File tree
513 files changed
lines changed- .changes
- archetypes
- archetype-app-quickstart
- archetype-lambda
- archetype-tools
- aws-sdk-java
- bom
- bom-internal
- buildspecs
- bundle
- bundle-logging-bridge
- bundle-sdk
- codegen
- src/main/resources/software/amazon/awssdk/codegen/rules2
- codegen-lite
- codegen-lite-maven-plugin
- codegen-maven-plugin
- core
- annotations
- arns
- auth
- auth-crt
- aws-core
- checksums
- checksums-spi
- crt-core
- endpoints-spi
- http-auth
- http-auth-aws
- http-auth-aws-crt
- http-auth-aws-eventstream
- http-auth-spi
- identity-spi
- imds
- json-utils
- metrics-spi
- profiles
- protocols
- aws-cbor-protocol
- aws-json-protocol
- aws-query-protocol
- aws-xml-protocol
- protocol-core
- smithy-rpcv2-protocol
- regions
- src/main/resources/software/amazon/awssdk/regions/internal/region
- retries
- retries-spi
- sdk-core
- http-client-spi
- http-clients
- apache-client
- aws-crt-client
- netty-nio-client
- url-connection-client
- metric-publishers
- cloudwatch-metric-publisher
- emf-metric-logging-publisher
- release-scripts
- services
- accessanalyzer
- account
- acm
- acmpca
- amp
- amplify
- amplifybackend
- amplifyuibuilder
- apigateway
- apigatewaymanagementapi
- apigatewayv2
- appconfig
- appconfigdata
- appfabric
- appflow
- appintegrations
- applicationautoscaling
- applicationcostprofiler
- applicationdiscovery
- applicationinsights
- applicationsignals
- appmesh
- apprunner
- appstream
- appsync
- apptest
- arczonalshift
- artifact
- athena
- auditmanager
- autoscaling
- autoscalingplans
- b2bi
- backup
- backupgateway
- backupsearch
- batch
- bcmdataexports
- bcmpricingcalculator
- bedrock
- bedrockagent
- bedrockagentruntime
- bedrockdataautomation
- bedrockdataautomationruntime
- bedrockruntime
- billing
- billingconductor
- braket
- budgets
- chatbot
- chime
- chimesdkidentity
- chimesdkmediapipelines
- chimesdkmeetings
- chimesdkmessaging
- chimesdkvoice
- cleanrooms
- cleanroomsml
- cloud9
- cloudcontrol
- clouddirectory
- cloudformation
- cloudfront
- cloudfrontkeyvaluestore
- cloudhsm
- cloudhsmv2
- cloudsearch
- cloudsearchdomain
- cloudtrail
- cloudtraildata
- cloudwatch
- cloudwatchevents
- cloudwatchlogs
- codeartifact
- codebuild
- codecatalyst
- codecommit
- codeconnections
- codedeploy
- codeguruprofiler
- codegurureviewer
- codegurusecurity
- codepipeline
- codestarconnections
- codestarnotifications
- cognitoidentity
- cognitoidentityprovider
- cognitosync
- comprehend
- comprehendmedical
- computeoptimizer
- config
- connect
- connectcampaigns
- connectcampaignsv2
- connectcases
- connectcontactlens
- connectparticipant
- controlcatalog
- controltower
- costandusagereport
- costexplorer
- costoptimizationhub
- customerprofiles
- databasemigration
- databrew
- dataexchange
- datapipeline
- datasync
- datazone
- dax
- deadline
- detective
- devicefarm
- devopsguru
- directconnect
- directory
- directoryservicedata
- dlm
- docdb
- docdbelastic
- drs
- dsql
- dynamodb
- ebs
- ec2
- ec2instanceconnect
- ecr
- ecrpublic
- ecs
- efs
- eks
- eksauth
- elasticache
- src/main/resources/codegen-resources
- elasticbeanstalk
- elasticloadbalancing
- elasticloadbalancingv2
- elasticsearch
- elastictranscoder
- emr
- emrcontainers
- emrserverless
- entityresolution
- eventbridge
- evidently
- finspace
- finspacedata
- firehose
- fis
- fms
- forecast
- forecastquery
- frauddetector
- freetier
- fsx
- gamelift
- geomaps
- geoplaces
- georoutes
- glacier
- globalaccelerator
- glue
- grafana
- greengrass
- greengrassv2
- groundstation
- guardduty
- health
- healthlake
- iam
- identitystore
- imagebuilder
- inspector
- inspector2
- inspectorscan
- internetmonitor
- invoicing
- iot
- iotanalytics
- iotdataplane
- iotdeviceadvisor
- iotevents
- ioteventsdata
- iotfleethub
- iotfleetwise
- iotjobsdataplane
- iotmanagedintegrations
- src/main/resources/codegen-resources
- iotsecuretunneling
- iotsitewise
- src/main/resources/codegen-resources
- iotthingsgraph
- iottwinmaker
- iotwireless
- ivs
- ivschat
- ivsrealtime
- kafka
- kafkaconnect
- kendra
- kendraranking
- keyspaces
- kinesis
- kinesisanalytics
- kinesisanalyticsv2
- kinesisvideo
- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia
- kinesisvideomedia
- kinesisvideosignaling
- kinesisvideowebrtcstorage
- kms
- lakeformation
- lambda
- launchwizard
- lexmodelbuilding
- lexmodelsv2
- lexruntime
- lexruntimev2
- licensemanager
- licensemanagerlinuxsubscriptions
- licensemanagerusersubscriptions
- lightsail
- location
- lookoutequipment
- lookoutmetrics
- lookoutvision
- m2
- machinelearning
- macie2
- mailmanager
- managedblockchain
- managedblockchainquery
- marketplaceagreement
- marketplacecatalog
- marketplacecommerceanalytics
- marketplacedeployment
- marketplaceentitlement
- marketplacemetering
- marketplacereporting
- mediaconnect
- mediaconvert
- medialive
- mediapackage
- mediapackagev2
- mediapackagevod
- mediastore
- mediastoredata
- mediatailor
- medicalimaging
- memorydb
- mgn
- migrationhub
- migrationhubconfig
- migrationhuborchestrator
- migrationhubrefactorspaces
- migrationhubstrategy
- mq
- mturk
- mwaa
- neptune
