1 |
| -/* |
2 |
| - Localizable.strings |
3 |
| - Cryptomator |
| 1 | +"common.button.cancel" = "Odustani"; |
| 2 | +"common.button.change" = "Promijeni"; |
| 3 | +"common.button.done" = "Gotovo"; |
| 4 | +"common.button.next" = "Sljedeći"; |
4 | 5 |
5 |
| - Copyright © 2021 Skymatic GmbH. All rights reserved. |
6 |
| -*/ |
| 6 | +"addVault.title" = "Dodaj trezor"; |
| 7 | +"addVault.createNewVault.title" = "Napravi novi trezor"; |
| 8 | +"addVault.createNewVault.setVaultName.cells.name" = "Ime trezora"; |
| 9 | +"addVault.createNewVault.chooseCloud.header" = "Gdje bi Cryptomator trebao pohraniti šifrirane datoteke Vašeg trezora?"; |
| 10 | +"addVault.openExistingVault.title" = "Otvori postojeći trezor"; |
| 11 | +"fileProvider.error.unlockButton" = "Otključaj"; |
7 | 12 |
8 |
| -"common.alert.error.title" = "Error"; |
9 |
| -"common.button.cancel" = "Cancel"; |
10 |
| -"common.button.choose" = "Choose"; |
11 |
| -"common.button.confirm" = "Confirm"; |
12 |
| -"common.button.create" = "Create"; |
13 |
| -"common.button.createFolder" = "Create Folder"; |
14 |
| -"common.button.done" = "Done"; |
15 |
| -"common.button.edit" = "Edit"; |
16 |
| -"common.button.next" = "Next"; |
17 |
| -"common.button.ok" = "OK"; |
18 |
| -"common.button.remove" = "Remove"; |
19 |
| -"common.button.signOut" = "Sign Out"; |
20 |
| -"common.cells.password" = "Password"; |
21 |
| -"common.cells.url" = "URL"; |
22 |
| -"common.cells.username" = "Username"; |
23 |
| -"common.footer.learnMore" = "Learn more."; |
| 13 | +"unlockVault.button.unlock" = "Otključaj"; |
24 | 14 |
25 |
| -"accountList.header.title" = "Authentications"; |
26 |
| -"accountList.emptyList.message" = "Tap here to add an account"; |
27 |
| -"accountList.signOut.alert.title" = "Remove Associated Vaults?"; |
28 |
| -"accountList.signOut.alert.message" = "By signing out, all associated vaults will be removed from the vault list. No encrypted data will be deleted. You can sign in again and re-add the vaults later."; |
29 |
| - |
30 |
| -"addVault.title" = "Add Vault"; |
31 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.title" = "Create New Vault"; |
32 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.setVaultName.header.title" = "Choose a name for the vault."; |
33 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.setVaultName.cells.name" = "Vault Name"; |
34 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.setVaultName.error.emptyVaultName" = "Vault name cannot be empty."; |
35 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.setVaultName.error.invalidInput" = "Vault name should not contain \\ / : * ? \" < > | or end with a period."; |
36 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.chooseCloud.header" = "Where should Cryptomator store the encrypted files of your vault?"; |
37 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.chooseFolder.error.vaultNameCollision" = "\"%@\" already exists at this location. Choose a different vault name or location."; |
38 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.detectedMasterkey.text" = "Cryptomator detected an existing vault at this location.\nIn order to create a new vault, please go back and choose a different folder."; |
39 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.enterPassword.header" = "Enter a new password."; |
40 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.confirmPassword.header" = "Confirm the new password."; |
41 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.confirmPassword.alert.title" = "Confirm Password?"; |
42 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.confirmPassword.alert.message" = "IMPORTANT: If you forget your password, there is no way to recover your data."; |
43 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.error.emptyPassword" = "Password cannot be empty."; |
44 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.error.nonMatchingPasswords" = "Passwords do not match."; |
45 |
| -"addVault.createNewVault.password.error.tooShortPassword" = "Password must contain at least 8 characters."; |
46 |
| -"addVault.openExistingVault.title" = "Open Existing Vault"; |
47 |
| -"addVault.openExistingVault.chooseCloud.header" = "Where is the vault located?"; |
48 |
| -"addVault.openExistingVault.detectedMasterkey.text" = "Cryptomator detected the vault \"%@\".\nWould you like to add this vault?"; |
49 |
| -"addVault.openExistingVault.detectedMasterkey.add" = "Add This Vault"; |
50 |
| -"addVault.openExistingVault.password.footer" = "Enter password for \"%@\""; |
51 |
| -"addVault.success.info" = "Successfully added vault \"%@\".\nAccess this vault via the Files app."; |
52 |
| -"addVault.success.openFilesApp" = "Open Files App"; |
53 |
| -"addVault.success.footer" = "If you haven't already, enable Cryptomator in the Files app."; |
54 |
| - |
55 |
| -"biometryType.faceID" = "Face ID"; |
56 |
| -"biometryType.touchID" = "Touch ID"; |
57 |
| - |
58 |
| -"chooseFolder.emptyFolder.footer" = "Folder is Empty"; |
59 |
| -"chooseFolder.createNewFolder.header.title" = "Choose a name for the folder."; |
60 |
| -"chooseFolder.createNewFolder.cells.name" = "Folder Name"; |
61 |
| -"chooseFolder.createNewFolder.error.emptyFolderName" = "Folder name cannot be empty."; |
