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Stratis runs clevis too early #4796

mvollmer opened this issue May 24, 2023 · 18 comments

Stratis runs clevis too early #4796

mvollmer opened this issue May 24, 2023 · 18 comments


Copy link

Upstream: stratis-storage/stratisd#3348

The symptom is that a Stratis pool with clevis binding will not be started during boot, even if it has filesystems on it that are being pulled in by

mvollmer added a commit to mvollmer/bots that referenced this issue May 24, 2023
mvollmer added a commit to mvollmer/bots that referenced this issue May 25, 2023
mvollmer added a commit that referenced this issue May 25, 2023
Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/SYWUoxX9E3xWmfNK/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"Af9VUCjgtEH_sEWWk3m7lbSq0WifgZBj9PYDaJ5CgFIYQ6rtBjpdXWlmMyTuuhQaAK_dNf9SJEeBSFfT5mP9UzYGAKqrR3RH94W44hEjuk7BF4MoIqXzws1jr_Xf3taMDvl4Ec7dInC4ewU6pGMbpgpPZHTdIBwiiHR_xLOMScZlYdOj\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 7.7 seconds, which is 51% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#content") took 8.2 seconds, which is 54% of the timeout.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [254s on rhos-01-15]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T10:35:43.576208 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T10:35:43.576208 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 9.1 seconds, which is 60% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/RMdFc8QZUwNCuqP1/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AX4ZTXCA3docpMjLN4yLKWPO6IfR7mKVb3DTKoR-lieIF2qvzLRNOG5RxFiuJTMRYZrBHwLAl_yuvKTReXShXi_yAC-UQ8LLG7Yp5vUEhIZL-hHmIRm2CGGDBA-6qyeG0s_bWbtUTp7BIbVeUI_ntcS5sAhwIP-uxtLgvFMCjEkpJHKW\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 12.1 seconds, which is 80% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [195s on 1-ci-srv-02]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T13:31:47.088100 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T13:31:47.088100 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0526/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/6xcNouwfPffZnpWv/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ATKIo57RY9rr8uHem8XwV9VSHbdZTM4OOZc_kfZZBWmMiPa-5iHX-UlhVRFATtax9a2-WEVmAmfRHkVa_oqp0Vm3AUxDSK7NtV6Eci7btAU5Hi5n1Mk9JXcGgIE_IJ_6Th-5qpKP_bDLBEU5fW9XIhCOVy3F1lv79FJ13_Oum7VseSyw\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 8.4 seconds, which is 56% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [224s on 1-ci-srv-06]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-26T12:46:20.919338 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-26T12:46:20.919338 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0530/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/WrxZuVG79Qht2yzC/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEMSm4InWy0MYbHi8DS5k46d-2V75QGLlzN9zVuBRNQ6eO4xUAfpItliTBS7_aPyymb0ff-FWlZc-Y7dCKPOyiLUAaihagERezDPhUT0b8_lk-RIcPFYUxxUh7G_WBqf-bI0SQ82mKey6Oer0y31fF9Z_Kv9yNIAL1pbd_znI7KRqPBA\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 13.0 seconds, which is 86% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [248s on rhos-01-9]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-30T12:59:05.865103 | revision 679f24f896545aa9dff78d3df02f9d3690186399
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-30T12:59:05.865103 | revision 679f24f896545aa9dff78d3df02f9d3690186399

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0531/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 7.9 seconds, which is 52% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/CtVOfnwQaxtjssnm/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ABGuE4tXOqHzrwKAfLpU3zmVB9h1pK8MWM-7DmuVxDK5iXa4Vt21vg04Qk3qiXu-1UU8cH1SKS6HXdOd_Kujj8kRAUwVF8F-581JXY-waPzAK1ubF8CyvU0-5WwKKnXB6H4F_TxqigrXovds6HuuIlb5Wze1tjYktdiWsyc10eHpD146\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 14.7 seconds, which is 97% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#content") took 7.5 seconds, which is 50% of the timeout.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-distropkg-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [245s on rhos-01-13]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-31T10:28:30.001938 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-31T10:28:30.001938 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2

Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/rcP1M6gorNq4hSAk/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ARChknreGJtWxWM_NDFynmW9Y7Ck6_fg91B2ly10_gRTvIDU5eqLoJDw3VdhF_lxg4s75qCutQ7dYvTpMyoToUtAAe2jYJMdbQ3h6WpO7o1y1boYu1CTMAL07eEiff5Kt1ITKZ6A9iBjaXTaNx_O4B_1J17cApfAgGtxtV3GlpPJfqTZ\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 9.1 seconds, which is 60% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [196s on 1-ci-srv-05]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T11:01:27.700143 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T11:01:27.700143 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 10.1 seconds, which is 67% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/FWXJ2LYbmz2aTNcC/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjpbeyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImNydiI6IlAtNTIxIiwia2V5X29wcyI6WyJ2ZXJpZnkiXSwia3R5IjoiRUMiLCJ4IjoiQUZWQzVHV1VtY1Y4M1hHUXVRME83MVBRdmhQbTk4REpHVEdSM2ZnTzdaa0NWbHBKMUIwb09hRll5NlhvNnY0VllnX2RkMVJ3SndQT1lSUzRjUHNPWGpGSSIsInkiOiJBZVNGaVFwQjZmLTFweTZFNXpIai1mUTlPZk9TYUVYR252aFdUZmJoeTA3OGhfY0Z6TS1jVHdyd0YtNFcyWG42ZW1nQ0FzenRCNjRCQjM1QzVnekVlMHc0In0seyJhbGciOiJFQ01SIiwiY3J2IjoiUC01MjEiLCJrZXlfb3BzIjpbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdLCJrdHkiOiJFQyIsIngiOiJBSHZQbkttX0xSVE4wNGJjYWFfczFKTGMtWEhXbkJiRFBtZ2I4VkxacG1pbnl5aHotQlA3amQwTWFZTXpmdkVVWUJQUzV1S1o3Z1JYSTI3NVMyVzBmaTJJIiwieSI6IkFLU3NsM0hZX0gySXdpVC1UbU5oRndrRFNWbXhTa2VPNHVQRFgzNE9wVW5QanJkd18zU1cxb2RNeGc1OW96ekV1aWVobEtLZU5wclkzZnU4UjJQN0gtbVgifV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdB1oEhXjjbtDQC08oI80IDRUs0PH6GP2J25NQKIZu3raHIVQcn0JPW8GuHlLzCr9rzwl0a47y8qOe7F8dH4qLkRAfgF8ZGwEJl8g7F_QYF3pMf433DmUHRM3ldOrI96Btwu5BeWrOfn0CJxGpVhqLsGmzCCJ3NfA96tzFbkontxZHzh\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 10.8 seconds, which is 72% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [191s on 3-cockpit-8]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T14:03:08.380537 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T14:03:08.380537 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0530/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 9.7 seconds, which is 64% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/ec0djubuDoHeJG0f/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ACG5UZRrH1B37bfAHODRzgjAAUlCmKYURhcZ4YeEB6zMGkHlfF8xBze0VPBa-p-qxBjdeBXfzBKxFZUVjAuCah9wAfSOFTrSIWd7RqZCObFmIaoDU-CULv3jG25wq5gzSWOb0gqFcsYml0OyohNc6hRH9rvQ3FGB8N_getuSyosIgWBc\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 9.7 seconds, which is 64% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [189s on 2-ci-srv-03]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-30T13:23:42.598782 | revision 679f24f896545aa9dff78d3df02f9d3690186399
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-30T13:23:42.598782 | revision 679f24f896545aa9dff78d3df02f9d3690186399

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0531/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 9.2 seconds, which is 61% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/UGKYWoF7DtElL6cu/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEUaAsVoeBheqh_A7fuO7Lf0rCXBPW-KpWD8iKvioBTgvyd6d0bNjRAf-VuojE4BSzWdoDV2lPj8Eaq0amh0RF6bAd0GAXIcInj2aJAlWYmdAlLrPiTlL3VIGKFCG0RsMcaIwGJ2K7O9JYisTQBjxl7PrCxnZOokB-9euvT53X_9z2oj\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 9.2 seconds, which is 61% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-8-9-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [250s on rhos-01-1]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-31T11:05:40.237556 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-31T11:05:40.237556 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2

Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0829/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-6b3be1ca006648abaa6cf3487bffe1c5-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEgxov33tAFVjyV1nILQ2aDXR_w6Png-v7oXfMuQTZlTRt43IM6k9QeR4TlhEMKzyHDs1fnNzZYPeV9p1yV_J4KTAJcf_meI6TSCVG9o6FBRfMsptdLZlKVIK83g54UcUf1npglFLdz7c85RsPBDOz_4OGyIPfUudLsLUIjt-IrTefaC\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 888, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 888, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [177s on 4-cockpit-11]
not ok 57 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-08-29T22:33:39.034195 | revision 1bbc1672d7c91bf25293e79462fa6f570c8063b9
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-08-29T22:33:39.034195 | revision 1bbc1672d7c91bf25293e79462fa6f570c8063b9

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0829/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-d09823578e9a4a3cb5b7f35ada40b57a-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHd6M-4k6MiQIvoQppJynC14iNHb13tP_lbFS28MKnuJO3DNWi0XZyN9gsYx3ERivn98YcTUULgl2foZKVuHnolpAXYy101iH6qb7iKxVZg1spXYhhLGZ8RmS2cnX0iEV7BbBciyEH94JTNGZ2qcPu5OX_Tffa6xdLUvfjtldNFzG5M7\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 888, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-37-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 888, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [169s on 1-ci-srv-02]
not ok 57 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-08-29T23:10:43.431579 | revision 2496412c7ae1eefb04bcd02cd7c5f11c7adf8d68
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-08-29T23:10:43.431579 | revision 2496412c7ae1eefb04bcd02cd7c5f11c7adf8d68

Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[0227/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709029646418.322,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"134993.19"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709029646421.22,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"134993.20"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709029646477.989,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709029646478.356,"url":""}
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ATQHHlTVIr7huxiIHmDxU2GVHpoimK6WzhTZ0rFdRRjdu521WDTebEqM24V5E8Z4k1Y5N30GIflgXoI-wkjoKkh_AVqMznTkxrKsN7QYpddJDaNatcp1WfffD3747mhmfOqfc-4glx_2bJT6Np_8sJ5NGqhH9fkTxQMIO4BpCWU84lRC\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709029803280.376,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"134993.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709029803312.537,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"134993.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709029803318.334,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709029803318.601,"url":""}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709029645313.31, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '134993.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029646418.322, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029646421.22, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029646477.989, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029646478.356, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ATQHHlTVIr7huxiIHmDxU2GVHpoimK6WzhTZ0rFdRRjdu521WDTebEqM24V5E8Z4k1Y5N30GIflgXoI-wkjoKkh_AVqMznTkxrKsN7QYpddJDaNatcp1WfffD3747mhmfOqfc-4glx_2bJT6Np_8sJ5NGqhH9fkTxQMIO4BpCWU84lRC\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709029801327.93, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '134993.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029803280.376, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029803312.537, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029803318.334, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029803318.601, 'url': ''}

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
[0227/] Check failed: false. NOTREACHED log messages are omitted in official builds. Sorry!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709029645313.31, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '134993.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029646418.322, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029646421.22, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029646477.989, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029646478.356, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ATQHHlTVIr7huxiIHmDxU2GVHpoimK6WzhTZ0rFdRRjdu521WDTebEqM24V5E8Z4k1Y5N30GIflgXoI-wkjoKkh_AVqMznTkxrKsN7QYpddJDaNatcp1WfffD3747mhmfOqfc-4glx_2bJT6Np_8sJ5NGqhH9fkTxQMIO4BpCWU84lRC\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709029801327.93, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '134993.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029803280.376, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709029803312.537, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '134993.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029803318.334, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709029803318.601, 'url': ''}

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [206s on 2-ci-srv-02]
not ok 71 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-02-27T10:30:26.823662 | revision 635f2cd7d1c3c927663f5c4ee9af672c592cc7d4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-02-27T10:30:26.823662 | revision 635f2cd7d1c3c927663f5c4ee9af672c592cc7d4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0227/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709032955839.504,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"71463.19"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709032955845.351,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"71463.20"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709032955884.688,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709032955884.831,"url":""}
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHaAI8qhbUg_UJcd5EUmsIF-EIJabTxN38mXUnxJwcjVyZy4c7D2xg2Lgu4CCwyziyNKxjht7KQseDZn1RmgpluGAb3F6_vByxHzXU8vqhzKkLBEdhD0BuWgAbKw3qfQ5rOhuqvIPSiHk_vlbt29HKtnwQGHjun-Kwjj2ZAiKs1bvfKS\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709033111748.862,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"71463.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709033111780.902,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"71463.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709033111819.131,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709033111819.365,"url":""}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709032955075.344, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '71463.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709032955839.504, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709032955845.351, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709032955884.688, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709032955884.831, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHaAI8qhbUg_UJcd5EUmsIF-EIJabTxN38mXUnxJwcjVyZy4c7D2xg2Lgu4CCwyziyNKxjht7KQseDZn1RmgpluGAb3F6_vByxHzXU8vqhzKkLBEdhD0BuWgAbKw3qfQ5rOhuqvIPSiHk_vlbt29HKtnwQGHjun-Kwjj2ZAiKs1bvfKS\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709033109990.685, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '71463.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709033111748.862, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709033111780.902, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709033111819.131, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709033111819.365, 'url': ''}