- neptunedata
- neptunegraph
- networkfirewall
- networkflowmonitor
- networkmanager
- networkmonitor
- notifications
- notificationscontacts
- oam
- observabilityadmin
- omics
- opensearch
- opensearchserverless
- opsworks
- opsworkscm
- organizations
- osis
- outposts
- panorama
- partnercentralselling
- paymentcryptography
- paymentcryptographydata
- pcaconnectorad
- pcaconnectorscep
- pcs
- personalize
- personalizeevents
- personalizeruntime
- pi
- pinpoint
- pinpointemail
- pinpointsmsvoice
- pinpointsmsvoicev2
- pipes
- polly
- pricing
- privatenetworks
- proton
- qapps
- qbusiness
- qconnect
- qldb
- qldbsession
- quicksight
- ram
- rbin
- rds
- src/main/resources/codegen-resources
- rdsdata
- redshift
- redshiftdata
- redshiftserverless
- rekognition
- repostspace
- resiliencehub
- resourceexplorer2
- resourcegroups
- resourcegroupstaggingapi
- robomaker
- rolesanywhere
- route53
- route53domains
- route53profiles
- route53recoverycluster
- route53recoverycontrolconfig
- route53recoveryreadiness
- route53resolver
- rum
- s3
- s3control
- s3outposts
- s3tables
- sagemaker
- sagemakera2iruntime
- sagemakeredge
- sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime
- sagemakergeospatial
- sagemakermetrics
- sagemakerruntime
- savingsplans
- scheduler
- schemas
- secretsmanager
- securityhub
- securityir
- securitylake
- serverlessapplicationrepository
- servicecatalog
- servicecatalogappregistry
- servicediscovery
- servicequotas
- ses
- sesv2
- sfn
- shield
- signer
- simspaceweaver
- sms
- snowball
- snowdevicemanagement
- sns
- socialmessaging
- sqs
- ssm
- ssmcontacts
- ssmincidents
- ssmquicksetup
- ssmsap
- sso
- ssoadmin
- ssooidc
- storagegateway
- sts
- supplychain
- support
- supportapp
- swf
- synthetics
- taxsettings
- textract
- timestreaminfluxdb
- timestreamquery
- timestreamwrite
- tnb
- transcribe
- transcribestreaming
- transfer
- translate
- trustedadvisor
- verifiedpermissions
- voiceid
- vpclattice
- waf
- wafv2
- wellarchitected
- wisdom
- workdocs
- workmail
- workmailmessageflow
- workspaces
- workspacesthinclient
- workspacesweb
- xray
- services-custom
- dynamodb-enhanced
- iam-policy-builder
- s3-event-notifications
- s3-transfer-manager
- src/test/java/software/amazon/awssdk/transfer/s3/internal
- test
- architecture-tests
- auth-tests
- bundle-logging-bridge-binding-test
- bundle-shading-tests
- codegen-generated-classes-test
- src
- main/resources/codegen-resources/compiledrules
- test/java/software/amazon/awssdk/services/compiledendpointrules/endpoints/internal
- http-client-tests
- module-path-tests
- old-client-version-compatibility-test
- protocol-tests
- protocol-tests-core
- region-testing
- ruleset-testing-core
- s3-benchmarks
- s3-tests
- src/it
- java/software/amazon/awssdk/services/s3/checksum
- resources
- sdk-benchmarks
- sdk-native-image-test
- service-test-utils
- stability-tests
- test-utils
- tests-coverage-reporting
- v2-migration-tests
- third-party
- third-party-jackson-core
- third-party-jackson-dataformat-cbor
- third-party-slf4j-api
- utils
- v2-migration
- src/main/resources/META-INF/rewrite
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
513 files changed
lines changed+2-1
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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111 | 111 |
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112 | 112 |
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113 | 113 |
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114 |
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115 | 116 |
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116 | 117 |
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117 | 118 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
| |
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2 | 23 |
| |
3 | 24 |
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4 | 25 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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51 | 51 |
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52 | 52 |
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53 | 53 |
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54 |
| - | |
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55 | 55 |
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56 | 56 |
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57 | 57 |
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85 | 85 |
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86 | 86 |
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87 | 87 |
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88 |
| - | |
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89 | 89 |
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90 | 90 |
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91 | 91 |
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92 | 92 |
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93 |
| - | |
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94 | 94 |
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95 | 95 |
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96 | 96 |
