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BRouter - Version 1.4 - Setting up the Android App

Choosing and Installing a Map-Tool

BRouter just calculates tracks as GPX-Files, it
does not display any map or give any navigation
instuctions. Therefore you need a map-tool in
order for BRouter to be useful.

Currently, BRouter cooperates with three different
maptools, so you need to install, and get familiar with,
at least one of them:

- "OsmAnd": See Get It from Google-Play
   or get it as an APK from the release-build archive:

- "Locus": See There's a "Pro"
  Version which is ad-free and a free version with ads. 
  You can get it from Google-Play, but for the free-version
  there's also an APK-Download.

- "Oruxmaps": See Oruxmaps is
  Donation-Ware, which means it's free and you're supposed
  to donate to the project if you want to support it.

Which one to use is a matter of taste. Maybe OsmAnd is
more plug&play and has a reasonable voice-guidig. Locus
and Oruxmaps are more powerful and better for outdoor
use. Locus and Oruxmaps have elevation profile diagrams
which OsmAnd has not.

Locus and Oruxmaps are best used with third-party vector
maps, check if you consider
to go for Locus or OruxMaps.

Installing the BRouter App

You can install the BRouter-App either from Google's Play Store
or directly from the APK-File contained within the ""
distribution zip-file.

Choosing a SD-Card Base Directory

When first starting BRouter (or after deleting/moving
the brouter folder on the sd-card), it asks for a
sd-card base directory and gives you proposals plus
the option to enter any other base directory.

Most phones (namely those with Android 4.x) have 2 logical
"SD-Cards", where the first one is internal and not an actual
Card, and the second one is a an optional "external" micro-sd-card
that can be taken out of the device.

Navigation needs big data files that usually should go on an
external, big sd-card. You should accept the external card, which
is usually the one with the most space available.

However, on Android >= 4.4, write access to the external card
is restricted, and usually you will not get a proposal to use
the external card. Here you should accept to go with the
internal card - later on you can setup a "secondary" data
directory on the external card where you can move the datafiles

*** see the kitkat_survival_readme.txt for special Android 4.4 and Android 5x issues ***

Try to make sure your map-tool uses the same base directory
to store the offline maps and other stuff, because BRouter
tries to access the maptool's waypoint-database and tracks-directory,
and this works only if they use either the same base directory
or if the maptool uses the standard, internal base /mnt/sdcard.

In OsmAnd, this works by choosing an "SD-Card base directory".

In OruxMaps, path configuration is only possible for the actual
map data, but the configuration database file that BRouter tries
to access is hardwired to the /mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps directory.
As a workaround for this specific setup, you can place a
redirection file in the directory where BRouter would normally
place the gpx-files (e.g. /mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs).
The first line of that redirection file called "brouter.redirect"
must contain the absolute path of the directory where you want
the gpx-files to go (e.g. /storage0/oruxmaps/tracklogs).

If you have a non-standard maptool location, that is not
detected by the default logic, you can configure an "additional maptool directory"
in a configuration file located unter brouter/segments3/storageconfig.txt
This is neccessary e.g. if you operate OsmAnd on the external SD card
under Android 4.4. Then this uses a special base directory to obey
Android 4.4's access restrictions, and this base directory is not found
by the default logic. See the kitkat_survival_readme.txt for details.

Completing your installation

After accepting a base-directory proposal, "BRouter" creates a subfolders
relative to this base directory, so you end up with e.g. the following structure:
(depending on base dir and your map-tool choice):

/mnt/sdcard/brouter/segments4  <- ** put routing data files (*.rd5) here **
/mnt/sdcard/brouter/profiles2  <- lookup-table and routing profiles
/mnt/sdcard/brouter/modes      <- routing-mode/profile mapping

/mnt/sdcard/osmand             <- OsmAnd's sd-card dir
/mnt/sdcard/osmand/track       <- OsmAnd's track storage

/mnt/sdcard/Locus              <- Locus's sd-card dir
/mnt/sdcard/Locus/mapitems     <- Locus's track storage

/mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps           <- Oruxmaps's sd-card dir
/mnt/sdcard/oruxmaps/tracklogs <- Oruxmaps's track storage

The "profiles2" and the "modes" directory get some reasonable default-configuration
from the installation procedure, but the "segments4" directory is basically empty
(except for the storageconfig.txt file) so you have to get routing-datafiles in
order to complete your installation.

