */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *CreateRawMonitor) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* name,
-    jrawMonitorID* monitor_ptr);
-  /*   32 : Destroy Raw Monitor */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *DestroyRawMonitor) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor);
-  /*   33 : Raw Monitor Enter */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RawMonitorEnter) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor);
-  /*   34 : Raw Monitor Exit */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RawMonitorExit) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor);
-  /*   35 : Raw Monitor Wait */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RawMonitorWait) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor,
-    jlong millis);
-  /*   36 : Raw Monitor Notify */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RawMonitorNotify) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor);
-  /*   37 : Raw Monitor Notify All */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RawMonitorNotifyAll) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jrawMonitorID monitor);
-  /*   38 : Set Breakpoint */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetBreakpoint) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jlocation location);
-  /*   39 : Clear Breakpoint */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ClearBreakpoint) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jlocation location);
-  /*   40 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved40;
-  /*   41 : Set Field Access Watch */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetFieldAccessWatch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field);
-  /*   42 : Clear Field Access Watch */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ClearFieldAccessWatch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field);
-  /*   43 : Set Field Modification Watch */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetFieldModificationWatch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field);
-  /*   44 : Clear Field Modification Watch */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ClearFieldModificationWatch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field);
-  /*   45 : Is Modifiable Class */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsModifiableClass) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jboolean* is_modifiable_class_ptr);
-  /*   46 : Allocate */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *Allocate) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jlong size,
-    unsigned char** mem_ptr);
-  /*   47 : Deallocate */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *Deallocate) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    unsigned char* mem);
-  /*   48 : Get Class Signature */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassSignature) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    char** signature_ptr,
-    char** generic_ptr);
-  /*   49 : Get Class Status */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassStatus) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* status_ptr);
-  /*   50 : Get Source File Name */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetSourceFileName) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    char** source_name_ptr);
-  /*   51 : Get Class Modifiers */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassModifiers) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* modifiers_ptr);
-  /*   52 : Get Class Methods */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassMethods) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* method_count_ptr,
-    jmethodID** methods_ptr);
-  /*   53 : Get Class Fields */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassFields) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* field_count_ptr,
-    jfieldID** fields_ptr);
-  /*   54 : Get Implemented Interfaces */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetImplementedInterfaces) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* interface_count_ptr,
-    jclass** interfaces_ptr);
-  /*   55 : Is Interface */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsInterface) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jboolean* is_interface_ptr);
-  /*   56 : Is Array Class */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsArrayClass) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jboolean* is_array_class_ptr);
-  /*   57 : Get Class Loader */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassLoader) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jobject* classloader_ptr);
-  /*   58 : Get Object Hash Code */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetObjectHashCode) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jint* hash_code_ptr);
-  /*   59 : Get Object Monitor Usage */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetObjectMonitorUsage) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr);
-  /*   60 : Get Field Name (and Signature) */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetFieldName) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field,
-    char** name_ptr,
-    char** signature_ptr,
-    char** generic_ptr);
-  /*   61 : Get Field Declaring Class */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetFieldDeclaringClass) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field,
-    jclass* declaring_class_ptr);
-  /*   62 : Get Field Modifiers */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetFieldModifiers) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field,
-    jint* modifiers_ptr);
-  /*   63 : Is Field Synthetic */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsFieldSynthetic) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jfieldID field,
-    jboolean* is_synthetic_ptr);
-  /*   64 : Get Method Name (and Signature) */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetMethodName) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    char** name_ptr,
-    char** signature_ptr,
-    char** generic_ptr);
-  /*   65 : Get Method Declaring Class */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetMethodDeclaringClass) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jclass* declaring_class_ptr);
-  /*   66 : Get Method Modifiers */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetMethodModifiers) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* modifiers_ptr);
-  /*   67 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved67;
-  /*   68 : Get Max Locals */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetMaxLocals) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* max_ptr);
-  /*   69 : Get Arguments Size */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetArgumentsSize) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* size_ptr);
-  /*   70 : Get Line Number Table */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLineNumberTable) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* entry_count_ptr,
-    jvmtiLineNumberEntry** table_ptr);
-  /*   71 : Get Method Location */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetMethodLocation) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jlocation* start_location_ptr,
-    jlocation* end_location_ptr);
-  /*   72 : Get Local Variable Table */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalVariableTable) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* entry_count_ptr,
-    jvmtiLocalVariableEntry** table_ptr);
-  /*   73 : Set Native Method Prefix */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetNativeMethodPrefix) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* prefix);
-  /*   74 : Set Native Method Prefixes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetNativeMethodPrefixes) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint prefix_count,
-    char** prefixes);
-  /*   75 : Get Bytecodes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetBytecodes) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jint* bytecode_count_ptr,
-    unsigned char** bytecodes_ptr);
-  /*   76 : Is Method Native */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsMethodNative) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jboolean* is_native_ptr);
-  /*   77 : Is Method Synthetic */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsMethodSynthetic) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jboolean* is_synthetic_ptr);
-  /*   78 : Get Loaded Classes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLoadedClasses) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* class_count_ptr,
-    jclass** classes_ptr);
-  /*   79 : Get Classloader Classes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassLoaderClasses) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject initiating_loader,
-    jint* class_count_ptr,
-    jclass** classes_ptr);
-  /*   80 : Pop Frame */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *PopFrame) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread);
-  /*   81 : Force Early Return - Object */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnObject) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jobject value);
-  /*   82 : Force Early Return - Int */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnInt) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint value);
-  /*   83 : Force Early Return - Long */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnLong) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jlong value);
-  /*   84 : Force Early Return - Float */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnFloat) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jfloat value);
-  /*   85 : Force Early Return - Double */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnDouble) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jdouble value);
-  /*   86 : Force Early Return - Void */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceEarlyReturnVoid) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread);
-  /*   87 : Redefine Classes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RedefineClasses) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint class_count,
-    const jvmtiClassDefinition* class_definitions);
-  /*   88 : Get Version Number */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetVersionNumber) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* version_ptr);
-  /*   89 : Get Capabilities */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetCapabilities) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr);
-  /*   90 : Get Source Debug Extension */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetSourceDebugExtension) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    char** source_debug_extension_ptr);
-  /*   91 : Is Method Obsolete */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IsMethodObsolete) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jmethodID method,
-    jboolean* is_obsolete_ptr);
-  /*   92 : Suspend Thread List */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SuspendThreadList) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint request_count,
-    const jthread* request_list,
-    jvmtiError* results);
-  /*   93 : Resume Thread List */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ResumeThreadList) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint request_count,
-    const jthread* request_list,
-    jvmtiError* results);
-  /*   94 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved94;
-  /*   95 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved95;
-  /*   96 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved96;
-  /*   97 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved97;
-  /*   98 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved98;
-  /*   99 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved99;
-  /*   100 : Get All Stack Traces */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetAllStackTraces) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint max_frame_count,
-    jvmtiStackInfo** stack_info_ptr,
-    jint* thread_count_ptr);
-  /*   101 : Get Thread List Stack Traces */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadListStackTraces) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint thread_count,
-    const jthread* thread_list,
-    jint max_frame_count,
-    jvmtiStackInfo** stack_info_ptr);
-  /*   102 : Get Thread Local Storage */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadLocalStorage) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    void** data_ptr);
-  /*   103 : Set Thread Local Storage */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetThreadLocalStorage) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    const void* data);
-  /*   104 : Get Stack Trace */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetStackTrace) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint start_depth,
-    jint max_frame_count,
-    jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer,
-    jint* count_ptr);
-  /*   105 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved105;
-  /*   106 : Get Tag */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetTag) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jlong* tag_ptr);
