1 | 1 | # Upgrade Notes
2 |
| - |
3 |
| -## Version 4.5.0 |
4 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: allow `GET` operation on `/form-control/get-url-structure` route [#383](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/383) |
5 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: suppress php warning of undefined array key [@jheimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/387) |
6 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Adds sort buttons for choices in ChoiceType [@jheimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/388) |
7 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Allow Relation(s) in Object Channel [#390](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/390) |
8 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: Data Injectors [#395](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/395) |
9 |
| - |
10 |
| -## Version 4.4.1 |
11 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: [Constraint Options] ignore internal properties [#381](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/381) |
12 |
| - |
13 |
| -## Version 4.4.0 |
14 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Added `format` option to `Birthday`, `DateTime` and `DateField` |
15 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Translate all non-default constraints messages (Key contains `message`) |
16 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: New Constraints added: |
17 |
| - - `Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Type` |
18 |
| - - `Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Count` |
19 |
| - - `Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Choice` |
20 |
| - |
21 |
| -## Version 4.3.2 |
22 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Assert valid timezone in date time fallback output transformer |
23 |
| - |
24 |
| -## Version 4.3.1 |
25 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix field collection assignment [#375](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/375) |
26 |
| - |
27 |
| -## Version 4.3.0 |
28 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Use Flysystem for Storage [#334](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/334) |
29 |
| - - Remove `PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY/formbuilder-cache` as it is no longer needed |
30 |
| - |
31 |
| -## Version 4.2.3 |
32 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix field collection mapping [#370](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/370) |
33 |
| - |
34 |
| -## Version 4.2.2 |
35 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Export/Import Form fix [#371](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/371) |
36 |
| - |
37 |
| -## Version 4.2.1 |
38 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Input Transformer [#7bde83b](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/369/commits/7bde83b015d242f2ce2f93fcd0b4feb78431587c) |
39 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Translate Funnel Action Label in Backend [#b4966a2](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/369/commits/b4966a2f23c0aa55e1df214632984ff0164aa945) |
40 |
| - |
41 |
| -## Version 4.2.0 |
42 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: Funnel Feature [#362](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/362) |
43 |
| -- **[FEATURE]**: PIMCORE 10.5 Support only! |
44 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Removed deprecated session `NamespacedAttributeBag` which was unused |
45 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Remove session from service DI |
46 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Use EventListener instead of legacy plugin architecture, to boot ExtJS extensions |
47 |
| -- **[DEPRECATION]**: Deprecated Method `assembleViewVars()` in `FormAssembler`, use `assemble()` instead |
48 |
| - |
49 |
| -## Version 4.1.4 |
50 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix link to translation list [#359](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/359) |
51 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: skip dependency if document is null [@JHeimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/354) |
52 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Check for valid success management configuration [#299](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/299) |
53 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: Add Mail-Log Filter to Email Channel [#297](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/297) |
54 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: Allow mapping of elements in fieldset container in Object Chanel [@JHeimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/355) |
55 |
| - |
56 |
| -## Version 4.1.3 |
57 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix `ignoreFields` Assignment: Use `CollectionType` instead of `ChoiceType` [#352](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/352) |
58 |
| - |
59 |
| -## Version 4.1.2 |
60 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Rename overwitten `$translator` property in `MailEditorController` (Pimcore 10.5 compatibility). [@vollborn](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/345) |
61 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Type mismatch in `FormOptionsResolver` fixed. [#346](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/347) |
62 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Remove dummy csv generation loader [@pascalmoser](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/328) |
63 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: ConditionalLogic: Load form data from container fields [@JHeimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/330) |
64 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: ConditionalLogic: Allow empty Validation field when removeAllValidations action is checked [@JHeimbach](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/331) |
65 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix detectFormRuntimeDataInRequest null return [@dpfaffenbauer](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/335) |
66 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Consider Pimcore Frontend FullPath for File Output [@dpfaffenbauer](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/336) |
67 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: E-Mail CSV Export contains data of several forms when their Output Workflows share the same title [@anyMOTION-GRAPHICS](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/325) |
68 |
| -- **[ENHANCEMENT]**: Add `role="presentation"` to honeypot field [#333](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/333) |
69 |
| - |
70 |
| -## Version 4.1.1 |
71 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: Fix legacy fine uploader identifier |
72 |
| - |
73 |
| -## Version 4.1.0 |
74 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: API Output channel [#290](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/301) |
75 |
| -- **[NEW FEATURE]**: API Output channel field transformer |
76 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: ensure migration of form configs will be symfony5 compatible [@grizzlydotweb](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/310) |
