Job Details:
- Industry
- Location
- Accessibility
- Contact Information
- Positions Available
- Salary
- Benefits
- Shifts Available
- Offense Exemptions
- Notes
Job Seekers:
- Jobseeker First Name
- Jobseeker Last Name
- Jobseeker Phone Number
- Jobseeker Email
The initial approach to this project involves the following steps:
- Job seekers and employers will be asked to fill out Google Forms.
- The information will be extracted in .CSV format and loaded into the database.
- A framework will be created to access the database data, which includes:
- Connection to the database
- Loading data
- Retrieving data
- Mapping job seekers to appropriate job positions
- The mapped data will be available on the front end, either by sorting based on employer details or job positions.
POST /register: Used for user registration. It expects the following data in the request body: first_name, last_name, email, and password. It checks if the user already exists and then hashes the password before creating a new user in the database.
POST /login: Used for user login. It expects the user's email and password in the request body. It verifies the user's credentials, and if valid, generates a JWT token that is sent as the response.
GET /profile: Used to retrieve the user's profile. It expects a valid JWT token in the Authorization header. It verifies the token, retrieves the user's profile based on the decoded token, and returns the user's data.