issues Search Results · repo:computationalmodelling/fidimag language:C++
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incomputationalmodelling/fidimag (press backspace or delete to remove)I am having trouble building fidimag. I have followed all the steps in the installation procedure; fftw works fine,
sundials works fine, and all the packages are installed, yet make test keeps failing. ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 17, 2024
- #167
I d like to give Fidimag a try, so I downloaded everything to my Mac and started to build it. Running the install
scripts for Sundial and FTTW were fine, compiling using GCC 13 (installed via HomeBrew). ...
- 15
- Opened on Sep 7, 2023
- #165
Exception Error message ----------------------- No module named fidimag.extensions.common_clib
System Info
Architecture: x86_64
Platform: macOS-10.16-x86_64-i386-64bit ...
- 3
- Opened on Apr 12, 2023
- #164
Exception Error message
No module named six
System Info
Architecture: x86_64
Platform: Linux-3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.17 ...
- 3
- Opened on Dec 23, 2022
- #163
Hi, I want to write a custom DMI term where you can simply change the DMI constant for 3 orthogonal directions to get
effectively an anisotropic DMI. I ve tried using the custom DMI type by deriving the ...
- 8
- Opened on Dec 1, 2021
- #160
How can I set the number of cores that Fidimag uses to run the simulation?
- 9
- Opened on Jun 28, 2021
- #157
I have tried to run the atomistic simulation, the example 1D (given in ) and I get the following error:
AttributeError: DMI object has no attribute _D
If I don t consider DMI, the program works ...
- Opened on May 13, 2021
- #156
Dear fidimag team: How can I add a spatially varying DMI in atomistic simulation ? I have tried to do this with a
function like this : image but it returns : image
- 7
- Opened on May 7, 2021
- #155
- [ ] Port energy kernels (easy)
- [ ] Port Demag (easy-ish)
- [ ] Port time integration (hard)
Unless we can get SUNDIALS GPU working, would have to ditch this and write own integrator. At the ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 14, 2021
- #154
- [ ] Build Fidimag in container
- [x] Run tests
- [ ] Run notebook test
- [ ] Public container to registry?
- Opened on Apr 14, 2021
- #153

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