We are a group of like minded IOT researchers, consultants and enthusiasts based out in Coimbatore region under the Study group umbrella of Mozila Science :)
Currently researching on how we can implement Open Science practises for IOT projects.
The FoxIOT study group operates and conducts meetup/events in KGISL college hackerspace.
FoxIOT SG currently focussing on three aspects,
- OpenData experiments
- Evangelizing about Study group in other regions
- Presenting the FoxIOT research activity at local events
Github Repo - We <3 issues raise them :)
Telegram group - Join the group and say HI
ping @dvigneshwer in twitter and telegram for any queries *
FoxIOT Meetup Series 6 meetups to learn about IOT technologies and skills
PR to Mozilla Science Stugdy group Lessons
LED Monitoring systems A web dashboard to monitor and track when the LED was on and off
OpenIOT POCs on practises for IOT projects
DeepRust DeepLearning crate in Rust language
You can support us in many ways PFB few ways,
- Drop us a small donation in paypal or any other menas to buy few sensors and neccessay KITs for the projects above
- Join us in a call and exchange notes
- Raise issues and guide us with your POV
Firstly we like gitbook its like a good way to read stuff
- We are trying to document all the details here so that people can just refer to this for implementing our activities