Android Email Application for IITP Webmail/Gmail.
- View all the folders: INBOX, DRAFTS, SENT, TRASH with easy switching using navigation drawers.
- Reading, Flagging, Deleting emails etc
- Compose, send, reply to and forward emails.
- Send and download attachments with email.
- Notifications on the fly for unread emails.
- User friendly interface with all actions available as action buttons.
- Support for multi-action: performing an action on multiple mails.
- Settings Interface to change account information and notification settings.
- Share email across applications over bluetooth and wifi.
- Provision for feedback.
Works on all devices running on Android 4.0 and above.
- APK: 1.2 MB
- Upon Installation: 5.88 MB
- Get the APK and copy it to your device.
- Install the APK. Enjoy!
Clone the repository....Read the code....Make tweaks....Send feedback.