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
[0227/] Check failed: false. NOTREACHED log messages are omitted in official builds. Sorry!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709032955075.344, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '71463.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709032955839.504, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709032955845.351, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709032955884.688, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709032955884.831, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBU0dTLXhYUmpGM1c1RjZUMmE0eFBPYUdZWUV2UmQ4YW9ORUI1QVlYVHI4cFloa3JWZnp0R2FpSV9YbHVpcldrb1VvakQwbS1yOHlEZVJnMVNheWY5cUFKIiwgInkiOiAiQVllWDdaa3JUY0lKbkJTWXdGZnk2YVE4UWZmVm43R2hHMWhkeXp2T3hGTEhycnM1RFNhSHl6VVpZLVFSajQwWEpDWi1OUmkxMXhnX2lmV1BVWWZrQ3JTcSIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFBLWszZXV2MkZCTzQ5SUxMTWdVYlFuTnVsUE8yUkhxWEprWVFEVThieWEwNVRxbmgyV1BZNUNPRVVtTzRzWlZpS25NTEJYVldjUjJ3RXg5elhSNnpiUUEiLCAieSI6ICJBUjBJWGZBX1psYTk1RnBHMnkxMUdTWERIQ1l6NVhReUFqMGlsaV80bURCdXU2RDN0TjU4Y203QkpOQnZaVkpBUXNJN0tENWk0MnpyTERsUFFNMl9VYmd5IiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHaAI8qhbUg_UJcd5EUmsIF-EIJabTxN38mXUnxJwcjVyZy4c7D2xg2Lgu4CCwyziyNKxjht7KQseDZn1RmgpluGAb3F6_vByxHzXU8vqhzKkLBEdhD0BuWgAbKw3qfQ5rOhuqvIPSiHk_vlbt29HKtnwQGHjun-Kwjj2ZAiKs1bvfKS\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709033109990.685, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '71463.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709033111748.862, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709033111780.902, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '71463.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709033111819.131, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709033111819.365, 'url': ''}

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [202s on rhos-01-11]
not ok 71 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-02-27T11:25:33.372667 | revision 6f1d7d21a860564add101c477687cc884b51ac25
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-02-27T11:25:33.372667 | revision 6f1d7d21a860564add101c477687cc884b51ac25

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0305/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
[0305/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709637916712.704,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"144635.20"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709637916715.369,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"144635.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709637916752.953,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709637916753.055,"url":""}
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZfONFzgB-F7kXuruCUMatM20FMs-HKRhXyZX9QZMG6WPtExA1Ymg_TxPdmVndlVJt7CwyC8riAA1iXhocEpWgZTAK_lHzI0wzfYhzaQV-JdaU4Q1wsnMr8K6Oaoq4JDnAVqEPKEDkxodrNLbZgVJ9fRupu2ywWhmGnadq3GDo06xFl3\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709638069009.419,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"144635.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1709638069021.437,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"144635.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709638069058.53,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1709638069058.723,"url":""}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709637916011.946, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '144635.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709637916712.704, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709637916715.369, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709637916752.953, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709637916753.055, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZfONFzgB-F7kXuruCUMatM20FMs-HKRhXyZX9QZMG6WPtExA1Ymg_TxPdmVndlVJt7CwyC8riAA1iXhocEpWgZTAK_lHzI0wzfYhzaQV-JdaU4Q1wsnMr8K6Oaoq4JDnAVqEPKEDkxodrNLbZgVJ9fRupu2ywWhmGnadq3GDo06xFl3\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709638066912.913, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '144635.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709638069009.419, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709638069021.437, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709638069058.53, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709638069058.723, 'url': ''}

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-38-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 975, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 691, in wait_text
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 648, in wait_visible
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 639, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 633, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 618, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 319, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709637916011.946, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '144635.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709637916712.704, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709637916715.369, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709637916752.953, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709637916753.055, 'url': ''}
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBUU10ajJUSXE3Nm1ua3BZd1pyMjlYM3lKay1fQjdBVm45YWJBTkRTNWxQbXEyRW1MX2JULXFVdnNUdjQtYlU5NktEVHNhaGFtUzlNRWlZYUZaeWRhQzBjIiwgInkiOiAiQUVveDVsZFRjUEhpWnM3NkI1VTlhWlk3QTVMRmQ3TEZQbnJUTV82VnlDSHNJNHRVWTh2SDBEOEUxUFo4Rlc0QnBMaHNoVzB4WXgyN1E5SGNyYU85R0Q2XyIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFYd0VqVGZ6YV8tbVlCOHI4eU5EUlRBT2VONUZ6UFpnbFhVSzhNMVpXcVByMUVERGtXRDRKX3BHNlR0LXB0aGVfVzU5V3AwNmhOZy01QTRyaGNiTEFuVGciLCAieSI6ICJBTGN5TnlKM3BZVU5iU2hWckVBRXNZUFdETURMWWFibG5xejV6Y3JkVFkyZlJFRTFhRTBISkR1eU1QcjV5OUVDLWctdjNqdHZuQzZKblZNSGRmWGVrVXNlIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZfONFzgB-F7kXuruCUMatM20FMs-HKRhXyZX9QZMG6WPtExA1Ymg_TxPdmVndlVJt7CwyC8riAA1iXhocEpWgZTAK_lHzI0wzfYhzaQV-JdaU4Q1wsnMr8K6Oaoq4JDnAVqEPKEDkxodrNLbZgVJ9fRupu2ywWhmGnadq3GDo06xFl3\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1709638066912.913, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '144635.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709638069009.419, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1709638069021.437, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '144635.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709638069058.53, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1709638069058.723, 'url': ''}

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [197s on rhos-01-8]
not ok 68 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-03-05T11:28:09.746277 | revision 313b8dd37b30c0258cf7ddd8edbe65b5150c496d
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-03-05T11:28:09.746277 | revision 313b8dd37b30c0258cf7ddd8edbe65b5150c496d

Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[1231/] RendererVk.cpp:1962 (initialize): ANGLE VMA version: 2003000
[1231/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704064422374.454,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"18726.19"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704064422376.009,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"18726.20"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704064422457.0488,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704064422457.406,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-5e03e96be067466e8c9840d0cef81a73-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with the server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.9/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AXaJDv9tiMPaF1U4Tz1XzKpiHJeN_y2xPHPTOdDeTO-8U7xZN70m_pZQ0d_8WNo1OuqyemSfvJ6RUDBNyzHrxmy6AOYKiRO1QHc2nFHzQHavkE3FUro3xRn-ivmcu7pgg737jVfkDqZBE38PIKrAkR7nmUg_oa6s-edU4twOWfKaymzH\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.9/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> log: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704064528250.3691,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"18726.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704064528270.594,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"18726.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704064528315.0698,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704064528315.348,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Warning: vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers!
Warning: vkCreateInstance failed with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
    at CheckVkSuccessImpl (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/VulkanError.cpp:88)
    at CreateVkInstance (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:458)
    at Initialize (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:344)
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:266)
    at operator() (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:521)

Warning: eglChooseConfig returned zero configs
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/opengl/ContextEGL.cpp:52)
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/opengl/PhysicalDeviceGL.cpp:97)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [170s on 2-cockpit-10]
not ok 58 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-12-31T23:16:07.074295 | revision 779e1f6
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-12-31T23:16:07.074295 | revision 779e1f6

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0108/] RendererVk.cpp:1962 (initialize): ANGLE VMA version: 2003000
[0108/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704755270694.128,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"18644.19"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704755270696.362,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"18644.20"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704755270772.346,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704755270772.6619,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-11138a2b285c4d3caf4afae093b6b401-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with the server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.9/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AG6jQws1hw52-DJh5T7iJvAUUW0jIXkykFUQwOcu64-rgj_0LJ9NceS1G23CnXL2Rp4LQDCmGSkzd1AtlA2LRYbxAMXPdH5cbUaAqXYe46eyi0q85DA9Wh3C1ektC4PeEX_deXcOPFQZCML9Hu0EaeowDYO2XBvfnR-k9SVTUmnO7oG2\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.9/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> log: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704755383721.942,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"18644.229"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1704755383740.832,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"18644.228"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704755383783.356,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1704755383783.7,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Warning: vkCreateInstance: Found no drivers!
Warning: vkCreateInstance failed with VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
    at CheckVkSuccessImpl (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/VulkanError.cpp:88)
    at CreateVkInstance (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:458)
    at Initialize (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:344)
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:266)
    at operator() (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/vulkan/BackendVk.cpp:521)

Warning: eglChooseConfig returned zero configs
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/opengl/ContextEGL.cpp:52)
    at Create (../../third_party/dawn/src/dawn/native/opengl/PhysicalDeviceGL.cpp:97)

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-3-
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [178s on 3-ci-srv-06]
not ok 58 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-01-08T23:10:23.009108 | revision 5cd824c
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-01-08T23:10:23.009108 | revision 5cd824c

Copy link

cockpituous commented May 25, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 7.8 seconds, which is 52% of the timeout.
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 8.3 seconds, which is 55% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/nD6xklQxjV58LIzE/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdKGP9xcT6l1LNihpVqVzOIBqHY-GQUM-VeFiAUtRNoDpRcfQZ6IwDc--5xCRx6SnxO5O2QxPt-zQOkwGZ9jRp0OAe1qh5Fmlb188XZQgfUs5eb6POeSIXh9l53aSugCUz8N7iZLDYnghK4lWiWOaTKoS6Jr120GBgYsQ_BCMlTJwoO5\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 11.2 seconds, which is 74% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [216s on 3-ci-srv-06]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T11:04:04.709358 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T11:04:04.709358 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685012802964.688,"url":"$f0a167564956d2d358aa3203d60e23d67c1bff9b314e4328624101b860b51873/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"78492.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$f0a167564956d2d358aa3203d60e23d67c1bff9b314e4328624101b860b51873/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685012802969.265,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 8.0 seconds, which is 53% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/11aagmt6zafYjvRJ/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AaX3bQMEvmz-2mnH-8aZuRUz502uK5CA8iUUzmctEWeyzZpIVJxOJ6uR4iTam0NGhN0L1Dy8IvyWi2RkGTpVMPejAaLoAtTlBUIEUxaj0L1YD8N44CNe4L4w0tdfMFUhrtV1RvrFkp1Fsnfk_TiADKCyqxKNX9DY2gnFuvxSqFzbrQvh\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 8.9 seconds, which is 59% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685012942823.546,"url":"$f0a167564956d2d358aa3203d60e23d67c1bff9b314e4328624101b860b51873/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"78492.225"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$f0a167564956d2d358aa3203d60e23d67c1bff9b314e4328624101b860b51873/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685012942833.789,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 656, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [217s on 1-cockpit-9]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T11:09:41.921881 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T11:09:41.921881 | revision c79bf30c6d3f04c3eb7ba0ec938d3d942f7aac8b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 9.7 seconds, which is 64% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/HqBT7yoLcep7Rrhy/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AFGnt_SeYtpuQ57XMAv1ngr4IWx6DnIWkzv5gJsd7FQo01_DkoqYJnW7nRk6HwqR8jlt1BFLYanjecDh6BHuZAmrAKGwaVTnfx8vSt2EmAVAEb3pmAuumDkj-BiC9tcpcl58A8ENIEiBiFYSd3A98O_EO-LQab-jM_LCC2MQeD8f8fBn\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 12.8 seconds, which is 85% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [216s on 4-ci-srv-06]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T14:09:50.591900 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T14:09:50.591900 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0525/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685023653792.523,"url":"$090ec4daaaa51ac81f7525d4ab81a168dcb00a0c847b332bc6329addae387d48/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"79073.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$090ec4daaaa51ac81f7525d4ab81a168dcb00a0c847b332bc6329addae387d48/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685023653795.728,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 10.1 seconds, which is 67% of the timeout.
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 10.1 seconds, which is 67% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/H1RG5yexbJedY970/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AeF25iPqgUSBp9G542Tlc6fZ1u084tvySkbyGSOdufQGX65e32zTAwArR2ournbsYwLjbJjDCw1EcMMMYGoH072AAHRU95kOro3rlFD1iIvcy6CwjUw6rykGUMejiERb7dFzJ3yMGaMgEWH8qc4MCHOBbaofpgin-sdGcrDxzKnmVHxd\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 11.4 seconds, which is 75% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685023797980.719,"url":"$090ec4daaaa51ac81f7525d4ab81a168dcb00a0c847b332bc6329addae387d48/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"79073.226"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$090ec4daaaa51ac81f7525d4ab81a168dcb00a0c847b332bc6329addae387d48/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685023797991.2678,"url":""}
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#content") took 8.0 seconds, which is 53% of the timeout.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 575, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [220s on 2-ci-srv-06]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-25T14:10:36.745337 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-25T14:10:36.745337 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0526/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685101155323.858,"url":"$3fdf3151c75ec414202f544edd12f01626a28e85dd8722d48cd7b67b2b605325/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"76649.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$3fdf3151c75ec414202f544edd12f01626a28e85dd8722d48cd7b67b2b605325/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685101155327.101,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 9.5 seconds, which is 63% of the timeout.
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 8.5 seconds, which is 56% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/xZGF7b7OlhwjMkBn/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AWnaNeACFLS38biQcTjKktfrlCTunjxU9bbQXcUrgKzzdu8-2L_CVqgsxWP0QmlXSQ4bcxwNMk560VQEVB3Ut_b9AH7p0Q5MLb2qDUvWVl3Jc_IrfyT5HYkYfYdNF_41AVu0kOZ9qQC7X-PymUQ7GQRot0QELyKmnL8dKtDsrxZ5pqe_\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 11.4 seconds, which is 76% of the timeout.
> log: 
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685101288857.87,"url":"$3fdf3151c75ec414202f544edd12f01626a28e85dd8722d48cd7b67b2b605325/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"76649.226"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$3fdf3151c75ec414202f544edd12f01626a28e85dd8722d48cd7b67b2b605325/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685101288858.0798,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 666, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [239s on rhos-01-12]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-26T11:42:06.370786 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-26T11:42:06.370786 | revision ff025d1dd4dd449a1f33e7f59e95b3e2a8c6a396

