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Publishing operators

Hot sources need to be able to deliver events to multiple subscribers. While we can implement the subscriber tracking ourselves, it can be easier to write an oversimplified source that works only for a single subscriber. And although that won't be a full implementation of IObservable<T>, that won't matter if we then use one of Rx's multicast operators to publish it as a multi-subscriber hot source. The example in "Representing Filesystem Events in Rx" used this trick, but as you'll see in this chapter there are a few variations on the theme.


Rx offers three operators enabling us to support multiple subscribers using just a single subscription to some underlying source: Publish, PublishLast, and Replay. All three of these are wrappers around Rx's Multicast operator, which provides the common mechanism at the heart of all of them.

Multicast turns any IObservable<T> into an IConnectableObservable<T> which, as you can see, just adds a Connect method:

public interface IConnectableObservable<out T> : IObservable<T>
    IDisposable Connect();

Since it derives from IObservable<T>, you can call Subscribe on an IConnectableObservable<T>, but the implementation returned by Multicast won't call Subscribe on the underlying source when you do that. It only calls Subscribe on the underlying source when you call Connect. So that we can see this in action, let's define a source that prints out a message each time Subscribe is called:

IObservable<int> src = Observable.Create<int>(obs =>
    Console.WriteLine("Create callback called");
    return Disposable.Empty;

Since this is only going to be invoked once no matter how many observers subscribe, Multicast can't pass on the IObserver<T>s handed to its own Subscribe method, because there could be any number of them. It uses a Subject as the single IObserver<T> that is passes to the underlying source, and this subject is also responsible for keeping track of all subscribers. If we call Multicast directly, we are required to pass in the subject we want to use:

IConnectableObservable<int> m = src.Multicast(new Subject<int>());

We can now subscribe to this a few times over:

m.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x}"));
m.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x}"));
m.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x}"));

None of these subscribers will receive anything unless we call Connect:


Note: Connect returns an IDisposable. Calling Dispose on that unsubscribes from the underlying source.

This call to Connect causes the following output:

Create callback called
Sub1: 1
Sub2: 1
Sub3: 1
Sub1: 2
Sub2: 2
Sub3: 2

As you can see, the method we passed to Create runs only once, confirming that Multicast did only subscribe once, despite us calling Subscribe three times over. But each item went to all three subscriptions.

The way Multicast works is fairly straightforward: it gets the subject do most of the work. Whenever you call Subscribe on an observable returned by Multicast, it just calls Subscribe on the subject. And when you call Connect, it just passes the subject into the underlying source's Subscribe. So this code would have had the same effect:

var s = new Subject<int>();

s.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x}"));
s.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x}"));
s.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x}"));


However, an advantage of Multicast is that it returns IConnectableObservable<T>, and as we'll see later, some other parts of Rx know how to work with this interface.

Multicast offers an overload that works in a quite different way: it is intended for scenarios where you want to write a query that uses its source observable twice. For example, we might want to get adjacent pairs of items using Zip:

IObservable<(int, int)> ps = src.Zip(src.Skip(1));
ps.Subscribe(ps => Console.WriteLine(ps));

(Although Buffer might seem like a more obvious way to do this, one advantage of this Zip approach is that it will never give us half of a pair. When we ask Buffer for pairs, it will give us a single-item buffer when we reach the end, which can require extra code to work around.)

The problem with this approach is that the source will see two subscriptions: one directly from Zip, and then a second one through Skip. If we were to run the code above, we'd see this output:

Create callback called
Create callback called
(1, 2)

Our Create callback ran twice. The second Multicast overload lets us avoid that:

IObservable<(int, int)> ps = src.Multicast(() => new Subject<int>(), s => s.Zip(s.Skip(1)));
ps.Subscribe(ps => Console.WriteLine(ps));

As the output shows, this avoids the multiple subscriptions:

Create callback called
(1, 2)

This overload of Multicast returns a normal IObservable<T>. This means we don't need to call Connect. But it also means that each subscription to the resulting IObservable<T> causes a subscription to the underlying source. But for the scenario it is designed for this is fine: we're just trying to avoid getting twice as many subscriptions to the underlying source.

The remaining operators defined in this section, Publish, PublishLast, and Replay, are all wrappers around Multicast, each supplying a specific type of subject for you.


The Publish operator calls Multicast with a Subject<T>. The effect of this is that once you have called Connect on the result, any items produced by the source will be delivered to all subscribers. This enables me to replace this earlier example:

IConnectableObservable<int> m = src.Multicast(new Subject<int>());

with this:

IConnectableObservable<int> m = src.Publish();

These are exactly equivalent.

