Two directories will be used, one for configuration and one for calibre library:
: defaults to./config
: defaults./books
When using volumes, permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container.
Ensure any volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify and any permissions issues will vanish like magic.
The first time you run a calibre container, Docker will create these volumes. Pay attention to the config
directory and set the same owner for the books
directory using the following command:
$ sudo chown <uid>:<gid> books
Calibre requires you to have an existing calibre database at the /books
Download a freshly generated metadata.db
file here.
Then place it into the ./books
Please use the following environment variables:
$ cat .env
To run a container using docker-compose, execute the following command:
$ docker-compose up -d
Webui can be found at
On the initial setup screen, enter /books as your calibre library location.
Default admin login:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin123
Unrar is included by default and needs to be set in the Calibre-Web admin page (Basic Configuration:External Binaries) with a path of /usr/bin/unrar
x86-64 only Calibre has the optional ability to enable ebook conversion. To use this option set the converter tool path to /usr/bin/ebook-convert
in the Calibre-Web admin page (Basic Configuration:External Binaries).
Below are the instructions for updating containers via Docker Compose.
Update all images:
docker-compose pull
- or update a single image:
docker-compose pull calibre-web
- or update a single image:
Let compose update all containers as necessary:
docker-compose up -d
- or update a single container:
docker-compose up -d calibre-web
- or update a single container:
You can also remove the old dangling images:
docker image prune
Please be careful, as changes in the event of a major version update could break your current configuration.