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0526/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 8.1 seconds, which is 54% of the timeout.
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 7.6 seconds, which is 50% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/J8j6ndsAmQkuRzDq/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AfECqaYczchMQnAFiI3cLY_qyufy4qyRVqB0cJpLGAnRKqUMHRWxBYf3WCBF9yOvtwP1UFOvTEZ1vSB6lyqxhVBZATzPR_glH_w1qN5HDyqtPtCtIePHK_SYRSzfTy2TuT94PZRELe68dWZxEVctE1kVlLfn3F6Vjyc3xR_SVrB94Sq2\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 12.2 seconds, which is 81% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [211s on 2-cockpit-11]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-26T13:26:46.976458 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-26T13:26:46.976458 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0526/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685107553182.975,"url":"$4cbe382689f055c8118a55cd30f00a744c976312307f0d23422e1efff5bd63a4/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"153158.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$4cbe382689f055c8118a55cd30f00a744c976312307f0d23422e1efff5bd63a4/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685107553185.3389,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/kj1tvAnaA2RrO54j/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AScU-ByeQCT5AOWqfcAICzk-q0EBfrWQverxRDPRhZcx3vWTI78QO2zqUnieqq9aFwtg9T5_UkzXl2zaTxaxbN4MAOovRCBDJiIHE-F-rAPmcGnKl1MlaEgw5sIFERqilpbYvtV6vaxC7-wplGCXWqQnY59KrkLCmpPR4R2I0aHrv5pU\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 10.6 seconds, which is 70% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685107686557.2158,"url":"$4cbe382689f055c8118a55cd30f00a744c976312307f0d23422e1efff5bd63a4/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"153158.226"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$4cbe382689f055c8118a55cd30f00a744c976312307f0d23422e1efff5bd63a4/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685107686566.01,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 665, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [246s on rhos-01-16]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-26T13:28:44.127812 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-26T13:28:44.127812 | revision c1b55239e10e9c3ec233196bd58dd3c417a7fd32

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0530/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 10.6 seconds, which is 70% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/HLvbTE5qltO2HcE2/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjpbeyJhbGciOiJFQ01SIiwiY3J2IjoiUC01MjEiLCJrZXlfb3BzIjpbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdLCJrdHkiOiJFQyIsIngiOiJBWGdFeVdMYTAyXzhMMVgxN3NXWHFSRXY5MzYtNnRxVlQxZV9hZ1dOWHUyODRPWnNOdzVhUVdSbWRhbGNpd20za1MwQlVPbGw5cW9DZVRzeGZqTTh4ZF9VIiwieSI6IkFQRWxzSndWUTh6T2diNFhOMS1selpGMjJzRkhlYkZOMWpFNC1UVW9KZm5PMi1WWHYtQ0RodGpZUEc2Qms1bFBoRGVFd2JybVFab2c2dVYyUTFqTTh2UkcifSx7ImFsZyI6IkVTNTEyIiwiY3J2IjoiUC01MjEiLCJrZXlfb3BzIjpbInZlcmlmeSJdLCJrdHkiOiJFQyIsIngiOiJBRnl3TEZkMlZzZ3l6RTFHaUdwSVFiWnlCdlhyRlVqZ3p3MDZESUx4S0Vxc1haZGN4UG45OHNCTU1hZ1lGZ3lSSHQxYTJ2WWc4bk5rWE9wNDhFeERVQmZhIiwieSI6IkFXeXd4bXlQV0E5SGNzUHptcEVaa0xVNGZkOG1CVzBxZkIzZjRnT0tzN240SWcwQzZzSDhSR2lObTlrY2M3dVBDN3dhYjZZcWxqaDFDT2xmcDA1RDBLY3QifV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHwRgH0I2HnlKpmF5oKAwPuvCXwTinAudLQ2wCnbTDhQltl5TD9OOYoQt46pvelT_LUj6TCUYnRhGu-L0peJ9qRPAfWbfXqEfRpQpkuMyQVLc58o1YWn_9tm80ReeiZaILp-noTMK2EJLxf8HrWAHm7emm8bjunCrXQAMlJYVIQGzsRC\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 13.0 seconds, which is 86% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [211s on 2-ci-srv-02]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-30T10:08:20.358074 | revision 3225cc6474f8e056276cd4d0a01ea8c32e034bda
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-30T10:08:20.358074 | revision 3225cc6474f8e056276cd4d0a01ea8c32e034bda

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0530/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_is_present("#detail-header button:contains(Add):not([disabled]):not([aria-disabled=true])") took 9.8 seconds, which is 65% of the timeout.
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/e3VqHBltSXfkVebz/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AakMpXfefbpmtAhM9LQNG0d-T1IeVMickdWR9hRnvxUoCjyY0ENUP4ZhYei7i2cip8hJfSqNggeC9nIl4F0NVFNLAYJIdJlHosPMoMdc6lwquZ0DJUSZR1v3AInxsuqmccB6KYgCHe7oNpBr4NcSmIE9TtHHf2Hpy_SKVdUZe_JCA958\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 11.6 seconds, which is 77% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 709, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [208s on 1-ci-srv-03]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-30T12:15:12.971667 | revision 41d1ad662bbead9a34f06dfde10d05cc4c3fa173
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-30T12:15:12.971667 | revision 41d1ad662bbead9a34f06dfde10d05cc4c3fa173

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0531/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685531178797.81,"url":"$2a75430bf2739be7b740dd00276e10b6b3be8dd02cf875f8f869016ae750899a/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"76223.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$2a75430bf2739be7b740dd00276e10b6b3be8dd02cf875f8f869016ae750899a/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685531178821.0571,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 8.3 seconds, which is 55% of the timeout.
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Error: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-k" "/run/stratisd/keyfiles/NmPk5kVEo4bVvWOE/pool0" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVzeP_6xq7XJBLmwiPQJmA5qveF9ASmoxBRwAesI81Wzket7iHjAR-CDwMwrfPHF0OIa8fCbz0dGTPUlRZT5-wTKADHeqswTIwT5gDchJ6mNX8rVzm8u2sKaJyEuS3M3QtOYdsSHSQk_PRS2-0SwaPfkXPOxf7UmNVRbUiRPD3ZtbggJ\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: No key available with this passphrase.

/usr/lib64/python3.6/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
WARNING: Waiting for ph_in_text("#detail-header","") took 9.1 seconds, which is 60% of the timeout.
> log: 
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1685531312500.6968,"url":"$2a75430bf2739be7b740dd00276e10b6b3be8dd02cf875f8f869016ae750899a/*/po.js","networkRequestId":"76223.225"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '$2a75430bf2739be7b740dd00276e10b6b3be8dd02cf875f8f869016ae750899a/*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1685531312501.781,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
> warning: failed to poll tuned 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-8-stream-
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 711, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 496, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 224, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 571, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [234s on rhos-01-5]
not ok 341 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-05-31T11:09:10.655346 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-05-31T11:09:10.655346 | revision 5b32f2707e1dd1f11049ca3274989bae4da788a2

mvollmer added a commit to mvollmer/bots that referenced this issue Jun 2, 2023
martinpitt pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 2, 2023
Copy link

cockpituous commented Jun 2, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 58669
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 58669.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ADMS2xD60pO0_pc3GtLcya1y3dRSUG0kSNiAAYesAehv39qrXxPtHkKn3yRnVqzpxjrwyW_QGfcxhBUupnzjyHWgAQVNrm8cbsYMdTCpFfmuq6dUNok7Q_CbeYKDEaz6kddDJeayE87t1XmgDLcfsN1h_MOeB-FmqjqJtjzPVc7O4xdA\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [155s on 43368f438103]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T12:44:00.213598+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T12:44:00.213598+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 40533
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 40533.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBSGNqMmtocG5RdXkyLVJIWkcyVnVpS1pQeWJBdFJ0TzRpR3dIR1dGUzdTdU04eVFCQ1p1WmEtSm8taC02QXkzek5iN092bUwzREY2SmhiQWZoR0pzLWFRIiwgInkiOiAiQU5hNlNHZkY3SHdXNnM5cG9yTnN6MlJBdGRQRFNDaUtnd3dWWDNHQkVZRWJ0MWZSRUJyT1ZvWlVpNnpnQmFmWFM3OUdCdGx1b1dMSjFaN0htUU0zVUgzYSIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFBZURNMEhtZW93UTVSakRLNnZjUTF5azVROTJtUVQyWDE5dUtrSWJicFNrUVNZZDNyYWJVQVl0MTdsMWNyWVo1RkRFSkNsMzZNTnBpdXRTN0NBSV9fQlciLCAieSI6ICJBTUdVYmhTaUpsNkNGVXFZV1lqMUNyNjVZUHUyUkRSTUhVQ3RFdzNkWGhqMi1YVmJIRmpjcGVkdTBJTTkxcU96Q2NqeUF2bjg2QnBfNEU4RUpmQW9xY1FsIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AAI4KOvaER5Y1m2t4dL4vCKVUE2rsUGfOxXMkqZFm18kuEiEkkdo45EFDELVgJjXR_WCiX_ki-ngbirF6OWqYn3mAfIXwoBP2XPLBXmXJFpMr3-vcbp82ThpdfKc0CmoEwC4pAopT1BTmu8mHR1CB2Yv9fn6am2nwOT0QUZeqKYIk2x_\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [160s on 5e6468ca5935]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T13:44:27.832859+00:00 | revision ce6d2a668febda107fb6c437be49488388fae9ed
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T13:44:27.832859+00:00 | revision ce6d2a668febda107fb6c437be49488388fae9ed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 42585
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 42585.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AE7WHf72Q3_wmdsf5w4YmsHm3xVEM2SGY-H22gNLapOobs38v144XgNbP_wXvQ9IiTrcO0AzuwhPOPY3VZu29qb6AQWH5SzoHyjOJATJzzPcrKXZ-ElOPi-GSJAPFtMZDUgjHdKkkLwCL9-aDQMz1RdZacF5uuduSqrw70RZR7NpHBWG\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [152s on 6d1c840824ed]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T14:49:49.298559+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T14:49:49.298559+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 44447
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 44447.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AfPC3lwzGG8nmjvkRvpboJ-PybZTgb4RT6ziERtTirLRH6624WX6ua55OfNCfiAiSpCX7fBtweXSSxqJ67yBZ-yPALAyO6MTcbPl3KOC6R9zdG_s-2Cj7iiKNOgWg8sjB4uMdIhfN3IobmzqdizB0dZ-wdtdg010hB0Z3CIWxVfmVavi\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [152s on 7dc4c2ee9548]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T23:07:33.432939+00:00 | revision 83e95dc
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T23:07:33.432939+00:00 | revision 83e95dc

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 34313
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 34313.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEkcTTxEMChRDTpujHuN7BlIAT_xGu3Zi52qi5iqqpcGMM3BOTypAYC7dc53Yrat5qW1nHpK2iVqwdjMvCGXN4BvAOlkvEhYNihTlmOxOFT_QrK6FFk-1rrRUDF5YCDv4RY7bqvDch6i4znuJeWyRwqW5Wp9HQRuC1HaiK2afmdxOg6c\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [160s on 82fc17f89c40]
not ok 101 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-30T04:34:21.023566+00:00 | revision 5b6c56ba67d2773a1650e0bbeae176987d9ad145
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-30T04:34:21.023566+00:00 | revision 5b6c56ba67d2773a1650e0bbeae176987d9ad145

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 37201
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 37201.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AYj8ZSDzsa5whELR4AzityPgKKWWt0FfEFKHRAz6_upReyMrf78zU0D4WysgboLAUuMwJEw7T-dV7Vj_pS2KR9SlAYpcJpGz76DV3YSOz0LC9-LLO-8ogjiAoKGNGWkWK3cOXwr5Z8BVYzvESUU83qJ7dUnR7SuvDIRNQx4QIHpro2vd\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [155s on 228e5f2ddc5b]
not ok 101 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-30T08:49:05.601631+00:00 | revision f108cae7ee8363066dd144732d498ac110e64e1e
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-30T08:49:05.601631+00:00 | revision f108cae7ee8363066dd144732d498ac110e64e1e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 38295
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 38295.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AGLb9BiUy3BtKz7-MaOhPRJ-5gWFXQvRR_IhpvnPofF4Y64CXG8xHFM1yaXNG20poXed9Yvfc7yjfk1XUTmJ6PJfAfmx-yjRpDT08xnBxD3ZbbHIccs3SEsZM6bvG0t6M7644NrcgHg9iSWJqSEh8g-ZWWKkG3xS1Joy4Xi-pRIx4b5s\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [152s on 821c5444ca04]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-12-01T05:03:58.536527+00:00 | revision 8a0031376e7dccc59348c7dad252eef29dc1a08a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-12-01T05:03:58.536527+00:00 | revision 8a0031376e7dccc59348c7dad252eef29dc1a08a

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 38977
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 38977.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ABTyfGMGIuj9dnNk9Zk3Hb2xlYfvARuN8YWDKR7vZPTl2KsuYOZ50GiQMBaOJpUt5-7TXK9XZ4s9WenVCIJjUqCuASLD8zpBm03rSE5FWMo47JA7ojlQ-lWY4JYjTgJAAA35QEHgEcG8Lc92JMPWqMYvcOQOTwAGdl3G8KURhanSlHs8\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [155s on fc877a3f94ff]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-12-01T05:26:07.434544+00:00 | revision 2e226058efd13fa742d83c58e58aab62c6f7f44f
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-12-01T05:26:07.434544+00:00 | revision 2e226058efd13fa742d83c58e58aab62c6f7f44f

