- Explicitly requires Devise to avoid an error if Devise is not explicitly mentioned in your Gemfile (@derekprior)
- Improvements for running devise-async locally and on CI
- This will be the last release to support Devise 3.x
- No code changes compared to
- Backburner support (@jandudulski)
- Sucker Punch support (@kmayer)
- Que support (@marshall-lee)
- Handle
in preparation for Rails 5 (@barelyknown) - Option to set a priority for DJ and Backburner (@mkon)
- The locale is remembered before an asynchronous task is run (@baschtl)
- Fixed a usage of
that appeared in connection with Rails 4 (@baschtl)
- Multiple mailers support (@baschtl)
- Update devise dependency to ~3.2
- Support arbitrary number of arguments to mailer (@glebm)
- Added torquebox support (@astjohn)
- make sure options hash has string keys when enqueued and symbol keys when job runs
- stringfy options keys before enqueueing to make queue_classic happy (@nickw)
- Added
options to make it easier to skip async processing during tests (@mohamedmagdy)
- Now compatible with Devise 2.2+ only
- Legacy
is now gone Devise::Async.mailer=
is gone since there's no need for it anymore. UseDevise.mailer
- Lock dependency of 0.5 series on devise < 2.2
- Added support for QueueClassic (@jperville)
- Remove deprecated
- Improved comments throughout code
- Enhancements
- Add support for queue config to DelayedJob backend
- Use Devise third party modules API insted of including module directly. This fixes the ordering issue when including.
- Fixes
- Do not register after_commit unless ORM supports it
- Only enqueue notifications for after_commit if model is dirty
- Fixes
- Added
to use new devise's after_commit hooks to resolve #6 (only devise >=2.1.1)
- Added
- Enhancements
- Added
option to let configure the queue the jobs will be enqueued to.
- Added
- Fixes
- Changed the way we store the record id in the queue to enforce compatibility with diferent ORMs
- New
- Added
option to proxy to custom mailers - Added
to allow configuring with blocks
- Added
- Restructured gem to Devise::Async module instead of DeviseAsync.
- DeviseAsync::Proxy is now Devise::Async::Proxy
- DeviseAsync.backend is now Devise::Async.backend
- first release