From 18581fa00ca44f632b826e44c99e4dab7bdd2453 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentin Chaboche <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 11:34:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] QCheck2.Gen: enforce naming consistency for type int

 src/core/                    | 266 +++++++++++++------------
 src/core/QCheck2.mli                   | 168 +++++++++-------
 test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected |  48 ++---
 test/core/             | 114 +++++------
 4 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
index 2e3c5da2..c671aa4a 100644
--- a/src/core/
+++ b/src/core/
@@ -282,13 +282,27 @@ module Gen = struct
     else if origin > high then invalid_arg Format.(asprintf "%s: origin value %a is greater than high value %a" loc pp origin pp high)
     else origin
-  let small_nat : int t = fun st ->
-    let p = RS.float st 1. in
-    let x = if p < 0.75 then st 10 else st 100 in
-    let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
-    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let bool : bool t = fun st ->
+    let false_gen = Tree.pure false in
+    if RS.bool st
+    then Tree.Tree (true, Seq.return false_gen)
+    else false_gen
+  let pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal =
+    if low > goal then low
+    else if high < goal then high
+    else goal
+  (* corner cases *)
+  let graft_corners (gen : 'a t) (corners : 'a list) () : 'a t =
+    let cors = ref corners in fun st ->
+      match !cors with
+      | [] -> gen st
+      | e::l -> cors := l; Tree.pure e
+  (** {2 Integer generators} *)
-  (** Natural number generator *)
   let nat : int t = fun st ->
     let p = RS.float st 1. in
     let x =
@@ -300,7 +314,13 @@ module Gen = struct
     let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
     Tree.make_primitive shrink x
-  let big_nat : int t = fun st ->
+  let nat_small : int t = fun st ->
+    let p = RS.float st 1. in
+    let x = if p < 0.75 then st 10 else st 100 in
+    let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
+    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let nat_big : int t = fun st ->
     let p = RS.float st 1. in
     if p < 0.75
     then nat st
@@ -308,78 +328,9 @@ module Gen = struct
       let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a () in
       Tree.make_primitive shrink ( st 1_000_000)
-  let unit : unit t = fun _st -> Tree.pure ()
-  let bool : bool t = fun st ->
-    let false_gen = Tree.pure false in
-    if RS.bool st
-    then Tree.Tree (true, Seq.return false_gen)
-    else false_gen
-  let float : float t = fun st ->
-    let x = exp (RS.float st 15. *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.))
-            *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.)
-    in
-    let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.float_towards 0. a () in
-    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
-  let pfloat : float t = float >|= abs_float
-  let nfloat : float t = pfloat >|= Float.neg
-  let float_bound_inclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t = fun st ->
-    let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
-    let shrink a = fun () ->
-      let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_inclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
-      Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
-    in
-    let x = RS.float st bound in
-    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
-  let float_bound_exclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t =
-    if bound = 0. then invalid_arg "Gen.float_bound_exclusive";
-    fun st ->
-      let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
-      let shrink a = fun () ->
-        let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_exclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
-        Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
-      in
-      let bound =
-        if bound > 0.
-        then bound -. epsilon_float
-        else bound +. epsilon_float
-      in
-      let x = RS.float st bound in
-      Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let nat_corners_list = [0; 1; 2; max_int]
-  let pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal =
-    if low > goal then low
-    else if high < goal then high
-    else goal
-  let float_range ?(origin : float option) (low : float) (high : float) : float t =
-    if high < low then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high < low"
-    else if high -. low > max_float then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high -. low > max_float";
-    let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_range" Format.pp_print_float
-                   ~origin:(Option.value ~default:(pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal:0.) origin)
-                   ~low
-                   ~high in
-    (float_bound_inclusive ~origin (high -. low))
-    >|= (fun x -> low +. x)
-  let (--.) low high = float_range ?origin:None low high
-  let neg_int : int t = nat >|= Int.neg
-  (** [option gen] shrinks towards [None] then towards shrinks of [gen]. *)
-  let option ?(ratio : float = 0.85) (gen : 'a t) : 'a option t = fun st ->
-    let p = RS.float st 1. in
-    if p < (1. -. ratio)
-    then Tree.pure None
-    else Tree.opt (gen st)
-  (** [opt] is an alias of {!val:option} for backward compatibility. *)
-  let opt = option
+  let nat_corners = graft_corners nat nat_corners_list
   (* Uniform positive random int generator.