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 48829
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 48829.
==> WARNING: Skipping dependency checks.
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
error: config file /etc/pacman.conf could not be read: No such file or directory
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' → '/usr/lib/systemd/system/stratisd.service'.
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/sbin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHCWcMuaChOqKyMm8s5DtSG5u5Nm0_DoJKWTyFtwnmIBhkcoCkx6-44HWt8-8Pqe8_vctL1z-sZvmM_w1aVKRH86ATpl83tvRMSkidhujTrwg5uOln0XEVTY_Dq81hMhjNqfEmvCmTyCm5q2t43Gbhd4S-LZdTrzhc5GL12nnZ_XBfUz\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> warn: Failed to get current crypto policy: not-found ; falling back to /etc/crypto-policies/config
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged iscsi module Error initializing module 'iscsi': /usr/lib/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-arch-
Removed '/etc/systemd/system/'.
> info: Object(4)
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [160s on 656d38ed982f]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-12-02T08:24:49.365621+00:00 | revision 12ebe11436d440ba0323bff7b8a2c4814c86d171
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-12-02T08:24:49.365621+00:00 | revision 12ebe11436d440ba0323bff7b8a2c4814c86d171

``` File "", line 820, in wait_js_func self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args)))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 817, in wait_js_cond raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None Error: timeout wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Result testBasic (main.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed

1 TEST FAILED [157s on 5fe60af227b6]

Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.del at 0x7fd2860f16c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 766, in del
File "", line 70, in close
File "", line 104, in close
File "", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
File "", line 292, in _remove_reader
key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
File "", line 70, in get
fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
File "", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
File "", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-16T05:01:28.448348+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
Times recorded: 3
Latest occurrences:

- 2025-03-16T05:01:28.448348+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
- 2025-03-16T05:48:45.991782+00:00 | revision 05ec328914512770f058c399db0dcb124241d3bc
- 2025-03-16T06:16:51.710117+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

martinpitt pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 30, 2023
Known issue which has not occurred in 22 days

Stratis runs clevis too early

Fixes #4796
martinpitt pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 30, 2023
Known issue which has not occurred in 22 days

Stratis runs clevis too early

Fixes #4796

Closes #5061
Copy link

Bump -- leaving this to @mvollmer -- the upstream issue is still open and there's no fix. Possibly our tests got changed to simply avoid the situation?

Copy link

cockpituous commented Aug 10, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0909/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1694303124850.39,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"77518.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1694303124909.905,"url":""}
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-9e8a1d9e208a4776989e647590e707f0-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ADiiGsQGOUTRXhsu2zBPrtWkQ1Rz-MW_RpqQkvt2xsUcj64WN34Z5-6PMFW6cENVblZOplhiACWyNHZtPGG-L_3_AOsocteFta75QkxeMGgzh83Qw7QX8JaUQNKWCJ5T6RQJKtR1E4znsvy2MZqeDz5HFuLw9yqIgfcyKwVZNn5F45vz\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> log: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1694303234949.199,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"77518.224"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1694303235013.574,"url":""}
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [175s on 1-ci-srv-03]
not ok 233 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-09-09T23:47:54.458511 | revision 6819d84
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-09-09T23:47:54.458511 | revision 6819d84

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory

DevTools listening on ws://
[0909/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1694303207385.648,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"71301.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1694303207441.5332,"url":""}
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "unlock" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-n" "stratis-1-private-b2eeeb4299974bf6866ae6783c1da6fa-crypt", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Error communicating with server
/dev/sda could not be opened.

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AQN8iu3Wg-RiNiamE2u-eZUu_iXk2eu62iv4JqTQXcwAAMmsi4Sul3QbOGqDyZYTgFZr0XQmj7Bk4ksFpivRsW_FAP4m8eXl4V5GaB2WdPVRXecaqCCbOlh191R-CjrUx7Gh7NES3a7lyeKketAY3_rQlqr7786PCoTjeUlwMSPjDpWT\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
/usr/lib64/python3.11/ GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
  passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Enter key data followed by the return key: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> log: 
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1694303340176.695,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"71301.224"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1694303340251.166,"url":""}
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
> warning: Selectable only cards should not contain any other actions. If you wish to include additional actions, use a clickable and selectable card.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-testing-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 945, in testBasic
    self.wait_mounted(1, 1)  # should be mounted after boot
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 504, in wait_mounted
    self.content_tab_wait_in_info(row, col, "Mount point",
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 229, in content_tab_wait_in_info
    self.retry(setup, check, teardown)
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 46, in retry
  File "/work/bots/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 573, in wait
    raise Error('timed out waiting for predicate to become true')
testlib.Error: timed out waiting for predicate to become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [209s on rhos-01-23]
not ok 233 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2023-09-09T23:49:39.298664 | revision 6819d84
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2023-09-09T23:49:39.298664 | revision 6819d84

Copy link

cockpituous commented Aug 29, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 42107
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AU6ZOcr53xRXeoPMYP-ws4RQLVSZAdWBdnlWK7QbljvtPDi49qGKZk4b4u67HanAwHdOmgmRiHzyPCBDyt8P4nTbAI1s8uk2TpTXWw1IpoaIjZnKL-XREwwPm0Vc0aKbMcvx5Hn4fCG5djq2DbBNx4FrGbZvZGdgVedeymn2YugZGytY\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [213s on 630aed6c336e]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T11:10:25.022208+00:00 | revision fd489d8e873b62baa1d907fc78035ab4a2cba1f6
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T11:10:25.022208+00:00 | revision fd489d8e873b62baa1d907fc78035ab4a2cba1f6

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 45447
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AIRoMtezHYax6raxK2b9nQFOzykCD2sw5N3wBLhe8tTZR4_l7BYd2uhR4U1IkY94xBHqki8LphINLjUFc-xEr_qeAMajxfqaH6gMWtC0_4npdNNLsZ3bLyf9XvWwTisLi1nSFEMK5gh3EcqA_-MfKzgo4jHG7AJ0ED_Yt6AhtEvhrT5B\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [218s on c182014f1393]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T11:53:12.597663+00:00 | revision 562ae22dcb050c326b32b8df744746e0c1dd1b67
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T11:53:12.597663+00:00 | revision 562ae22dcb050c326b32b8df744746e0c1dd1b67

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 39413
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBYzNxdFF5ZmhvVUJyOVcyNTlMREJOVmxKOFRKSkI5R3NZT0wyWGFsVDc0M3ByYWd1TzU4VXVIZ1NVTzVaTWJMVnowc1J1WE9aSHlqZXpyRnpkRkdaVDBkIiwgInkiOiAiQWQzaWxOM3g5dE5BUlVPNWU5bTI0RkIxR0o2bnF6S3RsVWR5T0dzQklnY3dldFlwLVhOT3B6aGFKT2JtNEFERVNPSl9Ubm80MTFPYWdTYzBjTnJhQnhGTSIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFiWHg1dF9QOFFOTVdabVNNNkpmV3ZjVUxJNkl3b3lwNHhlQmVtdDlKTlM0OVpBYVVqaFFwRjhlT0hZWlUxUzlsNlI3N1NLZ1lablhDYmNDdUVYUy13M20iLCAieSI6ICJBTE44VVl4NmpkTEpDT19KMzRnQmN4MHRRTDdpSFUta0tNYzl0MDRTOXZxbnZjeXRlMVdCSktoeUE0SVJvRU0zbC1IRUQ5YkdOWU9RakQtNW83eGFITHRzIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AOahRdGlQU4TRK1qR4TKKpRruy8n_3m52UHKDd_NcWAVmHE1CnPb_h8SYIwf7gSutiNZxkXXrKjEupml97pWPtyeALYIdyorhjjd-Fl7kjQS49GQzKIwBnzhqcqcBSBNWPTSmg-awWYBioa8ecO7pZo3iOVHRcRF1zBYSTp4r5pODKir\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [207s on eebda33669a1]
not ok 85 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T12:19:02.215661+00:00 | revision 1dd4eca50ee6304fcb683543a6bbb2b4844fe797
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T12:19:02.215661+00:00 | revision 1dd4eca50ee6304fcb683543a6bbb2b4844fe797

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 40493
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZzhgRIcLtpQa6cvOeYKbX-_-cyjcdB0oKiXLm-FTZBlOJtqNmF2_Fxy0c81VnJ5NJ5tV8UM40or2MCaeCkf6DauAayzAS00KVKUIoN_taL836_v_c0EVG6oaZlIP-nqJ5OLK4bfkoHGvnWhLextRzQJXtcGCY-6dhnbKYxFxw7ef5wG\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [217s on f346c98f4b0e]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T14:25:30.437667+00:00 | revision 357f6f3ecaa77b82010635d80551ed16abd6296b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T14:25:30.437667+00:00 | revision 357f6f3ecaa77b82010635d80551ed16abd6296b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 51847
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AQ5vfkLoE9io_Sbmp8mVtFpaII2f2HcHpWu_tqxLX4zTKKWNK7HXqlavyryvIYFISn-vsDu5v8HeXx8KWj53Wu_-AXarJF6drYdASqRaTAAn2trsR_3Pk_1KCE3RC5klp6zgc1qibmlQEUSTCPbow6m0QlxhR_d-FFVQatgAkva-U4xc\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 793, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 750, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 741, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 735, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 712, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {e.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [210s on 5caa4c0f283b]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T14:49:20.995900+00:00 | revision f0a6c56c3935bfbdff1bb2c662964a1106f82423
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T14:49:20.995900+00:00 | revision f0a6c56c3935bfbdff1bb2c662964a1106f82423

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 60113
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AG8AbpgRcU1egecbGGx1N6SOnS8_7ODuOBw9bVxu2T5x5mPJRaDpv0Z7wUBuJdD2NHnVhhFbfqSzXOQUNCbIEPUOAJl_1VEhRJXyTG-q0xM2l9wTy35KwjRobKOrHeAdjkOv3R3UX-YtV8VIhiufDkWWW9fQFCY9lWYzwju_A8pTlxyB\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [215s on fa675f2cb9ca]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-13T15:11:12.561897+00:00 | revision 1283ea73d5fd07df1d3f5dd9038c74f4f7142165
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-13T15:11:12.561897+00:00 | revision 1283ea73d5fd07df1d3f5dd9038c74f4f7142165

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 51259
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AJX_UEuzmOtzCbGmKQpHGvN0QgMLF38SE4xnwHtT-jX-8b6fHrvxLuYJ6iQOEfhDrI_gDPI-ayIhfVd9KceNQ6mSAJ3gSJ80cYnCVXUhikzu5FzX9f6vNLn5CZeDsGwEn7-yNJMCrRjSeajofNbHvRhXNQH47DqHoHM6g10ebr5XQPzS\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [213s on 5acbd59b87eb]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-14T10:40:36.254604+00:00 | revision 8d3e27b656b0725ef44e49e8a6b9822f6b616cf9
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-14T10:40:36.254604+00:00 | revision 8d3e27b656b0725ef44e49e8a6b9822f6b616cf9

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 59879
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"Aay_7js4xKOf-Fm5QYSie7mq-xDQWkOijgCZAY7ojF8LrrhLsMUk8t3HaFouwF9FnEEKqG1Vku_spOSTMEEPep-8ANQQE-xWmAkU3OlITCVXIDKqqmSbFqIr6rJVkATf8SjvZVh6Z1gLP_oppdNreu81PUi2iMe4-gkLU9reJYAjrokX\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [208s on 65a313717e91]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-14T11:16:43.628358+00:00 | revision e18b2d376b31cdcbd0f14d2b8736ffa86203b76a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-14T11:16:43.628358+00:00 | revision e18b2d376b31cdcbd0f14d2b8736ffa86203b76a

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.182 (5b5d8292ddf182f8b2096fa665b473b6317906d5-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1776}) on port 41405
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ALwK7aKcVz_tKRmb40ZMGOm6JpTYHO_7Ly7PjoO_bBt6lCeHpqKGIOPE3OSffQ9vfLnSg8OCoEE0FeBqhkAJnSMwAMu1XS31j_64nCP9xj_aP3brtv6X7HquskdiSooUC1nqZBBW0qZD3RF14TdPA3_KTRS3HQ8RhnZAt2xDE5XC6w5s\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [220s on 2659bbfe21f7]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-14T12:36:39.381782+00:00 | revision f25063d280b2fdf4e3badca48fb9a480ae6e158c
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-14T12:36:39.381782+00:00 | revision f25063d280b2fdf4e3badca48fb9a480ae6e158c

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 58513
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVqcGgSyb6b-6O7pcJvYT0tZtBqzZ_Ynkv6duhkFcxrH2Zn7-Q_xzs-UqJr5dKHxxoWoALIL0bW-ICEej0F7aDBkADqLvciC0znB8nTf7mYkbUZAKLYUYGWEEeHPs-DRRnRzNtfdJpH4FNMw7uSmug-c0600oE4y71AjLrwk3Rw9OL_M\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-39-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 791, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 748, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 739, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 733, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 730, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [184s on 9be36888b5ae]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-19T14:17:43.629391+00:00 | revision 30f149174ef4890e94242b0e0c1d3bf1ad379a9c
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-19T14:17:43.629391+00:00 | revision 30f149174ef4890e94242b0e0c1d3bf1ad379a9c

Copy link

cockpituous commented Sep 22, 2023

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
[0806/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

DevTools listening on ws://
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1722968028536.51,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20846.20"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1722968028538.947,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20846.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1722968028582.638,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1722968028582.786,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdCCG6rb16A3J26E_6CmGDOe8RDQVHWwaVXFDrTI_4bnjcOnae1KHQN4zcAU-1HUZPPgjwCpW5okweTIdEIkneUVAbvCGppc9p_F0lMTKAcJ5EgQ4IJPM104wXCe1-O22aYgyaXiBWMmAEQC6mXnFRyb2otEBNsN3QdAGZ9n2CzjXjlz\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1722968135158.252,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20846.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1722968135169.108,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20846.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1722968135193.715,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1722968135193.824,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1722968027829.09, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20846.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968028536.51, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968028538.947, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968028582.638, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968028582.786, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBWTFjbnJHR0ZPZ0Z4TmFacE9wYklvZURKb3JKMWJJdGl0dk8wYkNNWXI2U2RsdFZSLTUzMWtRQS0xWmtMTmg5MHpLMlBSbURWOEk5Q0pUYTJ1U3EyaFAyIiwgInkiOiAiQVVRU3pNVEtSUXlaZ3NsS2JyNWN0UXVWR1RTTUZwZ0tCaHY0d1B0SURBZGNuUFROOEI2VEhjdUNGODdjU2haYkk4MVQ3S2VjeE9VbnVUbENuQ1ZSRDEyYSIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFKYktfUG5VNHZwcGZsTmw4NmJpdFRmZmhscTRyQnlmVTVGZVgzRnJRZGRwV0FJZC1TQ1ZneEJBTXk4aG9xVUNXVzI2ZDdFRzdiaVlOdzJKVFdEU01ZUEsiLCAieSI6ICJBRGlvMlZsU1ZTUHZHcE1lcTRxa0swbHFfU1NFWlU1WG1qZW1GX01JM0UtSHVyVkhadDdTT0lrRVFLSWs0OEpvQXJTZ0EteTctSm5YeUNtblhMVlhKRFlHIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdCCG6rb16A3J26E_6CmGDOe8RDQVHWwaVXFDrTI_4bnjcOnae1KHQN4zcAU-1HUZPPgjwCpW5okweTIdEIkneUVAbvCGppc9p_F0lMTKAcJ5EgQ4IJPM104wXCe1-O22aYgyaXiBWMmAEQC6mXnFRyb2otEBNsN3QdAGZ9n2CzjXjlz\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1722968133290.94, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20846.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968135158.252, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968135169.108, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968135193.715, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968135193.824, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1722968027829.09, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20846.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968028536.51, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968028538.947, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968028582.638, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968028582.786, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdCCG6rb16A3J26E_6CmGDOe8RDQVHWwaVXFDrTI_4bnjcOnae1KHQN4zcAU-1HUZPPgjwCpW5okweTIdEIkneUVAbvCGppc9p_F0lMTKAcJ5EgQ4IJPM104wXCe1-O22aYgyaXiBWMmAEQC6mXnFRyb2otEBNsN3QdAGZ9n2CzjXjlz\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1722968133290.94, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20846.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968135158.252, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1722968135169.108, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20846.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968135193.715, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1722968135193.824, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [153s on 854a75ea5f46]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-06T18:15:58.044482+00:00 | revision e68ef0fc4757899cbbe3e4cdf389d32765867d68
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-06T18:15:58.044482+00:00 | revision e68ef0fc4757899cbbe3e4cdf389d32765867d68

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
[0807/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

DevTools listening on ws://
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723002934682.644,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20977.20"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723002934683.937,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20977.19"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723002934734.385,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723002934734.529,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AUnvx5uj-80MdfJuNrrQ4M2ZxRCqBtlNj7sh_QX9I3BXu1hWT2R_ca3Yn1R1UExVvcsBcZFFaY4uevRMFtsojJkIADIPMnB1pYK5Kex8oPAeIBJU5dSAogYl2XiKgorvUjgY-cv3xKkYKvoZlqXA3wNg9nEsLNp2Q7YA_NjmcStpzoHa\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723003044020.533,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20977.228"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723003044036.165,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20977.229"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723003044063.735,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723003044063.881,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723002933959.573, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20977.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723002934682.644, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723002934683.937, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723002934734.385, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723002934734.529, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AUnvx5uj-80MdfJuNrrQ4M2ZxRCqBtlNj7sh_QX9I3BXu1hWT2R_ca3Yn1R1UExVvcsBcZFFaY4uevRMFtsojJkIADIPMnB1pYK5Kex8oPAeIBJU5dSAogYl2XiKgorvUjgY-cv3xKkYKvoZlqXA3wNg9nEsLNp2Q7YA_NjmcStpzoHa\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723003042094.498, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20977.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723003044020.533, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723003044036.165, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723003044063.735, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723003044063.881, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723002933959.573, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20977.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723002934682.644, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723002934683.937, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723002934734.385, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723002934734.529, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AUnvx5uj-80MdfJuNrrQ4M2ZxRCqBtlNj7sh_QX9I3BXu1hWT2R_ca3Yn1R1UExVvcsBcZFFaY4uevRMFtsojJkIADIPMnB1pYK5Kex8oPAeIBJU5dSAogYl2XiKgorvUjgY-cv3xKkYKvoZlqXA3wNg9nEsLNp2Q7YA_NjmcStpzoHa\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723003042094.498, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20977.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723003044020.533, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723003044036.165, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20977.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723003044063.735, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723003044063.881, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [156s on 4150bb670105]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-07T03:57:47.417351+00:00 | revision b1e5a11ce41a1b9452145e6a0022aa3e1ae2841f
