You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Moodle 4.4.5: Pulse notify_users scheduled task fails with "operator does not exist: bigint = character varying"
Issue Description
When running Moodle’s Send notification scheduled task (\pulseaction_notification\task\notify_users) on Moodle 4.4.5, the task fails with an error similar to:
Root Cause
Type Mismatch in PostgreSQL:
PostgreSQL is strict about comparing different data types. Here, is a bigint, while ni.dynamiccontent (from mdl_pulseaction_notification_ins) is a varchar.
Query Fails on Join Condition: mod/pulse/actions/notification/classes/schedule.php => protected function get_scheduled_records($userid=null)
The query attempts = ni.dynamiccontent, which fails in Postgres because bigint = character varying is not allowed without an explicit cast.
Affected Code Snippet
LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm mdl_pulseaction_notification_ins
ALTER COLUMN dynamiccontent TYPE bigint
USING dynamiccontent::bigint;
LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm
Detail error message
Send notification
Execute scheduled task: Send notification (pulseaction_notification\task\notify_users)
... started 14:46:51. Current memory use 19.6 MB.
... used 1 dbqueries
... used 0.013933897018433 seconds
Scheduled task failed: Send notification (pulseaction_notification\task\notify_users),Error reading from database (ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying
LINE 11: ... LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm ON = ni.dynam...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SELECT AS id, AS ns_id, ns.instanceid AS ns_instanceid, ns.userid AS ns_userid, ns.type AS ns_type, ns.notifycount AS ns_notifycount, ns.scheduletime AS ns_scheduletime, ns.notifiedtime AS ns_notifiedtime, ns.status AS ns_status, ns.suppressreached AS ns_suppressreached, ns.timecreated AS ns_timecreated, AS ai_id, ai.templateid AS ai_templateid, ai.courseid AS ai_courseid, ai.status AS ai_status, ai.timemodified AS ai_timemodified, AS pat_id, pat.title AS pat_title, pat.reference AS pat_reference, pat.visible AS pat_visible, pat.notes AS pat_notes, pat.status AS pat_status, pat.tags AS pat_tags, pat.tenants AS pat_tenants, pat.categories AS pat_categories, pat.triggerconditions AS pat_triggerconditions, pat.triggeroperator AS pat_triggeroperator, pat.timemodified AS pat_timemodified, AS pati_id, pati.instanceid AS pati_instanceid, pati.title AS pati_title, pati.insreference AS pati_insreference, pati.notes AS pati_notes, pati.tags AS pati_tags, pati.tenants AS pati_tenants, pati.categories AS pati_categories, pati.triggerconditions AS pati_triggerconditions, pati.triggeroperator AS pati_triggeroperator, pati.timemodified AS pati_timemodified, AS ni_id, ni.instanceid AS ni_instanceid, ni.sender AS ni_sender, ni.senderemail AS ni_senderemail, ni.notifyinterval AS ni_notifyinterval, ni.week AS ni_week, ni.month AS ni_month, ni.time AS ni_time, ni.notifydelay AS ni_notifydelay, ni.delayduration AS ni_delayduration, ni.suppress AS ni_suppress, ni.suppressoperator AS ni_suppressoperator, ni.notifylimit AS ni_notifylimit, ni.recipients AS ni_recipients, AS ni_cc, ni.bcc AS ni_bcc, ni.subject AS ni_subject, ni.headercontent AS ni_headercontent, ni.staticcontent AS ni_staticcontent, ni.dynamiccontent AS ni_dynamiccontent, ni.contentlength AS ni_contentlength, ni.contenttype AS ni_contenttype, ni.chapterid AS ni_chapterid, ni.footercontent AS ni_footercontent, ni.timemodified AS ni_timemodified, AS an_id, an.templateid AS an_templateid, an.sender