Poking around with linux IPCs: Implementing primality testing with two processes communicating with each other using POSIX message queues
creates two queues: requests and responses, and then forks NUM_CPUs processes, and there execs primality.exe workers.
Then it forks itself to do the enqueuing in a separate process, to make sure we do not block the main process, that is trying to consume responses.
Eeach worker is trying to consume from requests queue, performing a check using specified algorithm, and publishing response to the responses queue.
Finally, primality.exe
consumes all the results and prints them to stdout
To compile:
gcc -lm -lrt primality.c -o primality.exe
gcc -lrt suboptimus.c -o suboptimus.exe
Cleaning up of the queue is not implemented, so I was manually cleaning up the queues like this:
rm -rf /dev/mqueue/*; ./suboptimus.exe