Because Subject<T> forwards all incoming OnNext calls to each of its subscribers immediately, and because it doesn't store any previously made calls, the result is a hot source. If you attach some subscribers before calling Connect, and then you attached more subscribers after calling Connect, those later subscribers will only receive events that occurred after they subscribed. This example demonstrates that:

IConnectableObservable<long> publishedTicks = Observable

publishedTicks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
publishedTicks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

Console.WriteLine("Adding more subscribers");

publishedTicks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
publishedTicks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub4: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

The following output shows that we only see output for the Sub3 and Sub4 subscriptions for the final 2 events:

Sub1: 0 (10/08/2023 16:04:02)
Sub2: 0 (10/08/2023 16:04:02)
Sub1: 1 (10/08/2023 16:04:03)
Sub2: 1 (10/08/2023 16:04:03)

Adding more subscribers

Sub1: 2 (10/08/2023 16:04:04)
Sub2: 2 (10/08/2023 16:04:04)
Sub3: 2 (10/08/2023 16:04:04)
Sub4: 2 (10/08/2023 16:04:04)
Sub1: 3 (10/08/2023 16:04:05)
Sub2: 3 (10/08/2023 16:04:05)
Sub3: 3 (10/08/2023 16:04:05)
Sub4: 3 (10/08/2023 16:04:05)

As with Multicast, Publish offers an overload that provides per-top-level-subscription multicast. This lets us simplify the example from the end of that section from this:

IObservable<(int, int)> ps = src.Multicast(() => new Subject<int>(), s => s.Zip(s.Skip(1)));
ps.Subscribe(ps => Console.WriteLine(ps));

to this:

IObservable<(int, int)> ps = src.Publish(s => s.Zip(s.Skip(1)));
ps.Subscribe(ps => Console.WriteLine(ps));

Publish offers overloads that let you specify an initial value. These use BehaviorSubject<T> instead of Subject<T>. The difference here is that all subscribers will immediately receive a value as soon as they subscribe. If the underlying source hasn't yet produced an item (or if Connect hasn't been called, meaning we've not even subscribed to the source yet) they will receive the initial value. And if at least one item has been received from the source, any new subscribers will instantly receive the latest value the source produced, and will then go on to receive any further new values.


The PublishLast operator calls Multicast with an AsyncSubject<T>. The effect of this is that the final item produced by the source will be delivered to all subscribers. You still need to call Connect. This determines when subscription to the underlying source occurs. But all subscribers will receive the final event regardless of when they subscribe, because AsyncSubject<T> remembers the final result. We can see this in action with the following example:

IConnectableObservable<long> pticks = Observable

pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

Console.WriteLine("Adding more subscribers");

pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub4: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

This creates a source that produces 4 values in the space of 0.4 seconds. It attaches a couple of subscribers to the IConnectableObservable<T> returned by PublishLast and then immediately calls Connect. Then it sleeps for 1 second, which gives the source time to complete. This means that those first two subscribers will receive the one and only value they will ever receive (the last value in the sequence) before that call to Thread.Sleep returns. But we then go on to attach two more subscribers. As the output shows, these also receive that same final event:

Sub1: 3 (11/14/2023 9:15:46 AM)
Sub2: 3 (11/14/2023 9:15:46 AM)

Adding more subscribers

Sub3: 3 (11/14/2023 9:15:49 AM)
Sub4: 3 (11/14/2023 9:15:49 AM)

These last two subscribers receive the value later because they subscribed later, but the AsyncSubject<T> created by PublishLast is just replaying the final value it received to these late subscribers.


The Replay operator calls Multicast with a ReplaySubject<T>. The effect of this is that any subscribers attached before calling Connect just receive all events as the underlying source produces them, but any subscribers attached later effectively get to 'catch up', because the ReplaySubject<T> remembers events it has already seen, and replays them to new subscribers.

This example is very similar to the one used for Publish:

IConnectableObservable<long> pticks = Observable

pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

Console.WriteLine("Adding more subscribers");

pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
pticks.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub4: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

This creates a source that will produce items regularly for 4 seconds. It attaches two subscribers before calling Connect. It then waits long enough for the first two events to emerge before attaching two more subscribers. But unlike with Publish, those late subscribers will see the events that happened before they subscribed:

Sub1: 0 (10/08/2023 16:18:22)
Sub2: 0 (10/08/2023 16:18:22)
Sub1: 1 (10/08/2023 16:18:23)
Sub2: 1 (10/08/2023 16:18:23)

Adding more subscribers

Sub3: 0 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub3: 1 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub4: 0 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub4: 1 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub1: 2 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub2: 2 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub3: 2 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub4: 2 (10/08/2023 16:18:24)
Sub1: 3 (10/08/2023 16:18:25)
Sub2: 3 (10/08/2023 16:18:25)
Sub3: 3 (10/08/2023 16:18:25)
Sub4: 3 (10/08/2023 16:18:25)

They receive them late of course, because they subscribed late. So we see a quick flurry of events reported as Sub3 and Sub4 catch up, but once they have caught up, they then receive all further events immediately.

The ReplaySubject<T> that enables this behaviour will consume memory to store events. As you may recall, this subject type can be configured to store only a limited number of events, or not to hold onto events older than some specified time limit. The Replay operator provides overloads that enable you to configure these kinds of limits.

Replay also supports the per-subscription-multicast model I showed for the other Multicast-based operators in this section.