AS an_sender, an.senderemail AS an_senderemail, an.notifyinterval AS an_notifyinterval, an.week AS an_week, an.month AS an_month, an.time AS an_time, an.notifydelay AS an_notifydelay, an.delayduration AS an_delayduration, an.notifylimit AS an_notifylimit, an.recipients AS an_recipients, AS an_cc, an.bcc AS an_bcc, an.subject AS an_subject, an.headercontent AS an_headercontent, an.headercontentformat AS an_headercontentformat, an.staticcontent AS an_staticcontent, an.staticcontentformat AS an_staticcontentformat, an.dynamiccontent AS an_dynamiccontent, an.contentlength AS an_contentlength, an.contenttype AS an_contenttype, an.footercontent AS an_footercontent, an.footercontentformat AS an_footercontentformat, an.timemodified AS an_timemodified, con.status AS con_status, con.additional AS con_additional, con.isoverridden AS con_isoverridden, AS ue_id, ue.auth AS ue_auth, ue.confirmed AS ue_confirmed, ue.policyagreed AS ue_policyagreed, ue.deleted AS ue_deleted, ue.suspended AS ue_suspended, ue.mnethostid AS ue_mnethostid, ue.username AS ue_username, ue.password AS ue_password, ue.idnumber AS ue_idnumber, ue.firstname AS ue_firstname, ue.lastname AS ue_lastname, AS ue_email, ue.emailstop AS ue_emailstop, ue.phone1 AS ue_phone1, ue.phone2 AS ue_phone2, ue.institution AS ue_institution, ue.department AS ue_department, ue.address AS ue_address, AS ue_city, AS ue_country, ue.lang AS ue_lang, ue.theme AS ue_theme, ue.timezone AS ue_timezone, ue.firstaccess AS ue_firstaccess, ue.lastaccess AS ue_lastaccess, ue.lastlogin AS ue_lastlogin, ue.currentlogin AS ue_currentlogin, ue.lastip AS ue_lastip, ue.secret AS ue_secret, ue.picture AS ue_picture, ue.description AS ue_description, ue.descriptionformat AS ue_descriptionformat, ue.mailformat AS ue_mailformat, ue.maildigest AS ue_maildigest, ue.maildisplay AS ue_maildisplay, ue.autosubscribe AS ue_autosubscribe, ue.trackforums AS ue_trackforums, ue.timecreated AS ue_timecreated, ue.timemodified AS ue_timemodified, ue.trustbitmask AS ue_trustbitmask, ue.imagealt AS ue_imagealt, ue.lastnamephonetic AS ue_lastnamephonetic, ue.firstnamephonetic AS ue_firstnamephonetic, ue.middlename AS ue_middlename, ue.alternatename AS ue_alternatename, ue.calendartype AS ue_calendartype, ue.moodlenetprofile AS ue_moodlenetprofile, AS c_id, c.category AS c_category, c.sortorder AS c_sortorder, c.fullname AS c_fullname, c.shortname AS c_shortname, c.idnumber AS c_idnumber, c.summary AS c_summary, c.summaryformat AS c_summaryformat, c.format AS c_format, c.showgrades AS c_showgrades, c.newsitems AS c_newsitems, c.startdate AS c_startdate, c.marker AS c_marker, c.maxbytes AS c_maxbytes, c.legacyfiles AS c_legacyfiles, c.showreports AS c_showreports, c.visible AS c_visible, c.visibleold AS c_visibleold, c.groupmode AS c_groupmode, c.groupmodeforce AS c_groupmodeforce, c.defaultgroupingid AS c_defaultgroupingid, c.lang AS c_lang, c.theme AS c_theme, c.timecreated AS c_timecreated, c.timemodified AS c_timemodified, c.requested AS c_requested, c.enablecompletion AS c_enablecompletion, c.completionnotify AS c_completionnotify, c.calendartype AS c_calendartype, c.cacherev AS c_cacherev, c.enddate AS c_enddate, c.relativedatesmode AS c_relativedatesmode, c.originalcourseid AS c_originalcourseid, c.downloadcontent AS c_downloadcontent, c.showactivitydates AS c_showactivitydates, c.showcompletionconditions AS c_showcompletionconditions, c.pdfexportfont AS c_pdfexportfont, AS ctx_id, ctx.contextlevel AS ctx_contextlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctx_instanceid, ctx.path AS ctx_path, ctx.depth AS ctx_depth, ctx.locked AS ctx_locked, AS cm_id, cm.course AS cm_course, cm.module AS cm_module, cm.instance AS cm_instance, AS md_name FROM mdl_pulseaction_notification_sch ns