-  /*   107 : Set Tag */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetTag) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jlong tag);
-  /*   108 : Force Garbage Collection */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *ForceGarbageCollection) (jvmtiEnv* env);
-  /*   109 : Iterate Over Objects Reachable From Object */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jvmtiObjectReferenceCallback object_reference_callback,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   110 : Iterate Over Reachable Objects */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IterateOverReachableObjects) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiHeapRootCallback heap_root_callback,
-    jvmtiStackReferenceCallback stack_ref_callback,
-    jvmtiObjectReferenceCallback object_ref_callback,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   111 : Iterate Over Heap */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IterateOverHeap) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiHeapObjectFilter object_filter,
-    jvmtiHeapObjectCallback heap_object_callback,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   112 : Iterate Over Instances Of Class */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IterateOverInstancesOfClass) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jvmtiHeapObjectFilter object_filter,
-    jvmtiHeapObjectCallback heap_object_callback,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   113 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved113;
-  /*   114 : Get Objects With Tags */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetObjectsWithTags) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint tag_count,
-    const jlong* tags,
-    jint* count_ptr,
-    jobject** object_result_ptr,
-    jlong** tag_result_ptr);
-  /*   115 : Follow References */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *FollowReferences) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint heap_filter,
-    jclass klass,
-    jobject initial_object,
-    const jvmtiHeapCallbacks* callbacks,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   116 : Iterate Through Heap */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *IterateThroughHeap) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint heap_filter,
-    jclass klass,
-    const jvmtiHeapCallbacks* callbacks,
-    const void* user_data);
-  /*   117 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved117;
-  /*   118 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved118;
-  /*   119 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved119;
-  /*   120 : Set JNI Function Table */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetJNIFunctionTable) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const jniNativeInterface* function_table);
-  /*   121 : Get JNI Function Table */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetJNIFunctionTable) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jniNativeInterface** function_table);
-  /*   122 : Set Event Callbacks */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetEventCallbacks) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const jvmtiEventCallbacks* callbacks,
-    jint size_of_callbacks);
-  /*   123 : Generate Events */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GenerateEvents) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiEvent event_type);
-  /*   124 : Get Extension Functions */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetExtensionFunctions) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* extension_count_ptr,
-    jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo** extensions);
-  /*   125 : Get Extension Events */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetExtensionEvents) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* extension_count_ptr,
-    jvmtiExtensionEventInfo** extensions);
-  /*   126 : Set Extension Event Callback */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetExtensionEventCallback) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint extension_event_index,
-    jvmtiExtensionEvent callback);
-  /*   127 : Dispose Environment */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *DisposeEnvironment) (jvmtiEnv* env);
-  /*   128 : Get Error Name */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetErrorName) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiError error,
-    char** name_ptr);
-  /*   129 : Get JLocation Format */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetJLocationFormat) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiJlocationFormat* format_ptr);
-  /*   130 : Get System Properties */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetSystemProperties) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* count_ptr,
-    char*** property_ptr);
-  /*   131 : Get System Property */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetSystemProperty) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* property,
-    char** value_ptr);
-  /*   132 : Set System Property */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetSystemProperty) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* property,
-    const char* value);
-  /*   133 : Get Phase */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetPhase) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiPhase* phase_ptr);
-  /*   134 : Get Current Thread CPU Timer Information */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr);
-  /*   135 : Get Current Thread CPU Time */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetCurrentThreadCpuTime) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jlong* nanos_ptr);
-  /*   136 : Get Thread CPU Timer Information */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadCpuTimerInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr);
-  /*   137 : Get Thread CPU Time */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetThreadCpuTime) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jlong* nanos_ptr);
-  /*   138 : Get Timer Information */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetTimerInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr);
-  /*   139 : Get Time */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetTime) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jlong* nanos_ptr);
-  /*   140 : Get Potential Capabilities */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetPotentialCapabilities) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr);
-  /*   141 :  RESERVED */
-  void *reserved141;
-  /*   142 : Add Capabilities */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *AddCapabilities) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr);
-  /*   143 : Relinquish Capabilities */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RelinquishCapabilities) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr);
-  /*   144 : Get Available Processors */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetAvailableProcessors) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint* processor_count_ptr);
-  /*   145 : Get Class Version Numbers */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetClassVersionNumbers) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* minor_version_ptr,
-    jint* major_version_ptr);
-  /*   146 : Get Constant Pool */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetConstantPool) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jclass klass,
-    jint* constant_pool_count_ptr,
-    jint* constant_pool_byte_count_ptr,
-    unsigned char** constant_pool_bytes_ptr);
-  /*   147 : Get Environment Local Storage */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetEnvironmentLocalStorage) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    void** data_ptr);
-  /*   148 : Set Environment Local Storage */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetEnvironmentLocalStorage) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const void* data);
-  /*   149 : Add To Bootstrap Class Loader Search */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* segment);
-  /*   150 : Set Verbose Flag */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *SetVerboseFlag) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jvmtiVerboseFlag flag,
-    jboolean value);
-  /*   151 : Add To System Class Loader Search */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    const char* segment);
-  /*   152 : Retransform Classes */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *RetransformClasses) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jint class_count,
-    const jclass* classes);
-  /*   153 : Get Owned Monitor Stack Depth Info */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint* monitor_info_count_ptr,
-    jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo** monitor_info_ptr);
-  /*   154 : Get Object Size */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetObjectSize) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jobject object,
-    jlong* size_ptr);
-  /*   155 : Get Local Instance */
-  jvmtiError (JNICALL *GetLocalInstance) (jvmtiEnv* env,
-    jthread thread,
-    jint depth,
-    jobject* value_ptr);
-} jvmtiInterface_1;
-struct _jvmtiEnv {
-    const struct jvmtiInterface_1_ *functions;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-  jvmtiError Allocate(jlong size,
-            unsigned char** mem_ptr) {
-    return functions->Allocate(this, size, mem_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError Deallocate(unsigned char* mem) {
-    return functions->Deallocate(this, mem);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadState(jthread thread,
-            jint* thread_state_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadState(this, thread, thread_state_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetCurrentThread(jthread* thread_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetCurrentThread(this, thread_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetAllThreads(jint* threads_count_ptr,
-            jthread** threads_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetAllThreads(this, threads_count_ptr, threads_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SuspendThread(jthread thread) {
-    return functions->SuspendThread(this, thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SuspendThreadList(jint request_count,
-            const jthread* request_list,
-            jvmtiError* results) {
-    return functions->SuspendThreadList(this, request_count, request_list, results);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ResumeThread(jthread thread) {
-    return functions->ResumeThread(this, thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ResumeThreadList(jint request_count,
-            const jthread* request_list,
-            jvmtiError* results) {
-    return functions->ResumeThreadList(this, request_count, request_list, results);
-  }
-  jvmtiError StopThread(jthread thread,
-            jobject exception) {
-    return functions->StopThread(this, thread, exception);
-  }
-  jvmtiError InterruptThread(jthread thread) {
-    return functions->InterruptThread(this, thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadInfo(jthread thread,
-            jvmtiThreadInfo* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadInfo(this, thread, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetOwnedMonitorInfo(jthread thread,
-            jint* owned_monitor_count_ptr,
-            jobject** owned_monitors_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetOwnedMonitorInfo(this, thread, owned_monitor_count_ptr, owned_monitors_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo(jthread thread,
-            jint* monitor_info_count_ptr,
-            jvmtiMonitorStackDepthInfo** monitor_info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo(this, thread, monitor_info_count_ptr, monitor_info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetCurrentContendedMonitor(jthread thread,
-            jobject* monitor_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetCurrentContendedMonitor(this, thread, monitor_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RunAgentThread(jthread thread,
-            jvmtiStartFunction proc,
-            const void* arg,
-            jint priority) {
-    return functions->RunAgentThread(this, thread, proc, arg, priority);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetThreadLocalStorage(jthread thread,
-            const void* data) {
-    return functions->SetThreadLocalStorage(this, thread, data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadLocalStorage(jthread thread,
-            void** data_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadLocalStorage(this, thread, data_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetTopThreadGroups(jint* group_count_ptr,
-            jthreadGroup** groups_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetTopThreadGroups(this, group_count_ptr, groups_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadGroupInfo(jthreadGroup group,
-            jvmtiThreadGroupInfo* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadGroupInfo(this, group, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadGroupChildren(jthreadGroup group,
