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CalculiX Benchmark Study: 2D Plate with Hole in Tension

The solution to the problem of plate with a central circular hole subjected to far-field tension is known from the Theory of Elasticity as presented here.

Two-dimensional stress analysis is performed with the free and open-source finite element analysis software CalculiX.


File Contents
plate_with_hole_2D_pre.fbd Pre-processing script for CalculiX GraphiX
plate_with_hole_2D.inp CalculiX input
plate_with_hole_2D_post.fbd Post-processing script for CalculiX GraphiX Python script to run CalculiX files


A parametric pre-processing script is written for CalculiX GraphiX (plate_with_hole_2D_pre.fbd). The geometry is created and meshed using the defined parameter values. Only a quarter of the plate is modelled with symmetry boundary conditions applied at relevant faces.

Figure Two-dimensional finite element model of the plate with hole.

Figure Close-up view of the hole.

Solution: Finite Element Analysis with CalculiX

In CalculiX, the plate is modelled using plane stress elements.

An input file is written to run the two-dimensional disk model in CalculiX (plate_with_hole_2D.inp).


A post-processing script is written for CalculiX GraphiX (plate_with_hole_2D_post.fbd).

Figure Stress plot at the hole.