We saw in the preceding section that Multicast (and also its various wrappers) supports two usage models:

  • returning an IConnectableObservable<T> to allow top-level control of when subscription to the underlying source occurs
  • returning an ordinary IObservable<T>, enabling us to avoid unnecessary multiple subscriptions to the source when using a query that uses the source in multiple places (e.g., s.Zip(s.Take(1))), but still making one Subscribe call to the underlying source for each top-level Subscribe

RefCount offers a slightly different model. It enables subscription to the underlying source to be triggered by an ordinary Subscribe, but can still make just a single call to the underlying source. This might be useful in the AIS example used throughout this book. You might want to attach multiple subscribers to an observable source that reports the location messages broadcast by ships and other vessels, but you would normally want a library presenting an Rx-based API for this to connect only once to any underlying service providing those messages. And you would most likely want it to connect only when at least one subscriber is listening. RefCount would be ideal for this because it enables a single source to support multiple subscribers, and for the underlying source to know when we move between the "no subscribers" and "at least one subscriber" states.

To be able to observe how RefCount operators, I'm going to use a modified version of the source that reports when subscription occurs:

IObservable<int> src = Observable.Create<int>(async obs =>
    Console.WriteLine("Create callback called");
    await Task.Delay(250).ConfigureAwait(false);
    await Task.Delay(250).ConfigureAwait(false);
    await Task.Delay(250).ConfigureAwait(false);
    await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);

Unlike the earlier example, this uses async and delays between each OnNext to ensure that the main thread has time to set up multiple subscriptions before all the items are produced. We can then wrap this with RefCount:

IObservable<int> rc = src

Notice that I have to call Publish first. This is because RefCount expects an IConnectableObservable<T>. It wants to start the source only when something first subscribes. It will call Connect as soon as there's at least one subscriber. Let's try it:

rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
Console.WriteLine("Adding more subscribers");
rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub4: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

Here's the output:

Create callback called
Sub1: 1 (10/08/2023 16:36:44)
Sub1: 2 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub2: 2 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub1: 3 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub2: 3 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)

Adding more subscribers

Sub1: 4 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub2: 4 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub3: 4 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)
Sub4: 4 (10/08/2023 16:36:45)

Notice that only Sub1 receives the very first event. That's because the callback passed to Create produces that immediately. Only when it invokes its first await does it return to the caller, enabling us to attach the second subscriber. That has already missed the first event, but as you can see it receives the 2nd and 3rd. The code waits long enough for the first three events to occur before attaching two more subscribers, and you can see that all four subscribers receive the final event.

As the name suggests RefCount counts the number of active subscribers. If this ever drops to 0, it will call Dispose on the object that Connect returned, shutting down the subscription. If further subscribers attach, it will restart. This example shows that:

IDisposable s1 = rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub1: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
IDisposable s2 = rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub2: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

Console.WriteLine("Removing subscribers");

Console.WriteLine("Adding more subscribers");
rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub3: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));
rc.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"Sub4: {x} ({DateTime.Now})"));

We get this output:

Create callback called
Sub1: 1 (10/08/2023 16:40:39)
Sub1: 2 (10/08/2023 16:40:39)
Sub2: 2 (10/08/2023 16:40:39)
Sub1: 3 (10/08/2023 16:40:39)
Sub2: 3 (10/08/2023 16:40:39)

Removing subscribers

Adding more subscribers

Create callback called
Sub3: 1 (10/08/2023 16:40:40)
Sub3: 2 (10/08/2023 16:40:40)
Sub4: 2 (10/08/2023 16:40:40)
Sub3: 3 (10/08/2023 16:40:41)
Sub4: 3 (10/08/2023 16:40:41)
Sub3: 4 (10/08/2023 16:40:41)
Sub4: 4 (10/08/2023 16:40:41)

This time, the Create callback ran twice. That's because the number of active subscribers dropped to 0, so RefCount called Dispose to shut things down. When new subscribers came along, it called Connect again to start things back up. There are some overloads enabling you to specify a disconnectDelay. This tells it to wait for the specified time after the number of subscribers drops to zero before disconnecting, to see if any new subscribers come along. But it will still disconnect if the specified time elapses. If that's not what you want, the next operator might be for you.


The AutoConnect operator behaves in much the same way as RefCount, in that it calls Connect on its underlying IConnectableObservable<T> when the first subscriber subscribers. The difference is that it doesn't attempt to detect when the number of active subscribers has dropped to zero: once it connects, it remains connected indefinitely, even if it has no subscribers.

Although AutoConnect can be convenient, you need to be a little careful, because it can cause leaks: it will never disconnect automatically. It is still possible to tear down the connection it creates: AutoConnect accepts an optional argument of type Action<IDisposable>. It invokes this when it first connects to the source, passing you the IDisposable returned by the source's Connect method. You can shut it down by calling Dispose.

The operators in this chapter can be useful whenever you have a source that is not well suited do dealing with multiple subscribers. It provides various ways to attach multiple subscribers while only triggering a single Subscribe to the underlying source.