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-07T03:57:47.417351+00:00 | revision b1e5a11ce41a1b9452145e6a0022aa3e1ae2841f

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
[0807/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.

DevTools listening on ws://
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723058384865.306,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20927.19"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723058384866.633,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20927.20"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723058384912.897,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723058384913.012,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AREgi582Gk_po0FaQF-1SgRhB1QrqbHVI8l85ctKXCfeoKNaTT-5yfH1jYFuKHC5tq68GOe7qyVOi1C8C4L0USmfAOBW_WAG8d6axIKqK34SwsZIqtvzfWVFRJyO_FJ0I-em0RqBZYvOoGDs9xk5Swy-nuJLUeaoQ5Yo1piWWOoZquwx\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723058498919.401,"url":"*/po.js","networkRequestId":"20927.229"}
CDP: {"source":"network","level":"error","text":"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)","timestamp":1723058498935.337,"url":"*/po.manifest.js","networkRequestId":"20927.228"}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723058498960.4,"url":""}
CDP: {"source":"security","level":"error","text":"Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.","timestamp":1723058498960.505,"url":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
> warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723058384089.091, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20927.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058384865.306, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058384866.633, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058384912.897, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058384913.012, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AREgi582Gk_po0FaQF-1SgRhB1QrqbHVI8l85ctKXCfeoKNaTT-5yfH1jYFuKHC5tq68GOe7qyVOi1C8C4L0USmfAOBW_WAG8d6axIKqK34SwsZIqtvzfWVFRJyO_FJ0I-em0RqBZYvOoGDs9xk5Swy-nuJLUeaoQ5Yo1piWWOoZquwx\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723058497048.139, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20927.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058498919.401, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058498935.337, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058498960.4, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058498960.505, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-4-
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> log: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> warning: transport closed: disconnected
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 969, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 715, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 672, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 663, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 657, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 642, in wait_js_cond
    self.raise_cdp_exception("timeout\nwait_js_cond", cond, result["exceptionDetails"], trailer)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 336, in raise_cdp_exception
    raise Error("%s(%s): %s" % (func, arg, msg))
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Uncaught (in promise) Error: condition did not become true
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723058384089.091, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20927.12'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058384865.306, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.19'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058384866.633, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.20'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058384912.897, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058384913.012, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
warning: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
warning: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
warning: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AREgi582Gk_po0FaQF-1SgRhB1QrqbHVI8l85ctKXCfeoKNaTT-5yfH1jYFuKHC5tq68GOe7qyVOi1C8C4L0USmfAOBW_WAG8d6axIKqK34SwsZIqtvzfWVFRJyO_FJ0I-em0RqBZYvOoGDs9xk5Swy-nuJLUeaoQ5Yo1piWWOoZquwx\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

log: {"problem":"null","name":"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface","message":"Unknown interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Service'.","toString":""}
warning: transport closed: disconnected
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1723058497048.139, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '20927.221'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058498919.401, 'url': '*/po.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.229'}
cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (ERROR)', 'timestamp': 1723058498935.337, 'url': '*/po.manifest.js', 'networkRequestId': '20927.228'}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.manifest.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058498960.4, 'url': ''}
cdp: {'source': 'security', 'level': 'error', 'text': "Refused to execute script from '*/po.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.", 'timestamp': 1723058498960.505, 'url': ''}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""}
warning: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [161s on 8252d92bb2d6]
not ok 86 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-08-07T19:22:01.682538+00:00 | revision a9c4390
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-08-07T19:22:01.682538+00:00 | revision a9c4390

Copy link

cockpituous commented Feb 27, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 49085
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 49085.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ACyvuMHMHepL_o7Xo5ncgz1fHFt6ePD_NaajpeDLxD_YsWSAt9vpcu08_s0Qbd4llqnLWpwU1IcM-mRGnbLkyfk7AGWHNgeGk1ZjDDdMNz32_Q7i5qqGkidbTlwDNaGCZ5GcOQkPKGaYejENV5OKSEerI9SCnvokwSwmvGGvB0IeWulh\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [208s on 1b042806e7f5]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T12:59:34.239052+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T12:59:34.239052+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
*** You are running in headless mode.
[GFX1-]: glxtest: missing
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> error: Error: Permission denied to access property "length"
> error: Error: Permission denied to access property "length"
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: [object Object]
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AC-QVUYcvjyghH_VQS3VqDyJUKu7Trw7PAdwvrCVpNShmb5WrJ6ydonmFlVYlIYauTXzxHVx-DStvqf0voE2HICZAVQH1-j2lBRVj_yaCqekUcj4tlQNx2IMs-FbxUzvExYJuxG4Vf6Pb22hV6HlRPd1VhMTEqfa8_-g5mi25zYXE7OR\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: [object Object]
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: [object Object]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [233s on b6105b91922f]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T13:06:51.616936+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T13:06:51.616936+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 39905
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 39905.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: "font-weight:bold"Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> error: Warning: Cannot update a component (`SvgPlot`) while rendering a different component (`Application`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Application`, follow the stack trace as described in
    at Application (
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ACCOwL9S-p2IlNpsN0P7vIRHx8lp_to_wIKZlKMEYFwaoVLe03TB96hNrsAOO33O-XNPP6OXTlaL-rXhzqzk37uoAA_qlvUMefB_-M88NBsnMNxwgBORJ_z9oYrl42AcakD19vf8wRZNE_pnmokjpYKXTo7PkgJIpg39zJaQAo7VydVv\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: "font-weight:bold"Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote coverage data to /work/make-checkout-workdir/lcov/
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [204s on 96933c8bcd1a]
not ok 284 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T13:16:08.867781+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T13:16:08.867781+00:00 | revision c9d2d93116fe0ae45797cd179b0799a5264b30fd

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 52211
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 52211.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZct_QWOO6D_aUfyqXjvNsTKSxgJ65LwcQL9d9XXM5ajIhBcDEaGEIZqX1RpDIBWTBL7Og1CsQf5o5IHRl6XTuHcACGM8thtST1evGDYbR5P-pIEbdj80wn6bckcj6LxW1XcweUV320q__i4Khp5N_zekM0djErj0IP2LawWIE1owSBH\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [208s on 8b94302ad443]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T15:04:57.467886+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T15:04:57.467886+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
*** You are running in headless mode.
[GFX1-]: glxtest: missing
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> error: Error: Permission denied to access property "length"
> error: Error: Permission denied to access property "length"
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: [object Object]
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ASCdmdkXOlSf1Tp0JUqfq8qWsYycSsZ3VbhLCPy4a9ccQFMusTRkgjkMDYK-Oh-Ek-28rMuJJExK5KaQsPJIRM9CAd95G02mzvhTx7PyrvjcBaYIeKIP6HXYyssFxcZ4sJrutvYNsMPHCSetqMD-XScA7eC6lVeuiWq4pjVg_tNEKnln\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: [object Object]
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.manifest.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> error: The resource from “*/po.js” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: [object Object]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Exiting due to channel error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [218s on f44443ee3d66]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T15:09:54.512534+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T15:09:54.512534+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 36363
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 36363.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: "font-weight:bold"Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> error: Warning: Cannot update a component (`SvgPlot`) while rendering a different component (`Application`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Application`, follow the stack trace as described in
    at Application (
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> error: Warning: You are calling ReactDOMClient.createRoot() on a container that has already been passed to createRoot() before. Instead, call root.render() on the existing root instead if you want to update it.
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AKeZSul9wa2556_pHqmHrBlkSunPXIT6Hfy2gTQBAGb72FK7gQlaHqHwD5S6Rq-toG-QFp7isZXeDcQRfbAw3ZUQAFl_9A68ldYTgU7AbMnnrqr2kFqqkPAxzZvczm0Z6aOwE5biISeiS_pjSfct0EP3tizsNjRy0DX3M2s3KxFjNClu\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: "font-weight:bold"Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote coverage data to /work/make-checkout-workdir/lcov/
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [202s on 6156505ff3e0]
not ok 284 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-29T15:22:28.091544+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-29T15:22:28.091544+00:00 | revision 7e490d2e94f796931863e01149ee3d94bc6bcec4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 57425
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 57425.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AO79DBx9g6uBbHwxRSugMcal7P_WGzzwhSPU-xyf5SO3j55cgxuAUXJeuR3jeucfh57F-6nTQ7EnKcYGRMdYfUrQAEXmMvZSRdSOqWpQw4bq8Hir0nAHqWiOS0BZtb6kE8o6oEYA5zDgTIprVVEBXTCnRBg1HtEuzROyGmRv8Xs6rrUa\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [212s on 95f6468823f8]
not ok 101 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-30T04:35:30.820517+00:00 | revision 5b6c56ba67d2773a1650e0bbeae176987d9ad145
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-30T04:35:30.820517+00:00 | revision 5b6c56ba67d2773a1650e0bbeae176987d9ad145

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 60273
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 60273.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AaW_Nibb7cxJGx5yseSY1x5KPeZm7J9814FH6-obBirMxCeO562gn_PAHl9emAykb6q_fAHOUV1MDdGLL7up7H4AAPEmuBBfMDAmArKusnl09nou4kOvmv37lfTCuATCdoJeMEhk-8j8B99f2r1r1gE-cREhKUzJglMcKGFlNSKU5QEF\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [207s on 9b09c32fe6f0]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-12-01T05:20:16.282909+00:00 | revision 8a0031376e7dccc59348c7dad252eef29dc1a08a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-12-01T05:20:16.282909+00:00 | revision 8a0031376e7dccc59348c7dad252eef29dc1a08a

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Error: unknown connection 'eth1'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'eth1'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 41821
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 41821.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ASX6puNw3nEHBB-Zfp4YzFUz4YvwZ83q7QDPTVmsRcHkvQ78Tmoto7F88Q8hEECiPH0lPls9sLJ55Yp03fVlFJ5VAUnowvDaJms8wWh_mLIrgIU2UaMzFn5ChsfbxB6A2GME2srB0SoDUlTslfL37Akewpo4nyfr6yiuNUTulT4PkakA\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 880, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 837, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 828, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 822, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 819, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [205s on f55386aaeec4]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-12-01T05:41:11.129580+00:00 | revision 2e226058efd13fa742d83c58e58aab62c6f7f44f
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-12-01T05:41:11.129580+00:00 | revision 2e226058efd13fa742d83c58e58aab62c6f7f44f

Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-40-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [219s on b87ba8a00c00]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T06:01:08.110563+00:00 | revision 6d95484fbbddc9676f870a132812f7a13e15a691
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T06:01:08.110563+00:00 | revision 6d95484fbbddc9676f870a132812f7a13e15a691

Copy link

cockpituous commented Apr 17, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 39037
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 39037.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AQq4vgdz4IcSBBmhiU77jF0j-9Qt9w56p0JUtUWEMZdfHrc2Mz4N42aetM1K66Wyc7ef_yRuWVedo5inLB_0p1CLAb6IeGgE-azyBHtDmWOqEcYHPchr2D1WwgGXdKU1HJ0WSVR0IWvZzPY7gkFJhyEm9giuMTQu8KtoP2bk3CJG-sPd\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [252s on 4b1597ae90ca]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T17:39:21.324937+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T17:39:21.324937+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 45523
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 45523.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AOhHDD1fbz3elMi_7XsbqFXl5ltuen3OrMJcFnYe6c5-B1nqwVsYxGIK37AQFqJvRDHxC4yacN04Fg1jHt5q44a6AV2JJwZs7qEdjW9CwfQa8A-wFWDq8pWkYBOAUL0Oum6lJCY9f5VnxV6F4IqywngLOCk_nSXDjr8yo_eiIhewcOqX\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [250s on 7956b65e9508]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T19:47:14.418737+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T19:47:14.418737+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 57671
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 57671.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBVGR5ZmlzQVNfMUFUT25XZU9uZ0lCTmJWb2dmMUNtZ0VzUndacXk3NkZacUNsMGVVQ0hmSElOdUh3aldOOUw3N2F6MEdoS0oyT3EwenBPclRianQ5T09QIiwgInkiOiAiQVdUS3hLTnA5TGZmeTNnbG9yejIyX3Y1bE1FQ2NISkdILS1VTlVWZ2x0OTZNeXh2QkMwOGUtX2U1TzJRQU1uVXh5dmY5aF9QQ3BZVVFLdUI3MUJJVDdJVSIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFQU1ZrUHFiY1JXQWRHRWNPRmlyaE9Wb2hETndLdmZzal9hX3hiUGZHRlpEa1hUMnVPb1pTUVRiQTlua01hcGVKRlN0OVVZY2U4cVkxSFhuYVZYRzZYSzIiLCAieSI6ICJBY1l2OEhObEtzbEdiTExhdVdPSzNJRE1tTGFraDZiRGU1SDRxX1BobWlqbW9DbDVfbWR6ejRySEMzRWc1V1Z3WFFKakVXLVpzN2VObU9ybDlfdW1ldG8wIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AeO1bLqV19UAhq6I9tSk3sj2-GKGuXeyxIC-SmPRSAnDE_AItygZJHn6QYaMHPiqAF1-afmuzEGPJ9n3MzT334cPAcUwEx1xVXa_T2x5FuJ-qUbDHVYB3u92CIExeeh4T50mwQRlz6obR7SQ-9J-8Nzu2G8lXza53JEO314RqDt_0Y4W\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [237s on 9f17eaf3e31c]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:32:32.507181+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:32:32.507181+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 45257
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 45257.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEAs3rphebr4-L3dgi1HbqGWYou1EePM2i4eDeY2FNijIiuVSNgwiYrSPk62mGviFjSGRuyPBCQFd2tSPn4J8bKEAVHxBtBteyysR0jAh039zsnF7xP5HVFQv1R_pyOkuddsngq3tM2HnvGdf4W9z1MyWK4fgjviXCLjDXTDKjNy6miZ\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [248s on 022bdd83c854]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:08:45.322271+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:08:45.322271+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 56197
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 56197.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"APzCwkOjYiuRAEpRvwNMx7sFfACR9bNsX9YpRsCmZS1U0gwoWZEbHeqdovHMPtGFGr3OOoakhuMjJptzoQSoJH9QAK5Pr8ZOFv-CHK5P03gHkaTpnjhvPEQXZMpSoPVZ2JULDgvVI0iQe3SGTlkDPvsF_Zcsp5G0NkG_blDFhYymbkbF\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [243s on 1607f7412c3c]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:55:36.208335+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:55:36.208335+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 56433
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 56433.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AOpl_MuKppFS0QyJ_8qy2-g8soZFFc4iDkDzOuZgyWBxsW6w3HypqhZV9TpHK4SpbJ5X8-P0-skXyZQQMjbES4gUAZgSj8ybqlLZrCDeXBlHgysqkcCv8d5zC7oYwHgAc4pTTSV263xo2CLkzKUZimc34xdeG93u2zV0LChxxkds8cmW\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [246s on ad94283d539e]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T09:46:39.279083+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T09:46:39.279083+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 47959
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 47959.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVfG1kc6q4nWXZB3fovZWMz6TWJx6-jFxr4fJJrGl0UFxqdV4QcOqre5KK6x25K8AEidSZVAGRmz4FhS_HxwUgK8ARljYe137a7pfp6DRU1TFDTqWVTgWZraUPnuX6v_e63OH6blJtJY1OcqS5cVoNIjSGnH4yWOvgfX0k_uMUSYI8UH\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [244s on df752e27fc29]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T10:18:23.842132+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T10:18:23.842132+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 50439
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 50439.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBVVA0OVktZ3NqWENLVUgwal92US01SzRRYVFlb0xqWmJtUkIzS2c1TDF5bTI5THRCdXRYMUNBbi1OaDB3SHNPSUZKelE2bFFqYk9VVFhESU5kOUxIYmRQIiwgInkiOiAiQUdieGxWMjdTdk9NX0tPU0FTY0w0YV9DNkZ0cmJuM25fOTZ3bVhXNU14ZzBaOFJzYndfUHJjOUpkSUJRUHotTU5OTUM3OGdUbWk5UG5GU0Izc1RndEtFZCIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFQa3gwaW1DemhPajFnaVpGS3M2aWFIbzJZam80TGN5cno5ZU1xbG9zVGczV25BWGEzSG9VQ0k5U2hVVU9hVVJ5YUNYR19hM1ZtZWljMjRrSkVhZl9yN1oiLCAieSI6ICJBTlZpWERGUEtFaDlXY2htbnlKbXA3Y29yd294Wm5lTFc1M0gxck4yMHJoenVncEd6TmR2R1g0ckJKRGprVks5UGVsbFBFSU8wV3czN1RVTXdxbXJaS0ROIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ARHsQ0EaEL4HwUkxa9DGmN-YlgQuiCn5jheDM235BgfEfFyRLPq4Ru5lNOfssgDC3AV9Dlix9_SFQOW-aU4k0Jv6AJbfTY2O8k8Kd8abmav7vTRxXnYnytk0lu5Ue5Frmpnsx_zptN6yDifHBI1m1xTScK-H_DLloCxQm7D5oVJ4KuHv\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [245s on ed575a5235f6]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T11:22:36.618785+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T11:22:36.618785+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 42567
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 42567.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AZIladTWnM28Qv-H9hU2geTR6YM0SdHrJpDBCWlcpztZSsck-0Kr5gq5RxkKKuFBeBVcANvZAIhGGS5LLH0v7tVdAbWI2pDVfiHgN0qb4zAkY1G3eUrsGRf6SuWyHkAjIsFWhkACMOjnweDSMS5KZneH5v2YKcVX8g61Oun75n2sgsAj\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-centos-10-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [241s on 1ecd36e5234d]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T12:00:20.086138+00:00 | revision f126501fe96d83923037b45cbe2778cb4c21c3c8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T12:00:20.086138+00:00 | revision f126501fe96d83923037b45cbe2778cb4c21c3c8

