This sample shows how to configure Topics
, which is our Kubernetes object to
represent Cloud Pub/Sub topics. This resource can be used to interact directly
with Cloud Pub/Sub. It has a HTTP-addressable endpoint, where users can POST
CloudEvents, which will be then published to Cloud Pub/Sub. This is a core
construct used by higher-level objects, such as Channel
Create a Cloud Pub/Sub Topic.
export TOPIC_NAME=testing gcloud pubsub topics create $TOPIC_NAME
in thetopic.yaml
If you are in GKE and using Workload Identity, update
with the Pub/Sub enabled service account you created in Create a Pub/Sub enabled Service Account. -
If you are using standard Kubernetes secrets, but want to use a non-default one, update
with your own secret.
in thetopic.yaml
and apply it.If you're in the topic directory, you can replace
and apply in one command:sed "s/\TOPIC_NAME/$TOPIC_NAME/g" topic.yaml | \ kubectl apply --filename -
If you are replacing
manually, then make sure you apply the resulting YAML:kubectl apply --filename topic.yaml
Create a Pod using
, which will act as the event producer.kubectl apply --filename curl.yaml
Create a Cloud Pub/Sub subscription so that you can receive the message published:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create test-topic-subscription \ --topic=$TOPIC_NAME \ --topic-project=$PROJECT_ID
You can publish an event by sending an HTTP request to the
. SSH into thecurl
Pod by running the following command:kubectl --namespace default attach curl -it
While in the Pod prompt, create an event with:
curl -v "http://cre-testing-sample-publish.default.svc.cluster.local" \ -X POST \ -H "Ce-Id: my-id" \ -H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" \ -H "Ce-Type: alpha-type" \ -H "Ce-Source: my-source" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"msg":"send-cloudevents-to-topic"}'
You should receive an HTTP 202 Accepted response.
We will verify that the event was actually sent to Cloud Pub/Sub by pulling the message from the subscription:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull test-topic-subscription --format=json
You should see log lines similar to:
"ackId": "TgQhIT4wPkVTRFAGFixdRkhRNxkIaFEOT14jPzUgKEURBggUBXx9cltXdV8zdQdRDRlzemF0blhFAgZFB3RfURsfWVx-Sg5WDxpwfWhxaVgRAgdNUVa4koT9iuWxRB1tNfOWpKBASs3pifF0Zhs9XxJLLD5-NTlFQV5AEkw-DERJUytDCypYEQ",
"message": {
"attributes": {
"ce-datacontenttype": "application/json",
"ce-id": "my-id",
"ce-source": "my-source",
"ce-specversion": "1.0",
"ce-time": "2020-02-05T07:10:02.602778258Z",
"ce-traceparent": "00-3c20e18012cac372b2c0168b9d99268a-dedab6911074371a-01",
"ce-type": "alpha-type"
"data": "eyJtc2ciOiJzZW5kLWNsb3VkZXZlbnRzLXRvLXRvcGljIn0=",
"messageId": "972320943223582",
"publishTime": "2020-02-05T07:10:02.893Z"
- For a higher-level construct to interact with Cloud Pub/Sub that sends Push-compatible format events, see the PubSub example.
- For integrating with Cloud Storage see the Storage example.
- For integrating with Cloud Scheduler see the Scheduler example.
- For integrating with Cloud Audit Logs see the Cloud Audit Logs example.
- For more information about CloudEvents, see the HTTP transport bindings documentation.
Delete the
If you're in the topic directory, you can replace
and delete in one command:sed "s/\TOPIC_NAME/$TOPIC_NAME/g" topic.yaml | \ kubectl delete --filename -
If you replaced
manually, then make sure you delete the resulting YAML:kubectl delete --filename topic.yaml
Delete the
Pod used as the source:kubectl delete --filename curl.yaml