@@ -403,7 +354,7 @@ module Gen = struct
      Technically this function is a special case of [random_binary_string] where the size is
-  let pint_raw : RS.t -> int =
+  let int_pos_raw : RS.t -> int =
     if Sys.word_size = 32
     then fun st -> RS.bits st
     else (* word size = 64 *)
@@ -418,36 +369,39 @@ module Gen = struct
       let right = RS.bits st in
       left lor middle lor right
-  let pint ?(origin : int = 0) : int t = fun st ->
-    let x = pint_raw st in
+  let int_pos ?(origin : int = 0) : int t = fun st ->
+    let x = int_pos_raw st in
     let shrink a = fun () ->
-      let origin = parse_origin "Gen.pint" Format.pp_print_int ~origin ~low:0 ~high:max_int in
+      let origin = parse_origin "Gen.int_pos" Format.pp_print_int ~origin ~low:0 ~high:max_int in
       Shrink.int_towards origin a ()
     Tree.make_primitive shrink x
-  let number_towards = Shrink.number_towards
+  let int : int t =
+    bool >>= fun b ->
+    if b
+    then int_pos ~origin:0 >|= (fun n -> - n - 1)
+    else int_pos ~origin:0
-  let int_towards = Shrink.int_towards
+  let int_neg : int t = nat >|= Int.neg
-  let int64_towards = Shrink.int64_towards
+  let int_small : int t = fun st ->
+    if RS.bool st
+    then nat_small st
+    else (nat_small >|= Int.neg) st
-  let int32_towards = Shrink.int32_towards
+  let int_big = nat >|= (-) Int.max_int
-  let float_towards = Shrink.float_towards
+  let int_corners_list = nat_corners_list @ [-1; -2; min_int]
-  let int : int t =
-    bool >>= fun b ->
-    if b
-    then pint ~origin:0 >|= (fun n -> - n - 1)
-    else pint ~origin:0
+  let int_corners () : int t = graft_corners nat int_corners_list ()
-  let int_bound (n : int) : int t =
-    if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Gen.int_bound";
+  let int_pos_bound (n : int) : int t =
+    if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Gen.int_pos_bound";
     fun st ->
       if n <= (1 lsl 30) - 2
       then Tree.make_primitive (fun a () -> Shrink.int_towards 0 a ()) ( st (n + 1))
-      else (fun r -> r mod (n + 1)) (pint st)
+      else (fun r -> r mod (n + 1)) (int_pos st)
   (** To support ranges wider than [Int.max_int], the general idea is to find the center,
       and generate a random half-difference number as well as whether we add or
@@ -457,7 +411,7 @@ module Gen = struct
     fun st ->
       let Tree.Tree(n, _shrinks) = if low >= 0 || high < 0 then (
           (* range smaller than max_int *)
- (fun n -> low + n) (int_bound (high - low) st)
+ (fun n -> low + n) (int_pos_bound (high - low) st)
         ) else (
           (* range potentially bigger than max_int: we split on 0 and
              choose the interval with regard to their size ratio *)
@@ -465,8 +419,8 @@ module Gen = struct
           let f_high = float_of_int high in
           let ratio = (-.f_low) /. (1. +. f_high -. f_low) in
           if RS.float st 1. <= ratio
-          then (fun n -> -n - 1) (int_bound (- (low + 1)) st)
-          else int_bound high st
+          then (fun n -> -n - 1) (int_pos_bound (- (low + 1)) st)
+          else int_pos_bound high st
         ) in
       let shrink a = fun () ->
         let origin = match origin with
@@ -483,6 +437,92 @@ module Gen = struct
   let (--) low high = int_range ?origin:None low high
+  (** {2 Deprecated integer generators} *)
+  let small_nat = nat_small
+  let big_nat = nat_big
+  let neg_int = int_neg
+  let small_signed_int = int_small
+  let small_int_corners = nat_corners
+  let pint = int_pos
+  let int_bound = int_pos_bound
+  let unit : unit t = fun _st -> Tree.pure ()
+  let float : float t = fun st ->
+    let x = exp (RS.float st 15. *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.))
+            *. (if RS.bool st then 1. else -1.)
+    in
+    let shrink a = fun () -> Shrink.float_towards 0. a () in
+    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let pfloat : float t = float >|= abs_float
+  let nfloat : float t = pfloat >|= Float.neg
+  let float_bound_inclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t = fun st ->
+    let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
+    let shrink a = fun () ->
+      let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_inclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
+      Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
+    in
+    let x = RS.float st bound in
+    Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let float_bound_exclusive ?(origin : float = 0.) (bound : float) : float t =
+    if bound = 0. then invalid_arg "Gen.float_bound_exclusive";
+    fun st ->
+      let (low, high) = Float.min_max_num 0. bound in
+      let shrink a = fun () ->
+        let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_bound_exclusive" Format.pp_print_float ~origin ~low ~high in
+        Shrink.float_towards origin a ()
+      in
+      let bound =
+        if bound > 0.
