This repository is made for CBSE class XII project work.
This project contains two python files and one SQL file . contains all the functions used in the program and Master. py is the main program which contains the main program which uses all the functions present in
SQL, binary file and csv files are used in the program to store data
The main objective of this program is :
• Book a train ticket
• Cancel a ticket
• Check PNR Status
• Show all the bookings of the user
It also has a admin control page from where the following operations can be performed :
• Add a station
• Delete a station
• Add a train
• Delete a train
• Check all the bookings present in the database
But at first, user had to Sign In into their account (or Sign Up if new user) to perform any operation. Admin can also login into the program using Admin Username and password.
Admin username : 'admin'
Admin password : 'login@Admin'
Author - Debangshu