Few notes how to configure GitLab for packer-templates
to build boxes for
Vagrant automatically every month.
New Project -> CI/CD fir external repo -> GitHub
-> Connect
- General -> Topics -> packer, vitualbox, vagrant, box, windows, ubuntu, centos, images
- Repository -> Protected Branches ->
-> Unprotect - CI/CD
- General pipelines
- Timeout: 2d
- Auto-cancel redundant, pending pipelines: uncheck
- Variables
- General pipelines
CI/CD -> Schedules -> New schedule
- Description: Monthly build
- Interval Pattern:
0 1 1 * *
- Variables
To register GitLab Runner - Ubuntu server where the build will be executed - follow the guide.
Get the GitLab Runner registration token:
Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners -> Set up a specific Runner manually -> Copy the
code: DxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU
Use the [tools/build_remote_ssh_ubuntu.sh] script to automatically provision the Ubuntu server.
You can also use the command directly when using already pre-configured server:
gitlab-runner register \
--non-interactive \
--tag-list packer-templates \
--registration-token {{ GITLAB_REGISTRATION_TOKEN }} \
--url https://gitlab.com/ \
--executor shell