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102 | 102 |
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104 | 104 |
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105 |
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106 | 106 |
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107 | 107 |
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108 | 108 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
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26 | 26 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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17 | 17 |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 |
| - | |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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2058 | 2058 |
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2059 | 2059 |
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2060 | 2060 |
| |
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2061 | 2066 |
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2062 | 2067 |
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2063 | 2068 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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17 | 17 |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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2258 | 2258 |
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2259 | 2259 |
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2260 | 2260 |
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2261 | 2266 |
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2262 | 2267 |
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2263 | 2268 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 | 20 |
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21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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37 | 37 |
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38 | 38 |
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39 | 39 |
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40 |
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41 | 41 |
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42 | 42 |
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43 | 43 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 |
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27 | 27 |
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27 | 27 |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 |
| - | |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 |
| - | |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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48 | 48 |
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49 | 49 |
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50 | 50 |
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51 |
| - | |
52 | 51 |
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53 |
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54 | 52 |
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55 | 59 |
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56 |
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57 | 61 |
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58 |
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59 |
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60 |
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61 |
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62 |
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63 |
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64 |
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65 | 70 |
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66 | 71 |
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67 |
| - | |
68 |
| - | |
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69 | 77 |
| |
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70 | 109 |
| |
71 |
| - | |
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72 | 114 |
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73 |
| - | |
74 |
| - | |
75 |
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76 |
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77 |
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78 |
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79 |
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80 |
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81 |
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82 |
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83 |
| - | |
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84 | 116 |
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85 | 117 |
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86 |
| - | |
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87 | 134 |
| |
88 | 135 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
| |
21 | 21 |
| |
22 | 22 |
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23 |
| - | |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
| |
0 commit comments