77 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: introduce output workflow signals: attachments not working with multiple channels [#311](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/311) |
78 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: fix typo in translation [#312](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/312) |
79 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: disable `selectOnFocus` [#315](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/315) |
80 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: ⚠️ add help text block to dynamic multi file. touched view: `form/theme/type/dynamic_multi_file.html.twig` [#308](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/308) |
81 |
| -- **[BUGFIX]**: ⚠️ multi file upload: hidden type `_data` not in form row. touched view: `form/theme/type/dynamic_multi_file.html.twig` [#316](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/316) |
82 |
| - |
83 |
| -## Version 4.0.2 |
84 |
| -- [ENHANCEMENT] enable placeholder in cc and bcc field in email output workflow [@frithjof](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/305) |
85 |
| - |
86 |
| -## Version 4.0.1 |
87 |
| -- [FEATURE] PIMCORE 10.2 Support |
88 | 2 |
89 |
| -## Migrating from Version 3.x to Version 4.0.0 |
90 |
| -⚠️ If you're still on version `2.x`, you need to update to `3.x` first, then [migrate](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/blob/3.x/UPGRADE.md) to `3.3`. After that, you're able to update to `^4.0`. |
91 |
| - |
92 |
| -> 💀 Be careful while migrating to production! |
93 |
| -> A lot of things (including form configuration) have changed and will break your installation if you're ignoring the migration guide below! |
94 |
| -
95 |
| -### Migration |
96 |
| -- Execute `bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix 'FormBuilderBundle\Migrations'` after you've installed FormBuilder |
97 |
| -- Remove `var/bundles/FormBuilderBundle/forms` if migration was successful |
| 3 | +## Migrating from Version 4.x to Version 5.0 |
| 4 | +- Execute: `bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix 'FormBuilderBundle\Migrations'` |
98 | 5 |
99 | 6 | ### Global Changes
100 |
| -- Deprecations have been removed: |
101 |
| - - `FormBuilderBundle\Storage\Form` needs to be `FormBuilderBundle\Model\FormDefinition` now |
102 |
| - - `FormBuilderBundle\Storage\FormInterface` needs to be `FormBuilderBundle\Model\FormDefinitionInterface` now |
103 |
| - - `FormBuilderBundle\Storage\FormFieldSimpleInterface` needs to be `FormBuilderBundle\Model\FieldDefinitionInterface` now |
104 |
| - - `FormBuilderBundle\Manager\FormManager` needs to be `FormBuilderBundle\Manager\FormDefinitionManager` now |
105 |
| - - `FormBuilderBundle\Event\MailEvent` has been removed, use `FormBuilderBundle\Event\OutputWorkflow\ChannelSubjectGuardEvent` instead |
106 |
| - - Method `FormBuilderBundle\Assembler\FormAssembler::setFormOptionsResolver` has been removed. `FormBuilderBundle\Assembler\FormAssembler::assembleViewVars($optionsResolver)` directly requires FormOptionsResolver now |
107 |
| - - CSV export types `Only Admin-Mail` and `Only User-Mail (Copy)` have been removed. Instead, you're now able to filter CSV export by available output workflows |
108 |
| - - Mail layout fallback feature has been removed (which was enabled if no workflows have been defined and have been stored in `formbuilder_forms.mailLayout`). Please migrate layouts to email channels. This column will be removed with FormBuilder 5.0 |
109 |
| -- PHP8 return type declarations added: you may have to adjust your extensions accordingly |
110 |
| -- Email properties (`mail_successfully_sent`, `mail_ignore_fields`, `mail_force_plain_text`, `mail_disable_default_mail_body`) have been removed and won't be recognized anymore |
111 |
| -- Area-Brick Configuration does not allow `sendMailTmplate` and `sendCopyMailTemplate` fallbacks anymore. They must be configured by output workflows now |
112 |
| -- All Folders in `views` are lowercase/dashed now (`common/redirect-flash-message.html.twig`, `email/form-data.html.twig`, `form/elements/dynamic-multi-file`, `form/presets`, `form/theme`, ...) |
113 |
| -- If you have a custom email template, make sure that you're passing the `body`, `editmode`, `document` attributes to your email view template (@see `\FormBuilderBundle\Controller::emailAction()`). Also use `{{ body|raw }}` instead of `%Text(body);` inside your view template! |
114 |
| -- `DropZoneAdapter` has been declared to the new default Multi File Handler. You can switch back to FineUploader by changing the `form_builder.dynamic_multi_file_adapter` configuration node |
115 |
| -- All frontend javascript libraries have been removed from core. If you still want to use the jQuery extensions, please check out our [jquery-pimcore-formbuilder repo](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/jquery-pimcore-formbuilder) |
116 |
| - |
117 |
| -### Conditional Logic Changes |
118 |
| -- ⚠️ Action `Change Mail Behaviour` has been removed. Use `Switch Output Workflow` Action instead. |
119 |
| - |
120 |
| -### Fixes |
121 |
| -- Bootstrap Theme: Class `form-control` has been removed from dynamic multi file (see [#253](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/pull/253)). You now need to set some [style definitions](docs/90_FrontendTips.md#multi-file-validation) by yourself |
122 |
| -- Fixes root meta validation [#290](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/290) |
| 7 | +- [DEPRECATION REMOVED] removed `FormDefinition::setMailLayout`. Please migrate to output workflows before updating |
| 8 | +- [IMPROVEMENTS] Recommended folder structure by symfony adopted |
| 9 | +- [FUNNEL] Route include changed from `@FormBuilderBundle/Resources/config/pimcore/routing_funnels.yml` to `@FormBuilderBundle/config/pimcore/routing_funnels.yaml` |
| 10 | +- [BC BREAK] Mail Layout Editor: While there is a migration, we're not able to migrate container (fieldset, repeater) fields. Please adjust your output workflow channels manually. |
| 11 | +- [BC BREAK] All views are lowercase/underscore now (`email/form_data.html.twig`, `form/elements/dynamic_multi_file/*`) |
123 | 12 |
124 | 13 | ### New Features
125 |
| -- Conditional Logic Action `Switch Output Workflow` added |
126 |
| -- [Configurable Html2Text Options](./docs/OutputWorkflow/10_EmailChannel.md#configure-html2text-options) |
127 |
| -- Yaml file storage migrated to Database storage |
128 |
| -- Import/Export Improvement: You're able to export/import the complete form dataset (form, workflows and channels) |
| 14 | +- Mail Layout Editor, see [#390](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/issues/398) |
| 15 | + - If [Emailizr](https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-emailizr) is installed, formbuilder will use it automatically to transform html tables |
129 | 16 |
130 | 17 | ***
131 | 18 |
132 |
| -FormBuilder 3.x Upgrade Notes: https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/blob/3.x/UPGRADE.md |
| 19 | +FormBuilder 4.x Upgrade Notes: https://github.com/dachcom-digital/pimcore-formbuilder/blob/4.x/UPGRADE.md |
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