The first page of the gitbook show cases the different topics and technologies we have been playing with in this 6 meetups.
Lets discuss why we selected the topics for the IOT meetup.
This is simplest of them all,
- Version management, you can easily go back to a previous commit incase of any screw up the participants of the group
- Lets you access the code anywhere from the web
- Supports Open source and projects sprit
- Lets you have features such as issues to discuss on topics :)
- Basic commands to create folder structure for supporting your code layouts
- We mostly worked with the linux distributions
- Gives you an additional advantage to control things in your kernel
- Contenirzation is very important when you want to ship the project
- Created docker file to make sure the app was easily deployed at any enviroment
- The kind of modules avaibale in python in countless
- Python is a master of all trades, I can't imagine an application which we can't make with python
- It's easy to use and can start hacking asap :)
- We love Mozilla and it's innovations
- Rust is a fast system programming language
- Learned it in order to kow about kernel level languages which provides us more flexibility in terms of better hacks
- Giving eyes to
- Learning about REST apis via request module
- Aloows us to do remote commands
- Understanding the libraries to control the LED from the GPIO pins
- To provide the code in form of a binary for all to ruse
- Configurtion management
- In order to setup the device on the fly
- Rest Api's to trigger the backend for performing the job in the IOT device
- Used Flask to start a webserver
- Contains HTML, CSS and JS to provide web dashboard control to the PI board
- This is a POC for remote access control
- Docuentation in its best form with an very readable manner for all to reproduce the experiments and activites
- Its free and easy to setup
- Web dash to monitor the pi
- Lets you perform analyrics and make business decision
- Sums up all your effort with great visualization
- IOT is all about the great visualization you can do