This doc explains how to analyse an APK with ClassyShark using command line only. This fits for working on remote machines, Pixel Books or just from the terminal :).
- Get Java - as you need it to run ClassyShark
- $ sudo apt-get install default-jdk
- Create a test folder (to keep all the stuff per APK) $ mkdir testCS
- Use the script
- Wget from github
- Make it chmod 777
- run
Or the script steps
- // Install fzf - incremental filter
- $ wget
- tar xvzf fzf-0.17.5-linux_amd64.tgz
- chmod 777 ./fzf
- // Install ClassyShark
- $ wget
- Call ClassyShark export with the APK $ java -jar ClassyShark.jar -export test.apk
Let’s examine the files by the order of importance:
AndroidManifest.xml_dump - cat AndroidManifest.xml_dump | ./fzf
Package tree - cat all_methods
all_classes.txt - all classes names sorted, could be useful for understanding the packages & dependencies cat all_classes.txt | ./fzf
Browse the relevant class
Mostly if will not need it as it is the most advanced feature
Use the script wget from github Make it chmod 777 run
Or the script steps
$ cat all_classes.txt | fzf
Select the relevant class and press Enter
FZF will dump the class name
$ java -jar ClassyShark.jar -export test.apk ⇐ note no ending
$tac | fzf