Our Ansible roles are accompanied by molecule test cases.
Both local tests with Vagrant/Virtualbox as well as EC2 instances are used. There are some role specific cases in their roles respective molecule/
director and a global suite that runs all roles from a single unified playbook by installing full clusers.
# pyenv to 3.6
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
cp group_vars/all/dcos.yaml.example group_vars/all/dcos.yaml
molecule test --scenario-name ec2_centos7
Generally this project tries to strictly test the Ansible roles functionality, not features or behaviour of DC/OS itself. As a rule of thumb: If a roles main.yml tasks successfuly execute (e.g. no errors), its considered 'good'.
CentOS current stable plus its EL variant (as per Mesosphere version policy). Depending on upstream OS release cycles, also upcoming versions as part of (beta) testing.
- Vagrant/Virtualbox
Following the Mesosphere version policy: 1.13, 1.12, 1.11 currently. Depending on release cycles, also the current beta version.
- ivA. the initial install
- ivB. upgrading of a clusters (all node types) and same-version-config-updates
- ivC. running against an up-to-date cluster with no changes expected, this is covered by molecules build-in idempotency checks