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Context: #9846
Context: efbec22
Context: #2266
Context: 684ede6
Context: xamarin/monodroid@eb04c91
Context: dotnet/java-interop@397013e
`Java.Interop.JniRuntime.JniTypeManager` supports bi-directional
mapping between JNI type signatures and managed `Type`s:
* `GetTypeSignature(Type)` returns the JNI type signature that
corresponds to the `System.Type`.
* `GetType(JniTypeSignature)` returns the `Type` that corresponds
to a JNI type signature.
One can imagine 1:1 *identity relation* between Java and managed
types, in which `GetType(GetTypeSignature(t))==t`:
static void Identity<T> ()
JniRuntime.JniTypeManager tm = Java.Interop.JniEnvironment.Runtime.TypeManager;
JniTypeSignature sigFromT = tm.GetTypeSignature (typeof (T));
Type? typefromSig = tm.GetType (sigFromT);
if (typeof (T) != typefromSig)
throw new Exception ($"Type({typeof (T)}) != .GetType({sigFromT}){{{(typefromSig == null ? "<null>" : typefromSig.ToString ())}}}");
JniTypeSignature sigIdentity = tm.GetTypeSignature (typefromSig!);
if (sigFromT != sigIdentity)
throw new Exception ($"{sigFromT}) != {sigIdentity}");
This is *not* always true in .NET for Android.
There *is* a required 1:1 relation between Java and managed types for
"normal" user-written `Java.Lang.Object` and `Java.Lang.Throwable`
subclasses, such as:
partial class MainActivity : Activity {
There *may not* be a 1:1 relation between Java and managed types for:
* Bindings/projections of Java types; that is, types which have
`[Register(…, DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]` or
`[JniTypeSignature(…, GenerateJavaPeer=false)]`.
* *Arrays* of types. The same `JniTypeSignature` is generated for
for `T[]`, `JavaArray<T>`, and other `Java*Array` types.
For example, `Mono.Android.dll` contains *three* "binding aliases"
for `java.util.ArrayList`:
* `Android.Runtime.JavaList`
* `Android.Runtime.JavaList<T>`
* `Java.Util.ArrayList`
Only `Identity<Android.Runtime.JavaList>()` passes on .NET 9.
There are *two* binding aliases for `java.lang.Object`:
`Java.Interop.JavaObject, Java.Interop` and
`Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android`. (Plus more in unit tests!)
Only `Identity<Java.Lang.Object>()` passes on .NET 9, and that's
because of special-casing (25d1f00, 7acf328).
Which brings us to 684ede6 and #9846: there are two
additional issues with the improved NativeAOT-compatible typemap:
1. It ignores assembly names when generating typemaps, and
2. It doesn't properly deal with binding aliases.
## Assembly Identity is important!
It is not unusual for developers to copy and paste code
"from elsewhere" into their project. It is likewise not unusual for
developers to *not* rename such copied code, meaning it is quite
possible for the "same" type to be present multiple times in an app:
// Lib1.dll
namespace Utilities {
class GenericHolder<T> : Java.Lang.Object {
public T Value {get; set;}
// Lib2.dll
namespace Utilities {
class GenericHolder<T> : Java.Lang.Object {
public T Value {get; set;}
From a C# and .NET perspective, this is fine:
`Utilities.GenericHolder<T>` has `internal` visibility; there is no
conflict here.
…except in pre-2014 Xamarin.Android, in which the package name of the
Java Callable Wrapper (JCW) name was based on the namespace of the
managed type. *Both* of the above types would have the *same* JCW
name: `utilities.GenericHolder`. This would promptly error out:
error : Duplicate managed type found! Mappings between managed types and Java types must be unique.
First Type: 'Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager/IOnBackStackChangedListenerImplementor, Xamarin.Android.Support.v4-r18, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null';
Second Type: 'Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager/IOnBackStackChangedListenerImplementor, Mono.Android.Support.v4'
This scenario was improved in xamarin/monodroid@eb04c91c, which used
an *md5sum* of the namespace and assembly name, ensuring that the two
different `GenericHolder<T>` types would get different Java package
names, as the assembly name was in play. (This was later changed to
use a CRC64 instead md5sum in dotnet/java-interop@397013ed.)