JOIN mdl_pulse_autoinstances ai ON = ns.instanceid
JOIN mdl_pulse_autotemplates pat ON = ai.templateid
JOIN mdl_pulse_autotemplates_ins pati ON pati.instanceid =
JOIN mdl_pulseaction_notification_ins ni ON ni.instanceid = ns.instanceid
JOIN mdl_pulseaction_notification an ON an.templateid = ai.templateid
JOIN mdl_user ue ON = ns.userid
JOIN mdl_course c ON = ai.courseid
JOIN mdl_context ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = 50
LEFT JOIN mdl_pulse_condition_overrides con ON con.instanceid = pati.instanceid AND con.triggercondition = 'session'
LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm ON = ni.dynamiccontent
LEFT JOIN mdl_modules md ON = cm.module
SELECT DISTINCT, ej1_e.courseid, COUNT(ej1_ue.enrolid) AS activeenrolment
FROM mdl_user eu1_u
JOIN mdl_user_enrolments ej1_ue ON ej1_ue.userid =
JOIN mdl_enrol ej1_e ON ( = ej1_ue.enrolid)
WHERE 1 = 1 AND ej1_ue.status = 0
AND (ej1_ue.timestart = 0 OR ej1_ue.timestart <= $1)
AND (ej1_ue.timeend = 0 OR ej1_ue.timeend > $2)
GROUP BY, ej1_e.courseid
) active_enrols ON = AND active_enrols.courseid =
WHERE ns.status = $3 AND ai.status <> 0
AND active_enrols.activeenrolment <> 0
AND c.visible = 1
AND c.startdate <= $4 AND (c.enddate = 0 OR c.enddate >= $5)
AND ue.deleted = 0 AND ue.suspended = 0
AND ns.suppressreached = 0 AND ns.scheduletime <= $6 ORDER BY ns.timecreated ASC LIMIT 100
[array (
0 => 1737038811,
1 => 1737038811,
2 => 2,
3 => 1737038811,
4 => 1737038811,
5 => 1737038811,
Debug info:
ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying
LINE 11: ... LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm ON = ni.dynam...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SELECT AS id, AS ns_id, ns.instanceid AS ns_instanceid, ns.userid AS ns_userid, ns.type AS ns_type, ns.notifycount AS ns_notifycount, ns.scheduletime AS ns_scheduletime, ns.notifiedtime AS ns_notifiedtime, ns.status AS ns_status, ns.suppressreached AS ns_suppressreached, ns.timecreated AS ns_timecreated, AS ai_id, ai.templateid AS ai_templateid, ai.courseid AS ai_courseid, ai.status AS ai_status, ai.timemodified AS ai_timemodified, AS pat_id, pat.title AS pat_title, pat.reference AS pat_reference, pat.visible AS pat_visible, pat.notes AS pat_notes, pat.status AS pat_status, pat.tags AS pat_tags, pat.tenants AS pat_tenants, pat.categories AS pat_categories, pat.triggerconditions AS pat_triggerconditions, pat.triggeroperator AS pat_triggeroperator, pat.timemodified AS pat_timemodified, AS pati_id, pati.instanceid AS pati_instanceid, pati.title AS pati_title, pati.insreference AS pati_insreference, pati.notes AS pati_notes, pati.tags AS pati_tags, pati.tenants AS pati_tenants, pati.categories AS pati_categories, pati.triggerconditions AS pati_triggerconditions, pati.triggeroperator AS pati_triggeroperator, pati.timemodified AS pati_timemodified, AS ni_id, ni.instanceid AS ni_instanceid, ni.sender AS ni_sender, ni.senderemail AS ni_senderemail, ni.notifyinterval AS ni_notifyinterval, ni.week AS ni_week, ni.month AS ni_month, ni.time AS ni_time, ni.notifydelay AS ni_notifydelay, ni.delayduration AS ni_delayduration, ni.suppress AS ni_suppress, ni.suppressoperator AS ni_suppressoperator, ni.notifylimit AS ni_notifylimit, ni.recipients AS ni_recipients, AS ni_cc, ni.bcc AS ni_bcc, ni.subject AS ni_subject, ni.headercontent AS ni_headercontent, ni.staticcontent AS