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Releases: axelpale/affineplane


21 Feb 20:58
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New features:

  • new geometry: scalar1, scalar2, scalar3
  • new functions for orient2: almostEqual
  • new functions for box2: atBox, resizeBy, resizeTo, translateBy, rotateBy, getBasisInverse
  • new functions for box3: atBox, resizeBy, resizeTo, translateBy, rotateBy
  • new functions for plane3: projectToDepth, projectToScale
  • upgrade box3.projectToPlane to do perspective projection
  • upgrade vec3.projectToPlane to do perspective projection

Other changes:

  • better box2 and box3 documentation
  • reveal orient2 documentation
  • hide aliases: vector2 and vector3
  • new test utility: almostEqualBasis
  • use projectToPlane instead of projectTo alias in examples
  • mark rect2 and rect3 as deprecated


30 Jan 22:53
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New features:

  • geometries: box2, box3, size3, orient2
  • methods:
    • dist2 dist3: .equal .almostEqual
    • size2: validate
  • aliases:
    • all: projectToPlane
    • point2 point3: vectorTo, point3.vectorTo


  • point2.transformMany parameter order
  • identity default in helm2.fromFeatures
  • ensure absolute size in size2.scaleBy
  • point2.homothety docs

Other changes:

  • migrate API docs to yamdog 2.x


04 Dec 19:32
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New features:

  • function helm2.fromPlane
  • function helm3.fromPlane
  • function helm2.limitDilation
  • function helm3.limitDilation
  • function plane2.limitScale
  • function plane3.limitScale
  • function plane2.transformInside
  • function plane3.transformInside
  • function plane2.almostEqual
  • function plane3.almostEqual
  • alias basis2z = plane3

Other improvements:

  • various small improvements to API docs
  • illustrate plane2


28 Nov 21:45
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New features:

  • fromVector for helm2 and helm3: create transformations from translation vectors.
  • fromBasisVector for helm2 and helm3: create transformations from basis vectors.
  • fromHelmert for plane2 and plane3: create passive transformations from active transformations.
  • direction for point2 and point3: get directions between point pairs.
  • projectToPlane alias for projectTo in vec2 and vec3
  • projectToVector for vec2 and vec3: compute vector projection.
  • add origin parameter to transform method of plane2 and plane3: apply helmert to plane at custom point.

Other improvements:

  • correct terminology in fromPolar and toPolar methods of vec2 and vec3.
  • improve test assertion for vectors.
  • upgrade yamdog for better API docs
  • small improvements to docs


28 Oct 12:05
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New features:

  • new namespace vec4 for 4D vector geometry
  • new namespace quat4 for quaternion geometry
  • new namespace rect2 for 2D rectangle with place and orientation in 3D
  • new namespace rect3 for 2D rectangle with place and orientation in 3D
  • new namespace path3 for 3D point sequence in 3D space
  • implement point3.round
  • implement vec3.rotateAroundAxis
  • implement path2 functions: combine, transitFrom, transitTo
  • alias helm3.translateBy = .addTranslation
  • alias basis2 = plane2
  • alias basis3 = plane3

Minor improvements:

  • improved tests: vec3
  • improved docs: point2, helm3
  • change travis test environment from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 20.04
  • quicker test suite workflow with pessimistic test runs


05 Oct 17:08
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Bug fixes:

  • correct z-axis behaviour under scaling; make it scale uniformly with x and y. Geometry affected by the bug: plane3, helm3, point3, vec3
  • plane3.translateTo preserves z when dz not specified
  • remodel dir2 as unit vector instead of a number

New features:

  • dir2 functions .almostEqual, .fromVector, .toPolar, .toVector
  • dir3 geometry with various functions
  • dist3 geometry with various functions
  • angle geometry helper functions
  • alias point3.translate = point3.translateBy
  • alias plane3.transform = plane3.transformBy

Other changes:

  • added See also section to readme.
  • small corrections and improvements to docs
  • switch deprecated test reporter module
  • upgrade dev dependencies


19 Sep 02:18
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  • bugfix helm2.projectTo
  • bugfix use manhattan distance in helm and plane validation
  • update docs


15 Sep 12:33
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New features:

  • point2.almostEqual
  • vec2.independent
  • vec3.independent
  • vec2.transformBy
  • vec3.transformBy

Other improvements:

  • add documentation for plane3.projectTo
  • improved docs notation on optional params


12 Sep 21:42
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New features:

  • plane3.getNormal
  • vec2 vec3 .divide
  • alias vec2 vec3 .unit .normalize
  • alias vec3 .norm .magnitude
  • alias vec2 vec3 .diff .difference .subtract
  • alias point2 point3 .diff .delta
  • a few images in the API docs
  • linked titles in API docs

Fixed bugs:

  • inverted vec3.difference
  • missing export for vec2.equal

Other changes:

  • improved vector test suites
  • limit travis to main branch


01 Sep 10:48
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New features:

  • vec2.cross - The cross product magnitude for 2D vectors
  • - The dot product for 3D vectors
  • vec3.cross - The cross product for 3D vectors

Other changes:

  • Travis CI integration and build badge