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C2C CI utils


The main goals of C2C CI utils is to offer the commands to publish the project, see the documentation.


When we create a tag by default with the changelog workflow a release is created on GitHub, a changelog is generated and added to the release.


C2C CI utils will no more provide a tool to do a check of the project, this is replaced by pre-commit, a base configuration is provided in the example project.

Pull request checks

A workflow is provided to run the checks on the pull requests, it will run the c2cciutils-pr-checks command.

  • Check that the commit message and the pull request title start with a capital letter.
  • Check that there aren't any spelling issue in the commit message and in the pull request title.
  • Add a message to the pull request with a link to the JIRA issue if the pull request branch name starts with [a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+- or end with -[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+.


In the example project there is a basic Renovate configuration, it will update the dependencies of the project. There is also a workflow to add a review on the Renovate pull requests to make the auto merge working on repository that required a review.


A workflow is provided to backport the pull requests on the stabilization branches, it will be triggered by adding a label named backport <destination_branch> on the pull request.

Old workflows

GitHub will retain all the old workflows, so we need to delete them, the delete-old-workflows-run workflow will delete the workflows older than 500 days.


C2cciutils make easier to have those workflows in a project:

  • auto-review.yaml: Auto review the Renovate pull requests
  • backport.yaml: Trigger the backports (work with labels)
  • main.yaml: Main workflow especially with the c2cciutils-checks command

All the provided commands used in the workflow:

  • c2cciutils: some generic tools.
  • c2cciutils-version: Create a new version of the project.
  • c2cciutils-env: Print some environment information.


The following utilities are provided:

  • c2cciutils: some generic tools.
  • c2cciutils-download-applications: Download the applications with version managed by Renovate, see below.
  • c2cciutils-docker-logs: Display the logs of the application in Docker (compose).
  • c2cciutils-k8s-install: Install a k3d / k3s cluster, see below.
  • c2cciutils-k8s-logs: Display the logs of the application in the k8s cluster, see below.
  • c2cciutils-k8s-db: Create a database in the k8s cluster, see below.
  • c2cciutils-k8s-wait: Wait that the application started correctly in the cluster, see below.
  • c2cciutils-docker-versions-gen: Generate the Docker package versions file (ci/dpkg-versions.yaml), see below.
  • c2cciutils-pin-pipenv: Display all the dependencies that's in the Pipenv.lock but not in the Pipenv to be able to pin them.
  • c2cciutils-trigger-image-update: Trigger the ArgoCD repository about image update on the CI (automatically done in the publishing).
  • c2cciutils-google-calendar: Tool to test the Google credentials for calendar API and refresh them if needed. See c2cciutils-google-calendar -h for more information.

New project

The content of example-project can be a good base for a new project.

New version

Requirements: the right version (>= 1.6) of c2cciutils should be installed with the version extra.

To create a new minor version you just should run c2cciutils-version --version=<version>.

You are welcome to run c2cciutils-version --help to see what's it's done.

Note that it didn't create a tag, you should do it manually.

To create a patch version you should just create tag.


In the CI we need to have the following secrets::

  • HAS_SECRETS to be set to 'HAS_SECRETS', to avoid error errors from external pull requests, already set globally on Camptocamp organization.
  • GOPASS_CI_GITHUB_TOKEN and CI_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY required to initialize the gopass password store, the secrets exists in the Camptocamp organization but not shared on all project, then you should add your project to the shared list.

Use locally, in the projects that use c2cciutils

Install it: python3 -m pip install --user --requirement ci/requirements.txt


You can get the current configuration with c2cciutils --get-config, the default configuration depends on your project. Note that it didn't contain the default defined the schema and visible in the generated documentation.

You can override the configuration with the file ci/config.yaml.

At the base of the configuration you have:

  • version: Contains some regular expressions to find the versions branches and tags, and to convert them into application versions.
  • publish: The publishing configuration, see c2cciutils/ for more information.

Many actions can be disabled by setting the corresponding configuration part to False.

The file should contain the security policy of the repository, especially the end of support dates.

For compatibility with c2cciutils it should contain an array with at least the columns Version and Supported Until. The Version column will contain the concerned version. The Supported Until will contain the date of end of support dd/mm/yyyy. It can also contain the following sentences:

  • Unsupported: no longer supported => no audit, no rebuild.
  • Best effort: the support is ended, it is still rebuilt and audited, but this can be stopped without any notice.
  • To be defined: not yet released or the date will be set related of another project release date (like for GeoMapFish).

See also GitHub Documentation


The IDE should be configured as:

  • using black and isort without any arguments,
  • using the editorconfig configuration.


Select a formatter:

  • Format document With...
  • Configure Default Formatter...
  • Select the formatter


C2cciutils provide some commands for Kubernetes.

You can define a workflow like that:

- name: Install k3s/k3d (Kubernetes cluster)
  run: c2cciutils-k8s-install

- name: Create a database to do the tests
  run: c2cciutils-k8s-db --script=<my_script>.sql

- name: Install the application in the Kubernetes cluster
  run: kubectl apply -f <my_application>.yaml

- name: Wait that the application is ready
  run: c2cciutils-k8s-wait
- name: Print the application status and logs
  run: c2cciutils-k8s-logs
  if: always()

- name: Uninstall the application
  run: kubectl delete -f <my_application>.yaml || true

- name: Cleanup the database
  run: c2cciutils-k8s-db --cleanup

c2cciutils-k8s-install can be configured in the ci/config.yaml file, in section k8s/k3d/install-commands, default is:

- - k3d

See also: K3d cluster create documentation.

c2cciutils-k8s-db can be configured in the ci/config.yaml file, in section k8s/db/chart-options, default is:

persistence.enabled: 'false'
tls.enabled: 'true'
tls.autoGenerated: 'true'
postgresqlPassword: mySuperTestingPassword
volumePermissions.enabled: 'true'

See also: Parameters documentations.


Install the pre-commit hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --allow-missing-config