+        then bound -. epsilon_float
+        else bound +. epsilon_float
+      in
+      let x = RS.float st bound in
+      Tree.make_primitive shrink x
+  let float_range ?(origin : float option) (low : float) (high : float) : float t =
+    if high < low then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high < low"
+    else if high -. low > max_float then invalid_arg "Gen.float_range: high -. low > max_float";
+    let origin = parse_origin "Gen.float_range" Format.pp_print_float
+                   ~origin:(Option.value ~default:(pick_origin_within_range ~low ~high ~goal:0.) origin)
+                   ~low
+                   ~high in
+    (float_bound_inclusive ~origin (high -. low))
+    >|= (fun x -> low +. x)
+  let (--.) low high = float_range ?origin:None low high
+  (** [option gen] shrinks towards [None] then towards shrinks of [gen]. *)
+  let option ?(ratio : float = 0.85) (gen : 'a t) : 'a option t = fun st ->
+    let p = RS.float st 1. in
+    if p < (1. -. ratio)
+    then Tree.pure None
+    else Tree.opt (gen st)
+  (** [opt] is an alias of {!val:option} for backward compatibility. *)
+  let opt = option
+  let number_towards = Shrink.number_towards
+  let int_towards = Shrink.int_towards
+  let int64_towards = Shrink.int64_towards
+  let int32_towards = Shrink.int32_towards
+  let float_towards = Shrink.float_towards
   let oneof (l : 'a t list) : 'a t =
     int_range 0 (List.length l - 1) >>= List.nth l
@@ -492,21 +532,12 @@ module Gen = struct
   let oneofa (a : 'a array) : 'a t =
     int_range 0 (Array.length a - 1) >|= Array.get a
-  (* NOTE: we keep this alias to not break code that uses [small_int]
-     for sizes of strings, arrays, etc. *)
-  let small_int = small_nat
-  let small_signed_int : int t = fun st ->
-    if RS.bool st
-    then small_nat st
-    else (small_nat >|= Int.neg) st
   (** Shrink towards the first element of the list *)
   let frequency (l : (int * 'a t) list) : 'a t =
     if l = [] then failwith "QCheck2.frequency called with an empty list";
     let sums = sum_int ( fst l) in
     if sums < 1 then failwith "QCheck2.frequency called with weight sum < 1";
-    int_bound (sums - 1)
+    int_pos_bound (sums - 1)
     >>= fun i ->
     let rec aux acc = function
       | ((x, g) :: xs) -> if i < acc + x then g else aux (acc + x) xs
@@ -704,27 +735,14 @@ module Gen = struct
   let string_printable = string_size ~gen:printable nat
-  let small_string ?gen st = string_size ?gen small_nat st
+  let small_string ?gen st = string_size ?gen nat_small st
-  let small_list gen = list_size small_nat gen
+  let small_list gen = list_size nat_small gen
-  let small_array gen = array_size small_nat gen
+  let small_array gen = array_size nat_small gen
   let join (gen : 'a t t) : 'a t = gen >>=
-  (* corner cases *)
-  let graft_corners (gen : 'a t) (corners : 'a list) () : 'a t =
-    let cors = ref corners in fun st ->
-      match !cors with [] -> gen st
-                     | e::l -> cors := l; Tree.pure e
-  let int_pos_corners = [0; 1; 2; max_int]
-  let int_corners = int_pos_corners @ [min_int]
-  let small_int_corners () : int t = graft_corners nat int_pos_corners ()
   (* sized, fix *)
   let sized_size (size : int t) (gen : 'a sized) : 'a t =
diff --git a/src/core/QCheck2.mli b/src/core/QCheck2.mli
index ec54ca16..9e6c2f4f 100644
--- a/src/core/QCheck2.mli
+++ b/src/core/QCheck2.mli
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ content will appear. *)
             ~name:"All lists are sorted"
             ~print:Print.(list int)
-            Gen.(list small_nat)
+            Gen.(list nat_small)
             (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l));;
       QCheck2.Test.check_exn test;;
@@ -155,71 +155,141 @@ module Gen : sig
       Shrinks towards [false].
-  val int : int t
-  (** Generates integers uniformly.
+  (** {2 Integer numbers generators} *)
-      Shrinks towards [0].
-  *)
+  (** {3. Natural} *)
-  val pint : ?origin : int -> int t
-  (** Generates non-strictly positive integers uniformly ([0] included).
+  val nat : int t
+  (** Generates natural numbers (< [10_000]).
-      Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0]. *)
+      Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
-  val small_nat : int t
+      Shrinks towards [0].
+  *)
+  val nat_small : int t
   (** Small positive integers (< [100], [0] included).
       Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
       Shrinks towards [0].
-      @since 0.5.1 *)
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE *)
-  val nat : int t
-  (** Generates natural numbers (< [10_000]).
+  val nat_big : int t
+  (** Generates natural numbers, possibly large (< [1_000_000]).
       Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
       Shrinks towards [0].
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE *)
+  val nat_corners : unit -> int t
+  (** As {!nat}, but each newly created generator starts with a list of corner
+      cases before falling back on random generation.
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE
-  val big_nat : int t
-  (** Generates natural numbers, possibly large (< [1_000_000]).
+  (** {3 Classic integers} *)
-      Non-uniform: smaller numbers are more likely than bigger numbers.
+  val int : int t
+  (** Generates integers uniformly.
       Shrinks towards [0].
+  *)
-      @since 0.10 *)
-  val neg_int : int t
+  val int_neg : int t
   (** Generates non-strictly negative integers ([0] included).
       Non-uniform: smaller numbers (in absolute value) are more likely than bigger numbers.
       Shrinks towards [0].
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE
-  val small_int : int t
-  (** Small UNSIGNED integers, for retrocompatibility.
+  val int_pos : ?origin : int -> int t
+  (** Generates non-strictly positive integers uniformly ([0] included).
-      Shrinks towards [0].
+      Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0].
-      @deprecated use {!small_nat}. *)
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE *)
-  val small_signed_int : int t
-  (** Small SIGNED integers, based on {!small_nat}.
+  val int_small : int t
+  (** Small SIGNED integers, based on {!nat_small}.
       Non-uniform: smaller numbers (in absolute value) are more likely than bigger numbers.