-            jint* thread_count_ptr,
-            jthread** threads_ptr,
-            jint* group_count_ptr,
-            jthreadGroup** groups_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadGroupChildren(this, group, thread_count_ptr, threads_ptr, group_count_ptr, groups_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetStackTrace(jthread thread,
-            jint start_depth,
-            jint max_frame_count,
-            jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer,
-            jint* count_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetStackTrace(this, thread, start_depth, max_frame_count, frame_buffer, count_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetAllStackTraces(jint max_frame_count,
-            jvmtiStackInfo** stack_info_ptr,
-            jint* thread_count_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetAllStackTraces(this, max_frame_count, stack_info_ptr, thread_count_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadListStackTraces(jint thread_count,
-            const jthread* thread_list,
-            jint max_frame_count,
-            jvmtiStackInfo** stack_info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadListStackTraces(this, thread_count, thread_list, max_frame_count, stack_info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetFrameCount(jthread thread,
-            jint* count_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetFrameCount(this, thread, count_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError PopFrame(jthread thread) {
-    return functions->PopFrame(this, thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetFrameLocation(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jmethodID* method_ptr,
-            jlocation* location_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetFrameLocation(this, thread, depth, method_ptr, location_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError NotifyFramePop(jthread thread,
-            jint depth) {
-    return functions->NotifyFramePop(this, thread, depth);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnObject(jthread thread,
-            jobject value) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnObject(this, thread, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnInt(jthread thread,
-            jint value) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnInt(this, thread, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnLong(jthread thread,
-            jlong value) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnLong(this, thread, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnFloat(jthread thread,
-            jfloat value) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnFloat(this, thread, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnDouble(jthread thread,
-            jdouble value) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnDouble(this, thread, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceEarlyReturnVoid(jthread thread) {
-    return functions->ForceEarlyReturnVoid(this, thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError FollowReferences(jint heap_filter,
-            jclass klass,
-            jobject initial_object,
-            const jvmtiHeapCallbacks* callbacks,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->FollowReferences(this, heap_filter, klass, initial_object, callbacks, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IterateThroughHeap(jint heap_filter,
-            jclass klass,
-            const jvmtiHeapCallbacks* callbacks,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->IterateThroughHeap(this, heap_filter, klass, callbacks, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetTag(jobject object,
-            jlong* tag_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetTag(this, object, tag_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetTag(jobject object,
-            jlong tag) {
-    return functions->SetTag(this, object, tag);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetObjectsWithTags(jint tag_count,
-            const jlong* tags,
-            jint* count_ptr,
-            jobject** object_result_ptr,
-            jlong** tag_result_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetObjectsWithTags(this, tag_count, tags, count_ptr, object_result_ptr, tag_result_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ForceGarbageCollection() {
-    return functions->ForceGarbageCollection(this);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject(jobject object,
-            jvmtiObjectReferenceCallback object_reference_callback,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->IterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject(this, object, object_reference_callback, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IterateOverReachableObjects(jvmtiHeapRootCallback heap_root_callback,
-            jvmtiStackReferenceCallback stack_ref_callback,
-            jvmtiObjectReferenceCallback object_ref_callback,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->IterateOverReachableObjects(this, heap_root_callback, stack_ref_callback, object_ref_callback, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IterateOverHeap(jvmtiHeapObjectFilter object_filter,
-            jvmtiHeapObjectCallback heap_object_callback,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->IterateOverHeap(this, object_filter, heap_object_callback, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IterateOverInstancesOfClass(jclass klass,
-            jvmtiHeapObjectFilter object_filter,
-            jvmtiHeapObjectCallback heap_object_callback,
-            const void* user_data) {
-    return functions->IterateOverInstancesOfClass(this, klass, object_filter, heap_object_callback, user_data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalObject(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jobject* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalObject(this, thread, depth, slot, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalInstance(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jobject* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalInstance(this, thread, depth, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalInt(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jint* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalInt(this, thread, depth, slot, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalLong(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jlong* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalLong(this, thread, depth, slot, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalFloat(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jfloat* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalFloat(this, thread, depth, slot, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalDouble(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jdouble* value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalDouble(this, thread, depth, slot, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetLocalObject(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jobject value) {
-    return functions->SetLocalObject(this, thread, depth, slot, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetLocalInt(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jint value) {
-    return functions->SetLocalInt(this, thread, depth, slot, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetLocalLong(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jlong value) {
-    return functions->SetLocalLong(this, thread, depth, slot, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetLocalFloat(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jfloat value) {
-    return functions->SetLocalFloat(this, thread, depth, slot, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetLocalDouble(jthread thread,
-            jint depth,
-            jint slot,
-            jdouble value) {
-    return functions->SetLocalDouble(this, thread, depth, slot, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetBreakpoint(jmethodID method,
-            jlocation location) {
-    return functions->SetBreakpoint(this, method, location);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ClearBreakpoint(jmethodID method,
-            jlocation location) {
-    return functions->ClearBreakpoint(this, method, location);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetFieldAccessWatch(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field) {
-    return functions->SetFieldAccessWatch(this, klass, field);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ClearFieldAccessWatch(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field) {
-    return functions->ClearFieldAccessWatch(this, klass, field);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetFieldModificationWatch(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field) {
-    return functions->SetFieldModificationWatch(this, klass, field);
-  }
-  jvmtiError ClearFieldModificationWatch(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field) {
-    return functions->ClearFieldModificationWatch(this, klass, field);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLoadedClasses(jint* class_count_ptr,
-            jclass** classes_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLoadedClasses(this, class_count_ptr, classes_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassLoaderClasses(jobject initiating_loader,
-            jint* class_count_ptr,
-            jclass** classes_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassLoaderClasses(this, initiating_loader, class_count_ptr, classes_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassSignature(jclass klass,
-            char** signature_ptr,
-            char** generic_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassSignature(this, klass, signature_ptr, generic_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassStatus(jclass klass,
-            jint* status_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassStatus(this, klass, status_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetSourceFileName(jclass klass,
-            char** source_name_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetSourceFileName(this, klass, source_name_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassModifiers(jclass klass,
-            jint* modifiers_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassModifiers(this, klass, modifiers_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassMethods(jclass klass,
-            jint* method_count_ptr,
-            jmethodID** methods_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassMethods(this, klass, method_count_ptr, methods_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassFields(jclass klass,
-            jint* field_count_ptr,
-            jfieldID** fields_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassFields(this, klass, field_count_ptr, fields_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetImplementedInterfaces(jclass klass,
-            jint* interface_count_ptr,
-            jclass** interfaces_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetImplementedInterfaces(this, klass, interface_count_ptr, interfaces_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassVersionNumbers(jclass klass,
-            jint* minor_version_ptr,
-            jint* major_version_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassVersionNumbers(this, klass, minor_version_ptr, major_version_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetConstantPool(jclass klass,
-            jint* constant_pool_count_ptr,
-            jint* constant_pool_byte_count_ptr,
-            unsigned char** constant_pool_bytes_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetConstantPool(this, klass, constant_pool_count_ptr, constant_pool_byte_count_ptr, constant_pool_bytes_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsInterface(jclass klass,
-            jboolean* is_interface_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsInterface(this, klass, is_interface_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsArrayClass(jclass klass,
-            jboolean* is_array_class_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsArrayClass(this, klass, is_array_class_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsModifiableClass(jclass klass,
-            jboolean* is_modifiable_class_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsModifiableClass(this, klass, is_modifiable_class_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetClassLoader(jclass klass,
-            jobject* classloader_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetClassLoader(this, klass, classloader_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetSourceDebugExtension(jclass klass,
-            char** source_debug_extension_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetSourceDebugExtension(this, klass, source_debug_extension_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RetransformClasses(jint class_count,
-            const jclass* classes) {
-    return functions->RetransformClasses(this, class_count, classes);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RedefineClasses(jint class_count,
