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Home assistant add-on: Transmission Openvpn


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Transmission is a bittorrent client. This addon is based on the Haugene docker image.


The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on.

  1. Add my add-ons repository to your instance.
  2. Install this add-on.
  3. Click the Save button to store your configuration.
  4. Start the add-on.
  5. Check the logs of the add-on to see if everything went well.
  6. Carefully configure the add-on to your preferences, see the official documentation for for that.


Options : see for documentation

For setting a custom openvpn file (even if using AIRVPN), you should set OPENVPN_PROVIDER to "custom", then reference your ovpn file in your "OPENVPN_CONFIG". For example, if AIRVPN has provided to you an *.ovpn filed named AIRVPN.ovpn, you need to install an addon such as Filebrowser, go in the /config/addons_config/transmission/openvpn folder and put the AIRVPN.ovpn here. Then, in the addon option you need to write "AIRVPN" in the "OPENVPN_CONFIG" option

Complete transmission options are in /config/addons_config/transmission (make sure addon is stopped before modifying it as Transmission writes its ongoing values when stopping and could erase your changes)

WEBPROXY_ENABLED : the webproxy is enabled by default on port 8118 but can be disabled using the addon option "WEBPROXY_ENABLED". More informations : (thanks @tutorempire)

Webui can be found at <your-ip>:9091.