       Shrinks towards [0].
-      @since 0.5.2 *)
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE *)
+  val int_big : int t
+  (** Big SIGNED integers, based on {!nat_small} substraced to [Int.max_int]
+      Shrinks towards [0].
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE *)
+  val int_corners : unit -> int t
+  (** As {!int}, but each newly created generator starts with a list of corner
+      cases before falling back on random generation.
+      @since NEXT_RELEASE
+  *)
+  val int_pos_bound : int -> int t
+  (** Uniform integer generator producing integers within [0..bound].
+      Shrinks towards [0].
+      @raise Invalid_argument if the argument is negative. *)
+  val int_range : ?origin:int -> int -> int -> int t
+  (** [int_range ?origin low high] is an uniform integer generator producing integers within [low..high] (inclusive).
+      Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0] (but always stays within the range).
+      Examples:
+      - [int_range ~origin:6 (-5) 15] will shrink towards [6]
+      - [int_range (-5) 15] will shrink towards [0]
+      - [int_range 8 20] will shrink towards [8] (closest to [0] within range)
+      - [int_range (-20) (-8)] will shrink towards [-8] (closest to [0] within range)
+      @raise Invalid_argument if any of the following holds:
+      - [low > high]
+      - [origin < low]
+      - [origin > high]
+  *)
+  val (--) : int -> int -> int t
+  (** [a -- b] is an alias for [int_range a b]. See {!int_range} for more information.
+  *)
+  (** {3 Deprecated integer generators} *)
+  val small_nat : int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!nat_small} *)
+  val big_nat : int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!nat_big} *)
+  val neg_int : int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!int_neg} *)
+  val small_signed_int : int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!int_small} *)
   val small_int_corners : unit -> int t
-  (** As {!small_int}, but each newly created generator starts with
-    a list of corner cases before falling back on random generation. *)
+  (** @deprecated use {!nat_corners} *)
+  val pint : ?origin : int -> int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!int_pos} *)
+  val int_bound : int -> int t
+  (** @deprecated use {!int_pos_bound} *)
   val int32 : int32 t
   (** Generates uniform {!int32} values.
@@ -320,7 +390,7 @@ module Gen : sig
       @since 0.11 *)
   val small_string : ?gen:char t -> string t
-  (** Builds a string generator, length is {!small_nat}.
+  (** Builds a string generator, length is {!nat_small}.
       Accepts an optional character generator (the default is {!char}).
       Shrinks on the number of characters first, then on the characters.
@@ -375,34 +445,6 @@ module Gen : sig
   (** {3 Ranges} *)
-  val int_bound : int -> int t
-  (** Uniform integer generator producing integers within [0..bound].
-      Shrinks towards [0].
-      @raise Invalid_argument if the argument is negative. *)
-  val int_range : ?origin:int -> int -> int -> int t
-  (** [int_range ?origin low high] is an uniform integer generator producing integers within [low..high] (inclusive).
-      Shrinks towards [origin] if specified, otherwise towards [0] (but always stays within the range).
-      Examples:
-      - [int_range ~origin:6 (-5) 15] will shrink towards [6]
-      - [int_range (-5) 15] will shrink towards [0]
-      - [int_range 8 20] will shrink towards [8] (closest to [0] within range)
-      - [int_range (-20) (-8)] will shrink towards [-8] (closest to [0] within range)
-      @raise Invalid_argument if any of the following holds:
-      - [low > high]
-      - [origin < low]
-      - [origin > high]
-  *)
-  val (--) : int -> int -> int t
-  (** [a -- b] is an alias for [int_range a b]. See {!int_range} for more information.
-  *)
   val float_bound_inclusive : ?origin : float -> float -> float t
   (** [float_bound_inclusive ?origin bound] returns a random floating-point number between [0.] and
       [bound] (inclusive). If [bound] is negative, the result is negative or zero.  If
@@ -533,16 +575,6 @@ module Gen : sig
       @since 0.6 *)
-  val int_pos_corners : int list
-  (** Non-negative corner cases for int.
-      @since 0.6 *)
-  val int_corners : int list
-  (** All corner cases for int.
-      @since 0.6 *)
   (** {3 Lists, arrays and options} *)
   val list : 'a t -> 'a list t
@@ -552,7 +584,7 @@ module Gen : sig
   val small_list : 'a t -> 'a list t
-  (** Generates lists of small size (see {!small_nat}).
+  (** Generates lists of small size (see {!nat_small}).
       Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
@@ -583,7 +615,7 @@ module Gen : sig
   val small_array : 'a t -> 'a array t
-  (** Generates arrays of small size (see {!small_nat}).
+  (** Generates arrays of small size (see {!nat_small}).
       Shrinks on the number of elements first, then on elements.
diff --git a/test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected b/test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected
index bf66c643..7ef7c4c8 100644
--- a/test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected
+++ b/test/core/QCheck2_expect_test.expected
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ NOTE: it is likely that the precondition is too strong, or that the generator is
 Test FAIL_bad_gen failed:
 ERROR: uncaught exception in generator for test FAIL_bad_gen after 100 steps:
-Exception: Invalid_argument("Gen.int_bound")
+Exception: Invalid_argument("Gen.int_pos_bound")
 --- Failure --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ stats dist:
    81.. 90: #                                                                60
    91..100: #                                                                66
-+++ Stats for small_signed_int dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++ Stats for int_small dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stats dist:
   num: 1000, avg: 0.90, stddev: 28.23, median 0, min -99, max 99
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ stats dist:
    81.. 90: #                                                                16
    91..100: #                                                                10
-+++ Stats for small_nat dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++ Stats for nat_small dist ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stats dist:
   num: 1000, avg: 15.11, stddev: 23.27, median 6, min 0, max 99
@@ -1256,26 +1256,26 @@ random seed: 153870556
 +++ Stats for int_dist_empty_bucket ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stats dist:
-  num: 1000, avg: -55083208105414400.00, stddev: 1847115855773139200.00, median 9, min -4590718933436425025, max 4611686018427387903
-  -4590718933436425025..-4130598685843234370: ##                                                               26
-  -4130598685843234369..-3670478438250043714: #                                                                13
-  -3670478438250043713..-3210358190656853058: ###                                                              37
-  -3210358190656853057..-2750237943063662402: ###                                                              30
-  -2750237943063662401..-2290117695470471746: ##                                                               27
-  -2290117695470471745..-1829997447877281090: ##                                                               24
-  -1829997447877281089..-1369877200284090434: ##                                                               27
-  -1369877200284090433.. -909756952690899778: ##                                                               27
-   -909756952690899777.. -449636705097709122: ##                                                               21
-   -449636705097709121..   10483542495481534: #######################################################         531
-     10483542495481535..  470603790088672190: ##                                                               21
-    470603790088672191..  930724037681862846: ##                                                               27
-    930724037681862847.. 1390844285275053502: ##                                                               24
-   1390844285275053503.. 1850964532868244158: ##                                                               25
-   1850964532868244159.. 2311084780461434814: ##                                                               28
-   2311084780461434815.. 2771205028054625470: ##                                                               23
-   2771205028054625471.. 3231325275647816126: ##                                                               23
-   3231325275647816127.. 3691445523241006782: ##                                                               25
-   3691445523241006783.. 4151565770834197438: #                                                                17
-   4151565770834197439.. 4611686018427387903: ##                                                               24
+  num: 1000, avg: -52249009531205656.00, stddev: 1861821285982728448.00, median 9, min -4611686018427387904, max 4611686018427387903
+  -4611686018427387904..-4150517416584649089: ###                                                              26
+  -4150517416584649088..-3689348814741910273: #                                                                14
+  -3689348814741910272..-3228180212899171457: ####                                                             35
+  -3228180212899171456..-2767011611056432641: ####                                                             31
+  -2767011611056432640..-2305843009213693825: ###                                                              27
+  -2305843009213693824..-1844674407370955009: ###                                                              25
+  -1844674407370955008..-1383505805528216193: ###                                                              27
+  -1383505805528216192.. -922337203685477377: ###                                                              26
+   -922337203685477376.. -461168601842738561: ##                                                               21
+   -461168601842738560..                 255: #######################################################         421
+                   256..  461168601842739071: ################                                                129
+    461168601842739072..  922337203685477887: ###                                                              27
+    922337203685477888.. 1383505805528216703: ###                                                              23
+   1383505805528216704.. 1844674407370955519: ###                                                              27
+   1844674407370955520.. 2305843009213694335: ###                                                              28
+   2305843009213694336.. 2767011611056433151: ###                                                              23
+   2767011611056433152.. 3228180212899171967: ##                                                               22
+   3228180212899171968.. 3689348814741910783: ###                                                              25
+   3689348814741910784.. 4150517416584649599: ##                                                               18
+   4150517416584649600.. 4611686018427387903: ###                                                              25
 success (ran 1 tests)
diff --git a/test/core/ b/test/core/
index d3c960e2..429ff491 100644
--- a/test/core/
+++ b/test/core/
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ module Overall = struct
   let passing =
     Test.make ~name:"list_rev_is_involutive" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
       ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(list small_int) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l)
+      Gen.(list nat_small) (fun l -> List.rev (List.rev l) = l)
   let failing =
     Test.make ~name:"should_fail_sort_id" ~count:10 ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(small_list small_int) (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l)
+      Gen.(small_list nat_small) (fun l -> l = List.sort compare l)
   exception Error
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module Overall = struct
   let collect =
     Test.make ~name:"collect_results" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100 ~collect:string_of_int
-      (Gen.int_bound 4) (fun _ -> true)
+      (Gen.int_pos_bound 4) (fun _ -> true)
   let stats =
     Test.make ~name:"with_stats" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ module Overall = struct
         "mod4", (fun i->i mod 4);
         "num", (fun i->i);
-      (Gen.int_bound 120) (fun _ -> true)
+      (Gen.int_pos_bound 120) (fun _ -> true)
   let retries =
     Test.make ~name:"with shrinking retries" ~retries:10
-      Gen.small_nat (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i %!" i; i mod 3 <> 1)
+      Gen.nat_small (fun i -> Printf.printf "%i %!" i; i mod 3 <> 1)
   let bad_assume_warn =
     Test.make ~name:"WARN_unlikely_precond" ~count:2_000
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ module Overall = struct
   let bad_gen_fail =
     Test.make ~name:"FAIL_bad_gen"
-      Gen.(int >>= fun j -> int_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
-      (fun (_i,_j) -> true) (* i may be negative, causing int_bound to fail *)
+      Gen.(int >>= fun j -> int_pos_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
+      (fun (_i,_j) -> true) (* i may be negative, causing int_pos_bound to fail *)
   let bad_shrinker_fail =
     Test.make ~name:"FAIL_bad_shrinker"
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module Overall = struct
     let sleep_time = 0.175 in
     let count = ref 0 in
     Test.make ~count:10 ~name:"bad function reproducability"
-      Gen.(triple small_int (fun1 small_int) small_int)
+      Gen.(triple nat_small (fun1 nat_small) nat_small)
       (fun (i,f,j) ->
          incr count;
          Printf.printf "(%i,fun,%i)%s%!" i j (if !count mod 10 = 0 then "\n" else " ");
@@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ module Generator = struct
   let pair_test =
     Test.make ~name:"int pairs - commute over +" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pair small_nat small_nat) (fun (i,j) -> i+j = j+i)
+      Gen.(pair nat_small nat_small) (fun (i,j) -> i+j = j+i)
   let triple_test =
     Test.make ~name:"int triples - associative over +" ~count:1000
       ~print:Print.(triple int int int)
-      Gen.(triple small_nat small_nat small_nat) (fun (i,j,k) -> i+(j+k) = (i+j)+k)
+      Gen.(triple nat_small nat_small nat_small) (fun (i,j,k) -> i+(j+k) = (i+j)+k)
   let quad_test =
     Test.make ~name:"int quadruples - product of sums" ~count:1000
       ~print:Print.(quad int int int int)
-      Gen.(quad small_nat small_nat small_nat small_nat)
+      Gen.(quad nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (h,i,j,k) -> (h+i)*(j+k) = h*j + h*k + i*j + i*k)
   let test_tup2 =
@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@ module Generator = struct
   let bind_test =
     Test.make ~name:"bind test for ordered pairs" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(small_nat >>= fun j -> int_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
+      Gen.(nat_small >>= fun j -> int_pos_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
       (fun (i,j) -> i<=j)
   let bind_pair_list_length =
     Test.make ~name:"bind list length" ~count:1000 ~print:Print.(pair int (list int))
-      Gen.(int_bound 1000 >>= fun len ->
-           list_size (return len) (int_bound 10) >>= fun xs -> return (len,xs))
+      Gen.(int_pos_bound 1000 >>= fun len ->
+           list_size (return len) (int_pos_bound 10) >>= fun xs -> return (len,xs))
       (fun (len,xs) -> len = List.length xs)
   let list_test =
@@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ module Generator = struct
   let list_repeat_test =
     Test.make ~name:"list_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
       ~print:Print.(pair int (list unit))
-      Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> list_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
+      Gen.(nat_small >>= fun i -> list_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
       (fun (i,l) -> List.length l = i)
   let array_repeat_test =
     Test.make ~name:"array_repeat has constant length" ~count:1000
       ~print:Print.(pair int (array unit))
-      Gen.(small_nat >>= fun i -> array_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
+      Gen.(nat_small >>= fun i -> array_repeat i unit >>= fun l -> return (i,l))
       (fun (i,l) -> Array.length l = i)
   let passing_tree_rev =
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ module Shrink = struct
   (* example from issue #59 *)
   let test_fac_issue59 =
     Test.make ~name:"test fac issue59"
-      (Gen.make_primitive ~gen:(fun st -> Gen.generate1 ~rand:st (Gen.small_int_corners ())) ~shrink:(fun _ -> Seq.empty))
+      (Gen.make_primitive ~gen:(fun st -> Gen.generate1 ~rand:st (Gen.int_corners ())) ~shrink:(fun _ -> Seq.empty))
       (fun n -> try (fac n) mod n = 0
                 (*| Stack_overflow   -> false*)
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ module Shrink = struct
   let big_bound_issue59 =
     Test.make ~name:"big bound issue59"
-      (Gen.small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
+      (Gen.int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
   let long_shrink =
     let listgen = Gen.(list_size (int_range 1000 10000) int) in
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ module Shrink = struct
   (* test from issue #59 *)
   let ints_smaller_209609 =
     Test.make ~name:"ints < 209609"
-      (Gen.small_int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