-            const jvmtiClassDefinition* class_definitions) {
-    return functions->RedefineClasses(this, class_count, class_definitions);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetObjectSize(jobject object,
-            jlong* size_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetObjectSize(this, object, size_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetObjectHashCode(jobject object,
-            jint* hash_code_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetObjectHashCode(this, object, hash_code_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetObjectMonitorUsage(jobject object,
-            jvmtiMonitorUsage* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetObjectMonitorUsage(this, object, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetFieldName(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field,
-            char** name_ptr,
-            char** signature_ptr,
-            char** generic_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetFieldName(this, klass, field, name_ptr, signature_ptr, generic_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetFieldDeclaringClass(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field,
-            jclass* declaring_class_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetFieldDeclaringClass(this, klass, field, declaring_class_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetFieldModifiers(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field,
-            jint* modifiers_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetFieldModifiers(this, klass, field, modifiers_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsFieldSynthetic(jclass klass,
-            jfieldID field,
-            jboolean* is_synthetic_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsFieldSynthetic(this, klass, field, is_synthetic_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetMethodName(jmethodID method,
-            char** name_ptr,
-            char** signature_ptr,
-            char** generic_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetMethodName(this, method, name_ptr, signature_ptr, generic_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetMethodDeclaringClass(jmethodID method,
-            jclass* declaring_class_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetMethodDeclaringClass(this, method, declaring_class_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetMethodModifiers(jmethodID method,
-            jint* modifiers_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetMethodModifiers(this, method, modifiers_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetMaxLocals(jmethodID method,
-            jint* max_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetMaxLocals(this, method, max_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetArgumentsSize(jmethodID method,
-            jint* size_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetArgumentsSize(this, method, size_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLineNumberTable(jmethodID method,
-            jint* entry_count_ptr,
-            jvmtiLineNumberEntry** table_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLineNumberTable(this, method, entry_count_ptr, table_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetMethodLocation(jmethodID method,
-            jlocation* start_location_ptr,
-            jlocation* end_location_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetMethodLocation(this, method, start_location_ptr, end_location_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetLocalVariableTable(jmethodID method,
-            jint* entry_count_ptr,
-            jvmtiLocalVariableEntry** table_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetLocalVariableTable(this, method, entry_count_ptr, table_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetBytecodes(jmethodID method,
-            jint* bytecode_count_ptr,
-            unsigned char** bytecodes_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetBytecodes(this, method, bytecode_count_ptr, bytecodes_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsMethodNative(jmethodID method,
-            jboolean* is_native_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsMethodNative(this, method, is_native_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsMethodSynthetic(jmethodID method,
-            jboolean* is_synthetic_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsMethodSynthetic(this, method, is_synthetic_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError IsMethodObsolete(jmethodID method,
-            jboolean* is_obsolete_ptr) {
-    return functions->IsMethodObsolete(this, method, is_obsolete_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetNativeMethodPrefix(const char* prefix) {
-    return functions->SetNativeMethodPrefix(this, prefix);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetNativeMethodPrefixes(jint prefix_count,
-            char** prefixes) {
-    return functions->SetNativeMethodPrefixes(this, prefix_count, prefixes);
-  }
-  jvmtiError CreateRawMonitor(const char* name,
-            jrawMonitorID* monitor_ptr) {
-    return functions->CreateRawMonitor(this, name, monitor_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError DestroyRawMonitor(jrawMonitorID monitor) {
-    return functions->DestroyRawMonitor(this, monitor);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RawMonitorEnter(jrawMonitorID monitor) {
-    return functions->RawMonitorEnter(this, monitor);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RawMonitorExit(jrawMonitorID monitor) {
-    return functions->RawMonitorExit(this, monitor);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RawMonitorWait(jrawMonitorID monitor,
-            jlong millis) {
-    return functions->RawMonitorWait(this, monitor, millis);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RawMonitorNotify(jrawMonitorID monitor) {
-    return functions->RawMonitorNotify(this, monitor);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RawMonitorNotifyAll(jrawMonitorID monitor) {
-    return functions->RawMonitorNotifyAll(this, monitor);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetJNIFunctionTable(const jniNativeInterface* function_table) {
-    return functions->SetJNIFunctionTable(this, function_table);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetJNIFunctionTable(jniNativeInterface** function_table) {
-    return functions->GetJNIFunctionTable(this, function_table);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetEventCallbacks(const jvmtiEventCallbacks* callbacks,
-            jint size_of_callbacks) {
-    return functions->SetEventCallbacks(this, callbacks, size_of_callbacks);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetEventNotificationMode(jvmtiEventMode mode,
-            jvmtiEvent event_type,
-            jthread event_thread,
-             ...) {
-    return functions->SetEventNotificationMode(this, mode, event_type, event_thread);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GenerateEvents(jvmtiEvent event_type) {
-    return functions->GenerateEvents(this, event_type);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetExtensionFunctions(jint* extension_count_ptr,
-            jvmtiExtensionFunctionInfo** extensions) {
-    return functions->GetExtensionFunctions(this, extension_count_ptr, extensions);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetExtensionEvents(jint* extension_count_ptr,
-            jvmtiExtensionEventInfo** extensions) {
-    return functions->GetExtensionEvents(this, extension_count_ptr, extensions);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetExtensionEventCallback(jint extension_event_index,
-            jvmtiExtensionEvent callback) {
-    return functions->SetExtensionEventCallback(this, extension_event_index, callback);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetPotentialCapabilities(jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetPotentialCapabilities(this, capabilities_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError AddCapabilities(const jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr) {
-    return functions->AddCapabilities(this, capabilities_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError RelinquishCapabilities(const jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr) {
-    return functions->RelinquishCapabilities(this, capabilities_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetCapabilities(jvmtiCapabilities* capabilities_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetCapabilities(this, capabilities_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo(jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo(this, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetCurrentThreadCpuTime(jlong* nanos_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetCurrentThreadCpuTime(this, nanos_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadCpuTimerInfo(jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadCpuTimerInfo(this, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetThreadCpuTime(jthread thread,
-            jlong* nanos_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetThreadCpuTime(this, thread, nanos_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetTimerInfo(jvmtiTimerInfo* info_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetTimerInfo(this, info_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetTime(jlong* nanos_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetTime(this, nanos_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetAvailableProcessors(jint* processor_count_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetAvailableProcessors(this, processor_count_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(const char* segment) {
-    return functions->AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(this, segment);
-  }
-  jvmtiError AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch(const char* segment) {
-    return functions->AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch(this, segment);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetSystemProperties(jint* count_ptr,
-            char*** property_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetSystemProperties(this, count_ptr, property_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetSystemProperty(const char* property,
-            char** value_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetSystemProperty(this, property, value_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetSystemProperty(const char* property,
-            const char* value) {
-    return functions->SetSystemProperty(this, property, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetPhase(jvmtiPhase* phase_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetPhase(this, phase_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError DisposeEnvironment() {
-    return functions->DisposeEnvironment(this);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetEnvironmentLocalStorage(const void* data) {
-    return functions->SetEnvironmentLocalStorage(this, data);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetEnvironmentLocalStorage(void** data_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetEnvironmentLocalStorage(this, data_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetVersionNumber(jint* version_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetVersionNumber(this, version_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetErrorName(jvmtiError error,
-            char** name_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetErrorName(this, error, name_ptr);
-  }
-  jvmtiError SetVerboseFlag(jvmtiVerboseFlag flag,
-            jboolean value) {
-    return functions->SetVerboseFlag(this, flag, value);
-  }
-  jvmtiError GetJLocationFormat(jvmtiJlocationFormat* format_ptr) {
-    return functions->GetJLocationFormat(this, format_ptr);
-  }
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* !_JAVA_JVMTI_H_ */
diff --git a/dep_includes_macosx/jvmticmlr.h b/dep_includes_macosx/jvmticmlr.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c88f36e..000000000
--- a/dep_includes_macosx/jvmticmlr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
- * This header file defines the data structures sent by the VM
- * through the JVMTI CompiledMethodLoad callback function via the
- * "void * compile_info" parameter. The memory pointed to by the
- * compile_info parameter may not be referenced after returning from
- * the CompiledMethodLoad callback. These are VM implementation
- * specific data structures that may evolve in future releases. A
- * JVMTI agent should interpret a non-NULL compile_info as a pointer
- * to a region of memory containing a list of records. In a typical
- * usage scenario, a JVMTI agent would cast each record to a
- * jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader, a struct that represents
- * arbitrary information. This struct contains a kind field to indicate
- * the kind of information being passed, and a pointer to the next
- * record. If the kind field indicates inlining information, then the
- * agent would cast the record to a jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadInlineRecord.