After accepting the base directory, the download manager starts automatically to
help you with this download. Or you can download
them manually from the following location:

Routing data files are organised as 5*5 degree files,
with the Filename containing the south-west corner
of the square, which means:

- You want to route near West48/North37 -> get W50_N35.rd5
- You want to route near East7/North47 -> get E5_N45.rd5

From the above link you find routing data for all places in the world where OSM
data is available. The carsubset datafiles are needed only if you want to
calculate car-routes over long distances, otherwise you are fine with just the
normal (full) rd5's.

The minimum files BRouter needs to work are e.g.


But of course you can put as many routing data files
and routing profiles as you like.

Routing via the service interface

BRouter is best used via it's "service interface". No need to start the BRouter-App
in order to do that, it's just a services that sits in the background and can be
called by the map-tools very much like on online routing service.

To do that, you have to choose BRouter as a navigation service in your map-tool.
This is supported by OsmAnd, Locus-Maps and OruxMaps (In OsmAnd starting with version 1.7,
you see BRouter as a navigation service if BRouter is installed. You do not see the
option if BRouter is not installed).

There's a mapping between the "routing-mode" asked for by the map-tool
(on out of 6: car/bike/foot * fast/slow) and BRouter's routing-profiles.
This mapping is stored in the file brouter/modes/serviceconfig.dat and is
pre-configured by the installation process to the following mapping:

  motorcar_fast  -> car-test
  motorcar_short -> moped
  bicycle_fast   -> fastbike
  bicycle_short  -> trekking
  foot_fast      -> shortest
  foot_short     -> shortest

This mapping, however, can be changed any time by starting the BRouter-APP and using
the "Server Mode" button (or by editing the serviceconfig.dat manually). You can also
change gthe profiles themselves or create new ones. Please refer to the
"profile_developers_guide.txt" (contained in the distribution-zip) if you plan to
adapt routing profiles to your preferences.

Note that if called via the service-interface, BRouter uses a timeout of 60 seconds,
which sets a limit on the distances you can calculate.

Calculate routes using the file interface

The other option is using the BRouter-App to calculate a route. This is the prefered option
when calculating long-distance-routes that would not finish within the 60 seconds timout
if calculated via the service-interface.

To do this, start the BRouter-App, select two or more waypoints from the waypoint-database
of your map-tool and then start the route calculation. These waypoints are called "Favorites"
in OsmAnd, "POI"s in Locus or "Waypoints" in Oruxmaps and allow to store a location
on the map and give it a name.

No need anymore to create special "to", "from", "via1..via9" points, but they are still supported
and if a "from" and a "to" wayppoint is found in the database, you will not be prompted
to select waypoints from the database.

If a route is calculated, it is stored as "brouter0.gpx" in the map-tools track directory
(or, if there is no write-access, in brouter's base directory)
If started once more with identical input, BRouter will store a second route broute1.gpx
for the first alternative and so on.

If more than one of the supported maptools is installed, BRouter chooses the way-point database
with the most recent timestamp.

Using nogo-areas

There's a special naming-convention to specify nogo-areas:

  "nogo[radius] [name]" defines a nogo-area, where radius (in Meter)
  is optional and defaults to 20m, and the name is also optional.
  So "nogo", "nogo1000", "nogo roadblock", "nogo200 badferry" are all valid
  names for nogo-waypoints.

The effect is that BRouter searches a route that does not touch the disc
defined by the position and the radius of the nogo-area.

Nogo-Areas are effective in the service-interface and in the BRouter-App.
In the BRouter-App, you will get a nogo-dialog allowing to de-select them
if nogo-waypoints are found in the waypoint-database. This de-selection
can also be bound to a service mode using the "Server Mode" button to make
it effective in the service-interface as well, but initially, every nogo-area
is effective in the service-interface.

Nogo areas can be used either to account for real obstacles or to enforce
personal routing preferences.

Mixed operation: "timeout-free recalculations"

You can combine both operation modes (service-interface + BRouter-App) to
become able to calculate very long distances, but make use of the advantages of
the service interface as well, especially the dynamic recalculations if you get
off the track, without running into the 60 seconds timeout.

To support this, BRouter can do "timeout free recalculations". It works by
initially calculating a track to your destination and binding it to one or
more routing-modes using the "Server Mode" button. This way, BRouter stores
a "reference track" in the "brouter/modes" subdirectory.

If afterwards a route to the exact same destination is calculated via the service interface,
BRouter uses a special calculation mode that makes use of the reference track for
faster processing that is guaranteed to give a result within 60 seconds.
"Exact same" destination means withing 5m, so best use the same waypoint for
re-calculating that you used for the initial calculation.

This way you can follow a long distance route via the service interface, enjoying
automatic recalculations if you get off the track.

Issues and bugs: