diff --git a/base/ubi9/.stow-local-ignore b/base/ubi9/.stow-local-ignore
index e4a7df98..7012d319 100644
--- a/base/ubi9/.stow-local-ignore
+++ b/base/ubi9/.stow-local-ignore
@@ -10,3 +10,6 @@
+# Ignore files under .config directory
diff --git a/base/ubi9/entrypoint.sh b/base/ubi9/entrypoint.sh
index 0754ce5a..6ddfee72 100644
--- a/base/ubi9/entrypoint.sh
+++ b/base/ubi9/entrypoint.sh
@@ -30,4 +30,25 @@ fi
 source kubedock_setup
+# Stow
+## Required for https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/22412
+# /home/user/ will be mounted to by a PVC if persistUserHome is enabled
+mountpoint -q /home/user/; HOME_USER_MOUNTED=$?
+# This file will be created after stowing, to guard from executing stow everytime the container is started
+if [ $HOME_USER_MOUNTED -eq 0 ] && [ ! -f $STOW_COMPLETE ]; then
+    # Create symbolic links from /home/tooling/ -> /home/user/
+    stow . -t /home/user/ -d /home/tooling/ --no-folding -v 2 > /tmp/stow.log 2>&1
+    # Vim does not permit .viminfo to be a symbolic link for security reasons, so manually copy it
+    cp /home/tooling/.viminfo /home/user/.viminfo
+    # We have to restore bash-related files back onto /home/user/ (since they will have been overwritten by the PVC)
+    # but we don't want them to be symbolic links (so that they persist on the PVC)
+    cp /home/tooling/.bashrc /home/user/.bashrc
+    cp /home/tooling/.bash_profile /home/user/.bash_profile
+    touch $STOW_COMPLETE
 exec "$@"
diff --git a/universal/ubi9/Dockerfile b/universal/ubi9/Dockerfile
index 8f6fa3b0..7bed02da 100644
--- a/universal/ubi9/Dockerfile
+++ b/universal/ubi9/Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 # syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.3-labs
 # updateBaseImages.sh can't operate on SHA-based tags as they're not date-based or semver-sequential, and therefore cannot be ordered
-FROM quay.io/devfile/base-developer-image:ubi9-latest
+# FROM quay.io/devfile/base-developer-image:ubi9-latest
+FROM quay.io/cgruver0/che/base-developer-image:latest
 LABEL maintainer="Red Hat, Inc."
 LABEL com.redhat.component="devfile-universal-container"
@@ -413,7 +415,6 @@ EOF
 RUN echo 'export SDKMAN_DIR="/home/tooling/.sdkman"' >> ${PROFILE_EXT}
 RUN echo '[[ -s "$SDKMAN_DIR/bin/sdkman-init.sh" ]] && source "$SDKMAN_DIR/bin/sdkman-init.sh"' >> ${PROFILE_EXT}
 # Create symbolic links from /home/tooling/ -> /home/user/
 RUN stow . -t /home/user/ -d /home/tooling/ --no-folding
@@ -423,8 +424,6 @@ RUN chgrp -R 0 /home && chmod -R g=u /etc/passwd /etc/group /home /etc/pki
 # cleanup dnf cache
 RUN dnf -y clean all --enablerepo='*'
-COPY --chown=0:0 entrypoint.sh /
 USER 10001
 ENV HOME=/home/user
diff --git a/universal/ubi9/entrypoint.sh b/universal/ubi9/entrypoint.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index aeb28436..00000000
--- a/universal/ubi9/entrypoint.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-source kubedock_setup
-# Stow
-## Required for https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/22412
-# /home/user/ will be mounted to by a PVC if persistUserHome is enabled
-mountpoint -q /home/user/; HOME_USER_MOUNTED=$?
-# This file will be created after stowing, to guard from executing stow everytime the container is started
-if [ $HOME_USER_MOUNTED -eq 0 ] && [ ! -f $STOW_COMPLETE ]; then
-    # Create symbolic links from /home/tooling/ -> /home/user/
-    stow . -t /home/user/ -d /home/tooling/ --no-folding -v 2 > /tmp/stow.log 2>&1
-    # Vim does not permit .viminfo to be a symbolic link for security reasons, so manually copy it
-    cp /home/tooling/.viminfo /home/user/.viminfo
-    # We have to restore bash-related files back onto /home/user/ (since they will have been overwritten by the PVC)
-    # but we don't want them to be symbolic links (so that they persist on the PVC)
-    cp /home/tooling/.bashrc /home/user/.bashrc
-    cp /home/tooling/.bash_profile /home/user/.bash_profile
-    touch $STOW_COMPLETE
-exec "$@"