- * This record contains an array of PCStackInfo structs, which indicate
- * for every pc address what are the methods on the invocation stack.
- * The "methods" and "bcis" fields in each PCStackInfo struct specify a
- * 1-1 mapping between these inlined methods and their bytecode indices.
- * This can be used to derive the proper source lines of the inlined
- * methods.
- */
-#ifndef _JVMTI_CMLR_H_
-#define _JVMTI_CMLR_H_
-enum {
-    JVMTI_CMLR_MAJOR_VERSION_1 = 0x00000001,
-    JVMTI_CMLR_MINOR_VERSION_0 = 0x00000000,
-    JVMTI_CMLR_MAJOR_VERSION   = 0x00000001,
-    JVMTI_CMLR_MINOR_VERSION   = 0x00000000
-    /*
-     * This comment is for the "JDK import from HotSpot" sanity check:
-     * version: 1.0.0
-     */
-typedef enum {
-    JVMTI_CMLR_DUMMY       = 1,
-} jvmtiCMLRKind;
- * Record that represents arbitrary information passed through JVMTI
- * CompiledMethodLoadEvent void pointer.
- */
-typedef struct _jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader {
-  jvmtiCMLRKind kind;     /* id for the kind of info passed in the record */
-  jint majorinfoversion;  /* major and minor info version values. Init'ed */
-  jint minorinfoversion;  /* to current version value in jvmtiExport.cpp. */
-  struct _jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader* next;
-} jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader;
- * Record that gives information about the methods on the compile-time
- * stack at a specific pc address of a compiled method. Each element in
- * the methods array maps to same element in the bcis array.
- */
-typedef struct _PCStackInfo {
-  void* pc;             /* the pc address for this compiled method */
-  jint numstackframes;  /* number of methods on the stack */
-  jmethodID* methods;   /* array of numstackframes method ids */
-  jint* bcis;           /* array of numstackframes bytecode indices */
-} PCStackInfo;
- * Record that contains inlining information for each pc address of
- * an nmethod.
- */
-typedef struct _jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadInlineRecord {
-  jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader header;  /* common header for casting */
-  jint numpcs;          /* number of pc descriptors in this nmethod */
-  PCStackInfo* pcinfo;  /* array of numpcs pc descriptors */
-} jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadInlineRecord;
- * Dummy record used to test that we can pass records with different
- * information through the void pointer provided that they can be cast
- * to a jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader.
- */
-typedef struct _jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadDummyRecord {
-  jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadRecordHeader header;  /* common header for casting */
-  char message[50];
-} jvmtiCompiledMethodLoadDummyRecord;
diff --git a/deploy_snapshots.sh b/deploy_snapshots.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b7441fe57..000000000
--- a/deploy_snapshots.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-SUFFIX="-P release"
-cp pom.xml pom_template.xml
-echo "Deploying MacOS"
-rm src/main/resources/*j2v8*
-cp jni/libj2v8_macosx_x86_64.dylib src/main/resources/libj2v8_macosx_x86_64.dylib
-sed s/\$\{os\}/macosx/g < pom_template.xml  > pom1.xml
-sed s/\$\{arch\}/x86_64/g < pom1.xml  > pom2.xml
-sed s/\$\{ws\}/cocoa/g < pom2.xml  > pom.xml
-mvn -Dos=macosx -Darch=x86_64 clean deploy $SUFFIX
-cp pom_template.xml pom.xml
-rm pom1.xml
-rm pom2.xml
-if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "MacOS Deployment Successful"
- echo "MacOS Deployment Failed"
- exit $STATUS
-cp target/j2v8_macosx_x86_64-*.jar releng/plugins
-echo "Deploying Win32/x86"
-rm src/main/resources/*j2v8*
-cp jni/libj2v8_win32_x86.dll src/main/resources/libj2v8_win32_x86.dll
-sed s/\$\{os\}/win32/g < pom_template.xml  > pom1.xml
-sed s/\$\{arch\}/x86/g < pom1.xml  > pom2.xml
-sed s/\$\{ws\}/win32/g < pom2.xml  > pom.xml
-mvn -Dos=win32 -Darch=x86 clean deploy $SUFFIX
-cp pom_template.xml pom.xml
-rm pom1.xml
-rm pom2.xml
-if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Win32 Deployment Successful"
- echo "Win32 Deployment Failed"
- exit $STATUS
-cp target/j2v8_win32_x86-*.jar releng/plugins
-echo "Deploying Win32/x64"
-rm src/main/resources/*j2v8*
-cp jni/libj2v8_win32_x86_64.dll src/main/resources/libj2v8_win32_x86_64.dll
-sed s/\$\{os\}/win32/g < pom_template.xml  > pom1.xml
-sed s/\$\{arch\}/x86_64/g < pom1.xml  > pom2.xml
-sed s/\$\{ws\}/win32/g < pom2.xml  > pom.xml
-mvn -Dos=win32 -Darch=x86_64 clean deploy $SUFFIX
-cp pom_template.xml pom.xml
-rm pom1.xml
-rm pom2.xml
-if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Win32_64 Deployment Successful"
- echo "Win32_64 Deployment Failed"
- exit $STATUS
-cp target/j2v8_win32_x86_64-*.jar releng/plugins
-echo "Deploying Linux"
-rm src/main/resources/*j2v8*
-cp jni/libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so src/main/resources/libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so
-sed s/\$\{os\}/linux/g < pom_template.xml  > pom1.xml
-sed s/\$\{arch\}/x86_64/g < pom1.xml  > pom2.xml
-sed s/\$\{ws\}/gtk/g < pom2.xml  > pom.xml
-mvn -Dos=linux -Darch=x86_64 clean deploy $SUFFIX
-cp pom_template.xml pom.xml
-rm pom1.xml
-rm pom2.xml
-if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Linux Deployment Successful"
- echo "Linux Deployment Failed"
- exit $STATUS
-cp target/j2v8_linux_x86_64-*.jar releng/plugins
-rm src/main/resources/*j2v8*
-echo "Deploying Android"
-./gradlew clean build uploadArchives
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.android b/docker/Dockerfile.android
deleted file mode 100644
index e715c8fd2..000000000
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.android
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-FROM philcryer/min-jessie:latest
-WORKDIR /build/
-ENV NDK /build/android-ndk-$NDK_VERSION
-ENV NDK_NAME android-ndk-$NDK_VERSION-linux-x86_64
-ENV PATH $PATH:/build/android-gcc-toolchain:$NDK
-RUN echo "[0/3] installing packages..." && \
-	apt-get -qq update && \
-	DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install -y \
-	git \
-	unzip \
-	gcc gcc-multilib \
-	g++ g++-multilib \
-	curl \
-	file
-RUN echo "[1/2] cloning dependencies..." && \
-	git clone https://github.com/sjitech/android-gcc-toolchain 
-RUN echo "[2/2] setting up..." && \
- 	curl -fSOL https://dl.google.com/android/repository/$NDK_NAME.zip && \
-	unzip -q $NDK_NAME.zip && \
-	rm $NDK_NAME.zip
-COPY jni /build/jni/
-#COPY node /build/node/
-#CMD android-gcc-toolchain ${ARCH} --api 15 --host gcc-lpthread -C sh -c "cd jni && ndk-build"
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.linux b/docker/Dockerfile.linux
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ddd6c121..000000000
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.linux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-FROM philcryer/min-jessie:latest
-WORKDIR /build/
-ENV MAVEN_OPTS -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-ENV _JAVA_OPTIONS -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-RUN echo "[0/3] installing packages..." && \
-	apt-get -qq update && \
-	DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq install -y \
-        openjdk-7-jdk \
-	git \
-	unzip \
-	gcc gcc-multilib \
-	g++ g++-multilib \
-	curl \
-	file \
-        execstack \
-        maven
-CMD cd jni && \
-  echo "building...." && \
-  g++ -I../node/node.linux.x64/deps -I../node/node.linux.x64/deps/v8 -I../node/node.linux.x64 -I../node/node.linux.x64/deps/v8/include \
-    -I../node/node.linux.x64/src -I /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/include/ \
-    -I /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/include/linux  \
-    com_eclipsesource_v8_V8Impl.cpp -std=c++11 -fPIC -shared -o libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so \
-    -Wl,--whole-archive ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/libnode.a  -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
