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aaaf86a · Dec 13, 2016


220 lines (194 loc) · 8.42 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (194 loc) · 8.42 KB

Objective-C QuickStart


To initialize APIClient, first you have to import CreatubblesAPIClient framework:

@import CreatubblesAPIClient;

Then, you can create APIClientSettings object. You will need OAuth application id and secret (please contact us to obtain your own keys). There are two servers which are available for our partners: production and staging, but you can use the same OAuth key to communicate with both of them.

APIClientSettings *productionSettings = [[APIClientSettings alloc] initWithAppId:@"YOUR_APP_ID"

Connecting to staging server requires some more detailed information:

APIClientSettings *settings = [[APIClientSettings alloc] initWithAppId:@"YOUR_APP_ID"

With a prepared APIClientSettings instance, you can create the APIClient object:

APIClientSettings *settings = [][APIClientSettings alloc] initWithAppId...];
APIClient *client = [[APIClient alloc] initWithSettings:settings];


[client _login:@"username" password:@"password" completion:
^(NSError* error)
   NSLog(@"Wohoo! We're authorized from Objective-C code!");


To be able to fetch some relevant data you will have to complete authentication process before you execute any other request. You can use a login method described above to achieve it. There is also alternative way to get an access to resources (without passing a username and password) by invoking a [client _authenticateWithCompletion:...] method:

[client _authenticateWithCompletion:
^(NSError* error)
   NSLog(@"Wohoo! We're authorized from Objective-C code!");

Fetching creators

To fetch user's creators, use a [client _getCreators:...] method:

- (void) _getCreators:(NSString * _Nullable)userId pagingData:(PagingData * _Nullable)pagingData completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSArray<User *> * _Nullable, PagingInfo * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;

or fetch them in batch mode (which may take some time):

- (void) _getCreatorsInBatchMode:(NSString * _Nullable)userId completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSArray<User *> * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;

If you pass nil as a userId, creators of currently logged in user will be returned.

Fetching galleries

To fetch galleries by user, use [client _getGalleries:...] method.

public func getGalleries(userId userId: String?, pagingData: PagingData?, sort: SortOrder?, completion: GalleriesClosure?) -> RequestHandler

Or in batch mode

func getGalleriesInBatchMode(userIdentifier userId: String?, sort: SortOrder?, completion: GalleriesBatchClosure?) -> RequestHandler

In completion closure you will receive galleries owned by selected user. If you pass nil as a userId, you will receive galleries of currently logged in user.

Fetching landing URLs

We're supporting fetching landing urls for:

  • About us
  • Terms of use
  • Privacy policy
  • Registration
  • User profile
  • Explore
  • Creation
  • Forgot password
  • Upload guidelines
  • Account dashboard

For Creation landing URL, please use:

- (void)_getLandingURLForCreation:(NSString * _Nonnull)creationId completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSArray<LandingURL *> * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;

For other types of landing urls, use:

- (void)_getLandingURL:(enum LandingURLType)type completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(NSArray<LandingURL *> * _Nullable, NSError * _Nullable))completion;

Uploading creation

To upload creation, create NewCreationData object. You can create it with binary blob (NSData), image (UIImage), or URL to local file (NSURL). Also you have to specify type (extension) of uploaded creation. We're supporting following extensions:

  • PNG
  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • H264
  • MPEG4
  • WMV
  • WEBM
  • FLV
  • OGG
  • OGV
  • MP4
  • M4V
  • MOV
  • UZPB


NewCreationData *creationData = [NewCreationData alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"demo"] uploadExtension:UploadExtensionJPG];

NSURL *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"demo" withExtension:@"mp4"];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:path];
NewCreationData *creationData = [[NewCreationData alloc] initWithData:data uploadExtension:UploadExtensionMP4];

NSURL *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"demo" withExtension:@"mp4"];
NewCreationData *creationData = [[NewCreationData alloc] initWithUrl:path uploadExtension:UploadExtensionMP4];

On NewCreationData object you can set:

  • name
  • creationIdentifier
  • localIdentifier
  • reflection text
  • reflection video url
  • gallery (gallery identifier)
  • creators (creator identifiers)
  • creation year
  • creation month

The creationIdentifier property is responsible for editing an existing creation.

Also please be aware of the usage of localIdentifier. It could be useful in you want to improve management process of creations. In this case you will need to make sure that this identifier is unique. CreatubblesAPIClient framework returns error if there are more than one creation with the same localIdentifier property.

NewCreationData *creationData = [[NewCreationData alloc] initWith...]; = @"My Name";
creationData.reflectionText = @"Creation description";
creationData.reflectionVideoUrl  = @""; = @"SelectedGalleryIdentifier";
creationData.creatorIds = @[@"Creator1Id", @"Creator2Id"];

[creationData setCreationYear:@(2015)];
[creationData setCreationMonth:@(10)];

At this point you should be ready to upload a creation

[client _newCreation:creationData completion: ^(Creation *creation, NSError *error)
  NSLog(@"Creation uploaded. Error %@",error);

Error handling

Most methods may provide an NSError in completion block. Example:

[apiClient _getSuggestedAvatarsWithCompletion:^(NSArray<AvatarSuggestion *> *avatarSuggestions, NSError * error)

The error object has access to standard NSError properties, like:

@property (readonly, copy) NSErrorDomain domain;
@property (readonly) NSInteger code;
@property (readonly, copy) NSDictionary *userInfo;
@property (readonly, copy) NSString *localizedDescription;

You can recognize what kind of error you received based on it's code property:

1      Unknown - The operation couldn’t be completed.
400	Bad request - you requested a resource which returned validation errors
401	Not authorized – Access Token is invalid
403	Forbidden – Accessing forbidden resources. When trying to access restricted area.
404	Not Found – When object in the database cannot be found.
406	Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
422	Validation error - You try to create/update a resource with invalid params
429	Too Many Requests – You’re requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500	Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503	Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.

There are also some additional APIClient error codes available:

-6001   UnknownStatus
-6002   LoginStatus
-6003   UploadCancelledStatus
-6004   MissingResponseDataStatus
-6005   InvalidResponseDataStatus
-6006   DuplicatedUploadLocalIdentifierStatus