ni_staticcontent, ni.dynamiccontent AS ni_dynamiccontent, ni.contentlength AS ni_contentlength, ni.contenttype AS ni_contenttype, ni.chapterid AS ni_chapterid, ni.footercontent AS ni_footercontent, ni.timemodified AS ni_timemodified, AS an_id, an.templateid AS an_templateid, an.sender AS an_sender, an.senderemail AS an_senderemail, an.notifyinterval AS an_notifyinterval, an.week AS an_week, an.month AS an_month, an.time AS an_time, an.notifydelay AS an_notifydelay, an.delayduration AS an_delayduration, an.notifylimit AS an_notifylimit, an.recipients AS an_recipients, AS an_cc, an.bcc AS an_bcc, an.subject AS an_subject, an.headercontent AS an_headercontent, an.headercontentformat AS an_headercontentformat, an.staticcontent AS an_staticcontent, an.staticcontentformat AS an_staticcontentformat, an.dynamiccontent AS an_dynamiccontent, an.contentlength AS an_contentlength, an.contenttype AS an_contenttype, an.footercontent AS an_footercontent, an.footercontentformat AS an_footercontentformat, an.timemodified AS an_timemodified, con.status AS con_status, con.additional AS con_additional, con.isoverridden AS con_isoverridden, AS ue_id, ue.auth AS ue_auth, ue.confirmed AS ue_confirmed, ue.policyagreed AS ue_policyagreed, ue.deleted AS ue_deleted, ue.suspended AS ue_suspended, ue.mnethostid AS ue_mnethostid, ue.username AS ue_username, ue.password AS ue_password, ue.idnumber AS ue_idnumber, ue.firstname AS ue_firstname, ue.lastname AS ue_lastname, AS ue_email, ue.emailstop AS ue_emailstop, ue.phone1 AS ue_phone1, ue.phone2 AS ue_phone2, ue.institution AS ue_institution, ue.department AS ue_department, ue.address AS ue_address, AS ue_city, AS ue_country, ue.lang AS ue_lang, ue.theme AS ue_theme, ue.timezone AS ue_timezone, ue.firstaccess AS ue_firstaccess, ue.lastaccess AS ue_lastaccess, ue.lastlogin AS ue_lastlogin, ue.currentlogin AS ue_currentlogin, ue.lastip AS ue_lastip, ue.secret AS ue_secret, ue.picture AS ue_picture, ue.description AS ue_description, ue.descriptionformat AS ue_descriptionformat, ue.mailformat AS ue_mailformat, ue.maildigest AS ue_maildigest, ue.maildisplay AS ue_maildisplay, ue.autosubscribe AS ue_autosubscribe, ue.trackforums AS ue_trackforums, ue.timecreated AS ue_timecreated, ue.timemodified AS ue_timemodified, ue.trustbitmask AS ue_trustbitmask, ue.imagealt AS ue_imagealt, ue.lastnamephonetic AS ue_lastnamephonetic, ue.firstnamephonetic AS ue_firstnamephonetic, ue.middlename AS ue_middlename, ue.alternatename AS ue_alternatename, ue.calendartype AS ue_calendartype, ue.moodlenetprofile AS ue_moodlenetprofile, AS c_id, c.category AS c_category, c.sortorder AS c_sortorder, c.fullname AS c_fullname, c.shortname AS c_shortname, c.idnumber AS c_idnumber, c.summary AS c_summary, c.summaryformat AS c_summaryformat, c.format AS c_format, c.showgrades AS c_showgrades, c.newsitems AS c_newsitems, c.startdate AS c_startdate, c.marker AS c_marker, c.maxbytes AS c_maxbytes, c.legacyfiles AS c_legacyfiles, c.showreports AS c_showreports, c.visible AS c_visible, c.visibleold AS c_visibleold, c.groupmode AS c_groupmode, c.groupmodeforce AS c_groupmodeforce, c.defaultgroupingid AS c_defaultgroupingid, c.lang AS c_lang, c.theme AS c_theme, c.timecreated AS c_timecreated, c.timemodified AS c_timemodified, c.requested AS c_requested, c.enablecompletion AS c_enablecompletion, c.completionnotify AS c_completionnotify, c.calendartype AS c_calendartype, c.cacherev AS c_cacherev, c.enddate AS c_enddate, c.relativedatesmode AS c_relativedatesmode, c.originalcourseid AS c_originalcourseid, c.downloadcontent AS c_downloadcontent, c.showactivitydates AS c_showactivitydates, c.showcompletionconditions AS c_showcompletionconditions, c.pdfexportfont AS c_pdfexportfont, AS ctx_id, ctx.contextlevel AS ctx_contextlevel, ctx.instanceid AS ctx_instanceid, ctx.path AS ctx_path, ctx.depth AS ctx_depth, ctx.locked AS ctx_locked, AS cm_id, cm.course AS cm_course, cm.module AS cm_module, cm.instance AS cm_instance, AS md_name FROM mdl_pulseaction_notification_sch ns