``` File "", line 820, in wait_js_func self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args)))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 817, in wait_js_cond raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None Error: timeout wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Result testBasic (main.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed

1 TEST FAILED [251s on 06d4809dd743]

Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.del at 0x7fb99de056c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 766, in del
File "", line 70, in close
File "", line 104, in close
File "", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
File "", line 292, in _remove_reader
key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
File "", line 70, in get
fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
File "", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
File "", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-14T23:17:33.654819+00:00 | revision 728499dcb79acd38ef69ef8eb74fd5548bf592d2
Times recorded: 4
Latest occurrences:

- 2025-03-14T23:17:33.654819+00:00 | revision 728499dcb79acd38ef69ef8eb74fd5548bf592d2
- 2025-03-16T05:42:22.238339+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
- 2025-03-16T06:15:42.012736+00:00 | revision 05ec328914512770f058c399db0dcb124241d3bc
- 2025-03-16T06:46:19.837948+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

Copy link

cockpituous commented Apr 17, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 58003
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVVpdAY97NRmDj3LuCdaaGSsqIt8PcQ3hzm4Y3kf4_2mkC0mj9Igm91ItJjZsptPlFJn00cUr8DBcvWhzzkDjSICATbC9yQQm_vW-xU4YT02eAxQ6zVzxHBsGNNfTp0vTEgLHhnCj4rx-e3ZIQo0iRx5aYeHoptyBTXvqyssy4BaLVu2\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [253s on b2e7ac68c4a2]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-07T15:10:59.133509+00:00 | revision 69289fb1774248cedbadd0eca6591a548e09afb6
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-07T15:10:59.133509+00:00 | revision 69289fb1774248cedbadd0eca6591a548e09afb6

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 55063
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AHGxv_XEfNwhKhKFGVAPbJZbu-w3ogd4YroiqCK-oy7GUgb62tdDK4UfwJSMTnaiwrAX0WsZyj3MWapRm-F13ceWAH9g5yk-JYAiothAVKfNroTSECAbxqwCfaFsCgbcwfwi0KgaPQGvj7gXdREYIOJg4A3XVvLgxZaHBY-o9j5p4ToA\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [266s on 9d1ac674819a]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-07T15:14:39.302893+00:00 | revision f90684d3d0539fa0ae919a2167043d5108f44f5f
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-07T15:14:39.302893+00:00 | revision f90684d3d0539fa0ae919a2167043d5108f44f5f

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 51769
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"APd9bIcKXS-0vya08fPQWyelHGksxsoXwenIBp8ZJqXZ9a9nS_qTADWF1KYjJECUbtI0s9weC5ugdXOl-bguH-wsASkWdmCyNC0msZFuJajV50OeLvZCg8w024lGXVKisPRspjlh5-oIrl8lK4AcY97IRRUA6klpCulIL5tM-03jdtBd\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [251s on f21446f927e7]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-07T15:58:28.822279+00:00 | revision 94c12f78700536a5d2bd2195be53bccf857cd746
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-07T15:58:28.822279+00:00 | revision 94c12f78700536a5d2bd2195be53bccf857cd746

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 34979
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ASVkMcp9dAso4u-WcG0ZK5UDB_d6EEntsGBCSg1oeS9j2kfOjV4FJUSgq-8_vJzRNiLmhJIS91vjFGGWuAertXxbAeEwktcs5qjHXFoGqdKshghl-7Lnkx508W6FH1658ouxRrm4PM61Usjk6QlqsPEmd6fQE4zMaZKGuuK6JLy5nINs\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [265s on f98ae0dac89e]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-07T17:28:42.850981+00:00 | revision 05a60be146e34c7e0efd0bbfeba32d19be186b0b
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-07T17:28:42.850981+00:00 | revision 05a60be146e34c7e0efd0bbfeba32d19be186b0b

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 38609
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AP3WIsnYyOwQsc9wtswC8CiiNJ7nzxNY3runRD9PrwfryIK90XxZNHUuZ_rtlYEXpMyQ-ntHhmGTX6XjFKhhS0pmAJ-N7gu8mPFtdMasgDKJV8XFVz4DsLJYYkO8MMqluTNyeKIYlxh6M5TLJttnPg0cCTNE_x4NrVRrBxz-77MS-iWU\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [252s on 0d08ff182bc2]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-07T23:15:04.488652+00:00 | revision e2c8b09
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-07T23:15:04.488652+00:00 | revision e2c8b09

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 59947
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AGSL5Pg5em4clV7w0_R_KqJMI-b4M-TBvSTde8QvRrT1DDZp1Vuhw_5vlk1ZB6ntRg4mKW8l6b60F2hos95QM0aDAcaQmyLR4FUYhaYUYS9R9dxCdjjcANu0pRsIFHsW_HtaqNVewkgDgk6Hg88I8cZyjqwL19DCcZtokiyLayFyIVW5\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [261s on 923a1e014e64]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-08T07:48:09.291402+00:00 | revision 17bd0ad4d08fe0552453e1b84e6bcf564431e6d4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-08T07:48:09.291402+00:00 | revision 17bd0ad4d08fe0552453e1b84e6bcf564431e6d4

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 34135
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AY8TQpBgcSxVlKVrotmTWutvo10_-9SofhKANQ3-OfMWyR7DGaBxpeL1xmiMAN7gWqNF3BMSGa7HfFYlz_qDBZf_AHqWdOkNNC05FheHG3QdXNGqfrJkdwB-8o1_CxEMzcjYiaPq1-q_Z5iwHujlDvrNRknq2U_ZFrROZOByz9qXWPrc\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [249s on 0d07ee5adf31]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-08T08:12:26.032807+00:00 | revision 48b961cac96811dfe824c47a999e44118fba7991
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-08T08:12:26.032807+00:00 | revision 48b961cac96811dfe824c47a999e44118fba7991

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 50321
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"APFDg30RFWPCSq0O131r1-b7qQTXBp-PMegyhjE-age3E0G5L8bbNCeZ0AXlaM-FVknjdzXR4CzZkDsc4_8sk3WAAeLH3jwsGAlfDHM1glROS78h_1YOj5vvVKiT2HqSAsNXZD5-0-yNZbUFViNnPRbJC6xsT6PI_vfLzUk2WofXJXg_\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [248s on 56fce9f09c6a]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-08T08:21:55.907989+00:00 | revision 2c46a08588436524cbe4fbb5265973a151729e6a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-08T08:21:55.907989+00:00 | revision 2c46a08588436524cbe4fbb5265973a151729e6a

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 127.0.6533.99 (f31af5097d90ef5ae5bd7b8700199bc6189ba34d-refs/branch-heads/6533@{#1910}) on port 52745
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"Ae6IYwoqC4y09vXmSpGfzMZeriSTXo86n1eznLJHBYLKhyN2D7B_dh6pjeMubdLMoETFljbD1JP9XA1baqwoRf_2AJxffqs4Q5taA-Eo8UbQ0k7TV0AbrkiBB2bXy2oXiL3zpU0oO6CV96_jbP6udbhaiz9nWfHCOR4z-5SN5qbSX2oD\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [257s on f9c0493a9214]
not ok 101 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-08T10:42:16.079003+00:00 | revision 95d5a35d6d8dfb3a5834bda43dfbde460e5c8d81
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-08T10:42:16.079003+00:00 | revision 95d5a35d6d8dfb3a5834bda43dfbde460e5c8d81

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 38789
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 38789.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AH7nVZoMhd4zjeH9A_o2oE8tqq5952f6Nh9gssGVCh7ssXp3G_3KI2_yEzu57nzwxAeMtHWSJqVSIp850-A_sAUlAWv7JC30AFm1ej37IqlP_Sn9hkmTiUi426nQ0tS0diOMAqzBvC18QjjTbbkQvrMX-ruiv6nl-NE6qc7U1svL4ueE\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: failed to poll tuned Object(4)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-5-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1033, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 858, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 815, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 800, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 797, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [262s on 302cb3effcd0]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-10-11T10:30:55.995699+00:00 | revision 08a78037a6c66646d862234a75100d324fbaea13
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-10-11T10:30:55.995699+00:00 | revision 08a78037a6c66646d862234a75100d324fbaea13

Copy link

cockpituous commented Aug 8, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 49851
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 49851.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AMWCIJH_rDG0m8gu1as1yQBdQJBmH1re4ZbnME53vhlKhUmNS1cTviQ2iy7Hla4WxOkhY4DiDd9mmFeBlzVj0GnNAbLGWgyyzT4Opd_hk6mZ1kTs33T3ax0-z6BLhnK97L-9u_J8B2zX8R6PZ5QU3C6Y-vLUXQvQD5SIg1qz8-I3MCv8\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [249s on a75300354375]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T16:57:37.464963+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T16:57:37.464963+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 57445
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 57445.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AI6SspBOe3f9RG-VorzhURZUjLdLiZD6eDX45x8WftrMm6HZcMyJBGjhNIbmKJkGrx97Qo6NDnOZiwjvZZqL5PGRAf7pI9voEEk76jj_tPn5lgH9UvNAmSjSP9m819eivtVf-pRJna_OcSUq91AFZTU26xMuIB89unWnumLploeDYx7M\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [243s on bf3d84292053]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T18:18:20.587441+00:00 | revision bc057a93352a56c82c9bb740b6273ca3069109ef
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T18:18:20.587441+00:00 | revision bc057a93352a56c82c9bb740b6273ca3069109ef

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 43881
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 43881.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVQmYVVAxsLXAhxMeLqm3LWoT8a3MPpQfJWgi_FkHclFkb9M_MoLYmWZtbCbjbEijDW_Dg2AJZ96pIPFen7u555KAPurpvhy67MnfDqc1OUc4n3a9mywnOJyvv2kr3wVMSEvo03sPKqyraROO6IOxPddmyU61V1MN0itAL7hQe2p2oMi\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [243s on 7f0a9aadb905]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T19:31:33.139012+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T19:31:33.139012+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 46615
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 46615.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ANJrPQm-nVLbRuOeMXt-SEHn9apCDrEP29bp7kowWgXfZjwYE7A6nEJss0MBpj8-yfYEMy1SVTEMbqkEW3FjWUXuAFjcq0O4fvZ2Pq-hff7o2TYJfh9y-WMFArtyQrHCIN_-paBs9zBWcYjY9i5EoGp08uVki8QtFZkUrDtRDpiUPtm9\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [245s on c406236c452e]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:23:29.076873+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:23:29.076873+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 51367
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 51367.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ALjsa3EoaOH5KoMcn7ExD4lYfALZZVaFphM_82UaFnNJwfv7Ndq-Pk0w8E6vKtts5iKcWFbRQwdvQiMaJEOAhxEtAHXxYsAah85v92uj-IFXzoYBgOhAs8uIpFL8EOaSTmUi8FeLfeZ8-I8SJ7dGBFuWeLHZjVYo12N-r7wxW2y6quOe\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [245s on d27949897dc4]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:50:37.993419+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:50:37.993419+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 36575
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 36575.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"eyJrZXlzIjogW3siYWxnIjogIkVTNTEyIiwgImt0eSI6ICJFQyIsICJjcnYiOiAiUC01MjEiLCAieCI6ICJBUzVrRm1STjRuS3RqYzQzaTZBWEJ6dGVoNkN6NVNWcjJzelAzZWVPZTFPRzB4dVhCNllYUzgzM0t1ejNDbFdtdnpBd19ZcmFyS3RRZXJBRC13MTZmTjBGIiwgInkiOiAiQVoxckhKU2ZwRG0zaWkzYlcySWdHaW1NOHhNNUlaeGJUMmR6RlpqUHAzdUJUUl9qVEJBbUFHa2NFb2FVNzU0OHhKcGlISGxUUFBhUzNFcWxmM1NVSDJCeCIsICJrZXlfb3BzIjogWyJ2ZXJpZnkiXX0sIHsiYWxnIjogIkVDTVIiLCAia3R5IjogIkVDIiwgImNydiI6ICJQLTUyMSIsICJ4IjogIkFFQTRrbWpVVzdxekdOQWRaTXZZM21yY1VURVJqVGxnazktZk91dmxYZVdLMUVNR2hGWEFMRkF4VTdTLTBISHZTM1hSN25OQVNfRUg2VlhyS3BwSVN5dm8iLCAieSI6ICJBQnlubGMxNWZ4bXhjOVJjeTZZSXhFblNlOExNUEpBVE9OUEFJNndYWlh5OS02c0I1YU1iWEFUbXZqSnl1R0toWnpQdXVjRkRVTzhLdlFmVTl0MmpncjZqIiwgImtleV9vcHMiOiBbImRlcml2ZUtleSJdfV19\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AR0JAtgAW_BGnWiusrsgZUFGT_Rr3VJ9YpFOtTsx5KC17nkHa_oi5ydoyDd4NXTbSriQwwa3OMbmEMasFuVeQZy0AD29Iww6cKw7uQSlhfSZ9nVQWYAWMLCPZD8_8ap-A7qWEpFHPHaqlWO-RqFtU2Zk-9XaWa4iQUhpF-aEAq7h0Hdg\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [247s on c8340102c83f]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:02:48.447198+00:00 | revision 5d543d956dcfbac80caa579f448de214fae0b576
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:02:48.447198+00:00 | revision 5d543d956dcfbac80caa579f448de214fae0b576

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 37963
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 37963.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AIXM6p2PK2j0u-TbaagEUrkDyoZZKK-TUq7KzGFkjqN0v9WbVa7kf6uzpbM1pAffvTpAARIDMQx11EQhVEF_bG09ANVY0l0mYys4r4y2woEeiuE06bpP-8t8IfIdipqZcebMrZb20KHewwM5NmmgmxDwtROCN70WbrLpsKwf3jRd3QqB\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [258s on 7bcb4804d5a3]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:42:20.394958+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:42:20.394958+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 49251
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 49251.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AVJhQQ1QAXNMwePip0PQtl20f0ZySBVZY_OiDKOAIGe9jdhxCahor-R7QVpCT-aEroN8sLuEFxOpwkdnPQknQ1WaAPNd0salbCMTM8E-pimubNWCgdno4JRqYRrb7al3sB3ACqVNtL5ePCZOTZLy3RT2e9G66bWXbws-WWLzbQUhMkvO\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [241s on 94a8619868ce]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T09:29:47.158376+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T09:29:47.158376+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 40919
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 40919.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEFYbOll6uzTfA-CFV7oPiNd5nd1D-f96fgxO46Zp-TbZz9_gDy7IhD--_W9xbIgIzyUYbdhHHBD2g6yAs2IHWd6Ac1McyFCaZQe8CzZDtekzd7DFM9dvawOMAP7ocV4VJC3vDTpKIOQSzDGMFltyz6OfNJcVz9MirqAFe66y-LcEQBY\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout: Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
Warning: keyslot operation could fail as it requires more than available memory.
 stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-10-0-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [252s on ec5f770c94cc]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T10:01:17.915927+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T10:01:17.915927+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555

File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 820, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [247s on c33002b25286]
Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.__del__ at 0x7fd76568d6c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 766, in __del__
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 70, in close
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 104, in close
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 292, in _remove_reader
    key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 70, in get
    fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
    return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
    raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-16T05:49:12.611109+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-03-16T05:49:12.611109+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

Copy link

cockpituous commented Aug 20, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 56667
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 56667.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AFBuqtxoW_-tEdXSmaZFzqONiwdGnq6OsImElGaxA8q2dBbhyOlvM2Hed8QvQ86TGR6Tvbj7qXIvjdhXOPjOkxLQAKBga_JHfZ7Nw7TYBkcYsyW8QRq5uKrgpDeW_j-UMgz3qkUxjzyMuahXk_mi6kwPgVwfhHvvEa_ziyDcfRUMxWnX\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [215s on 93880c44ae84]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T19:43:40.775897+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T19:43:40.775897+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 38947
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 38947.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AL2WFALkal0K9qtc-amri-U7fJRaj5JFBlTBKsB7qGMrYKn3VVAFkfp8vKQTg9DM9MeHS4MiXpWo5ciWrwvP6u38AHX_5a4sYpDh_SqCPdLWXbLViYZ3EbdqHV9s1LHcqbfWOO9DAJMhIkCqLJTFMZ2hGeCRKpUOQlsBYl6hHx5_Chhs\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [223s on 0d58acd57ad1]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:29:00.518006+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:29:00.518006+00:00 | revision 221450c3cf5082b706a7282d39ceabd6fad77d4d

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 59313
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 59313.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AJTc1sV56qSONZ8cEBGLOeLLnTw_D-qxS9fAuFZvCOzpTTAEqdN9SuoGl7ZFm0DGTu4EoQFhV7FLV3VzqvfNJ2ISAf8DtEAFgzVvrth1TRLKfw7u2doDa5mM8f6lRYxwMJ-sKYPSzxr0xQKMxtucREugv2NBWcyoQnIAnimDavyGxptJ\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [213s on 1d8bb44608f0]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:04:43.603608+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:04:43.603608+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 35043
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 35043.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AaSUi82B8Zw8j_Phv0GtDshtpdr9Bt49RSSD-laOfypDVsBrFHUiZpuLJIAunlo_WutK5Masf5kDuMdVkLWSUBLiATR1GmlCNj20pGx-Toq8xDv_Jor2ObVKynu3lSHqI1i8NqhMgKIGilWwcHdKCvk9pxN5RKgQQt4OEFjKsyIasupQ\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [207s on 58a12f087199]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:52:42.698868+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:52:42.698868+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 54055
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 54055.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ADPbLJlG7qOkO7AxikQkr-HAiwtx-cXJ8wvSk1XOK9r_uYgNWYYw0jAiVvGsRFz70nAOmkXWn6mCn1EGRzytTH_bAIkr8ty6fx3ZpqoJpEjhjJuZ8tqNRa38T56vRcPS-ybrJcqP5o9OsUYAIjAKMq6SiCiozx4WDm7f1yniPG1fiS3P\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [206s on b2277cb58de7]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T09:44:38.689926+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T09:44:38.689926+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 42397
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 42397.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"APc1AY3nI1UX3r0uk-rN69YBM9Xn3oFcCVj0LBBKcHLbRvv95hXbdWgOv3SCvnozMgyw5A4cnUAbriNQzXXsV5UAANuCf0It0EslBvDecgwqXJaQcbFRi2mMB2sV2FU8u0eQtYEchoVGKxfR6QjTZIXPLTkI6ypzDnz3b-rwCL_qeHMg\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [214s on c0e09a91ed2e]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T10:14:09.378190+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T10:14:09.378190+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 33819
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 33819.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AbM5ANkIU1ihw_n81GwX2fyQ-rsiIHEzwVLVNoUbyO1dUdi9dOYr3qtyk1aJ1OjsEKzozsRhMbDC95Hgs2Wvr1d4AanfWKZ0OgF5YWjJwIrLdzrgAq651eCpC0jrT4k2S4_AGH_XMSiVVYpbZq7MoR8WK-Srqyf5_Kj6vUt4U4XI08AK\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [213s on c2591eaaef13]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T11:19:13.782061+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T11:19:13.782061+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Error: unknown connection 'ens15'.
Error: cannot delete unknown connection(s): 'ens15'.
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 51319
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 51319.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ANWiVRRR0VHnVH758t2aDRH9r_KfCvQCpscX8GqlX3PzYAh-qMxG6Ls4p9iB_2gOjTgvl1beBDtcJOUplXLyKUztAVZkTqxwVcF9RGjTdOQLE9QfpDwd4vQaeCd8zIoQnvUso-yvTZhRM-Gn31zQCOZsiS18uTcMSCYDMZ6oAAqaMje_\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [216s on a8a65b50da28]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T11:54:38.361094+00:00 | revision f126501fe96d83923037b45cbe2778cb4c21c3c8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T11:54:38.361094+00:00 | revision f126501fe96d83923037b45cbe2778cb4c21c3c8

Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-41-
SKIP -> /work/make-checkout-workdir/dist/@localhost/manifests-i18n.js
Wrote coverage data to /work/make-checkout-workdir/lcov/
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 878, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 835, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 826, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 820, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [207s on 7a390975f0a3]
not ok 288 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-05T17:48:00.664610+00:00 | revision c11f9897ebb2da267e8e2ab8ecc35ad6bd946ae4
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-03-05T17:48:00.664610+00:00 | revision c11f9897ebb2da267e8e2ab8ecc35ad6bd946ae4

File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 820, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [243s on c73ddf83ee3f]
Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.__del__ at 0x7fea350a1760>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 766, in __del__
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 70, in close
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 104, in close
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/asyncio/", line 292, in _remove_reader
    key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 70, in get
    fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
    return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.13/", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
    raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-16T06:46:19.489799+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-03-16T06:46:19.489799+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

Copy link

cockpituous commented Sep 26, 2024

Ooops, it happened again

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 52227
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 52227.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ARy1YePG4IddzXMAhuyX2fBr6gU2b3ymCFo5PWpFU-eu46ZZtT-8Mbi2qT367GsHA03bTSLzido88sHVWSJLV3ZUAOiOjNp3PdZnK3GxMHCPt_ij2e3K1CunUGKZZtAHeD00slYjRbS-6aaqRvSEFzqRrUHj5dvLAPvV_3NOK7UM6px0\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [245s on 875747f46831]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T16:54:35.889180+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T16:54:35.889180+00:00 | revision 2764d3e451984bd3f4d5c66c6d3b4d790a85fdab

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 49255
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 49255.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEQqH9dasWYGXrjA9Ht8UvfM4BQY8PNRAZFmhtQlc1fQXYfgBvFO1Ywrecif-dfbXEZnvYPWd50a72bspw9pD7SDAI7KukVQNr5fIEDFN2EI4kC8b0Y2M2_pqofTCLr0pkrhN0zZ3IN5Y_EPV5ZWcYTyZZf4OdPOPQDObC54udipXmQu\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [259s on ab28855da1f3]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T18:19:12.960318+00:00 | revision bc057a93352a56c82c9bb740b6273ca3069109ef
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T18:19:12.960318+00:00 | revision bc057a93352a56c82c9bb740b6273ca3069109ef

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 34481
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 34481.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AIkAfXOBPBfIX9hfQg9danZ-Jwo-LcUs7TRMo86w0ZTFmwV9yFvjfJ2KF7rq-grSVJSve7b6l3lbephLgQxN0F0JAOdKdRS-ClWywi-obp4ThqOmkgwSAfa_EBWjR-xWSMVQ6-RAq57dDS-XmQ_eyX3nyWhJsCsNTd5so1MlsGZNzRaT\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [267s on dc1f4055637d]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-26T19:29:44.982790+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-26T19:29:44.982790+00:00 | revision b48d732cd88bd142779e39b7499e1df562fd2b6e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 60293
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 60293.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AdW0biwE4df-avEDEcy2wSYuiGzRwJJl8yHuCi8Y-ESHw9iuqmCMgzTK0WRK98RCw4kx0tw2c9nQYiGlUgJ7ojqWAZzah9U3G5MaWvcM-ZpMzBw08GY5KlJ-J3s9ZY4D_OZ1zrWa1uT0krAZW4xb3eE5x6RkqG-KB03x7qRu0mmFsgfU\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [251s on 5e151203c395]
not ok 79 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:47:06.372248+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:47:06.372248+00:00 | revision 259056336f86397f1715337419354351789082f8

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 34507
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 34507.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AOJQpFC87PBhSLYd-kXhpiWdNKXiPQ-6X8YMpprVntCtY3DBXwyzQzVcSWsevZNhE8p7DsqfAtpZyVtRTJB9JU0TAbMR4PofgfMKCWsnBHp4b8Tmf3UObQQqhAHUX_SzP-iLsPy0LK-wlGi5m6lYTeoQRCDcPvc5f7t0OzD12mB4qrNx\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [257s on 1048438f5b9a]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T07:58:03.335688+00:00 | revision 5d543d956dcfbac80caa579f448de214fae0b576
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T07:58:03.335688+00:00 | revision 5d543d956dcfbac80caa579f448de214fae0b576

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 37719
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 37719.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AEKpnNEGJI1EU46iywZ0Ge2L42VbMNK8UflEQ1ObeLCYboPE5ACAl3rHdiNtAbG-neqsyBafIzmWrIgmftM2sDz4AcDLmG5HoPED4guZBQlhA8NWJ7kkheR6t5pP7fsfASN-dU6Y5IFQjKekaGNwv9SP5D-io4UhEQx1IvWHzPq0TuQ-\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [255s on 8263af26bc54]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T08:38:56.577460+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T08:38:56.577460+00:00 | revision 5fdea0504ad54fb66f08638e9b80879429515766

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 38401
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 38401.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AAz0oNakZeyWd1x4HrmHkAhu2Lb6RbBIaYr7InzD7QoR2bi02U1vcxdi7bcpeGr6MjQeIyZP5nXV4vEuwEJSueBmAXPdQakirteeEwrs0F8ZSOSM76HjaE1_W_w20deFU9u5y2ROJV9lqkXuS2OiLpvG-jQHiabzabut-yYWIMqw1UU6\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [255s on bcc969f919ce]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T09:30:13.693725+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T09:30:13.693725+00:00 | revision 47cbfe5e4d1bd36b992095d05af160bacafabaed

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 45961
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 45961.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"AFfeYP0k-2zfwJzho9wudNThKNohkrnRpz1S9CJntWGbzYbKaLlf1cbHDH8s8okxdNP11JPgbPLRWaT9zQl2oPIYAbnD-zYUayxkC10lfbQ7KEEDWwGRrhnzTALnhDxbyVkuC9XXsBtjtRFtS3BYGl_ZUdm7kUIuAhugCxaKgbfTX9mI\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [263s on 769b4708f6ac]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T09:59:15.710238+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T09:59:15.710238+00:00 | revision 17b50fac6c238ecee45a7e1df53d81823c2bb555

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic)
Starting ChromeDriver 129.0.6668.89 (951c0b97221f8d4ba37cf97d324505c832251cf9-refs/branch-heads/6668@{#1503}) on port 35471
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully on port 35471.
Failed to kill unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf-automatic*': No such file or directory
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> warn: cockpit.format_{bytes,bits}[_per_sec](..., 1024, true) is deprecated.
> warn: Cryptsetup error: IO error occurred: Operation not permitted (os error 1)
> warn: Command failed: cmd: "/usr/bin/clevis" "luks" "bind" "-d" "/dev/sda" "-e" "1" "-t" "2" "tang" "{\"adv\":{\"payload\":\"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\",\"protected\":\"eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6Imp3ay1zZXQranNvbiJ9\",\"signature\":\"ACaE1lIbrVkczR99nzxHN-NdP3FvlFk2etas3pvI7fmejkHHHI2kgbM3a2xXvlmN2gxFHn8IuH9A9rzR-Re_bUDyAQU4AYEkE3hKF7EVnde6mdCpuKyCPi8ICHCdXRDuTGC2yEG2c9GQ1HZsKV4aKZ78jwnQq6yk1QQbhZgewahwfT0i\"},\"url\":\"\"}", exit reason: 1 stdout:  stderr: Nothing to read on input.

Error adding new binding to /dev/sda

> info: Object(4)
> warn: transport closed: disconnected
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> info: failed to fetch lastlog2: Object(5)
> warn: Can't enable storaged btrfs module Error initializing module 'btrfs': /usr/lib64/udisks2/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Wrote screenshot to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-rhel-9-6-
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
> info: PackageKit went away from D-Bus
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 864, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 821, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 812, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 806, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 803, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [258s on 256f375a823d]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2024-11-27T11:04:42.777365+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2024-11-27T11:04:42.777365+00:00 | revision bef322110faf828942da71ced2beaa49e0c4d220

``` File "", line 820, in wait_js_func self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args)))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 817, in wait_js_cond raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None Error: timeout wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Result testBasic (main.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed

1 TEST FAILED [291s on 0eb32f3ecdd3]

Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.del at 0x7fef2b6c16c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 766, in del
File "", line 70, in close
File "", line 104, in close
File "", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
File "", line 292, in _remove_reader
key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
File "", line 70, in get
fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
File "", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
File "", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-16T05:04:40.081327+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
Times recorded: 4
Latest occurrences:

- 2025-03-16T05:04:40.081327+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
- 2025-03-16T05:15:25.462461+00:00 | revision 429e1bef89eb22e1d84bf914316d925ea9be83fd
- 2025-03-16T05:22:08.253704+00:00 | revision 05ec328914512770f058c399db0dcb124241d3bc
- 2025-03-16T05:44:59.608636+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

Copy link

cockpituous commented Feb 11, 2025

Ooops, it happened again

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [204s on 6043d3e5460c]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T09:45:44.977694+00:00 | revision cfb51d63ad370cdc62df95c440ea46184a12969d
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T09:45:44.977694+00:00 | revision cfb51d63ad370cdc62df95c440ea46184a12969d

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [205s on 14863e246b10]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T13:17:19.050406+00:00 | revision e7dfd8a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T13:17:19.050406+00:00 | revision e7dfd8a

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [210s on cd3fb601a9eb]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T13:18:53.294182+00:00 | revision e7dfd8a
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T13:18:53.294182+00:00 | revision e7dfd8a

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [213s on 195431acef09]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T13:46:43.336045+00:00 | revision 1ca2f1f
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T13:46:43.336045+00:00 | revision 1ca2f1f

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [219s on c8feeccf9f3f]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T16:46:19.954934+00:00 | revision 75183912cfec8cfcf624eea8a4adaf0b8dbfa8db
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T16:46:19.954934+00:00 | revision 75183912cfec8cfcf624eea8a4adaf0b8dbfa8db

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [206s on af21d67b6b65]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T19:00:41.469542+00:00 | revision 2f96a36b6759c3157a69bbb181776212508029cb
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T19:00:41.469542+00:00 | revision 2f96a36b6759c3157a69bbb181776212508029cb

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [220s on 017ecb6c5c01]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-11T22:26:52.623933+00:00 | revision 673f8230f0eea6e309e531919e4f49f64bfa83b1
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-11T22:26:52.623933+00:00 | revision 673f8230f0eea6e309e531919e4f49f64bfa83b1

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [215s on d43be49e2f29]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-12T15:18:45.024892+00:00 | revision 3f18aee8e616ba738006d6616b5d5abaf549cbec
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-12T15:18:45.024892+00:00 | revision 3f18aee8e616ba738006d6616b5d5abaf549cbec

Wrote HTML dump to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Wrote JS log to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
Journal extracted to TestStorageStratisNBDE-testBasic-fedora-42-
rm: cannot remove '/etc/systemd/system/dnf5-automatic*.d': No such file or directory
Failed to reset failed state of unit packagekit.service: Unit packagekit.service not loaded.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/verify/check-storage-stratis", line 1035, in testBasic
    b.wait_text(self.card_row_col("Stratis filesystems", 1, 1), "fsys1")  # should be started after boot
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 875, in wait_text
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 832, in wait_visible
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 823, in _wait_present
    self.wait_js_func('ph_is_present', selector)
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 817, in wait_js_func
    self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args))))
  File "/work/make-checkout-workdir/test/common/", line 814, in wait_js_cond
    raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None
testlib.Error: timeout
wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

# Result testBasic (__main__.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed
# 1 TEST FAILED [225s on df8bd3fe6fad]
not ok 89 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-02-13T15:19:36.551129+00:00 | revision 9676136f5a78bb8f49232bc3e074f40a85d6f720
Times recorded: 1
Latest occurrences:

  • 2025-02-13T15:19:36.551129+00:00 | revision 9676136f5a78bb8f49232bc3e074f40a85d6f720

``` File "", line 820, in wait_js_func self.wait_js_cond("%s(%s)" % (func, ','.join(map(jsquote, args)))) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 817, in wait_js_cond raise Error(f"timeout\nwait_js_cond({cond}): {last_error.msg}") from None Error: timeout wait_js_cond(ph_is_present("[data-test-card-title='Stratis filesystems'] tbody tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1)")): Error: condition did not become true

Result testBasic (main.TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic) failed

1 TEST FAILED [214s on 906f8186d798]

Exception ignored in: <function BaseEventLoop.del at 0x7fd2360e56c0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 766, in del
File "", line 70, in close
File "", line 104, in close
File "", line 111, in _close_self_pipe
File "", line 292, in _remove_reader
key = self._selector.get_map().get(fd)
File "", line 70, in get
fd = self._selector._fileobj_lookup(fileobj)
File "", line 229, in _fileobj_lookup
return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
File "", line 42, in _fileobj_to_fd
raise ValueError("Invalid file descriptor: {}".format(fd))
ValueError: Invalid file descriptor: -1
not ok 90 test/verify/check-storage-stratis TestStorageStratisNBDE.testBasic $2

First occurrence: 2025-03-16T05:28:50.327041+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
Times recorded: 3
Latest occurrences:

- 2025-03-16T05:28:50.327041+00:00 | revision a4e30371195acbb88bc4b23c17ddde1cd1ae836c
- 2025-03-16T06:11:53.459634+00:00 | revision 05ec328914512770f058c399db0dcb124241d3bc
- 2025-03-16T06:37:38.979831+00:00 | revision e668130d0af026ed99010fa058da4bd834a33c1c

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3 participants