- 2022-03-22 - April 2022 Jam officially announced
- 2022-03-24 - April 2022 Getting Started Video Released
- 2022-03-27 - Discord link updated (old one expired)
- 2022-04-01 - April 2022 Jam's Theme Officially Announced and Jam starts - "Round"
- 2022-04-11 - April 2022 Jam's submission deadline ended!
- 2022-04-12 - April 2022 Jam's voting process has begun
The C++ Best Practices Game Jam is a periodic friendly competition designed to promote the learning of C++ through game creation in an environment that makes it easy to apply Best Practices.
Be sure to read through this entire document. We want you to have fun, and have given you startup projects that help you succeed and apply all of the rules!
Also, it's fine to start playing with the game project template today and familiarize yourself with it.
Please use #CppBestPracticesGameJam on social media, and feel free to add your Twitch / dev links here in a Pull Request:
Jason Turner (aka lefticus):
- Host of C++ Weekly YouTube Channel
- Co-host of CppCast
- Author of the book "C++ Best Practices" and several C++ related puzzle books available on Leanpub and Amazon
At the start of 2022 Jason made it a goal of his channel and Twitter interactions to make C++ "Fun and Accessible." The hope is that this game jam provides a FUN environment for people to learn C++.
All interactions around the game jam are to be governed by the Berlin Code of Conduct. If you, your team, or your project are found to be in violation of the code of conduct, then your submission wil be disqualified.
There is currently no actual prizes planned, but in case there are prizes awarded, I must note:
- YouTube Community Guidelines apply
- YouTube is not a sponsor
Game Jams will last across two weekends, and the week inbetween. Voting and evaluation of the submissions will take place over one week.
- Friday @ 12:00 UTC - Game Jam theme is announced, design and development can begin
- Saturday - Sunday (8 days) - Game development
- Monday @ 12:00 UTC - Submissions must be completed
- Tuesday - Thursday @ 12:00 UTC - Community voting allowed
- Friday - Winners Announced
Games must:
- use FTXUI
- be created from the C++ Best Practices/ftxui_template project via "use this template."
- compile with no warnings or errors on all pre-configured actions
- have selected a license
- run with no errors from Address Sanitizer or Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (as configured by default in "developer mode" of the provided template)
- interpret the theme in some way
- document any warnings that have been disabled, and why
Submission requirements:
- submissions will take place via a pull request to this project
- submissions must link to a specific github release on your project
- PR (and release) must be dated before the submission deadline
By participating in this Game Jam you agree to release YouTube and Jason Turner from any liability related to your participation.
Anyone willing to follow the Code of Conduct. Families and teams are encouraged.
Anything you want to, as long as it does not violate any other rules. Conan package manager is provided with the template, and it uses some packages already. However, all output must still happen through FTXUI.
Teams of any size are allowed. Just be aware that coordinating large teams can be difficult. To meet other people to join into a team, join the Discord
- Interpretation of Theme
- Gameplay
- Creativity
- Code Quality / Code Readability
- Fun
- Testing of Game Code
- Create a new project by clicking "use this template" from
- Make sure the project's "actions" are enabled
- Wait for the "template janitor" action to finish
- Install local tools
- compiler of choice
- clang-tidy and cppcheck (linux, MacOS)
- conan
- Clone your project locally, and open it with your editor of choice
(Videos on this will be forthcoming)
- The template provided gives you the foundation for a turn-based game
- FTXUI has a canvas: https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/FTXUI/blob/master/examples/dom/canvas.cpp
- The "homescreen" example shows how to do live animations / event loop https://arthursonzogni.com/FTXUI/examples/?file=component/homescreen
- It should be possible to create a normal game loop
- There are Unicode fonts which might prove to be useful: https://symbl.cc/en/blocks/block-elements/ https://symbl.cc/en/blocks/symbols-for-legacy-computing/
- clion on Windows is currently an untested configuration, and you might have difficulty getting ASAN, cppcheck, and clang-tidy to be found. They can be installed, but it will take manual work to get them located.
- The easiest option for changing settings is to use your cmake-gui of choice. However, if you want to change options during CMake configuration time (commandline or from your IDE's options, you should be able to follow this example from the CMakePresets.json