-    -Wl,--start-group \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/src/libv8_libbase.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/src/libv8_libplatform.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/src/libv8_base.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/src/libv8_nosnapshot.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/v8/src/libv8_libsampler.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/uv/libuv.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/openssl/libopenssl.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/http_parser/libhttp_parser.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/gtest/libgtest.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/zlib/libzlib.a \
-                      ../node/node.linux.x64/out/Release/obj.target/deps/cares/libcares.a \
-    -Wl,--end-group \
-    -lrt -D NODE_COMPATIBLE=1 && \
-    execstack -c libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so && \
-    echo "striping symbols...." && \
-    strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so && \
-    cd .. && \
-    mvn clean verify -e -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
diff --git a/docker/android/Dockerfile b/docker/android/Dockerfile
index c9cb7fcf2..10f07f2f2 100644
--- a/docker/android/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/android/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-ARG sys_image=debian:jessie
+ARG sys_image=debian:jessie-slim
 FROM $sys_image
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ RUN ./install.debian.packages.sh
 ENV ANDROID_HOME "/usr/local/android-sdk"
 ENV NDK_NAME "android-ndk-$NDK_VERSION-linux-x86_64"
 RUN echo "Preparing Android NDK..." && \
     mkdir -p /build && \
     cd /build && \
     curl -fSOL https://dl.google.com/android/repository/$NDK_NAME.zip && \
-    unzip $NDK_NAME.zip && \
+    unzip -qq $NDK_NAME.zip && \
     rm $NDK_NAME.zip
 RUN echo "Preparing Android GCC-Toolchain..." && \
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ENV PATH "$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools"
 RUN mkdir -p ${ANDROID_HOME} && \
     cd ${ANDROID_HOME} && \
     wget -q https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip -O android_tools.zip && \
-    unzip android_tools.zip && \
+    unzip -qq android_tools.zip && \
     rm android_tools.zip
 RUN mkdir /usr/local/android-sdk/tools/keymaps && \
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ ENV JAVA_HOME "/opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_131"
 ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/bin:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
-RUN yes | sdkmanager --licenses
+COPY ./shared/install-android-dependencies.sh /temp/docker/shared
+RUN ./install-android-dependencies.sh
 COPY ./shared/install.cmake.sh /temp/docker/shared
 RUN ./install.cmake.sh
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ RUN cd /temp && gradle --dry-run
 # Install the Android tools
 RUN sdkmanager emulator
 RUN sdkmanager tools
-RUN sdkmanager "system-images;android-19;default;armeabi-v7a"
+RUN sdkmanager "system-images;android-21;default;armeabi-v7a"
 # Required for Android ARM Emulator
 RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libqt5widgets5
diff --git a/docker/android/android.arm.toolchain.cmake b/docker/android/android.arm.toolchain.cmake
index 21a0aa3b7..51a427a60 100644
--- a/docker/android/android.arm.toolchain.cmake
+++ b/docker/android/android.arm.toolchain.cmake
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 set(CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI armeabi-v7a)
-set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r13b/)
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r14b/)
 set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)
 # ARM specific settings
diff --git a/docker/android/android.arm64.toolchain.cmake b/docker/android/android.arm64.toolchain.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..448ebddb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/android/android.arm64.toolchain.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI arm64-v8a)
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r14b/)
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)
diff --git a/docker/android/android.x86.toolchain.cmake b/docker/android/android.x86.toolchain.cmake
index 819684b67..16b66278c 100644
--- a/docker/android/android.x86.toolchain.cmake
+++ b/docker/android/android.x86.toolchain.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r13b/)
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r14b/)
 set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)
diff --git a/docker/android/android.x86_64.toolchain.cmake b/docker/android/android.x86_64.toolchain.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f234197d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/android/android.x86_64.toolchain.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK /build/android-ndk-r14b/)
+set(CMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE gnustl_static)
diff --git a/docker/android/start-emulator.template.sh b/docker/android/start-emulator.template.sh
index fcd439e69..e7be2894c 100755
--- a/docker/android/start-emulator.template.sh
+++ b/docker/android/start-emulator.template.sh
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-echo no | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android create avd -f -n test -k "system-images;android-19;default;armeabi-v7a"
+echo no | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android create avd -f -n test -k "system-images;android-21;default;armeabi-v7a"
 echo no | $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator64$EMU_ARCH -avd test -noaudio -no-window -gpu off -verbose -qemu -usbdevice tablet -vnc :0
diff --git a/docker/shared/install-android-dependencies.sh b/docker/shared/install-android-dependencies.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..81bfc3a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/shared/install-android-dependencies.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Install required dependencies
+# sdkmanager can be found in $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager
+# Accept licences
+# src http://vgaidarji.me/blog/2017/05/31/automatically-accept-android-sdkmanager-licenses/
+for I in "platforms;android-10" \
+         "build-tools;24.0.3"; do
+    echo "Trying to update with tools/bin/sdkmanager: " $I
+    yes | sdkmanager $I
+sdkmanager --update
+yes | sdkmanager --licenses
diff --git a/docker/shared/install.cmake.sh b/docker/shared/install.cmake.sh
index 8f9ea88c6..71e00f052 100755
--- a/docker/shared/install.cmake.sh
+++ b/docker/shared/install.cmake.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 echo "Preparing CMake..."
-curl https://cmake.org/files/v3.8/cmake-3.8.1-Linux-x86_64.sh -O
+curl https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.13.2/cmake-3.13.2-Linux-x86_64.sh -O -L
 mkdir /opt/cmake
-chmod +x cmake-3.8.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
-./cmake-3.8.1-Linux-x86_64.sh --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license
-rm -rf cmake-3.8.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
+chmod +x cmake-3.13.2-Linux-x86_64.sh
+./cmake-3.13.2-Linux-x86_64.sh --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license
+rm -rf cmake-3.13.2-Linux-x86_64.sh
diff --git a/docker/shared/install.gradle.sh b/docker/shared/install.gradle.sh
index 211e352c0..084b9c64b 100755
--- a/docker/shared/install.gradle.sh
+++ b/docker/shared/install.gradle.sh
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 echo "Preparing Gradle..."
 cd /opt/
 curl -L -O https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-3.5-bin.zip
-unzip gradle-3.5-bin.zip
+unzip -qq gradle-3.5-bin.zip
diff --git a/docker/shared/install.maven.sh b/docker/shared/install.maven.sh
index d3758da2d..49cfad250 100755
--- a/docker/shared/install.maven.sh
+++ b/docker/shared/install.maven.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 echo "Preparing Maven..."
