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Changelog for AoC Automaton

V 0.9


New architecture which allows to select the interactive mode. Either http/automatic (existing), or console/manual (new), depending on your preference.

The change of architecture resulted in the removal of some classes and some methods' signatures may have changed since earlier versions. This version is considered to be close to V1.0, hence APIs are considered as stable. As such, Aoc Automaton will adhere to semantic versioning (semver) for future versions. The handling of extra parameters have been redesigned. New solver bases classes are also available.

New attributes

AoC automaton now allows you to use attributes to specify core information about your solver, which is simpler and more elegant than the previous approach via a dedicated setup. You use [Day(x)] (where x is the exercise's day you are solving) on your solver class, and you can use [Example(input, expected)] on the GetAnswer1() and GetAnswer2() methods to provide test values. You can also use [Example(id, input, expected)] on GetAnswer1() and [PreviousExample(id, expected)] on GetAnswer2() to reuse an input value from part 1.

Behavior changes

The automaton persist its cache, which stores question status (solved or not), past attempts and low/high mark when available. The automaton automatically rejects any answer that:

  1. is null (assume no answer provided)
  2. is zero or negative
  3. has already been unsuccessfully attempted
  4. is higher than the high mark or lower than the low mark


This is the base implementation for every solver. Now it removes the trailing newline symbol from the input. As such single line input data are easier to process.

New methods, classes


This class implements console based interaction. In short, it asks for console input for your exercise data and simply display the computed result, for you to copy-paste into AoC website.


New methods, classes

1. Automaton

  • Allow to request visual confirmation for tests via AskVisualConfirm(...) method.

2. SolverWithBlockParser

New solver template (the one you can inherit from to solve some AoC exercise). It exposes input data as a series of empty line separated block (such as for Day 15-2024). You need to override ParseBlock(List<string> data, int blockIndex) where data is the block as a list of strings and blockIndex is the 0 base index for this block (for Dat 15-2024, the map is block 0 and the instruction is a single as block 1).

3. SolverWithDataAsLines

New solver template that exposes input data as a list of lines (strings). You need to override ParseLines(string[] lines) and parse the data appropriately. Note: this is now the base class for all Solver templates.

Implementation features

  • Assume Day is current (only during December month). Note that is still recommended to set the Day explicitly
  • Automatically request visual confirmation when no expected result has been provided for part two and tests data are present
  • Skip part two for Day 25 as there is no part two.
  • When testing part two, skips part one when:
    1. No expected result provided for part one
    2. The automaton must be reset between questions
    3. Visual confirm is not activated (for this data)

The one with a fix(V 0.2.2)

  • Question is flagged as solved in the state appropriately

The one with a state at the right place(V 0.2.1)

  • Store the state in the configured cache folder (if any)

The one with a state (V 0.2)

  • Implements a persisted state cache that stores the exercise state, including if it has been solved or not, the correct answer (if found) and past attempted answers The state logic will be leveraged upon in future releases for extra features (such as using too high/too low responses from AoC, or skipping question 1 altogether when possible).

First release (V 0.1)

  • Implements an automated workflow for AoC exercises, including a test step where the algorithm is tested via provided examples.
  • provides several APIs to register test data and expected results
  • integrates with AoC website by pushing answers and retrieving results
  • cache previous attempts for performance reason