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Releases: awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client-nodejs

Release 2.1.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Node.js

31 Jan 21:10
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Release 2.1.0 (January 31, 2020)

Milestone #4

  • Fixing bootstrap to use HTTPS
  • Adding support for Win32 platform
  • Relicensing to Apache-2.0

Release 2.0.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Node.js

06 Mar 23:23
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Release 2.0.0 (March 6, 2019)

  • Added support for Enhanced Fan-Out.
    Enhanced Fan-Out provides dedicated throughput per stream consumer, and uses an HTTP/2 push API (SubscribeToShard) to deliver records with lower latency.
  • Updated the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Java to version 2.1.2.
  • Added support for the newer methods to the KCLManager.
    While the original shutdown method will continue to work it's recommended to upgrade to the newer interface.
    • The shutdown has been replaced by leaseLost and shardEnded.
    • Added the leaseLost method which is invoked when a lease is lost.
      leaseLost replaces shutdown where shutdownInput.reason was ZOMBIE.
    • Added the shardEnded method which is invoked when all records from a split or merge have been processed.
      shardEnded replaces shutdown where shutdownInput.reason was TERMINATE.
  • Updated the AWS Java SDK version to 2.4.0
  • MultiLangDaemon now provides logging using Logback.
    • MultiLangDaemon supports custom configurations for logging via a Logback XML configuration file.
    • The kcl-bootstrap program was been updated to accept either -l or --log-configuration to provide a Logback XML configuration file.

Release 0.8.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Node.js

13 Feb 22:25
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Release 0.8.0 (February 12, 2019)

  • Updated the dependency on [Amazon Kinesis Client for Java][amazon-kcl-github] to 1.9.3
    • This adds support for ListShards API. This API is used in place of DescribeStream API to provide more throughput during ShardSyncTask. Please consult the AWS Documentation for ListShards for more information.
      • ListShards supports higher call rate, which should reduce instances of throttling when attempting to synchronize the shard list.
      • WARNING: ListShards is a new API, and may require updating any explicit IAM policies
    • PR #59
  • Changed to now download jars from Maven using https.

Release 0.7.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Node.js

02 Aug 22:27
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Release 0.7.0 (August 2, 2017)

  • Updated the dependency on [Amazon Kinesis Client for Java][amazon-kcl-github] to 1.8.1.
    This adds support for setting a timeout when dispatching records to the node.js record processor.
    If the record processor doesn't respond in the given time the Java processor is terminated.
    The timeout for the this can be set by adding timeoutInSeconds = <timeout value>. The default for this is no timeout.
    Setting this can cause the KCL to exit suddenly, before using this ensure that you have an automated restart for your application
    Updating minimum requirement for the JDK version to 8
  • Added support to handle graceful shutdown requests.

Release 0.6.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client for Node.js

20 Jan 20:11
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Release 0.6.0 (December 12, 2016)

  • Updated the dependency on [Amazon Kinesis Client for Java][amazon-kcl-github] to 1.7.2.

The release is available on npm as aws-kcl


06 Apr 18:44
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Version 0.5.0 of the Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Node.js.