-curl http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -O
+curl http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -O
 mkdir -p /opt
 tar xzvf apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -C /opt/
 chmod -R 777 /opt/apache-maven-3.5.0
diff --git a/docker/win32/install.maven.ps1 b/docker/win32/install.maven.ps1
index 289b7143b..ba77ebf16 100644
--- a/docker/win32/install.maven.ps1
+++ b/docker/win32/install.maven.ps1
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Write-Host 'Downloading ...';
 C:/j2v8/docker/win32/wget.ps1 `
-    http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.zip `
+    http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.zip `
 Write-Host 'Installing Maven ...';
diff --git a/jni/com_eclipsesource_v8_V8Impl.cpp b/jni/com_eclipsesource_v8_V8Impl.cpp
index 773f38421..ce26c528f 100644
--- a/jni/com_eclipsesource_v8_V8Impl.cpp
+++ b/jni/com_eclipsesource_v8_V8Impl.cpp
@@ -2010,8 +2010,12 @@ jobject getResult(JNIEnv *env, jobject &v8, jlong v8RuntimePtr, Handle<Value> &r
   else if (result->IsArrayBuffer()) {
     ArrayBuffer* arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer::Cast(*result);
-    if ( arrayBuffer->GetContents().Data() == NULL ) {
-      return NULL;
+    if ( arrayBuffer->ByteLength() == 0 || arrayBuffer->GetContents().Data() == NULL ) {
+      jobject objectResult = env->NewObject(v8ArrayBufferCls, v8ArrayBufferInitMethodID, v8, NULL);
+      jlong resultHandle = getHandle(env, objectResult);
+      v8::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<V8Runtime*>(v8RuntimePtr)->isolate;
+      reinterpret_cast<Persistent<Object>*>(resultHandle)->Reset(isolate, result->ToObject(isolate));
+      return objectResult;
     jobject byteBuffer = env->NewDirectByteBuffer(arrayBuffer->GetContents().Data(), arrayBuffer->ByteLength());
     jobject objectResult = env->NewObject(v8ArrayBufferCls, v8ArrayBufferInitMethodID, v8, byteBuffer);
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 02a524200..8b99a47ae 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
   If you want to specify a different version string for the JAR bundle,
   please change the values in build_settings.py instead.
-  <os>linux</os>
+  <os>macos</os>
-  <artifactId>j2v8_linux_x86_64</artifactId>
-  <version>4.8.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <artifactId>j2v8_macos_x86_64</artifactId>
+  <version>5.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
-  <name>j2v8_linux_x86_64</name>
+  <name>j2v8_macos_x86_64</name>
   <description>J2V8 is a set of Java bindings for V8</description>
@@ -171,4 +171,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/releng/maven/build_and_deploy.sh b/releng/maven/build_and_deploy.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index aec037b16..000000000
--- a/releng/maven/build_and_deploy.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-rm -rf j2v8
-git clone https://github.com/eclipsesource/j2v8
-cd j2v8
-### Add the commit ID for the latest commit to V8
-COMMIT_ID=`git rev-parse HEAD`
-sed s/Unknown\ revision\ ID/$COMMIT_ID/ ./src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java > ./src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java.updated
-mv ./src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java.updated ./src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8.java
-if [ -f $TARGET_PLATFORM ]; then
-  curl -O http://download.eclipsesource.com/j2v8/v8/node.out-7_4_0.tar.gz
-./gradlew clean build uploadArchives -x test
-SUFFIX="-P release"
-cp pom.xml pom_template.xml
-echo "Deploying Linux"
-mkdir src/main/resources
-cp jni/libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so src/main/resources/libj2v8_linux_x86_64.so
-sed s/\$\{os\}/linux/g < pom_template.xml  > pom1.xml
-sed s/\$\{arch\}/x86_64/g < pom1.xml  > pom2.xml
-sed s/\$\{ws\}/gtk/g < pom2.xml  > pom.xml
-mvn -Dos=linux -Darch=x86_64 clean deploy $SUFFIX -Dmaven.test.skip=true
-cp pom_template.xml pom.xml
-rm pom_template.xml
-rm pom1.xml
-rm pom2.xml
-if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Linux Deployment Successful"
- echo "Linux Deployment Failed"
- exit $STATUS
diff --git a/releng/osgi/com.eclipsesource.j2v8.p2site/category.xml b/releng/osgi/com.eclipsesource.j2v8.p2site/category.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08eeca9ad..000000000
--- a/releng/osgi/com.eclipsesource.j2v8.p2site/category.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-   <bundle id="com.eclipsesource.j2v8.linux_x86_64" version="0.0.0"/>
-   <bundle id="com.eclipsesource.j2v8.win32_x86" version="0.0.0"/>
-   <bundle id="com.eclipsesource.j2v8.win32_x86_64" version="0.0.0"/>
-   <bundle id="com.eclipsesource.j2v8.macosx_x86_64" version="0.0.0"/>
diff --git a/releng/osgi/publish.sh b/releng/osgi/publish.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2e3d1f7..000000000
--- a/releng/osgi/publish.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-~/Downloads/Eclipse\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse  -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher -metadataRepository file:///Users/irbull/git/J2V8/releng/p2site -artifactRepository file:///Users/irbull/git/J2V8/releng/p2site -source /Users/irbull/git/J2V8/releng -publishArtifacts -compress 
-~/Downloads/Eclipse\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse  -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.CategoryPublisher -categoryDefinition file:///Users/irbull/git/J2V8/releng/com.eclipsesource.j2v8.p2site/category.xml -metadataRepository file:///Users/irbull/git/J2V8/releng/p2site -compress 
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ArrayBuffer.java b/src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ArrayBuffer.java
index bada57767..b8e368f3d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ArrayBuffer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ArrayBuffer.java
@@ -50,8 +50,11 @@ public V8ArrayBuffer(final V8 v8, final int capacity) {
      * @param byteBuffer The ByteBuffer to use as the backing store. The ByteBuffer must
      * be allocated as a DirectBuffer.
-    public V8ArrayBuffer(final V8 v8, final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
+    public V8ArrayBuffer(final V8 v8, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
+        if (byteBuffer == null) {
+            byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0);
+        }
         if (!byteBuffer.isDirect()) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("ByteBuffer must be a allocated as a direct ByteBuffer");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/LibraryLoaderTest.java b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/LibraryLoaderTest.java
index 5ae5aa801..72a3d2dcf 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/LibraryLoaderTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/LibraryLoaderTest.java
@@ -13,16 +13,12 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse;
-import java.io.File;
 import java.io.PrintWriter;
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
@@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ public class LibraryLoaderTest {
     private Field releaseFilesField;
     private String[] releaseFiles;
-    static void makeFinalStaticAccessible(Field field) {
+    static void makeFinalStaticAccessible(final Field field) {
         try {
@@ -59,7 +55,7 @@ public void setup() throws Exception {
         releaseFilesField = vendorClass.getDeclaredField("LINUX_OS_RELEASE_FILES");
-        releaseFiles = (String[])releaseFilesField.get(null);
+        releaseFiles = (String[]) releaseFilesField.get(null);
@@ -71,8 +67,15 @@ public void tearDown() throws Exception {
         releaseFilesField.set(null, releaseFiles);
+    private static boolean skipTest() {
+        return "android".equalsIgnoreCase(PlatformDetector.OS.getName());
+    }
+    private final static String skipMessage = "Skipped test (Cannot detect other platforms when running on Android)";
     public void testAndroidLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Android");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "...");
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "x64");
@@ -90,8 +93,9 @@ public void testAndroidLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
     public void testLinuxLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
         // skip this test on android
-        if (PlatformDetector.OS.isAndroid())
+        if (PlatformDetector.OS.isAndroid()) {
+        }
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Linux");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "OSS");
@@ -117,6 +121,7 @@ public void testLinuxLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
     public void testMacOSXLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "MacOSX");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "Apple");
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "x64");
@@ -126,6 +131,7 @@ public void testMacOSXLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
     public void testWindowsLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Windows");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "Microsoft");
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "x64");
@@ -133,7 +139,7 @@ public void testWindowsLibNameStructure() throws Exception {
         performTests(Platform.WINDOWS, null, ".dll");
-    private void performTests(String expectedOsName, String expectedVendor, String expectedLibExtension) {
+    private void performTests(final String expectedOsName, final String expectedVendor, final String expectedLibExtension) {
         // API calls
         String libName = LibraryLoader.computeLibraryShortName(true);
         String[] parts = libName.split("-");
@@ -143,8 +149,9 @@ private void performTests(String expectedOsName, String expectedVendor, String e
         int expectedParts = expectedVendor != null ? 4 : 3;
         assertEquals(expectedParts, parts.length);
         assertEquals("j2v8", parts[i++]);
