This repo contains a demo of how to use AWS Fault Injection Simulator to test your application's resilience to failure.
- aws-cli
- aws-cdk
- Clone this repo
- Make sure you have valid credentials and aws cli confgured
- Run
cdk bootstrap
to create the necessary resources to deploy the CDK app - Run
cdk deploy
to deploy the CDK app
Go to the AWS Console and navigate to the Fault Injection Simulator service
Add a description, select new action, give it a Name, Action type: EC2, and select type of action: aws:ec2:terminate-instances. Click save
Go to the target section, edit the target, and select the target type as EC2. Select the instance from your ECS cluster that you want to target. Click save
Go to the service access section. Select the IAM Role created by the CDK app. Click save
Click "Create experiment template" at the bottom of the page. You will get ask for confirmation.
Start the experiment by clicking on the "Start Experiment" button. You will get asked for confirmation.
Once the CDK gets deployed, it will output the Load Balancer DNS name. You can use this to test the application.
FisDemo.LoadBalancerDNS =
Stack ARN:
In the fis
directory there is a script called
that you can use to test the application. You can run it like this:
You should see a response like this:
➜ infra git:(master) ✗ ./
Testing endpoint:
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Fail - 502
Success - 200
Fail - 502
Fail - 502
Success - 200
Success - 200
Fail - 504
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Success - 200
Total requests: 30
Success rate: 86%
Fail rate: 13%
Move to the infra
directory and run cdk destroy
to delete all the resources created by the CDK app.