Releases: bigcommerce/big-design
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
0.1.1 (2019-08-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @bigcommerce/big-design-theme
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
0.6.0 (2019-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- docs: avatar example in Box (#149) (a4e6cdc)
- docs: handle 1-liner noInline returns on CodePreview (#154) (e125c77)
- docs: restyle and rearrange sidenav (#151) (1be86d1)
- docs: updated Getting Started copy (8dd3054)
- theme: issue with font sizes in createTheme (#135) (313ff46)
- component: rename GlobalStyle to GlobalStyles (#126) (e7a231e)
- component: update error state handling on form component (#129) (e665479)
- component: update grid component with responsive props (#131) (1206e60)
- docs: add modal page (16780fe)
- docs: add typography documentation (#139) (ce72cb7)
- docs: align helpful resources (#143) (d0214f0)
- docs: breakpoints docs (#156) (64755bd)
- docs: docs container (#148) (5f391ba)
- docs: getting started page (#125) (1c4fbdc)
- docs: panel documentation (#137) (f748544)
- docs: sidenav stylings (#123) (a428dd0)
- docs: spacing documentation (#145) (c6756ec)
- docs: support template strings on CodePreview (#152) (7c68580)
- docs: tabs documentation (#136) (ee75768)
- docs: tooltips documentation (#138) (5e9d129)
- docs: update Getting Started copy (#144) (71502c7)
- docs: update to use shadow props instead of elevation (04a3dac)
- docs: update tooltip docs to new api (2afb931)
- docs: use next instead of storybook (#122) (986ebd6)
component: Form.Row components are renamed to Form.Group
feat: wip input error states
feat: improved error handling
feat: add inline documentation to Group
feat: rebase and fix small issues
test: update tests for feature
fix: update PR comments
component: Changed Grid and Grid.Item props to be more verbose (e.g. areas -> gridAreas)
is nowGlobalStyles
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
@bigcommerce/[email protected]
0.6.0 (2019-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- use theme font props (#62) (135bf65)
- component: dropdown will default to position bottom-start (#71) (c0beb96)
- component: prevent document scrolling when using arrow keys (#124) (0892c7c)
- component: prevent scroll bug in dropdown components (15fb2dc)
- component: recenter List when Select is filtered (fa4ac45)
- component: responsive grid wasn't working properly (#155) (7b65856)
- component: select will reset text if value returns empty string (#130) (f643436)
- docs: restyle and rearrange sidenav (#151) (1be86d1)
- theme: issue with font sizes in createTheme (#135) (313ff46)
- component: modal withBorder prop (069cb09)
- component: add border-box to Box components and update tests (#110) (597f71d)
- component: add button spacing in groups (#117) (a93b1b0)
- component: add responsive breakpoints for Flex props (#113) (335c640)
- component: add spacing between buttons when used in groups (#105) (cb89c10)
- component: color prop for typography components (#107) (918f260)
- component: decrease bottom margin on Panels (#111) (2fd54e6)
- component: remove custom spinner prop on buttons (#80) (f4efc55)
- component: remove dropdown actions (#104) (9e00e61)
- component: remove Spinner component (1527559)
- component: rename elevation to shadow (ee215f0)
- component: rename GlobalStyle to GlobalStyles (#126) (e7a231e)
- component: rename Lozenge to Badge (#118) (246a898)
- component: tooltip api change (6c941bf)
- component: tooltip update styles (733c419)
- component: update badge padding and custom font size (8da571d)
- component: update error state handling on form component (#129) (e665479)
- component: update grid component with responsive props (#131) (1206e60)
- component: update tab styles to match latest designs (e7a21b4)
- component: use new icons package (e522f97)
- component: use new theme package (4da89f0)
- docs: use next instead of storybook (#122) (986ebd6)
- icons: initial package setup (#89) (acfe8fe)
- story: code preview component (#59) (12108bf)
- add disabled prop to select (#92) (f889722)
- add prop table component to storybook (#61) (2c9087c)
- align customValidity with existence of error prop (#158) (6af2b03)
- remove readme from stories (#65) (f266ebd)
- transform icon names and update exports (#66) (e1d7d73)
- component: Tooltip now uses a
prop and useschildren
as the content.
<Tooltip content="Tooltip Content" placement="right">
<Tooltip trigger={<Button>Hover</Button>} placement="right">
Tooltip Content
component: theme now lives in its own package
if you are usingcreateTheme
you will now
need to import it from the new package. -
component: Changed Grid and Grid.Item props to be more verbose (e.g. areas -> gridAreas)
component: rename
props toshadow
is nowGlobalStyles
component: Form.Row components are renamed to Form.Group
feat: wip input error states
feat: improved error handling
feat: add inline documentation to Group
feat: rebase and fix small issues
test: update tests for feature
fix: update PR comments
component: Flex component flexDirection prop now defaults to responsive object. Flex component props renamed to be more contextual.
If you had direction="row" this will now set your all breakpoints to flex-direction: row instead of column for mobile/row for desktop.
direction -> flexDirection
wrap -> flexWrap
basis -> flexBasis
grow -> flexGrow
order -> flexOrder
shrink -> flexShrink
feat(component): add responsive breakpoints for Flex props
refactor(component): change flex prop names
refactor: change variable name to be more descriptive
refactor: move flexed item props into same file
refactor: moved locations of new flex changes
refactor: rename variables
feat: resolve PR comments
fix: remove unused imports
fix: remove unused argument
component: Buttons now have spacing between each other when used in groups.
If you added margin to add spacing between buttons, you will have to audit those spots in your codebase.
feat(component): add back in button spacing
feat: refine button spacing, update tests, update stories
fix: update component to generate less css
component: Spinner component no longer exists, ProgressCircle can
be used in some usecases. -
component: all icons got moved to
package and some of them were renamed. -
component: Lozenge has been renamed to Badge. If you were using the Lozenge component, you will need to change all references to 'badge'
docs: add base doc files
docs(story): finish lozenge documentation
feat(component): update lozenge to badge
feat(component): remove primary variant
test(component): add badge tests
fix(component): fix import in Badge spec
feat(component): resolve PR comments
feat(component): add tests for background color and resolve PR comments