IOT stands for the internet of things, which is a system of interrelated computing devices and machines around us where the machine generated data is collected over a network without human interference and processed to get insights for decision making in real time.
There is a wide area of application for IOT that can bring out a big change. IOT are used in Industries, Transportation, shipping and even IOT is evolving in agriculture. Remote applications can be easily achieved using IOT.
We am part of a generation who can say that,
The only thing in my house that was connected to the network was my PC :D
In 2014, 3.8 billion devices were connected to the internet, By 2015 it became 5 billion in which majority were smartphones and tablet with the increasing services of IOT products to help man make decisions on the go, it is estimated that by 2020 we will be having around 20 billion devices on the internet which may start from your coffee machine to the bed in which you rest.
All these concepts of remote control, better insights, internet automation of things around us sounds really exciting and makes people think about ideas which were only possible in dreams . For example, the Car would know your schedule of the client meeting and then automatically prepare your calendar so that you can be on time for the meeting with respect to the traffic and other associated data.
Think about the IOT machines in DAMS, Powerplants, Cars, manufacturing plants etc and the kind of access the services will possess over the human decisions.
What’s gonna be our complex trade off of our data for these IOT services ??
IOT field being so interdisciplinary is the main reason companies/organizations have not been able to come to a conclusion, people fear that their business opportunities down the road may be in trouble when such standards and policies come into place.
DATA is the new Oil :P
We are creating IOT practices for all w/o any business interest :P