+      (Gen.int_corners()) (fun i -> i < 209609)
   let nats_smaller_5001 =
     Test.make ~name:"nat < 5001" ~count:1000
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ module Shrink = struct
   (* test from issue #167 *)
   let pair_diff_issue_64 =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs have different components" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pair small_int small_int) (fun (i,j) -> i<>j)
+      Gen.(pair nat_small nat_small) (fun (i,j) -> i<>j)
   let pair_same =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs have same components" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
@@ -389,29 +389,29 @@ module Shrink = struct
   let pair_ordered =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs are ordered" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pair (pint ~origin:0) (pint ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i<=j)
+      Gen.(pair (int_pos ~origin:0) (int_pos ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i<=j)
   let pair_ordered_rev =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs are ordered reversely" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pair (pint ~origin:0) (pint ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i>=j)
+      Gen.(pair (int_pos ~origin:0) (int_pos ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i>=j)
   let pair_sum_lt_128 =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs sum to less than 128" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pair (pint ~origin:0) (pint ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i+j<128)
+      Gen.(pair (int_pos ~origin:0) (int_pos ~origin:0)) (fun (i,j) -> i+j<128)
   let pair_lists_rev_concat =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs lists rev concat" ~print:Print.(pair (list int) (list int))
-      Gen.(pair (list (pint ~origin:0)) (list (pint ~origin:0)))
+      Gen.(pair (list (int_pos ~origin:0)) (list (int_pos ~origin:0)))
       (fun (xs,ys) -> List.rev (xs@ys) = (List.rev xs)@(List.rev ys))
   let pair_lists_no_overlap =
     Test.make ~name:"pairs lists no overlap" ~print:Print.(pair (list int) (list int))
-      Gen.(pair (list small_nat) (list small_nat))
+      Gen.(pair (list nat_small) (list nat_small))
       (fun (xs,ys) -> List.for_all (fun x -> not (List.mem x ys)) xs)
   let triple_diff =
     Test.make ~name:"triples have pair-wise different components" ~print:Print.(triple int int int)
-      Gen.(triple small_int small_int small_int) (fun (i,j,k) -> i<>j && j<>k)
+      Gen.(triple nat_small nat_small nat_small) (fun (i,j,k) -> i<>j && j<>k)
   let triple_same =
     Test.make ~name:"triples have same components" ~print:Print.(triple int int int)
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ module Shrink = struct
   let quad_diff =
     Test.make ~name:"quadruples have pair-wise different components" ~print:Print.(quad int int int int)
-      Gen.(quad small_int small_int small_int small_int) (fun (h,i,j,k) -> h<>i && i<>j && j<>k)
+      Gen.(quad nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small) (fun (h,i,j,k) -> h<>i && i<>j && j<>k)
   let quad_same =
     Test.make ~name:"quadruples have same components" ~print:Print.(quad int int int int)
@@ -445,67 +445,67 @@ module Shrink = struct
       ~print:Print.(tup2 int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b) in nat: a < b"
-      Gen.(tup2 small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup2 nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b) -> a < b)
   let test_tup3 =
       ~print:Print.(tup3 int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c) in nat: a < b < c"
-      Gen.(tup3 small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup3 nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c) -> a < b && b < c)
   let test_tup4 =
       ~print:Print.(tup4 int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d) in nat: a < b < c < d"
-      Gen.(tup4 small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup4 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d) -> a < b && b < c && c < d)
   let test_tup5 =
       ~print:Print.(tup5 int int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d, e) in nat: a < b < c < d < e"
-      Gen.(tup5 small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup5 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d, e) -> a < b && b < c && c < d && d < e)
   let test_tup6 =
       ~print:Print.(tup6 int int int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d, e, f) in nat: a < b < c < d < e < f"
-      Gen.(tup6 small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup6 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> a < b && b < c && c < d && d < e && e < f)
   let test_tup7 =
       ~print:Print.(tup7 int int int int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) in nat: a < b < c < d < e < f < g"
-      Gen.(tup7 small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup7 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> a < b && b < c && c < d && d < e && e < f && f < g)
   let test_tup8 =
       ~print:Print.(tup8 int int int int int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) in nat: a < b < c < d < e < f < g < h"
-      Gen.(tup8 small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup8 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) -> a < b && b < c && c < d && d < e && e < f && f < g && g < h)
   let test_tup9 =
       ~print:Print.(tup9 int int int int int int int int int)
       ~name:"forall (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) in nat: a < b < c < d < e < f < g < h < i"
-      Gen.(tup9 small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int small_int)
+      Gen.(tup9 nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small nat_small)
       (fun (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) -> a < b && b < c && c < d && d < e && e < f && f < g && g < h && h < i)
   let bind_pair_ordered =
     Test.make ~name:"bind ordered pairs" ~print:Print.(pair int int)
-      Gen.(pint ~origin:0 >>= fun j -> int_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
+      Gen.(int_pos ~origin:0 >>= fun j -> int_pos_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j))
       (fun (_i,_j) -> false)
   let bind_pair_list_size =
     Test.make ~name:"bind list_size constant" ~print:Print.(pair int (list int))
-      Gen.(int_bound 1000 >>= fun len ->
-           list_size (return len) (int_bound 1000) >>= fun xs -> return (len,xs))
