- Local development:
lerna run dev
(in root) ornpm run dev
(in package directory) - Deploy workers:
lerna run deploy
(all) ornpm run deploy
(single package) - Worker debugging: Each worker has a dedicated inspector port (session-state: 51521, user-mgmt: 51522)
- Front-end dev server: Runs on http://localhost:48080
- Formatting: 4-space indentation, opening braces on same line
- Naming: camelCase for variables/functions, PascalCase for interfaces/types/classes
- Constants: UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, defined at top of files
- TypeScript: Explicit parameter/return types, minimize use of
- Imports: Group by source, locals first then externals
- Error handling: Try/catch with proper context, appropriate HTTP status codes
- Async: Always use async/await pattern for asynchronous operations
- Documentation: JSDoc-style comments for functions and interfaces
Each package (user-mgmt, session-state, account-pages) is a standalone application deployed to Cloudflare's edge network. Use wrangler.toml for configuration.