JOIN mdl_pulse_autoinstances ai ON = ns.instanceid
JOIN mdl_pulse_autotemplates pat ON = ai.templateid
JOIN mdl_pulse_autotemplates_ins pati ON pati.instanceid =
JOIN mdl_pulseaction_notification_ins ni ON ni.instanceid = ns.instanceid
JOIN mdl_pulseaction_notification an ON an.templateid = ai.templateid
JOIN mdl_user ue ON = ns.userid
JOIN mdl_course c ON = ai.courseid
JOIN mdl_context ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = 50
LEFT JOIN mdl_pulse_condition_overrides con ON con.instanceid = pati.instanceid AND con.triggercondition = 'session'
LEFT JOIN mdl_course_modules cm ON = ni.dynamiccontent
LEFT JOIN mdl_modules md ON = cm.module
SELECT DISTINCT, ej1_e.courseid, COUNT(ej1_ue.enrolid) AS activeenrolment
FROM mdl_user eu1_u
JOIN mdl_user_enrolments ej1_ue ON ej1_ue.userid =
JOIN mdl_enrol ej1_e ON ( = ej1_ue.enrolid)
WHERE 1 = 1 AND ej1_ue.status = 0
AND (ej1_ue.timestart = 0 OR ej1_ue.timestart <= $1)
AND (ej1_ue.timeend = 0 OR ej1_ue.timeend > $2)
GROUP BY, ej1_e.courseid
) active_enrols ON = AND active_enrols.courseid =
WHERE ns.status = $3 AND ai.status <> 0
AND active_enrols.activeenrolment <> 0
AND c.visible = 1
AND c.startdate <= $4 AND (c.enddate = 0 OR c.enddate >= $5)
AND ue.deleted = 0 AND ue.suspended = 0
AND ns.suppressreached = 0 AND ns.scheduletime <= $6 ORDER BY ns.timecreated ASC LIMIT 100
[array (
0 => 1737038811,
1 => 1737038811,
2 => 2,
3 => 1737038811,
4 => 1737038811,
5 => 1737038811,
* line 293 of /lib/dml/moodle_read_slave_trait.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
* line 358 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->read_slave_query_end()
* line 1056 of /lib/dml/pgsql_native_moodle_database.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->query_end()
* line 314 of /mod/pulse/actions/notification/classes/schedule.php: call to pgsql_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
* line 144 of /mod/pulse/actions/notification/classes/schedule.php: call to pulseaction_notification\schedule->get_scheduled_records()
* line 55 of /mod/pulse/actions/notification/classes/task/notify_users.php: call to pulseaction_notification\schedule->send_scheduled_notification()
* line 458 of /lib/classes/cron.php: call to pulseaction_notification\task\notify_users->execute()
* line 194 of /admin/cli/scheduled_task.php: call to core\cron::run_inner_scheduled_task()
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Moodle 4.4.5: Pulse
scheduled task fails with "operator does not exist: bigint = character varying"Issue Description
When running Moodle’s Send notification scheduled task (
) on Moodle 4.4.5, the task fails with an error similar to:Root Cause
PostgreSQL is strict about comparing different data types. Here,
is abigint
, whileni.dynamiccontent
) is avarchar
.mod/pulse/actions/notification/classes/schedule.php => protected function get_scheduled_records($userid=null)
The query attempts = ni.dynamiccontent
, which fails in Postgres becausebigint = character varying
is not allowed without an explicit cast.Affected Code Snippet
Detail error message
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: