This document give standards for a good redux integration. Each project can choose the library he wants, but the final architecture should respect this standard.
Actions must respect the flux-standard-action standard
This standard allows to :
- Be easy to read and write by humans
- The creation of useful tools and abstractions
- Have a hierarchy of the informations in an action
- Have side effect which works with the error
- Reuse some reducer/module between project
The action valid the following flow type:
type Action = {
type: string,
payload?: any
meta?: Object,
error?: boolean
payload: [{
id: 3,
name: 'John Snow'
meta: {
page: 3,
totralPage: 4,
stopLoading: true,
loadingName: 'users_list',
payload: new Error('fetch failed')
error: true,
users: [{
id: 3,
name: 'John Snow'
page: 3,
totralPage: 4,
stopLoading: true,
loadingName: 'users_list',
error: new Error('fetch failed')
Actions must be serialisable
This standard allows to :
- Use debugging tools
- Save actions when offline to send it later
- ...
payload: {
date: 1234512345,
error: new Error('azoiej'),
user: { id: 1 },
payload: {
date: moment(1234512345),
user: new User({ id: 1 }),
callback: () => {},
- The data must not be duplicated in the store
- The store entities must have been normalized
- The store must not contain any information relevant only in one component
- The store must not contain any pagination information (ex:
, ...) - State must be serialisable
The side effect which launch an API request must not do any page specific operation (navigation, close modal, popover )
Only selectors can access to a part of the state