| 1 | +parameters: |
| 2 | + archType: '' |
| 3 | + buildConfig: '' |
| 4 | + container: '' |
| 5 | + crossDacPlatforms: {} |
| 6 | + dependOnEvaluatePaths: false |
| 7 | + isOfficialBuild: false |
| 8 | + osGroup: '' |
| 9 | + osSubgroup: '' |
| 10 | + platform: '' |
| 11 | + pool: '' |
| 12 | + runtimeVariant: '' |
| 13 | + stagedBuild: false |
| 14 | + testGroup: '' |
| 15 | + timeoutInMinutes: '' |
| 16 | + variables: {} |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +jobs: |
| 19 | +- template: xplat-pipeline-job.yml |
| 20 | + parameters: |
| 21 | + archType: ${{ parameters.archType }} |
| 22 | + buildConfig: ${{ parameters.buildConfig }} |
| 23 | + container: ${{ parameters.container }} |
| 24 | + condition: ${{ parameters.isOfficialBuild }} |
| 25 | + helixType: 'build/product/' |
| 26 | + osGroup: ${{ parameters.osGroup }} |
| 27 | + osSubgroup: ${{ parameters.osSubgroup }} |
| 28 | + pool: ${{ parameters.pool }} |
| 29 | + runtimeVariant: ${{ parameters.runtimeVariant }} |
| 30 | + stagedBuild: ${{ parameters.stagedBuild }} |
| 31 | + timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }} |
| 32 | + dependOnEvaluatePaths: ${{ parameters.dependOnEvaluatePaths }} |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | + name: crossdacpack |
| 35 | + displayName: CrossDac Packaging |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | + variables: |
| 38 | + - name: officialBuildIdArg |
| 39 | + value: '' |
| 40 | + - name: crossDacArgs |
| 41 | + value: '' |
| 42 | + - ${{ if and(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: |
| 43 | + - name: officialBuildIdArg |
| 44 | + value: '/p:OfficialBuildId=$(Build.BuildNumber)' |
| 45 | + - name: crossDacArgs |
| 46 | + value: '/p:CrossDacArtifactsDir=$(crossDacArtifactPath)/$(buildCrossDacArtifactName)' |
| 47 | + - name: SignType |
| 48 | + value: $[ coalesce(variables.OfficialSignType, 'real') ] |
| 49 | + - ${{ parameters.variables }} |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | + dependsOn: |
| 52 | + - ${{ if ne(parameters.crossDacPlatforms, '') }}: |
| 53 | + - ${{ each platform in parameters.crossDacPlatforms }}: |
| 54 | + - ${{ parameters.runtimeFlavor }}_${{ parameters.runtimeVariant }}_product_build_${{ platform }}_${{ parameters.buildConfig }} |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | + steps: |
| 57 | + - task: DownloadBuildArtifacts@0 |
| 58 | + displayName: Download CrossDac artifacts |
| 59 | + inputs: |
| 60 | + artifactName: $(buildCrossDacArtifactName) |
| 61 | + downloadPath: $(crossDacArtifactPath) |
| 62 | + checkDownloadedFiles: true |
| 63 | + |
| 64 | + - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)$(dir)build$(scriptExt) -subset crossdacpack -arch $(archType) $(osArg) -c $(buildConfig) $(officialBuildIdArg) $(crossDacArgs) -ci |
| 65 | + displayName: Build crossdac packaging |
| 66 | + |
| 67 | + # Save packages using the prepare-signed-artifacts format. |
| 68 | + - template: /eng/pipelines/common/upload-intermediate-artifacts-step.yml |
| 69 | + parameters: |
| 70 | + name: ${{ parameters.platform }} |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | + # Upload to artifacts to be signed |
| 73 | + - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 |
| 74 | + displayName: Publish Logs |
| 75 | + inputs: |
| 76 | + targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/log |
| 77 | + artifactName: 'CrossDacPackagingLogs' |
| 78 | + continueOnError: true |
| 79 | + condition: always() |
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