- fix flash of white that happens when switching pages while in dark mode
- restructure page URLs and sitemap to follow the gerund framing (dame.is/blogging, dame.is/posting, dame.is/logging, etc)
- add time to read indicator at the top of blog posts
- add skeleton loading indicators on posts and logs pages
- live dynamic clock in the nav that is ticking, displaying current time and which day of my life it is (11450:5:39:20)
- update /log to include everything… statuses, posts, github commits
- add RSS feed to blog
- add automatic dark mode detection
- personal dame.is lexicons on my atproto PDS for various data… statuses, mood, exercise, water/food, health data, etc.
- art portfolio
- professional portfolio
- resume
- contact page
- newsletter
- add currently listening to via last.fm api
- add are.na activity to /log
- add likes and reposts to /log maybe
- individual pages for each post
- app, a section of all the software i’ve built
- an authenticated side of my site that is a personal atproto client
- relative timestamps on /posts page, both for the day group headers and for the individual post timestamps
- blog page
- add support for quote posts
- add dark mode icon instead of text button and replace post metrics with icons
- separate “posts” from “replies” in the nav’s bluesky metrics
- skeet.tools (migrate off micro.blog)
- add support for post replies
- add support for links in posts
- add engagement icons to posts instead of words