- Link: Semeion Handwritten Digit Data Set
- Data
- Image size: 16x16
- Number of images: 1593
# Training
# Testing
# Predict actual image (bug)
python3 path/to/images ...
(with subclass ImageData)
The purpose is to act like Tensorflow official mnist dataset object. I havn't see the source code of how Tensorflow design the class. I just imitate the functionality.
Note: Current only support one-hot label. (transfer to one-hot label before creating the instance/object)
DataSetObject = ImageDataSet(data, label, test_set_ratio=0.3, random_seed=87)
# Get a batch of training data
images, labels = data.train.next_batch(BATCH_SIZE)
# Get total training number
training_number = DataSetObject.train.num_examples
# Get all the testing data and label
testData = DataSetObject.test.images
testLabel = DataSetObject.test.labels
Using 80% training data and 20% testing data in 1593 instances.
After 50000 training step(s), loss on training batch is 0.075765
After 50000 training step(s), test accuracy = 0.909091
There are strange things here. (Haven't found the answer yet)
- Training loss did change but very small
- Test accuracy barely change <- very weird
- My prediction of not even close the accuracy (90% vs less than 10%)
possible answer
- maybe is shuffle problem, but I did shuffle the dataset twice
- maybe is test set problem, but training loss is acting weird too. (far away from I playing around with MNIST)
- or maybe is the parameters problem, but I don't think it will affect that much...
- or maybe the training set is too small that the weights keep stay (overfit) in the final state...