The web site and static data live over in
If any of these workflows aren't working, check e2etest.yml
to see if there's a more
up-to-date version.
Set up the Python environment:
poetry install
Data (lat/lon→image lists, image metadata), is hosted on GitHub pages. To update this, run something like this sequence:
cd ..
git clone
cd ../oldnyc
poetry run oldnyc/site/
cd ../
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Update site'
git push
It's easiest to do this by iterating on the images.ndjson
file, which has one
entry per milstein card, rather than one entry per photo.
poetry run oldnyc/geocode/ --coders milstein --images_ndjson data/images.ndjson --output_format geojson --geocode > /tmp/images.geojson
This will print out lots of information about incorrect geocodes and eventually print something like:
25574 milstein
25574 (total)
This is out of 43363 total records in the Milstein collection.
By default, this only uses the local "geocache"--it doesn't fetch any geocodes from Google Maps. If you want to do that, add --use_network:
poetry run oldnyc/geocode/ --images_ndjson data/images.ndjson --output_format geojson --geocode --use_network > /tmp/images.geojson
If you want to determine per-borough geocoding coverage, run
poetry run oldnyc/analysis/ /tmp/records.json
Start by unpacking the geocache. This will speed up geocoding and help ensure stable results:
tar -xzf geocache.tgz
To get new geocodes into the frontend, you need to geocode photos.ndjson
(see below for how to generate this). Do so with:
poetry run oldnyc/geocode/ --images_ndjson data/photos.ndjson --lat_lon_map data/lat-lon-map.txt --output_format lat-lon-to-ids.json --geocode > data/lat-lon-to-ids.json
The lat-lon-map.txt file can be generated via:
poetry run oldnyc/geocode/ --images_ndjson data/images.ndjson --output_format locations.txt --geocode > data/locations.txt
poetry run oldnyc/geocode/ locations.txt > data/lat-lon-map.txt
To update the geocache:
rm geocache.tgz
tar -czf geocache.tgz geocache
If you've added new photos to the map, you'll need to add them to the "self-hosted" images list, see "Adding images" below.
is like images.ndjson
, but it duplicates each record across all its photos.
(There are potentially several photos on the Milstein card for each record.)
poetry run oldnyc/crop/ data/images.ndjson data/crops.ndjson data/photos.ndjson
# produces detected-photos.ndjson
poetry run oldnyc/crop/ path/to/images/*.jpg > /tmp/detected-photos.ndjson
# produces cropped images and crops.ndjson
poetry run oldnyc/crop/ outputdir /tmp/detected-photos.ndjson > data/crops.ndjson
This has no inputs and outputs grid/intersections.csv
poetry run grid/
(Note that this does not work as of 2024 due to Google Maps geocoding changes.)
Sources of data:
, the original CSV file that Matt K gave me in 2013.Milstein_data_for_DV_2.csv
, an update from 2024.mods-details.json
, which includes data from the NYPL API's/mods
endpoints.- ...
To collect these into an images.ndjson
file, run:
poetry run oldnyc/ingest/
The NYPL hosts most of the imagery for OldNYC in an S3 bucket that's served at
This bucket was populated in 2015 and hasn't been touched since. So new images need to be handled differently. The web UI needs to know the size of each image to render properly. So the process is to fetch thumbnails of the new images and determine their size.
poetry run ./oldnyc/site/ > /tmp/images-to-crawl.txt
poetry run oldnyc/ --output-dir ~/Documents/oldnyc /tmp/images-to-crawl.txt
poetry run oldnyc/ingest/ --file <(cut -f2 /tmp/images-to-crawl.txt | perl -pe 's,^,/Users/danvk/Documents/oldnyc/,') > data/self-hosted-sizes.txt