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Attention is a general deep learning technique



  • Attention is not a part of Deep Learning
    • so we can calculate attention individually
  • Attention is more like a "mechanism" of the weighted summation


  • 2014 - Recurrent Models of Visual Attention
    • RNN model with attention for image classification
  • 2014~2015 - Atention in Neural Machine Translation
  • 2015~2016 - Attention-based RNN/CNN in NLP
  • 2017 - Self-attention

attention history


  • Attention significantly improves Neural Machine Translate performance
    • its useful to allow decoder to focus on certain parts of the source
  • Attention solves the bottleneck problem
    • attention allows decoder to look directly at source; bypass bottleneck
  • Attention helps with vanishing gradient problem (TODO link to the vanishing gradient, shortcut)
    • provides shortcut to faraway states
  • Attention provides some interpretability (e.g. the visualization attention matrix)
    • By inspecting attention distribution, we can see what the decoder was focusing on


  • Attention is trivial to parallelize (attention is permutation invariant)

Soft-alignment in Seq2seq model

  • we have encoder hidden states $h_1, \dots, h_N \in \mathbb{R}^h$
  • on timestep $t$, we have decoder hidden states $s_t \in \mathbb{R}^h$

And then, we get the attention score $e^t$ for this step

dot product => get a scalar score

$$ e^t = [s_t^T h_1, \dots, s_t^T h_N] \in mathbb{R}^N $$

We take softmax to get the attention distribution $\alpha^t$ for this step

this is a probability distribution and sums to 1

$$ \alpha^t = \operatorname{softmax}(e^t) \in \mathbb{R}^N $$

We use $\alpha^t$ to take a weighted sum of the encoder hidden states to get the attention output $a_t$

$$ a_t = \sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_i^t h_i \in \mathbb{R}^h $$

Finally we concatenate the attention output $a_t$ with the decoder hidden state $s_t$

$$ [a_t;s_t] \in \mathbb{R}^{2h} $$

The "General Definition" of attention

Given a set of vector values, and a vector query, attention is a technique to compute a "weighted sum of the values", dependent on the query.

query attends to the values

Understand Attention as "Query"

  • Values - a set of vectors
  • Query - a single vector


  • The weighted sum is a selective summary of the information contained in the values, where the query determines which values to focus on.
  • Atteniton is a way to obtain a fixed-size representation of an arbitrary set of representations (the values), dependent on some other representation (the query)

Several Attention Variants (A Family of Attention Mechanisms)

We have

  • Values $h_1, \dots, h_N \in \mathbb{R}^{d_1}$
  • Query $s \in \mathbb{R}^{d_2}$

Attention always involves

  1. Computing the attention scores: $e \in \mathbb{R}^N$ (there are multiple ways to do this)
    1. Basic dot-product attention
    2. Multiplicative attention
    3. Additive attention
  2. Taking softmax to get attention distribution $\alpha$
  3. Using attention distribution to take weighted sum of values thus obtaining the attention output $a$

Basic dot-product attention

$$ e_i = s^T h_i \in \mathbb{R} $$

  • this assumes $d_1 = d_2$

Multiplicative attention (Bilinear, Product form)

two vectors mediated by a matrix

$$ e_i = s^T W h_i \in \mathbb{R} $$

  • where $W \in \mathbb{R}^{d_2\times d_1}$ is a weight matrix

Space Complexity: $O((m+n) k)$, $W$ is $k \times d$

Additive attention (MLP form)

kind of a shallow neural network

$$ e_i = v^T \tanh(W_1h_i + W_2 s) \in \mathbb{R} $$

  • where $W_1 \in \mathbb{R}^{d_3\times d_1}$, $W_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{d_3\times d_2}$ are a weight matrices and $v \in \mathbb{R}^{d_3}$ is a weight vector
  • $d_3$ (the attention dimensionality) is a hyperparameter

Space Complexity: $O(mnk)$, $W$ is $k \times d$

Evolution Attention example of FusionNet

  1. Origianl version of Bilinear form attention $S_{ij} = c_i^T W q_j$
  2. Reduce the rank and complexity by dividing it into the product of two lower rank matrices $S_{ij} = c_i^T U^T V q_j$
  3. Make the attention distribution to be symmetric $S_{ij} = c_i^T W^T D W q_j$ (sill make sence of linear algebra term)
  4. Stick the left and right half through a ReLU $S_{ij} = \operatorname{ReLU}(C_i^TW^T)D \operatorname{ReLU}(Wq_j)$
  • Smaller space
  • Non-linearity

Space Complexity: $O((m+n) k)$, $W$ is $k \times d$


Attention Name Alignment score function Citation
Content-base $\text{score}(\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i) = \text{cosine}[\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i]$
Additive(*) $\text{score}(\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i) = \mathbf{v}_a^\top \tanh(\mathbf{W}_a[\boldsymbol{s}_t; \boldsymbol{h}_i])$ Graves2014
Location-Base $\alpha_{t,i} = \text{softmax}(\mathbf{W}_a \boldsymbol{s}_t)$ Bahdanau2015
General (multiplicative) $\text{score}(\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i) = \boldsymbol{s}_t^\top\mathbf{W}_a\boldsymbol{h}_i$ Luong2015
Dot-Product $\text{score}(\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i) = \boldsymbol{s}_t^\top\boldsymbol{h}_i$ Luong2015
Scaled Dot-Product(^) $\text{score}(\boldsymbol{s}_t, \boldsymbol{h}_i) = \frac{\boldsymbol{s}_t^\top\boldsymbol{h}_i}{\sqrt{n}}$ Vaswani2017
  • (*) Referred to as “concat” in Luong, et al., 2015 and as “additive attention” in Vaswani, et al., 2017.
  • (^) It adds a scaling factor 1/n‾√, motivated by the concern when the input is large, the softmax function may have an extremely small gradient, hard for efficient learning.

broader categories of attention mechanisms

Attention Name Alignment score function Citation
Self-Attention(&) Relating different positions of the same input sequence. Theoretically the self-attention can adopt any score functions above, but just replace the target sequence with the same input sequence. Cheng2016
Global/Soft Attending to the entire input state space. Xu2015
Local/Hard Attending to the part of input state space; i.e. a patch of the input image. Xu2015; Luong2015
  • (&) Also, referred to as “intra-attention” in Cheng et al., 2016 and some other papers.

Soft vs. Hard Attention

Attention Area

Global Attention vs. Local Attention



Re-represent the word representing based on its context (neighbors).

  • For each node/vector, create a query vector Q, key vector K and a value vector V

$$ A(Q, K, V) = \operatorname{softmax}{(Q K^T) \over \sqrt{d_k}} V $$

  • dot product ($Q \cdot K$): compute similarity
  • $\sqrt{d_k}$: a scaling factor to make sure that the dot products don't blow up

Multi-head Self-attention: Transformer



