- install heimdall
ubuntu_version=$(lsb_release -rs | cut -d. -f1) if [ "$ubuntu_version" -ge 22 ]; then sudo apt install heimdall-flash heimdall-flash-frontend heimdall print-pit fi
- download release of JOdin3 and run JOdin3CASUAL
soft; mkdir odin3; cd odin3 wget https://github.com/GameTheory-/jodin3/releases/download/v1.0/Jodin3.zip unzip Jodin3.zip ls -la Jodin3/JOdin3CASUAL
Android Debug Bridge creates a connection (bridge) between the device and computer. should be activated:
- developer mode Settings -> About phone -> build number -> type 5 times on it
- USB debug Settings -> find word "develop" -> activate "USB debugging"
sudo apt -y install adb
adb version
adb devices
copy files
adb push test.apk /sdcard
adb pull /sdcard/demo.mp4 e:\
restart device in recovery mode
adb reboot
adb reboot recovery
list of all applications/packages
adb shell pm list packages -f
# list of all installed applications with name of packages
adb shell pm list packages -f | awk -F '.apk=' '{printf "%-60s | %s\n", $2, $1}' | sort
# list of all non-system/installed applications
# | grep -v "package:/system" | grep -v "package:/vendor" | grep -v "package:/product" | grep -v "package:/apex"
adb shell pm list packages -f | awk -F '.apk=' '{printf "%-60s | %s\n", $2, $1}' | grep "package:/data/app/" | sort
# package_name=org.mozilla.firefox
# x-www-browser https://play.google.com/store/search?q=${package_name}&c=apps
# adb shell;
# pm list packages -f
permission by package
adb shell dumpsys package $PACKAGE_NAME | grep -i permission | grep -i granted=true
list of all permissions
adb shell pm list permissions
list of all features
adb shell pm list features
# print one file from OS
adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
# https://source.android.com/docs/core/architecture/bootloader/locking_unlocking
adb shell getprop | grep oem
adb shell getprop sys.oem_unlock_allowed
adb shell setprop sys.oem_unlock_allowed 1
# dmesg -wH
list of all settings
adb shell service list
adb shell settings list --user current secure
adb shell settings get secure location_providers_allowed
adb shell settings get secure enabled_accessibility_services
send keyboard event
adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME
# KEYCODE_BACK: Back button
# KEYCODE_HOME: Home button
works only in "bootloader" or "fastboot" or "download" mode. boot your Android device into the bootloader mode
sudo apt -y install fastboot
fastboot version
sudo apt install adb
adb devices
# Bus 001 Device 013: ID 04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd Galaxy A5 (MTP)
ls -l /dev/bus/usb/001/013
# crw-rw-r--+ 1 root plugdev 189, 10 Mai 21 13:50 /dev/bus/usb/001/011
# if group is root, not a plugdev
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6860", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", SYMLINK+="android%n"
sudo service udev status
version=`wget -v https://github.com/${GIT_ACCOUNT}/${GIT_PROJECT}/releases/latest/download/$GIT_RELEASE_ARTIFACT 2>&1 | grep following | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $8}'`
wget -v https://github.com/${GIT_ACCOUNT}/${GIT_PROJECT}/releases/latest/download/$GIT_RELEASE_ARTIFACT
for each_app in `adb shell pm list packages -f | grep 'package:/data/app' | awk -F 'base.apk=' '{print $2}' | sort `; do
echo ">>> $each_app"
# each_app=com.google.android.youtube
# adb shell pm dump $each_app | clipboard
adb shell pm dump $each_app | awk '/runtime permissions:/,/disabledComponents:/ { if ($0 ~ /disabledComponents:/ || $0 ~ /enabledComponents:/) exit; else print }' | grep "granted=true"
echo ""