A problem in 684ede6 is that it would hash the managed type name for
a lookup, but the hash ignored the assembly name. Consequently when
it countered two different `Java.InteropTests.GenericHolder<T>` types
in two separate assemblies, the assembly name was ignored, resulting
in a duplicate hash. This would result in build failures:
Fatal error in IL Linker
Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Duplicate hashes
at Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink.TypeMappingStep.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<EndProcess>g__GenerateHashes|10(UInt64[] hashes, String methodName)
at Microsoft.Android.Sdk.ILLink.TypeMappingStep.EndProcess()
at Mono.Linker.Steps.BaseStep.Process(LinkContext context)
at Mono.Linker.Pipeline.ProcessStep(LinkContext context, IStep step)
at Mono.Linker.Pipeline.Process(LinkContext context)
at Mono.Linker.Driver.Run(ILogger customLogger)
at Mono.Linker.Driver.Main(String[] args)
Fix this by hashing `Type.AssemblyQualifiedName` instead of
## Binding Aliases
#9846 had a unit test failure in
System.ArgumentException : Could not determine Java type corresponding to ``Android.Runtime.JavaList`1[[System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]], Mono.Android``. Arg_ParamName_Name, targetType
at Java.Interop.JniRuntime.JniValueManager.CreatePeer(JniObjectReference&, JniObjectReferenceOptions, Type) + 0x248
at Java.Interop.JniRuntime.JniValueManager.GetPeer(JniObjectReference, Type) + 0x77
at Java.Lang.Object.GetObject(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership, Type) + 0x31
at Java.Interop.JavaObjectExtensions._JavaCast[TResult](IJavaObject) + 0x66
at Java.InteropTests.JavaObjectExtensionsTests.JavaCast_BaseToGenericWrapper() + 0x62
at libMono.Android.NET-Tests!<BaseAddress>+0x1489b83
at System.Reflection.DynamicInvokeInfo.Invoke(Object, IntPtr, Object[], BinderBundle, Boolean) + 0xf3
This is due to "binding aliases": there was no type mapping between
`Android.Runtime.JavaList<T>` and `java/util/arrayList`, because the
typemaps were assuming a 1:1 mapping, which isn't the case here.
Update `TypeMappingStep` so that binding aliases are supported.
Given (from `TypeMappingStep.cs`):
partial class TypeMappingStep {
IDictionary<string, List<TypeDefinition>> TypeMappings = new(StringComparer.Ordinal);
Then at the end of trimming, `TypeMappingStep.TypeMappings` will
contain e.g.
TypeMappingStep.TypeMappings = {
["java/util/ArrayList"] => new List<TypeDefinition> {
typeof (Android.Runtime.JavaList),
typeof (Android.Runtime.JavaList<>),
typeof (Java.Util.ArrayList),
["java/lang/Object"] => new List<TypeDefinition> {
typeof (Java.Lang.Object),
typeof (Java.Interop.JavaObject),
["java/lang/Runnable"] => new List<TypeDefinition> {
typeof (Java.Lang.IRunnable),
typeof (Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker),
// …
From `TypeMappingStep.TypeMappings` we produce two typemap "tables".
Java/JNI class name to managed type resembles:
partial class TypeMapping {
static Type? GetTypeByJniNameHashIndex (int index) => index switch {
0 => Type.GetTypeFromHandle (typeof (Java.Lang.Byte).RuntimeTypeHandle), // `java/lang/Byte` hash=0x01cd624f1e38cc9f
32 => Type.GetTypeFromHandle (typeof (Android.Runtime.JavaList).RuntimeTypeHandle), // `java/util/ArrayList` hash=0x7b925bdca68a0101
56 => Type.GetTypeFromHandle (typeof (Java.Lang.Object).RuntimeTypeHandle), // `java/lang/Object` hash=0xbf6d427143271cb3
77 => Type.GetTypeFromHandle (typeof (Java.Lang.IRunnable).RuntimeTypeHandle), // `java/lang/Runnable` hash=0xfd2b1a3de667eb51
_ => null,
static string? GetJniNameByJniNameHashIndex (int index) => index switch {
0 => "java/lang/Byte", // `Java.Lang.Byte, Mono.Android` hash=0x01cd624f1e38cc9f
32 => "java/util/ArrayList", // `Android.Runtime.JavaList, Mono.Android` hash=0x7b925bdca68a0101
56 => "java/lang/Object", // `Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android` hash=0xbf6d427143271cb3
77 => "java/lang/Runnable", // `Java.Lang.IRunnable, Mono.Android` hash=0xfd2b1a3de667eb51
_ => null,
private static ReadOnlySpan<ulong> JniNameHashes => new ReadOnlySpan<ulong>(ref s_get_JniNameHashes_data, 78);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack=1, Size=624)]
private struct HashesArray_624 {
private static HashesArray_624 s_get_JniNameHashes_data = new ulong[78]{ // RVA data; insert hand-waving here
0x1cd624f1e38cc9f, // 0: java/lang/Byte
// …
0x7b925bdca68a0101, // 32: java/util/ArrayList
// …
0xbf6d427143271cb3, // 56: java/lang/Object
// …
0xfd2b1a3de667eb51, // 77: java/lang/Runnable
// …
Note that `TypeMapping.GetTypeByJniNameHashIndex()` and
`TypeMapping.GetJniNameByJniNameHashIndex()` provides values for all
indexes between 0 and the number of hashes within
`s_get_JniNameHashes_data`. Not all entries are listed for
exposition purposes.