+      Gen.(int_pos_bound 1000 >>= fun len ->
+           list_size (return len) (int_pos_bound 1000) >>= fun xs -> return (len,xs))
       (fun (len,xs) -> let len' = List.length xs in len=len' && len' < 4)
   (* tests from issue #64 *)
@@ -513,36 +513,36 @@ module Shrink = struct
   let lists_are_empty_issue_64 =
     Test.make ~name:"lists are empty" ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(list small_int) (fun xs -> print_list xs; xs = [])
+      Gen.(list nat_small) (fun xs -> print_list xs; xs = [])
   let list_shorter_10 =
     Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 10" ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(list small_int) (fun xs -> List.length xs < 10)
+      Gen.(list nat_small) (fun xs -> List.length xs < 10)
   let length_printer xs =
     Printf.sprintf "[...] list length: %i" (List.length xs)
-  let size_gen = Gen.(oneof [small_nat; int_bound 750_000])
+  let size_gen = Gen.(oneof [nat_small; int_pos_bound 750_000])
   let list_shorter_432 =
     Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 432" ~print:length_printer
-      Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int)
+      Gen.(list_size size_gen nat_small)
       (fun xs -> List.length xs < 432)
   let list_shorter_4332 =
     Test.make ~name:"lists shorter than 4332" ~print:length_printer
-      Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int)
+      Gen.(list_size size_gen nat_small)
       (fun xs -> List.length xs < 4332)
   let list_equal_dupl =
     Test.make ~name:"lists equal to duplication" ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(list_size size_gen small_int)
+      Gen.(list_size size_gen nat_small)
       (fun xs -> try xs = xs @ xs
                  with Stack_overflow -> false)
   let list_unique_elems =
     Test.make ~name:"lists have unique elems" ~print:Print.(list int)
-      Gen.(list small_int)
+      Gen.(list nat_small)
       (fun xs -> let ys = List.sort_uniq xs in
                  print_list xs; List.length xs = List.length ys)
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ module Function = struct
     Test.make ~name:"fail_pred_map_commute" ~count:100 ~long_factor:100
       ~print:Print.(triple (list int) Fn.print Fn.print)
-             (small_list small_int)
+             (small_list nat_small)
              (fun1 int)
              (fun1 ~print:Print.bool bool))
       (fun (l,Fun (_,f),Fun (_,p)) ->
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ module Function = struct
       (fun1 Observable.string ~print:Print.bool Gen.bool)
       (fun (Fun (_,p)) -> not (p "some random string") || p "some other string")
-  let int_gen = Gen.small_nat (* int *)
+  let int_gen = Gen.nat_small (* int *)
   (* Another example (false) property *)
   let prop_foldleft_foldright =
@@ -670,8 +670,8 @@ module Function = struct
       Gen.(quad  (* string -> int -> string *)
              (fun2 ~print:Print.string Observable.string (small_string ~gen:char))
              (small_string ~gen:char)
-             (list small_int)
-             (list small_int))
+             (list nat_small)
+             (list nat_small))
       (fun (f,acc,is,js) ->
          let f = Fn.apply f in
          List.fold_left f acc (is @ js)
@@ -739,20 +739,20 @@ module Stats = struct
   let pair_dist =
     Test.make ~name:"pair dist" ~count:500_000 ~stats:[("pair sum", (fun (i,j) -> i+j))]
-      Gen.(pair (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
+      Gen.(pair (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
   let triple_dist =
     Test.make ~name:"triple dist" ~count:500_000 ~stats:[("triple sum", (fun (i,j,k) -> i+j+k))]
-      Gen.(triple (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
+      Gen.(triple (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
   let quad_dist =
     Test.make ~name:"quad dist" ~count:500_000 ~stats:[("quad sum", (fun (h,i,j,k) -> h+i+j+k))]
-      Gen.(quad (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100) (int_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
+      Gen.(quad (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100) (int_pos_bound 100)) (fun _ -> true)
   let bind_dist =
     Test.make ~name:"bind dist" ~count:1_000_000
       ~stats:[("ordered pair difference", (fun (i,j) -> j-i));("ordered pair sum", (fun (i,j) -> i+j))]
-      Gen.(int_bound 100 >>= fun j -> int_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j)) (fun _ -> true)
+      Gen.(int_pos_bound 100 >>= fun j -> int_pos_bound j >>= fun i -> return (i,j)) (fun _ -> true)
   let list_len_tests =
     let len = ("len",List.length) in
@@ -776,10 +776,10 @@ module Stats = struct
     let dist = ("dist",fun x -> x) in
       (* test from issue #40 *)
-      Test.make ~name:"int_stats_neg"                  ~count:5000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_signed_int                 (fun _ -> true);
+      Test.make ~name:"int_stats_neg"                  ~count:5000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.int_small                        (fun _ -> true);
       (* distribution tests from PR #45 *)
-      Test.make ~name:"small_signed_int dist"          ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_signed_int                 (fun _ -> true);
-      Test.make ~name:"small_nat dist"                 ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.small_nat                        (fun _ -> true);
+      Test.make ~name:"int_small dist"                 ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.int_small                        (fun _ -> true);
+      Test.make ~name:"nat_small dist"                 ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.nat_small                        (fun _ -> true);
       Test.make ~name:"nat dist"                       ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] Gen.nat                              (fun _ -> true);
       Test.make ~name:"int_range (-43643) 435434 dist" ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-43643) 435434)      (fun _ -> true);
       Test.make ~name:"int_range (-40000) 40000 dist"  ~count:1000   ~stats:[dist] (Gen.int_range (-40000) 40000)       (fun _ -> true);
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ module Stats = struct
   let int_dist_empty_bucket =
     Test.make ~name:"int_dist_empty_bucket" ~count:1_000 ~stats:[("dist",fun x -> x)]
-      Gen.(oneof [small_int_corners ();int]) (fun _ -> true)
+      Gen.(oneof [int_corners ();int]) (fun _ -> true)
   let tests =
     [ bool_dist;