Connecting to MongoDB via mongoose
First install mongoose
Copy this into your db/config.js
file or anything you wish to call it.
// db/config.js
import mongoose from "mongoose" ;
const MONGODB_URI = process . env . MONGO_URI ;
if ( ! MONGODB_URI ) {
throw new Error (
"Please define the MONGODB_URI environment variable inside .env.local"
) ;
let cached = global . mongoose ;
if ( ! cached ) {
cached = global . mongoose = { conn : null , promise : null } ;
async function dbConnect ( ) {
if ( cached . conn ) {
return cached . conn ;
if ( ! cached . promise ) {
const opts = {
bufferCommands : false ,
} ;
cached . promise = mongoose . connect ( MONGODB_URI , opts ) . then ( ( mongoose ) => {
console . log ( "Db connected" ) ;
return mongoose ;
} ) ;
try {
cached . conn = await cached . promise ;
} catch ( e ) {
cached . promise = null ;
throw e ;
return cached . conn ;
export default dbConnect ;
Create your models and start creating data.
// db/models/User.ts
import { Schema , model , models } from "mongoose" ;
const UserSchema = new Schema ( {
username : String ,
age : Number ,
} ) ;
export default models . User || model ( "User" , UserSchema ) ;