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Language Model Concept

到時候要弄一下 這放的位置(README) 和內容都怪怪 重複 N元模型 算是其中的子類..

Table of Content

  • Embedding

    • Word Embedding
      • Bag-of-Words (BOW)
      • Word2Vec
      • GloVe
      • FastText
    • Sentence Embedding
    • Context Embedding
  • Model

    • BiLM (Bidirectional Language Model)
    • CNN for NLP
    • RNN for NLP


  • Granularity 粒度: The granularity of data refers to the size in which data fields are sub-divided.
  • Perplexity (ppl.) 困惑度
    • for evaluation



Language Modeling

  • is the NLP task of predicting what word comes next
  • given a sequence of words and compute the probability distribution of the next word (which can be any word in the vocabulary)
  • Input: sequence of words $x^{(1)}, x^{(2)}, \dots, x^{(t)}$
  • Output: prob dist of the next word $P(x^{(t+1)}|x^{(t)}, \dots, x^{(1)})$

Language Model

  • a system that does language modeling
  • assigns probability to a piece of text

Life Example

Language Modeling is a subcomponent of many NLP tasks

  • input method (predictive typing)
  • search engine
  • speech recognition
  • ...

Building Language Model

  • N-gram Language Model
  • Neural Language Model
    • Fixed-window Neural Language Model
    • Recurrent Neural Networks (a family of neural architectures)

Word Embedding

  • Goal: Representing a word as a dense, low-dimensional, and real-valued vector.
  • Input: Long documents (e.g. articles from Wikipedia) or Short texts (e.g. tweets).
  • Output Word vectors.
  • Usage: Initialization of deep architectures.
  • Assumption: Words co-occur in a context are similar.


  • Continous Bag-of-Words (CBOW): Predicting a target word (output) with the sum of the words in the context (input)
  • Skip-gram: Predicting each of other words in the context (output) with the target word (input)

Both of these two model can be composed with three layers

assume word set size is N, K hidden units

  • Input Layer

    • input N-dimension one-hot layer
  • Projection (Hidden) Layer

    • weight: $N \times K$
  • Output Layer

    • softmax
  • Speed-up: (because the softmax function has normalization term, it need to iterate through the entire word set)

    • Hierarchical softmax: Represent words as leaves of a binary tree.
      • Cost of objective calculaiton: V to log(V)
    • Negative sampling: Approximage the softmax with negative samples.
      • Cost of objective calculation: V to #

Google word2vec

GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation)

Learning word representations by factorizing a co-occurrence matrix

FastText (Subword Model)

Modeling morphology of words by embedding character n-grams on top of the model of skip-gram


  • Goal: Representing a sequence of words (e.g. a sentence), or a similarity matrix (word-word similarity) as a dense, low-dimensional, and real-valued vector.
  • Input: A matrix (e.g. each column is a word vector, or each element is a similarity score of a pair of words).
  • Output: A vector (or a scalar).
  • Advantage: Encodeing semantics of n-grams.

CNN on a Natural Language Sentence

  • Input: Word embedding
  • Convolution: A filter slides a window on the word matrix with a stride size = 1
  • Pooling (max): Reducing the result of convolution to a scalar


  • Goal: Representing a sequence of words (i.e. a sentnce) as dense, low-dimensional, and real-valued vectors.
  • Input: A sequence of words (or characters).
  • Output: A sequence of hidden states with each a representation of the sequence from the beginning to a secific position.
  • Advantage: Encoding sequential relationship and dependency among words.

Architecture of RNN

  • Similar to Markov Chain
  • Learning an RNN with BPTT (Back Propagation Through Time) --> Gradient Vanishing/Exploding problem for long sequences
  • The problem can be addressed by defining f(.,.) with gates
  • Can stack may hidden layers by treating te hidden states in low layers as input


RNN with separate memory (cell state)

  • Input gate
  • Forget gate
  • Output gate
  • Memory cell

RNN with GRU

  • Update gate
  • Reset gate

With a comparable performance with LSTM, but is much simpler (no cell state)


this shouldn't put here

