Thanks for your interest in contributing to this package! No contibution is too small! We're hoping it can be made even better through community contributions.
For any bugs, issues or feature requests please open an issue on the project.
We have some general requirements for all contributions. This is to ensure consistency with the existing codebase.
For External contributors, first create your own fork of this repo.
Then clone the fork (or this repository if internal);
git clone cd model_interpreter
Then install tubular and dependencies for development;
pip install . -r requirements-dev.txt
We use pre-commit for this project which is configured to check that code is formatted with black
To configure pre-commit
for your local repository run the following;
pre-commit install
If working in a codespace the dev requirements and precommit will be installed automatically in the dev container.
If you are building the documentation locally you will need the docs/requirements.txt.
- Please try and keep each pull request to one change or feature only
- Make sure to update the changelog with details of your change
We use black to format our code and follow pep8 conventions.
As mentioned above we use pre-commit
which streamlines checking that code has been formatted correctly.
Make sure that pull requests pass our CI. It includes checks that;
- code is formatted with black
- flake8 passes
- the tests for the project pass, with a minimum of 80% branch coverage
- bandit passes
We use pytest as our testing framework.
All existing tests must pass and new functionality must be tested. We aim for 100% coverage on new features that are added to the package.
We also make use of the test-aide package to make mocking easier and to help with generating data when parametrizing tests.
We follow the numpy docstring style guide.
Docstrings need to be updated for the relevant changes and docstrings need to be added for new methods.