git checkout master
On line 2, which currently reads:
Workshop exercises and outstanding student questions for JSConf Asia 2014.
Change the year to "2015".
Assuming there have been new commits on the project
remote, get them:
git fetch project
You can try merge the changes into your master
git merge project/master
At this point there should be a conflict:
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
git status
Will show you which file(s) have conflicts.
Edit the
file. You'll see something like:
<<<<<<< HEAD
Workshop exercises and outstanding student questions for JSConf Asia 2015.
Workshop exercises and outstanding student questions for JSConf Asia 2013.
>>>>>>> origin/master
It's up to you to decide what is the correct version that you want to keep (or perhaps just change it back to "2014").
Save and exit the file once you've cleaned up the conflict.
If you run git status
again you'll see the same error. You still have to:
git add
Then commit it. If you commit it like this:
git commit --verbose
It will open your $EDITOR
editor, eg. vim, with a pre-prepared "merge
conflict" commit message.