62 |
| - |
63 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.itemNotFound" = "\"%@\" could not be found."; |
64 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.itemAlreadyExists" = "\"%@\" already exists."; |
65 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.itemTypeMismatch" = "\"%@\" has an unexpected item type."; |
66 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.parentFolderDoesNotExist" = "Parent folder \"%@\" does not exist."; |
67 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.pageTokenInvalid" = "Fetching contents of directory could not be continued."; |
68 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.quotaInsufficient" = "Your storage has insufficient space."; |
69 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.unauthorized" = "Unable to perform unauthorized operation."; |
70 |
| -"cloudProvider.error.noInternetConnection" = "Internet connection needed for this operation."; |
71 |
| - |
72 |
| -"cloudProviderType.localFileSystem" = "Other File Provider"; |
73 |
| - |
74 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.createNewVault.header" = "In the next screen, choose the storage location for your new vault."; |
75 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.createNewVault.button" = "Select Storage Location"; |
76 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.createNewVault.error.detectedExistingVault" = "A vault already exists at this location. Please try again with a different storage location."; |
77 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.openExistingVault.header" = "In the next screen, choose the folder of your existing vault."; |
78 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.openExistingVault.button" = "Select Vault Folder"; |
79 |
| -"localFileSystemAuthentication.openExistingVault.error.noVaultFound" = "The selected folder is not a vault. Please try again with a different folder."; |
80 |
| - |
81 |
| -"onboarding.title" = "Welcome"; |
82 |
| -"onboarding.info" = "Thanks for choosing Cryptomator to protect your files. To get started, go to the main app and add a vault."; |
83 |
| -"onboarding.openCryptomator.button" = "Open Cryptomator"; |
84 |
| - |
85 |
| -"settings.title" = "Settings"; |
86 |
| -"settings.aboutCryptomator" = "About Cryptomator"; |
87 |
| -"settings.aboutCryptomator.title" = "Version %@ (%@)"; |
88 |
| -"settings.sendLogFile" = "Send Log File"; |
89 |
| - |
90 |
| -"unlockVault.button.unlock" = "Unlock"; |
91 |
| -"unlockVault.button.unlockVia" = "Unlock via %@"; |
92 |
| -"unlockVault.password.footer" = "Enter password for \"%@\""; |
93 |
| -"unlockVault.enableBiometricalUnlock.switch" = "Enable %@"; |
94 |
| -"unlockVault.enableBiometricalUnlock.footer" = "Instead of unlocking your vault with your password, you can unlock it via %@."; |
95 |
| -"unlockVault.evaluatePolicy.reason" = "Unlock your vault"; |
96 |
| - |
97 |
| -"untrustedTLSCertificate.title" = "Invalid TLS Certificate"; |
98 |
| -"untrustedTLSCertificate.message" = "The TLS Certificate of \"%@\" is invalid. Do you want to trust it anyway?\n\n SHA-256: %@"; |
99 |
| -"untrustedTLSCertificate.add" = "Trust"; |
100 |
| -"untrustedTLSCertificate.dismiss" = "Don't Trust"; |
101 |
| - |
102 |
| -"vaultDetail.button.lock" = "Lock Now"; |
103 |
| -"vaultDetail.button.removeVault" = "Remove from Vault List"; |
104 |
| -"vaultDetail.disabledBiometricalUnlock.footer" = "If you enable %@, your vault password will be stored in the iOS keychain."; |
105 |
| -"vaultDetail.enabledBiometricalUnlock.footer" = "Your vault password will only be required if %@ authentication fails."; |
106 |
| -"vaultDetail.info.footer.accessVault" = "Access the vault via the Files app."; |
107 |
| -"vaultDetail.info.footer.accountInfo" = "Logged in as %@ via %@."; |
108 |
| -"vaultDetail.locked.footer" = "Your vault is currently locked."; |
109 |
| -"vaultDetail.removeVault.footer" = "This will only remove the vault from the vault list and not delete any encrypted files."; |
110 |
| -"vaultDetail.unlocked.footer" = "Your vault is currently unlocked in the Files app."; |
111 |
| -"vaultDetail.unlockVault.footer" = "Enter password for \"%@\" to store it in the iOS keychain and to enable %@."; |
112 |
| - |
113 |
| -"vaultList.header.title" = "Vaults"; |
114 |
| -"vaultList.emptyList.message" = "Tap here to add a vault"; |
115 |
| -"vaultList.remove.alert.title" = "Remove Vault?"; |
116 |
| -"vaultList.remove.alert.message" = "This will only remove the vault from the vault list. No encrypted data will be deleted. You can re-add the vault later."; |
117 |
| - |
118 |
| -"vaultProviderFactory.error.unsupportedVaultConfig" = "Vault configuration is unsupported. Please make sure that you are running the latest version of Cryptomator."; |
119 |
| -"vaultProviderFactory.error.unsupportedVaultVersion" = "Vault version is unsupported. This vault has been created with an older or newer version of Cryptomator."; |
120 |
| - |
121 |
| -"webDAVAuthentication.title" = "WebDAV"; |
| 15 | +"vaultDetail.button.changeVaultPassword" = "Promijeni lozinku"; |
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