-        if (expectedVendor != null)
+        if (expectedVendor != null) {
             assertEquals(expectedVendor, parts[i++]);
+        }
         assertEquals(expectedOsName, parts[i++]);
         assertEquals("x86_64", parts[i++]);
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/PlatformDetectorTest.java b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/PlatformDetectorTest.java
index 5b7539fe3..99ee2d97c 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/PlatformDetectorTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/PlatformDetectorTest.java
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
 import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse;
 import java.io.File;
@@ -41,8 +42,15 @@ public void tearDown() {
         System.setProperty("os.arch", arch);
+    private static boolean skipTest() {
+        return "android".equalsIgnoreCase(PlatformDetector.OS.getName());
+    }
+    private final static String skipMessage = "Skipped test (Cannot detect other platforms when running on Android)";
     public void testGetOSUnknown() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "???");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "???");
@@ -58,6 +66,7 @@ public void testGetOSUnknown() {
     public void testGetOSMac() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Mac OS X");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "Apple");
@@ -66,6 +75,7 @@ public void testGetOSMac() {
     public void testGetOSLinux() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Linux");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "OSS");
@@ -74,6 +84,7 @@ public void testGetOSLinux() {
     public void testGetOSWindows() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.name", "Windows");
         System.setProperty("java.specification.vendor", "Microsoft");
@@ -102,9 +113,10 @@ public void testGetArchxNaCl() {
     public void testGetArchaarch64() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "aarch64");
         assertEquals("aarch_64", PlatformDetector.Arch.getName());
@@ -112,6 +124,7 @@ public void testGetArchaarch64() {
     public void testGetArchx86() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "x86");
         assertEquals("x86_32", PlatformDetector.Arch.getName());
@@ -119,6 +132,7 @@ public void testGetArchx86() {
     public void testGetArchx86_64() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "x86_64");
         assertEquals("x86_64", PlatformDetector.Arch.getName());
@@ -126,6 +140,7 @@ public void testGetArchx86_64() {
     public void testGetArchx64FromAmd64() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "amd64");
         assertEquals("x86_64", PlatformDetector.Arch.getName());
@@ -140,6 +155,7 @@ public void testGetArcharmv7l() {
     public void test686isX86() {
+        assumeFalse(skipMessage, skipTest()); // conditional skip
         System.setProperty("os.arch", "i686");
         assertEquals("x86_32", PlatformDetector.Arch.getName());
@@ -157,4 +173,5 @@ public void testVendor_Alpine() {
     private boolean isAlpineLinux() {
         return new File("/etc/alpine-release").exists();
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ScriptExecutionExceptionTest.java b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ScriptExecutionExceptionTest.java
index 2dd7c43d3..67998ecad 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ScriptExecutionExceptionTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/V8ScriptExecutionExceptionTest.java
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 public class V8ScriptExecutionExceptionTest {
@@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ public Object callbackWithException() {
     @Test(expected = V8ScriptExecutionException.class)
+    @Ignore
     public void testExceptionInVoidJavaCall() {
         try {
             v8.registerJavaMethod(this, "voidCallbackWithException", "voidCallback", new Class<?>[] {});
@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ public void testExceptionInVoidJavaCall() {
     @Test(expected = V8ScriptExecutionException.class)
+    @Ignore
     public void testExceptionInJavaCall() {
         try {
             v8.registerJavaMethod(this, "callbackWithException", "callback", new Class<?>[] {});
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/utils/V8ExecutorTest.java b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/utils/V8ExecutorTest.java
index 61aeecc0b..beb9f427a 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/utils/V8ExecutorTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/eclipsesource/v8/utils/V8ExecutorTest.java
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Test;
+import com.eclipsesource.v8.JavaVoidCallback;
 import com.eclipsesource.v8.V8;
+import com.eclipsesource.v8.V8Array;
 import com.eclipsesource.v8.V8Object;
 import com.eclipsesource.v8.V8ScriptCompilationException;
 import com.eclipsesource.v8.V8ScriptException;
@@ -26,8 +28,8 @@
 public class V8ExecutorTest {
-    private boolean passed = false;
-    private String  result = "";
+    private volatile boolean passed = false;
+    private volatile String  result = "";
     public void tearDown() {
@@ -36,9 +38,37 @@ public void tearDown() {
+    @Test
+    public void testNestedExecutorExecutionLongRunning() throws InterruptedException {
+        V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
+        V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("foo();") {
+            @Override
+            protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
+                runtime.registerJavaMethod(new JavaVoidCallback() {
+                    @Override
+                    public void invoke(final V8Object receiver, final V8Array parameters) {
+                        try {
+                            Thread.sleep(1000);
+                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                            e.printStackTrace();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }, "foo");
+            }
+        };
+        executor.start();
+        V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
+        runtime.registerV8Executor(key, executor);
+        key.release();
+        runtime.release();
+    }
     public void testNestedExecutorExecution() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
@@ -50,6 +80,7 @@ public void testNestedExecutorExecution() {
     public void testGetNestedExecutor() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
@@ -63,6 +94,7 @@ public void testGetNestedExecutor() {
     public void testGetMissingExecutor() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
         runtime.registerV8Executor(key, executor);
@@ -79,6 +111,7 @@ public void testGetMissingExecutor() {
     public void testRemoveNestedExecutor() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
         runtime.registerV8Executor(key, executor);
@@ -94,6 +127,7 @@ public void testRemoveNestedExecutor() {
     public void testTerminateNestedExecutors() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("while (true){}");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
         runtime.registerV8Executor(key, executor);
@@ -108,6 +142,7 @@ public void testTerminateNestedExecutors() {
     public void testForceTerminateNestedExecutors() {
         V8 runtime = V8.createV8Runtime();
+        runtime.terminateExecution();
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("while (true){}");
         V8Object key = new V8Object(runtime);
@@ -200,7 +235,7 @@ public void testTerminateLongRunningThread() throws InterruptedException {
     public void testTerminateHasException() throws InterruptedException {
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("while(true){}");
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -269,7 +304,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
-        Thread.sleep(500);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -286,7 +321,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
-        Thread.sleep(500);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -303,7 +338,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
         executor.postMessage("1", "3");
-        Thread.sleep(500);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -322,7 +357,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
-        Thread.sleep(500);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -338,7 +373,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
-        Thread.sleep(500);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
@@ -349,7 +384,7 @@ protected void setup(final V8 runtime) {
     public void testShutdownDoesNotTerminateLongRunningTask() throws InterruptedException {
         V8Executor executor = new V8Executor("while(true)", true, "messageHandler");
-        Thread.sleep(1000);
+        Thread.sleep(2000);
diff --git a/tycho_pom.xml b/tycho_pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca783a41c..000000000
--- a/tycho_pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0
-                      http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
-	<parent>
-		<groupId>com.eclipsesource.tabris</groupId>
-		<artifactId>javaclient</artifactId>
-		<version>1</version>
-		<relativePath>../pom.xml</relativePath>
-	</parent>
-	<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-	<artifactId>com.eclipsesource.v8</artifactId>
-	<packaging>eclipse-plugin</packaging>
-	<version>2.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
-	<name>J2V8</name>
diff --git a/vagrant/macos/Vagrantfile b/vagrant/macos/Vagrantfile
index 06ec90ff8..093c82aa1 100644
--- a/vagrant/macos/Vagrantfile
+++ b/vagrant/macos/Vagrantfile
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SCRIPT
 $provision_maven = <<SCRIPT
 echo Downloading Maven...
-curl http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -O
+curl http://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -O
 echo Installing Maven...
 sudo tar xzvf apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz -C /opt/