Managed type to JNI resembles:
partial class TypeMapping {
static string? GetJniNameByTypeNameHashIndex (int index) => index switch {
0 => "java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException", // `Java.Lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, Mono.Android` hash=0x0242f4a673f183d1
2 => "java/util/ArrayList", // `Java.Util.ArrayList, Mono.Android` hash=0x07c2b62d20a668dd
4 => "java/util/ArrayList", // `Android.Runtime.JavaList`1, Mono.Android` hash=0x132055d1acecc87d
30 => "java/lang/Runnable", // `Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker, Mono.Android` hash=0x386176afae6775ce
32 => "mono/java/lang/Runnable", // `Java.Lang.Runnable, Mono.Android` hash=0x408566f4617e204f
36 => "java/util/ArrayList", // `Android.Runtime.JavaList, Mono.Android` hash=0x48a63a89cfee545f
44 => "java/lang/Object", // `Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android` hash=0x5b4a99c45538d0fb
51 => "java/lang/Object", // `Java.Interop.JavaObject, Java.Interop` hash=0x88a12107f88ba9a7
53 => "java/lang/Byte", // `Java.Lang.Byte, Mono.Android` hash=0x8ab15b52718902fb
96 => "java/lang/Runnable", // `Java.Lang.IRunnable, Mono.Android` hash=0xef2efa58a51bb883
_ => null,
static string? GetTypeNameByTypeNameHashIndex (int index) => index switch {
0 => "Java.Lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, Mono.Android", // `java/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException` hash=0x0242f4a673f183d1
2 => "Java.Util.ArrayList, Mono.Android", // `java/util/ArrayList` hash=0x07c2b62d20a668dd
4 => "Android.Runtime.JavaList`1, Mono.Android", // `java/util/ArrayList` hash=0x132055d1acecc87d
30 => "Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker, Mono.Android", // `java/lang/Runnable` hash=0x386176afae6775ce
32 => "Java.Lang.Runnable, Mono.Android", // `mono/java/lang/Runnable` hash=0x408566f4617e204f
36 => "Android.Runtime.JavaList, Mono.Android", // `java/util/ArrayList` hash=0x48a63a89cfee545f
44 => "Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android", // `java/lang/Object` hash=0x5b4a99c45538d0fb
51 => "Java.Interop.JavaObject, Java.Interop", // `java/lang/Object` hash=0x88a12107f88ba9a7
53 => "Java.Lang.Byte, Mono.Android", // `java/lang/Byte` hash=0x8ab15b52718902fb
96 => "Java.Lang.IRunnable, Mono.Android", // `java/lang/Runnable` hash=0xef2efa58a51bb883
_ => null,
private static ReadOnlySpan<ulong> TypeNameHashes => new ReadOnlySpan<ulong>(ref s_get_TypeNameHashes_data, 99);
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack=1, Size=792)]
private struct HashesArray_792 {
private static HashesArray_792 s_get_TypeNameHashes_data = new ulong[99] { // RVA data; insert hand-waving here
0x242f4a673f183d1, // 0: Java.Lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException, Mono.Android
// …
0x7c2b62d20a668dd, // 2: Java.Util.ArrayList, Mono.Android
// …
0x132055d1acecc87d, // 4: Android.Runtime.JavaList`1, Mono.Android
// …
0x386176afae6775ce, // 30: Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker, Mono.Android
// …
0x408566f4617e204f, // 32: Java.Lang.Runnable, Mono.Android
// …
0x48a63a89cfee545f, // 36: Android.Runtime.JavaList, Mono.Android
// …
0x5b4a99c45538d0fb, // 44: Java.Lang.Object, Mono.Android
// …
0x88a12107f88ba9a7, // 51: Java.Interop.JavaObject, Java.Interop
// …
0x8ab15b52718902fb, // 53: Java.Lang.Byte, Mono.Android
// …
0xef2efa58a51bb883, // 96: Java.Lang.IRunnable, Mono.Android
// …
Note that `TypeMapping.GetJniNameByTypeNameHashIndex()` and
`TypeMapping.GetTypeNameByTypeNameHashIndex()` provides values for all
indexes between 0 and the number of hashes within
`s_get_TypeNameHashes_data`. Not all entries are listed for
exposition purposes.
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